I had to add the colon and such because it turns out there is already a book called In The Moment.
This is a seprequel (I do not think there's a term for this, thanks to flashing back and forth, it is both a sequel and a prequel) of Town of Winter and Oracle of Tao. To a less extent, it also relates to Tales from the Reaper. The story begins with the creation of the universe, and ends with... well the end of it all. Basically, it was the finale of the main series, so I wanted to wrap things up cleanly. It's sorta got the feel of someone going senile, which is kinda the point. Ambrosia has finished her quest, and thanks to memories from three different lifetimes, she has some seriously disjointed sense of past and present.
Just a warning, it is kinda religious, and very very experimental.