Chapter 30: As a Matter of Fairy
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And thus we arrived in Washington, right in front of the Naval Command Center.


"....married tomorrow?" I finished my sentence after teleporting.

"Eh.. no, you haven't. god, you weren't lying. We're really here."  Suffice to say that the Captain was quite surprised.

We both take a few deep breaths to enjoy the fresh city air of Washington, before he says "alright, Lieutenant, follow me please."

"Yes, sir!" He didn't comment on my salute. For some reason he seems to accept my rank and treats me appropriately. The fact that I'm now appearing to be an ordinary human being, might also have something to do with that.

The Command Center is a magnificent, tall building. The front is all glass, and many uniformed people walk in and out.

The moment we enter the building he approaches the reception desk. I follow him, and choose to let him do the talking to show my respect to a senior officer, even though I'm not in the military. It's all about respect and the Captain seems to appreciate and even expect that.

Beyond the reception desk are access control gates, so finding a legal way to get past those is going to be a challenge. I see a few people swipe their ID cards over a sensor, and the gates allow them to pass.


The lady at the desk stops using her computer and gives the Captain a polite smile, indicating that she's ready for his questions. I think she's a civilian, but I'm not really sure. She appears to be wearing a uniform, but it doesn't feel "military" if that makes any sense. It might as well be a dress code for civilian personnel.

"Good morning, I'm Captain Hudson. I need to urgently meet with Admiral Benton?"

"Of course, one moment please. Yes, I see that he's in meetings all day, can I set up an appointment for you?" Her apologetic expression is polite, but not what we need.

"No, ma'am. This cannot wait, it's a matter of national security."

" says here you can see his secretary in emergencies. She'll decide about these matters."

"Alright, by all means. Is she available for a meeting right now?"

"Yes, she is available, but I must have your military IDs first." She glances at me and at my rank insignia, but then quickly focuses on the Captain when our eyes meet.

He then looks at me, and I can almost read his mind, so I suggest "yes, sir, they are still in the car." 
I don't think they need to have those IDs with them when they are on duty in a submarine. Something tells me he wants me to somehow find those IDs. Great, but how am I supposed to pull that off?

"Right, Alisha, by all means, get them, will you?" I could see him stealthily wink at me, he wasn't trying to sound condescending. He knows that we're on the same page.

I quickly return outside and look up into the sky when I see that nobody's near me. "Ehhh....I know I'm probably a pain right know....could you"

Then I suddenly felt something appear in my hands. Yep, when I take a closer look I find both IDs in my hands. I sent a really, really loud thank you up into the sky, in my mind of course, and I might even have winked.

"Praying this early already?" Someone walked over to me. Oops...he overheard me.

And lucky for me, someone up there helps me out with a proper reply.
"Eh...yes, sir. I may have totally accidentally spilled coffee on my ID this morning. I'm here with Captain Hudson.....and I don't want to embarrass him."

"Oh, really? This must be your lucky day...Lieutenant Wells."  He had some difficulties reading my name tag.
"I may be able to fix the issue. You're with me, Lieutenant."

"Yes sir!" I said, but I felt that I shouldn't salute, so I just nodded.

I follow this kind person inside and pray to god that this will work out. Things are getting messier by the minute.

When we approach the reception desk I see Captain Hudson standing at attention suddenly. "Admiral!"  

What the heck? That kind man is really an Admiral?

"At ease, Captain Hudson. I assume Miss Wells is with you?" He looked at me for a moment and his smile told me that things had a good chance of working out just fine.

"Yes, sir, she is. We were actually hoping to visit your office, it's quite urgent."

I walk over to the Captain and stand next to him.

"I see, alright. How about joining me for a cup of coffee? You have fifteen minutes before I get into the next meeting."

"Yes sir, that'll be fine."

The Admiral looked at the very nervous looking young Lieutenant, me, ....."Lieutenant, give her your IDs. I'm sure Anette will file a request for a new one, won't she?"

