Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

In which humanity at last returns to the Garden of Eden to do some weeding


I was in the crow's nest, looking at the horizon, when I saw a thick mist ahead. Then I noticed that it seemed to surrounding a specific area and not moving from it. I noticed this, despite strong winds blowing the ship back, the fog hung over the area. But I knew from visiting the Divine Border that by boat, we often would have to use my Oracle powers to shift the wind away from an area that God didn't want regular people visiting. That there was mist surrounding a particular area meant, "Guys, I think we found it! The land of Eden is over there..." We suddenly hit a sandbar, and the ship stopped. Sastra jumped out of the boat, and leaned down and picked it up to check the keel for damage, "It seems fine. There weren't and rocks scraping the underside of the ship." Unfortunately, as I say, I was in the crow's nest while she did that so my words were, "Wait, don't-" At about that point, I was falling headfirst toward the deck. Nevras rushed forward, and scooped me out of the air in a gentle bridal carry. "Hey there!" he said. I blushed intensely, "Hey..." I jumped to my feet, trying not to acknowledge certain things, "Dammit, Sastra! Don't just pick up entire ships without warning. You could have killed me!" Sastra hauled the ship in the sandbar all the way to where ship was, and now we could clearly see that the mist surrounded an island. She dropped the ship onto the sand, and I lurched forward, but Nevras caught me again. "" I said as I blushed, followed by, "Oh c'mon, Sastra, you meant to do that one!" Nevras said, "Is it bad if you do fall into my arms, Lucy?" I, who was normally the more talkative, the more honest about my feelings, was suddenly rendered bashful by this man. I asked, "Aren't you a married man though, Nevras?" He backed off then. I jumped from the ship. Sastra caught me, teasing, "Darling, come into my arms!" Sastra and Portia were the same age as Tamashii, but their bloodlines made them look in their teens. I poked her, "Cut that out!"

We walked from the sandbar to the shore. From within the fog, a thick forest creeped through as though from nothing. The fog was unlike the mists of the Void, but fully as thick. But it wasn't like the fog of the rest of the New Earth. It wasn't gray, but a clear color that created a vibrant light within the island. Here was the remains of the original firmament. As Elias explained when we got back, as long as we were within this layer of clear water, the radiation from the atmosphere was dispersed, and people within were actually able to live as long as the generations of Noah and Adam. Even if I wasn't eating healthy, six hundred years was not a stretch, and if I was taking good care of myself, it wasn't unthinkable for me to live to nine hundred or more. And the firmament also kept the forest vibrant without an excess of water. Even maple trees were roughly the size of redwoods, and all of them had live vines on them. The area was brimming with plant and animal life.

Unfortunately for us, it also had creatures that meant us harm. Rabid bats, wild dogs, sabertooth tigers, and possessed cows, all of these we fought while heading towards the center of the Garden of Eden. Nevras fought with his sword, I with my martial arts, Tamashii using pebbles, Sastra with her claws, and Portia... well, she just used her wings to fly and keep everything at bay. We held back from any technique use, because we wanted to avoid damaging the environment. For each creature I punched or killed I said, "I am so sorry!" And I meant it. Unlike Ambrosia, who was apparently made of stone, I actually feel sadness whenever I ended a life or caused pain to living things.

At the other end of the spectrum, Sastra was burying the diseased, skinning these creatures, chopping them up into meat chunks, and dumping them into the Preserver until at last it was full. I was horrified, but we did actually need more food. We still had pickled vegetables and some salted fish, but they were greatly reduced from before. It had been a long trip, complicated by the fact that the wind and waves had always seemed to push us away from our destination.

By the time they got back, more animals had showed up. Why were they after us? It's not like we ever did anything to them!


Knowledge of Good & Evil is a funny thing. It distorts our perceptions so we see things in absolutes. Lucy and the others saw evil cows, evil bats, evil tigers, and so on. She didn't know how to not hurt these animals, but she did feel sympathy. A truly kind person might see friendly tigers, friendly bats, and if there had been a maneating deathbeast with nothing but canines, they would in turn see a friendly maneating deathbeast with nothing but canines. It is all in perception. The Sage known as Lao Tzu said, "I have heard that those who celebrate life walk safely among the wild animals. When they go into battle, they remain unharmed. The animals find no place to attack them and the weapons are unable to harm them. Why? Because they can find no place for death in them." That's a different translation than I'm used to, but anyway. When a person has no perception that harm may come to them, nothing that even the most evil people can do will be able to bother them.

