Chapter 29: A Fairy Down under
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A few months have passed, and another adventure awaits...


It's winter time now on Tallara, and even with my cold resistance skill, I can't prevent myself from feeling cold now and then.

I've been living in this world for about 8 months now, but it feels like it might as well have been years. I still can't believe it. So much has happened...and yesterday we even celebrated my 17th birthday. Well...celebrating is a big word, think tea time and spending time with family. They don't really have birthdays here, but it's a custom I'm about to introduce to everyone soon! I thought my birthday would be the day of my arrival here, but it may very well be my actual birthday from back on Earth. A simple pop up message informs you when another year has passed.


The last few months I have mostly spent relaxing with my family and Kenta, alternating Palaces by teleporting. Kenta and I also visited each other in the Spirit World many times.

Mother has continued to push me to learn dancing and I finally seem to get the hang of these things. Lessons like common knowledge were eye openers to me, like being able to name the months properly. And with names like "Vrigos" and "Re-kun," learning was oh so much fun....not. Luckily most names are the same all over the world, so when my mom and Kenta have a conversation, they would be able to understand each other properly. It's just the pronunciation that's a little off. When I called one of the moons "Megra-pus", as in a kitty, my family laughed so loudly that I instantly regretted showing off my progress. Apparently they pronounce it as "Me-grapus" here. Sure, like I understand any of this dialect stuff, but in the end I could laugh about it too.

I first visited him at his home during his coronation, where he introduced me as the future Fairy Queen of Arkton. My home will be The Palace of Oakstripe, Atias Continent, Ushana region, country of Jarora, Dragonkin city of Arkton. It took me a while before I could memorize all of that.

And true to Kenta's word, I have been allowed to bathe all by myself while still enjoying the pampering the servants provide. But getting them to stop calling me Princess, or even "your majesty" was impossible. It's one of those "common sense" things I learned about. This is another country, and these people won't budge their customs. So....I had better get used to being called "yes my Queen" all the time. There's still hope for my personal maid, though. I think I have convinced her to call me by my first name. But only when she herself deems it to be safe.

Oh, and the fine people of Arkton have access to a very uncommon beverage called Night Brew, which is basically their version of coffee. God, you have to love these people....they even love coffee. Kenta was surprised that I would so easily accept their brew, until I told them that it was my preferred drink on Earth.

While my parents and Melody live in a green environment, with lots of forests around it, this country is pretty different. According to my map, we have an ocean to the East, and two rivers flow through our country, all the way across the continent. Perhaps we can even sail to my family now and then?

This sandy country is surrounded by vast mountains and even a desert is relatively nearby. Farmlands are scarce but Fairies here help to maintain the crops. People here like to live in big cities, even though there are some exceptions. When the temperature drops here, it really drops, meaning I'll be experiencing cold winters and hot summers, but it's what the Dragonkin like. My skills will surely be handy. 

There are many public pools in the area and lizard-like animals walk around everywhere like the Furlings do back home. Home.....that will have a new meaning soon.

His Palace is, unlike back home, actually part of the Dragonkin Palace. Not a bad idea to share resources, is it? But it's a pity Fairies and the other races can't mingle very well due to our natural size differences.

Of course I'm the only exception, visiting them in my Kitsune form was surprising to them, but to me as well. When you imagine dragons, they're usually big, fire breathing beasts...but these are kind people, resembling humans, but with a green, scaly tail. Their ears are pointy like elves, and they have a great sense of humor.

And where clocks were only for the rich back home, every home has one here....meaning these Dragonkin go by the clock. So it's not surprising that one of their customs is to subtly insult each other to get a conversation going. 

When visiting one of Kenta's friends, I observed him say "Good morning, Makoto old buddy! What a beautiful clock!" But Kenta didn't compliment, he actually told his friend that he was late.....letting us stand before his front door for a few minutes. But you have to understand their culture to realize how they actually mean it. Trust me...took me some time. I just have to be careful when I meet my parents, or they'll instantly hire another tutor for me. Yeah, about that....tutoring sessions won't stop now that I'll be living here. Nope, new place, new tutors. And it's the least I can do to help Kenta. I mean, choosing a Wild Fairy as his Queen was his own choice, but these lessons somehow bring peace into our lives and into my restless soul. So it's worth the trouble if you ask me.