"Yes Admiral, of course." The reception lady said.

I gave her the IDs and one of them actually has a very visible coffee stain on it.

"See? No need for prayers this early. On the other might have actually helped, hahaha. Anette, are the ID's okay? I have 13 minutes remaining." He checked the time on his wristwatch.

"Yes, Admiral. Captain, Lieutenant, these are your visitor passes. Just hold them before the scanner at the gates."

"Thank you, Miss." The Captain said. I only nodded and smiled at the lady. Just playing along here....just an innocent, inexperienced Lieutenant. Oh right, I must look like I'm 17 to them.....and still nobody asked about me being a Lieutenant. I'm not going to complain though, someone up there must know how these things work.


We follow the Admiral into the building and while he already walks to the elevator, we need a second to scan our visitor badges. The Captain whispers to me "you know that you're this close from trouble?" He says, showing with his fingers just how close I really am to being in trouble.

"Yep, so sue me. Eh...I meant I'm on your side....sir."

He just shook his head and gave me a quick smile. "Move it Lieutenant." He pretended to be my commanding officer...even though I'm in an Air Force uniform. The people around me don't need to know what's going on. I might be on a temporary assignment for all they know.


We meet at the elevator and enter it together with the Admiral. Nobody else is here with us.

"Alright, Captain, what's so urgent that you two need to see me in person?" The Admiral exudes an air of respect...authority. Someone whose hair you don't want to rub the wrong way.  Well, not that he has many hairs left, but that's beside the point.

"Sir, the Alaska entered a deep water vortex of some kind, pulling us down with it. We sustained critical damage to the outer hull, leaking reactor coolant. When we lost electrical power, we slowly ran out of breathable air. We were just about to give up hope when the lady next to me appeared out of thin air."

The Admiral frowned, looking at me and the Captain, then pushed another button on the elevator.
"If this is a joke, then both your careers will end today." He sounded quite serious.

"No joke, sir. I promise."  I said, showing my best serious expression. It was a difficult thing to do.

He took a deep breath. "I knew it. There's always something else. Alright, we're heading to my office instead."

We followed the good man to his office but didn't dare say a word.


His secretary stood up from her seat behind her desk the moment she noticed him. "Good morning Admiral, may I have your briefcase?" She noticed he brought guests along, and showed her best courtesy. Impressive.

"No, Nicole, not today. Will you please cancel my appointments for the next hour? This can't wait. Oh, and coffee you two?"

"Yes, sir," we both said at the same time.

"Excellent, Nicole...?"

"Of course, I'll take care of it."


We take a seat in his rather spacious office at a table near the entrance. Four comfortable meeting room chairs are enough for us three and his suitcase.

Nicole then brings our coffee and I thank her, "Thank you very much."

She smiled at me but didn't reply. When she left, she closed the door behind her.


"Alright, first order of the And you two start at the beginning."

"Yes, sir."  The Captain told him everything that had happened. And the Admiral's face showed expressions from wonder to surprise and the thought of having two insane people join him for his morning coffee.

"Alright. I'll need some kind of proof before we continue. And Captain, if I'm not mistaken, the Alaska shouldn't be in port, right?"

"Of course, sir, and no, she isn't. The Alaska is en route to Boston as we speak."

"She is? Did they airlift you here then?" The Admiral is having trouble understanding the situation.

"No sir, she brought us here." The Captain looks at me.

"Allow me to demonstrate, Admiral. I promise that you will be perfectly safe." I tried to look convincing, giving him a big smile.

"Demonstrate? What do you have in mind?" The Admiral asked.

"Name a random place you would like to visit. Anywhere on this Earth." I stand up and so do the others.


The Admiral doesn't seem to be convinced. "I'm really beginning to doubt my decision to bring you here. Captain, I only brought you here because I know that your service record is impeccable. But you should..."   FLASH ".....not.....what just happened?" The Admiral looks around, taking in the view.