Now usually, this is because they are so decent and likeable that they manage to befriend anyone who harmed them. I nonetheless managed to piss off the Pharisees in my own life, but that was intentional. But this is what I taught others to do with turning the other cheek. It was about cultivating a mindset of even taming those who thought to do harm by giving everyone what they wanted and needed. But there was another way to enter this forest without harm. It was to be like Ambrosia, a person without perception of good and evil any longer. Had Lilith come at her with a sword, nothing she tried would be able to hurt her. Ambrosia would see a tiger as simply a tiger, not one wishing to bite her face. And a sword, even one as sharp as hers, wouldn't even be able to dent her in this state. Nor would Lilith's pet rock Christina. Nor any weapon of the mortal world.

But perfect neutrality is a double-edged sword. While no outside force could harm her, apathy and depression were very real things, and often people would slip from catatonia into a straight-up coma. To describe living in this way, consider a place of curry so hot that people in India would be surprised, a place that would actually hurt your throat to eat; as she was now, Ambrosia couldn't even taste it. So far, Sapphire and I had kept her healthy, but I could see it starting to happen. Their journey had taken longer than it should have because winds had been unseasonable. If Tamashii and the others didn't make it back by the end of the month, Ambrosia would be dead. I can raise a great many people, but a person happy with death is something else entirely. Resurrection involves permission, and Ambrosia without Knowledge of Good & Evil, probably wouldn't be able to make that choice. These were dire times!


These were dire times. Nevras and I were running away from the varmints, when the two of us tripped and fell into a small cavern. I was sure that they would come after us, and that there would be nowhere to run, but I heard them turn their attention to the others.

A long awkward moment passed. "So..." I started. Nevras and I said at the same time, "About earlier..." Then we both giggled. I said, "You go first." Nevras started, "Look I know we both like each other, so this is super awkward," he continued, as I was sure he was about to confess his feelings but dreaded all the more that he was going to reject me, "but I am married, and this can't proceed. Tamashii loves you dearly, and has wanted you around, so I'm not about to push you away. But I think you and I are better as good friends. This can't turn intimate." The look of hope on my face collapsed, replaced with hurt and anger, "But... I'm a part of Ambrosia too! I'm just the part of her that has stronger feelings. The part that she she made because she has impulses she can't cope with. When you're rejecting me, you're rejecting your wife!" Nevras sighed, "Yes, I love you move than you can ever know. I was in fact thinking about being in spending time with you earlier on our boat ride. But I don't want to cheat on my wife, not even with my other wife!"

Most people would be confused, but I perfectly got it. Nevras was a decent man and I respect that a lot. But I had needs, "Why don't we stay up the night talking,and I'll convince... Wait, you're heading to bed already?" Nevras mumbled, "I'd love to do that. But we had a long trip today, and we've been fighting creatures from the moment we arrived until just recently. The others have probably set up a tent now. Or they're dead. I'm sleepy..." I kept trying to rouse him, but he only managed a few minuted each time before heading back to bed. I emerged from the cave just long enough to verify that yes, the group wasn't dead, Portia had built them a tent of some metal that I couldn't recognize. But not long enough that the animals might notice me and give chase. I settled in and wrapped myself around him. In his sleep, he adjusted his bit just enough to let me cuddle with him. That would have to be enough.


Knowledge is a funny thing. Knowledge keeps you up at night. Knowledge that Lucy loved him and that he loved her back but couldn't act on it was what caused that situation. And knowledge that Rena, who I had called Judas, would betray me had caused my current grief.

I knew that nobody could harm me unless I allowed it. But I intended to allow it. And so, during a Passover meal, we were dipping bread in the same container and I told her that she would betray me, and to go ahead with it. That very night, she went to collect coins and to bring soldiers, and she was going to kiss me to identify who I was to the guard. But this wasn't some ironic kiss, this was a kiss of a person who truly did love me, and hoped I would show that I could save myself. But I was praying to God right now that he do what he wanted not whatever I might want. As much as I personally didn't want to die on a cross like some hoodlum, I was gonna go through with that.

I stood up from my prayers, and realized the others had fallen asleep from too much food, drink, and partying. After all, Passover was a festival, despite its solemnity. I woke them and went to keep on praying, but each time, they couldn't even stay up an hour. Finally, I told them to wake up because my hour was at hand. Even if you're sleepy, a group of armed soldiers is better than coffee.

And then, Rena gave me the deepest and most passionate kiss she had ever given anybody. I could feel the tears dripping from her eyes. "I'm sorry..." she said, "If I knew of some other way..." Religious record records me saying, "Judas, must you betray me with a kiss?!?" But what I actually said was, "I know."

I like the thematic splicing I did between knowledge of good and evil, Jesus talking about knowing things, and the last words in the chapter. I also like the juxtaposition between the others fighting for their lives, and Jesus talking about turning the other cheek.