Anyway, being able to freely switch sizes has made me the unofficial messenger between royals, a task I happily accepted. It all started with daily coffee with the Dragonkin Queen in the morning. Her coffee invites are unlike mother's tea breaks.... These are nice and informal. But I still have to be careful not to speak about important matters. I don't want to get in the middle of anything political, or even worse, embarrass Kenta with my talk. So all in all... she's more like my neighbor and we have lots of fun together. Her husband is nice too, but is almost always in meetings, or audiences as they call them here. I'd love to ask them over for coffee too, but their size won't allow it....which brings me to the next interesting development.

I asked the supreme goddess whether I would be allowed to "shrink" them temporarily, or "upscale" Fairies to Dragonkin size. She told me that while the races must continue to live the way they are, I as a goddess...was allowed to shrink/increase people's sizes. But only temporarily...and only to facilitate the greater good. She was not very specific, so I guess coffee meetings are for the greater good, like to sustain a good relationship with the Dragonkin. Since that day Kenta has many times experienced life as a huge Fairy, and likewise....the Dragonkin as tiny Fairy-sized dragonkin. Suffice to say that seeing things from another perspective was worth the effort for all.


And that brings me to tomorrow.'s finally going to happen. I'll be living with Kenta for the rest of my his Palace. My wedding day. No, rather OUR wedding day. And I will have the privilege to change the sizes of our visitors too, so we can truly mingle and dance together as if size really didn't matter.


[ Point of view: Kenta, right after breakfast in his Palace ]


One of the things that has surprised me so much is that Sasami hasn't even complained once about the snow. Sure, she's a Wild One, in more ways than one, but still...she's probably used to a much more temperate environment. Winters can be pretty darn cold here.

Ah, there she is. The love of my life, and she's totally not nervous about tomorrow. Yes, she's easy to read, but I like that about her. Mmm...did she just change dresses? Why would she do that? Women sure are mysterious beings.

"Kenta, dear?"

"Ha ha ha, yes, honey?"

"Dear, I need your opinion."

"About what?"

She touches the fabric on her waist to draw my attention to her dress.  
"Do you like this color for my wedding dress....or FLASH.....this one? Or....FLASH....this one?" never gets old to see her using her goddess abilities.

"Eh...honey, I'm not actually supposed to see your wedding dress. You know, a surprise and such?"

"Mmmm?" She looks at me in a confused way. "No no no, you don't understand. This is just a So...Sakura pink, summer blue or snowy white?"

"Eh....can that again?" 

"Sure.....FLASH.....FLASH...FLASH."  She switched dresses in a heartbeat as if it was the most normal thing for her to do.

"Okay, yes. The pink Sakura one looks amazing on you, and I think those white shoes go great with it."

She smiles in the exact way that made me fall in love with her. And then she walks over to me and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, dear," she said. When she walks away she suddenly stops, turns around and asks. " don't like the white one?"

Aria, Sasami's personal maid, has witnessed the whole thing while standing next to me. Luckily she was here at the exact right moment. Only moments ago she asked me about being allowed to hire a seamstress for the day, just when Sasami teleported into the room.

Aria whispers in my ears "sire, just be honest...that's a dangerous question to answer......."

Wow, that's Aria....what a great help. "Eh...sure, Aria, I'll decide that later. Thanks for reminding me." I hope Sasami hasn't noticed my poor acting performance. "No, Sasami. White suits you, but the pink don't know....just looks really amazing."

She walks over to me again....oh no....she's on to me! KISS....FLASH.

I take a deep breath...and release the tension. "Wow...close call." She just kissed me and vanished!

"Yes, sire, well done."

"Oh, right. Thanks, Aria. I think you just saved my life."

Aria just smiled and told me she would now help Sasami with choosing her wedding dress. I know what you think....isn't it a bit late to choose one's wedding dress? And you would be right, but her mother had insisted on wearing one of her own, most expensive dresses. Yes, she actually said that, one of her most expensive ones. Trust me, I'm not going to discuss wedding dresses with my mother-in-law, as long as everyone's happy, so am I. Sasami will look amazing in any dress, even that outfit she sometimes wears....that Spiritwalker dress or something she called it. So I'm not really worried. Aria will check if the dress needs some alterations, but again....I'm not going to be involved in any of that.