"I teleported us here, sir." We're now standing in San Francisco, but the Admiral and Captain need a bit longer to understand that.

The Admiral looks around, still with his coffee cup in his hand. I looked at it and teleported it back to the room. FLASH. "Sorry, forgot about the coffee."

"Where...for heaven's sake, where are we?" The Admiral asked with total bewilderment on his face.

I pointed behind him. The golden gate bridge was right there, not too far away.

"San Francisco? Really?"

"Yes, sir. Are you ready to return to your office?" I kept smiling.

"Eh....yes, Lieutenant. By all...."  FLASH.  "...means.  Dear god....who are you?"

"Please, do sit down, sir and I'll explain. You too, Captain."  Both sat down and waited for me to begin.

I sit down as well, and continue drinking my still warm coffee as if it was the most normal thing to do. "Alright. And great coffee by the way. So.....I am here as a friend. What I'm about to tell you is classified....for the time being. Admiral, I will allow you, but only you and not the discuss this with your superiors. Understood?"

"You will allow it? I'm an Admiral, young lady."

"I know. And I respect you very much, sir. But you see.....I'm not actually in the military."

"You WHAT? And what about that ID?" The Admiral shouted. The Captain wisely stays silent.

"As I tried to explain....I'm here as a friend and not a terrorist. Let me explain." But I was interrupted.

Nicole knocked on the door and entered the room. "Admiral, do you want security?" She must have heard him shout.

" Nicole. Just a misunderstanding, we're fine."

She immediately left. She's a good one...really.

I continued my story. "A while ago I visited Earth, dressed like I currently am. With some help from friends I was able to protect Earth from disaster. One of my people, I cannot currently reveal more, arrived here and went rogue. He attempted to launch ICBMs and then tried to enter an Airbase. Suffice to say that he shouldn't have even tried doing that. I was sent here and eventually managed to eliminate him, thus ending the threat for Earth.

You can ask major McKenzie for security footage about those events. Anyway, that rogue guy left us with another surprise...some kind of interdimensional portal, for lack of proper words. And the Alaska and her crew were pulled inside by accident.

Even though this was never supposed to happen, people from my side raised the alarm and so corrective measures were put in place. The portal is gone, and both Earth and my world are safe again."

"My god...your world? You're from another world?"

"Yes, Admiral. But I'm not an alien like you may think. Again, I represent kind people who just helped Earth avoid another disaster. And saving the Alaska and her crew was a nice bonus. We had no idea this was happening....or we would have stopped it a long time ago."

"Who is we exactly?" The Admiral asked.

"I can't comment on that, sir."

"Sir? Hell, you're not even in the military. Please drop the honorifics."

"Yes, s.....Admiral. As you wish. Then please call me Sasami. It's my real name."

"Sasami? Alright, can you wait a moment? I'll check with...major...."

"Major McKenzie. Just don't know the exact location. But I'm sure we spoke inside a secure facility. Air Force probably."

"Right." He used his phone and asked Nicole to check my backstory. I'm sure it will take her some time, considering the number of secure facilities these people must have.


"So....Sasami. Why impersonate military personnel?" The Admiral asked.

"It was a requirement to quickly contain the situation. Imagine walking around as a...."

"As a....what?"

I looked up.....and heard "alright...tell them you're a Fairy. I'm looking forward to seeing his reaction."

"Alright, I am allowed to tell you. I am a Fairy." I made sure to smile brilliantly this time.

"WHAT?!!!" Both the Admiral and Captain stood up, and the Captain's jaw just dropped to the floor.

I however just keep sitting calmly. "Please gentlemen, please do sit down. This is not a joke."

They sit down and seem to be relaxing again. "Everything I have shared with you is the truth. Not all of it, but still the truth. In time, you and all other humans will receive further information. But things will progress one step at a time, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do, Sasami." The Admiral replied a bit more respectfully.