[Point of view: Sasami ]


I could tell he was worried about telling me the white dress wouldn't suit me. Mmmm.....I better ask Aria.....nah, let's leave it. Sometimes it's good to leave each other some personal space...even if I'm dying to know what she whispered to him.

Sometimes I really miss Celeste. But my new maid, Aria, is amazing too. I just couldn't pull Celeste away from her family.

Anyway...lunch will be served in an hour or so, and Aria finished her final checks on my dress. It definitely is one of mother's more fancy ones. I'll bet Cinderella would be green with envy if she saw this really is amazing. Fancy, definitely expensive looking....and a not too strong pink color. Think a pure white dress with a few drops of pink mixed into it. And the sakura flowers embroidered into the fabric are a work of art. Sure, it's not your everyday wedding dress.....but it's nice. Not like Kenta or I had anything to say in the matter anyway. But it's nice, so let's keep it at that.




While observing my reflection in the standing mirror of our shared bedroom, I see someone appearing right behind me. It's cute, has two bunny ears and a compact, extremely fluffy tail...yep....the Bunny goddess herself.

"Hi Veya! It has been a while."

"Hi Sasami. Yep, time flies when you're having fun, right?" She smiles when she sees me nod. "Nice dress...looks expensive."

I dropped my shoulders from disappointment. "Really? I was afraid you were going to say that."

"No no no....I meant what a nice dress!" She tried to salvage the moment.

"Ha ha ha...nice try. No, it really is an expensive dress. It's my mother's....and it will become my wedding dress."

"Ohhh.....say no more. Anyway, I'm actually not here for the dress."

"You're not? How about a's it called again? Right, Night Brew?"

"Oh...enticing, but thanks, no. I'm here on official goddess business,.....goddess Sasami."

"Ohh? Please tell me."

"Your presence is required in the Eastern Ocean, near the coastal city of Apolis, Erari continent."

"Eh....I have absolutely no idea where that is."

"Oh...I forgot, you're still young. Eheheh.. My Bunnies have cities there. So....look on your fancy map....and you'll see the location marked in red, I made sure of that." She sounded very sure of herself.

I activated my map and used my hand gestures to zoom out. "Woah...never seen that continent before. Should have known there's even more land nearby."

"It's a beginner's mistake. Don't think about it. You'll visit those places in due time."

"I will?"

"Oops. Me and my big mouth. I didn't say anything!" She gestured wildly.

"Didn't say what?" I grinned.

"Ha ha ha..right. Anyway, by command of the supreme goddess, you are to visit that location now."

" I will have to swim?"

"Yep. Don't worry. Serena, the guardian of the Merfolk will guide you."

"Yeah, good point. Why can't she help?"

"No time, Sasami. All of us guardians have to work together now in a global emergency. We'll explain later. But you are the only available help?" She looks apologetic.

"But I'm about to get married?"

"I know, but not today.'re the only available goddess for this, so GO already! Please?"

"Yes ma'am!"  I saluted and ignored the grin on her face.

Within a second I changed into my Spiritwalker outfit, because I don't want to be killed by my mother tomorrow, for swimming in one of her most expensive dresses.


FLASH, and she left me alone with Aria.



"Yes, I understand. GO, I'll tell Kenta."


Aria suddenly freezes, realizing her mistake...speaking the King's name so informally to the future Queen. Her face is bright red from embarrassment. "I meant..."

"I know, just kidding. Just go." 




I teleported to the coordinates on my map, then realized that I ended up above an ocean. And of course I forgot that a Fairy can fly, so I just plunged into the water. "Aaahhhh!" SPLASH.

"Great...pfft....yuck!" I spat out some salty seawater. 

My swimming lessons from back when I was a kid on Earth kick in to keep me afloat.

In the far distance I see land, but that's not my destination apparently. I don't see anything of interest nearby, so why would they want me here? 

It must be summer wherever this place is, and the ocean has actually a nice temperature.

"OKAY, I'm here? Now what?"  I shouted up into the sky, hoping someone would get the hint.

FLASH.  And they did.

Suddenly I notice that I'm no longer wearing my outfit. Instead....I'm sinking, unable to swim. "What the HECK?!"  

I'm desperately trying to keep above the surface, but...I can't. I take a last deep breath and continue to hold it. Underwater I notice that I'm not a Fairy anymore........I'm....A MERMAID????? 

Yes, really. One long turquoise fishy tail, and a matching bra resembling starfish. Okay, please don't ask....I didn't ask for any of this.

I'm panicking. I think really loud "HEEEELP! I CAN'T BREATHE !!!"

"Sasami, you can breathe normally. Trust me." An unfamiliar voice just said in my mind. "Oh, I'm Serena."

The next second I inhaled because I couldn't swim nor breathe and my body just inhaled whether I wanted to or not. My god...that's why people are afraid of sucks!

But she was right, I can just breathe normally. This is such a strange's just like breathing on the surface, don't ask me how this works.

Okay, but I'm still sinking, and the sunlight is having more and more difficulties reaching this depth. There's still some light here, but it's only minimal.....and suddenly....I can see perfectly normal again.

"What the heck?" Oh, and apparently I can speak normally too.

"Hello there! Are you the one our goddess has sent?" A kind sounding female voice just asked. I then see a mermaid swimming towards me.

"Eh....hi there. Yes, I'm Sasami. But....I can't swim." I'm really still sinking like a rock.

"Ha ha're a mermaid, but can't swim? That's a first!"

"No, I'm a Fairy actually, but your goddess turned me into this." I pointed at my fishy tail.

"Oh....I'm sorry, I had no idea. My name is Marinna, by the way. Eh....just do what I do, it's pretty simple, really. Newborns can do this immediately."

I tried mimicking her while silently cursing my predicament. "Oh, whaddayaknow? It actually works!" I swim over to her and somehow am able to move this body as if it was the most natural thing for me to do.

"So, Marinna,.....why am I here?" I look around but don't see anything out of place around here.

"Oh, right. The goddess was called away for an emergency and said another goddess would help us. So....first of all, thanks for being here, Sasami."

"No problem, but what am I supposed to do?"

"Mmmm.....may I ask what goddess you are first? It may make things easier to understand for me."

"Of course. I'm the goddess of the Furlings."


"..Lings, yes. Forest people."

"Ooohhhh......okay, now I understand. Well, then you're not used to these things of course. Please, follow me."


I followed her for a while until she said "now we have to go full speed, can you do that?"

"No idea, but I'll try."

And then she swam away as if propelled by some unknown high tech engine. It took me a few moments, but I quickly found the skill for's conveniently described in the "temporary skills" section as "turbo-mode."

So.....I "turboed" after her and used my map to locate her.


When I reached her I noticed something odd, but I will get to that in a minute. "My god, that was fast."

"Fun, right?" She smiled innocently.

"Sure, it was fun. But what is that thing doing here?"

"Good question. It arrived this morning and we immediately sent prayers to our goddess to ask for help. There are strange noises coming from within it and disgusting tasting water is leaking from it."

"Okay, first of all. This is a submarine. The SSBN 732 Alaska to be precise." Eh...don't ask me how I knew that....the information just entered my mind.

"What does that mean, Sasami?"

"This is a machine used by humans. It shouldn't be anywhere in our oceans. Something strange must have happened, and I bet they need some help. Oh, and don't drink that's some kind of leak. Yes, some kind of hydraulic oil, don't ask, I don't fully understand." For some reason that technical detail was not "downloaded" to my mind, so I think it's safe to assume that I shouldn't focus on that. "Tell me, did anyone drink from this?"

"Yes, about a dozen of us arrived here this morning to see this thing from up close."

I select my map and say "select any marine life that has touched this stuff." Yes, I know...weird choice of words, but it works, and that's all that matters, right?

"Okay, DIVINE HEALING everyone who has touched that." I saw some glowing creatures around me, and myself as well. Seems like I touched it as well.