The Admiral answers the phone and puts it on speaker. "Admiral, I have Major Mckenzie for you?"

Wow, she's fast.

"Thank you, put him through. CLICK."

"This is Vice Admiral Benton, US Naval Sub Commander, Washington DC. You are major Mckenzie?"

"Eh, yes, sir. Is she there with you?"

The Admiral looked at me, so I replied "yes she is. Been a while major. Would you please tell the Admiral about me?"

"Is this a secure line, Admiral?"

"A secure?......Yes of course it is. What can be so important..."

But the major continued. "I don't know what she has told you, sir, but somewhere last year an Air Force Lieutenant woke up, after having sustained serious injuries at one of our Airbases. I'm not allowed to reveal all facts, sir, you have not yet been cleared for that. But let's just say she recovered pretty fast. Then....she changed her appearance."

"I see. Is her name Alisha Wells?"

"Yes! That's really her. assume she has made it clear to you already that she's not quite human?"

"Yes....we were getting to that part. Tell me.....she just told me what she is. What did she tell you?"

"She said....and don't laugh, sir. She told me she's a Fairy."

"And did you believe her?"

"Yes, sir, we have the security footage to confirm she's not...human. And I witnessed her change into another form."

"Alright. Major, thank you very much. We'll be in touch."

"Yes, Admiral. Please report any new information you may have to The Pentagon, Colonel Morris."

"Understood. To be continued. Bye major. CLICK." 

The Admiral takes a few deep breaths and the Captain is just staring at me. 
"So your story checks out. Now what?" The Admiral asked.

"Simple. I will transport the Captain back to the Alaska and I'll return home. Nobody is going to invade Earth. Nobody is going to impersonate officers or replace personnel. This is not a horror sci-fi story. We're just good folks and only meant well."

"That....that is very reassuring to hear. So....will we see you again?"

"Perhaps. That's not for me to decide. Just like you, I have to follow orders."

"And where are they coming from?" The Admiral asks.

I just point up at the ceiling. "Up there...very, very, very high up there, where the air is really, really, really thin."

"I see, so you report to the top?"

"That I do, Admiral. So please share what you have learned with your contacts and be assured....we are friends and in due time will show ourselves to humanity. In the meantime we will help Earth here and there. You know, global warming kind of stuff. But we need some time."

"Okay, I am not sure what to say. Thank you? Or should I say.....a Navy uniform might look better on you?" Finally, he's smiling.

"Ha ha ha...are you trying to enlist me? Not going to work. Anyway, you are very welcome, sir. And on that note, I will bring the Captain back and leave you be. Goodbye and fair day."





I brought the Captain back to his ship, but when I tried to teleport to Central Park, New York, I ended up somewhere else.

I find myself sitting in a restaurant with....Earth's deity. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on.

"Hello Guardian Sasami."

"Huh? Oh! Hello Guardian of Earth. And thank you for all your help."

"My pleasure. I promised you a nice cup of coffee. How about some waffles?"

" this...?"

"Real? Yep. This is a real restaurant."

"Excuse me, can we order?" He tried to get the attention of a waitress.

The smiling waitress then walks over to us. I notice that I'm still in my military uniform, meaning I still look human.

"Sure, name your poison." 

"Alright, two coffees and waffles for the lady."

"Gotcha, one moment please." And she left us again.

"This one of your favorite places?"

"Sure is. People have no idea about us, but the place is still great."


After a few minutes we received a cup of coffee in a nice white cup on an equally white saucer. And my waffles are freshly baked, so no complaints there either.

"My god...thwese awe dewicious!"

"Ha ha, enjoy them Sasami. I know you were hungry. Anyway, well done. The portal is now closed and there was great teamwork between us guardians. Amazing how that Goblin fellow managed to hide this from me, and all of you."

"Yes, I just hope that's all. That guy really pissed me off."

"I know, but you have nicer things to look forward to, right?"

"Oh, right. Almost forgot, he he he. Tomorrow is my wedding day."

"Congratulations, Sasami. You deserve to be happy. And really enjoy your life, you can be a goddess for all eternity, but life is short. Too short often."


After chatting a few more minutes, he paid for my unorthodox, but delicious lunch.

I asked him "when you have the time, would you please send me back home? I'm still only a level 3 goddess."

He smiles and replies "sure....but something tells me you should count your tails tonight."

"Huh? You mean....?"

He just nods while smiling.

"Wow...but why? Not that I don't appreciate that?"

"Simple. But please know that it will take longer for each level. The more you help others, the faster you will progress. This particular assist of yours crossed worlds, so.....I may have given you a few bonus points. Huh? You...want to kiss me?"

" my mind? Yeah....just a peck on your cheek?"

"Alright then... "

"Thank you." Kiss.





I suddenly appear in the front garden of my new home. There's snow all around me and the big tree in front of the Palace makes us Fairies seem fairly insignificant. The tree is covered in snow, like all bushes and street lights. It's one of those moments you wish you could capture in a picture, but alas, this world doesn't have that kind of technology yet.

I feel my cold resistance skill kicking in, but still have goosebumps. Better head inside soon.

No more uniform, nope, just plain old Sasami in her Spiritwalker outfit, dry and all. No signs of swimming at all.

"Sasami! You're home!" Kenta shouted when he noticed me entering the Tearoom. I was already hoping to find him there.

"He he he he....home." I sang the phrase I commonly saw on TV "Honeeey!!!! I'm hoooome!"

His ears twitched for a moment, but then he ran over to me and hugged me. 


We sat down and I told him everything that had happened.

"So, I guess it was just a normal day for a goddess," I said, making sure he understood that wasn't normal at all.

"Mmmmm.." He frowns.

"What? It was just a peck on his cheek to thank him. Awww... are you jealous? Don't worry, he's nice."

"Okay, NOW I'm worried." He winked.

I walk over to him and sit on the arm of his chair, whispering in his ears "I only love you, Kenta. Only you." 

And then we kissed. A few times. Or more often. ....Until I was asked to join the supreme goddess.


She also told me that she was proud of me and that indeed the cooperation with Earth's deity was exemplary. She even apologized as she had promised that I wouldn't be bothered with these kinds of "missions" anymore. But still, all ended well. She confirmed I'm now a level 4 goddess. One more tail to fluff tonight, I hope Kenta won't mind the extra fur in bed. And no, nobody is going to tell me to just switch to tails are my own.


At night, when we are lying comfortably in bed, with my 4 tails in their fluffy cuddly hugging position, I feel the sudden urge to start teasing Kenta.


"Yes, love?"

"Are you really sure you want to marry me?"

"Like I would say no to the girl of my dreams....of course I want to marry you. Why ask?"

"No reason."  I  kissed him.   "Just asking. Can't wait to call you my husband."

"And you, my wife."  Kiss.  "Sleep well, Sasami. Tomorrow is our important day. You and I...and lots of friends."


He's not responding, so I push against his arm.



"<sigh> yes, honey?"

"Aren't you nervous about tomorrow?"

"Nope....but I'm sleepy now." <yawn> " are there with me, so what could possibly go wrong?"

I grimaced. "Shhh....don't say that out loud. Now you jinxed it."

"Jinxed? What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's like tempting the gods of fate, you spoil our wedding?"

"They exist?"

"I dunno." I shrugged, I really don't know. "Better not to tempt fate, right?"

"Alright, alright, I won't. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Yep, we're cool now."

"Yes, it's winter time alright."  

"Eh...right. Kenta?"

But again only silence. Alright...sleep my darling.


Outside the snow is gently falling down from the heavens, and here we are, warm and cozy in bed, surrounded by our combined 5 tails.