"Okay, Marinna. Your people should be healed. Please return home, and I'll try to get this thing away....somehow."

"Sure, thanks, Sasami." She then left me at high speed. She's really nice, isn't she?

I said "Anytime. Bye!" But I doubt she heard it.


I swim to the sub's hull and let my hand touch it. Cold, surprise there. But then I feel a vibration near the hull......someone is using a tool to hit on the hull. Mmmm.....definitely morse code.... 
I can understand SOS, but anything that follows is a total mystery to me. But it's enough...time for me to get inside. Oh, right, first the leak. 

I touch the hull again and say "DIVINE HEALING OF THE HULL." And for some reason this actually worked. I just "healed" a sub....can't say that everyday, now can you? Someone up there must be tweaking my skills, because I have absolutely no idea how it worked.

Okay, FLASH.  I teleported inside the sub.

And BAM. Instead of just gracefully appearing inside, I fell to the floor, completely forgetting that my legs were unavailable. "Ouch!!!"

And a second later a red POPUP message says "*** WARNING NO BREATHABLE AIR *** Divine immunity is still active."  Cool, and sure enough, I can breathe perfectly normally.

"Restore air!" I command....and it works.

I suddenly hear people breath heavily around me. And somehow my healing request must have restored power to this sub, as the lights flickered and then stayed on. No more darkness...great!

"I can breathe!" one of the crew said, then let his jaw drop when he noticed me lying on the floor, completely helplessly. 

"Eh....Captain.....!" He points at me.

Ah right, military people. CO is the commanding officer, the captain. The XO is the executive officer, the second in command. 

" god! What happened? Forget that...what's that thing doing here?"

It seems I arrived in the command section. "Eh...hello? Are you guys okay now?" I said, hoping for a more civilized discussion.

"You can talk?" The Captain said.

"Yeah, duh! Gimme a moment...I'm having some difficulties, you know?" I pointed at my tail. "So I assume you are this sub's CO?"

"Yes, I am. Now tell me how you got here."

"He he he....magic." He didn't seem to appreciate my reply. I focused on my desire to become a Kitsune, and sure enough.....I became one in a FLASH.

Still lying on the floor I stand up. "Finally! My legs are back. No offense....I like this better." I said while looking at the ceiling. The officers around me looked there as well, but of course saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Eh......what are you supposed to be?" Everyone is staring at my furry ears and swaying tail. But nobody comments on my nice Spiritwalker disappointing.

"I'm just a friend. Sent here by the request of....more friends. Yeah, let's keep it at that for now. I was able to restore air to your nice sub and it seems to have power as well. Oh, and your leak was fixed too."

The Captain looks at a few computer displays, trying to corroborate my story. "It seems you're right. So you really are responsible for that?"

"Sure. Well, I have had some help from..."

"...friends, yes. Okay, so now what happens?" He finished my reply.

"Captain, can you please tell me how you ended up here?" I asked, trying to determine what kind of person this Captain is.

"All I can tell you is that we were 100 miles north east of Hawaii, and were then caught in a strong downwards current. We were lucky that we didn't go any deeper. The leak happened when we hit our maximum tested depth. She's pretty strong, isn't she?" He touched the hull.

"Yeah...pretty surprising. Good old fashioned human ingenuity never ceases to amaze me." I nodded when looking at the hull.

"You're not....human, are you?" The XO said.

"Nope. Was one....a long time ago. Worked at FEMA."

"Oh? Really? Seems like you're still in the business of helping people, don't mind, just saying." 

"Ha ha ha....sure. Wait...let me first mass divine healing! There, all of you are now completely healthy again."

"You were serious about that, weren't you?" The Captain asked.

"Yes, sir. Very. Now let's try to get you to the surface. But it's going to take some time to return you to Earth."

"Wait...if this isn't Earth....then where?"

"You guys are in my world now. Tallara. Don't worry, we're nice people, even though you shouldn't be here. Someone must be responsible for this mishap. But again....don't worry. The best of the best are already working on this issue. They sent me to ...investigate. And help, I guess."

"Oh.'re an alien?"

" Well, you are actually aliens in my world. But no, don't think little green men. It's not like that. We have certain ways...that you don't have....yet. I can't comment on that...yet."

"I see." The Captain says matter of factly, probably not fully understanding my replies.

"Sasami! Don't bring them to the surface! They can't breathe our air!" The supreme goddess just told me in my mind.

"Eh...sorry, Captain. I just heard that I can't teleport you to the surface. Seems like humans can't breathe our air."

"Teleport? Right. So.....then what do you propose?"

"Okay, more information. I just heard there was some kind of underwater portal. You were sucked into that thing, and ended up far, far from home. In a galaxy far, far....just kidding. Just far away." I couldn't suppress a giggle.

"You really were from Earth. What's your name?"

"I'm Sasami, at your service, sir!" I saluted him.

"I'm Captain Hudson of the Alaska. Apologies for the belated introduction." He saluted me as well, even though he didn't have to considering I'm not in the Navy. I forgot, usually people don't get my salute....but he did.

"It's okay. Well, these are rather unusual circumstances, and I'm not one for etiquette anyway. Anyway, she's pretty old, isn't she?" I touched the hull above a few computer monitors.

"Yes, we were on a training mission. A simulation.....well, let's not get into any details."

"Sure, I understand. Wait....okay...I just heard that we...."  FLASH "....correction...have already arrived back on Earth."

The XO then checks the coordinates and depth. 
"Captain, confirmed. We're at periscope depth and more importantly......we're only 20 miles East from Boston."

"Really? How?"

"Can't explain it, Captain."  The XO replied. 

I guess at this point they weren't all too focused on military protocol, considering something happened that shouldn't have. And now they were teleported back home...or at least close to home.

The Captain now looks at me for an explanation. I just shrugged, grinned and said "Magic." 

"Yeah....magic." Seems like he doesn't believe me.

"Captain, I suggest you radio your SUBPAC command for further instructions." Somehow bits and pieces of military protocol are again "downloaded" into my mind.

"Eh....who are you? Really? You seem to know a lot about us?" The Captain asked.




And at the perfect moment, without intending it, I was properly dressed again as second lieutenant Alisha Wells, US Air Force.

"Lieutenant Wells? Air Force? Is that who you really are?" He asked.

Seems like I'm back on Earth alright. Earth's deity is helping me obviously, this is his signal to me.
"I will be for a while. I'm here to assist you. Do you need any further assistance, sir?"

"You're kidding me, right? Alright, why the heck not. Lieutenant Wells, I would like to ask you if you could join us for a while. We'll be heading for port soon, and there I could use your help. Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to believe what has happened here today. Moving between worlds, underwater portals. Being healed by a...not-alien..whatever you really are. Let alone how you got aboard. No offense." He raised his arms for a moment.

"Non taken. And yes, I'll join you. I'm not into dressing up as a military officer for fun." I pointed at my uniform.

" knew I was going to ask you?"

"No, but someone else knew. Sorry, no comment on my intelligence network. No offense." I winked.

"Mmmm....non taken. We're about two hours away from port, and then we need to visit the US Naval Sub Commander, Vice Admiral Benton. So, it will be a while before we reach DC."

"As in Washington DC?"

"Yes, the very same. I could assign temporary quarters to you, if you wish, Lieutenant?"

"Thank you Captain, but I have a better idea. How about you give me the exact location....and I' us there within a second?"

"You can really do that?" He continues when he sees me nod. "But that would leave this ship without a CO."

"If I'm not mistaken, in the unlikely event that a CO is incapacitated, the XO will bring her home. Besides, I'll bring you back here a.s.a.p." I replied.

"My even know about naval protocol?" The XO had to ask.

"It seems so." This was just downloaded into my mind....I only repeated it. Don't ask...I'm not even sure how this works.

The Captain then gave me the address and I confirmed the location by describing the building in full detail....courtesy of Google Street View for comment on that either.

"Alright, I'm ready whenever you are." The Captain said. "Do I have to hold hands or what?"

"I don't know, are you afraid?" I said grinning. He didn't appreciate the joke, well, that's his loss. "Just kidding, Captain. Just move a bit closer...and perfect. Have I mentioned that I'm getting...."