Chapter 25: The Accursed
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Chapter 25: The Accursed

Thursday, March 30th, 6:54 AM

Dungeon Ciara

“You’re finally awake.”

That bitch’s voice. I fucking hate her.

Nicolas’ head was pounding, and his whole body still ached. He tried to move, and his limbs responded, but something was wrong.

After wriggling a bit, he knew he was bound up in that same awful silk that had cut through his skin the first time he’d been caught.

Nicolas opened his eyes and found he was sitting on a stone chair. Siobhán stood in front of him.

Fuck. It’s not a dream. I need to break free. Then, I can deal with the bitch.

Nicolas gritted his teeth.

“We have questions for you, Nicolas.” Siobhán smiled.

“Fuck off, Stench-Trench.”

Good. My voice works.

Siobhán sighed. “Childish right up to the end. Here’s the deal, Nicolas. We know you’re a traitor to the country. Some of your friends have already talked.”

Fuck. Nicolas scowled.

Siobhán narrowed her eyes at him. “Why am I not surprised? Now, I’m going to ask you some questions, and if you don’t answer them, the Dungeon is going to take over.”

She frowned and shook her head. “You’re a total asshole and I can’t stand you, but I’d rather not see you suffer, Nicolas. So, for your own sake, please cooperate.”

“Piss off with the fake sympathy, Stench-Trench. I know the darkness in your—”

Nicolas froze with his mouth open as a group of spiders, smaller than the behemoth from earlier but still enormous in their own right, climbed over Siobhán’s back, then jumped onto him.

He felt dozens of tiny claws tugging at his skin as they landed. One snapped its fangs shut a hair’s breadth from his nose.

A scream burst from his throat, and Nicolas wrenched in his bindings.

Siobhán leaned in and said, with concern in her tone, “Please stop struggling, or the Dungeon’s going to let her spiders hurt you. She has zero patience for bullshit. If it were just me, you’d be in luck, because I won’t torture or murder anyone, not even you.”

Nicolas groaned and stopped thrashing when the spider near his nose came closer. His neck ached when he looked around.

Three of Siobhán’s friends stood to Nicolas’ right. He could see them past the spiders that climbed over his head; the ugly tall girl who’d also ratted him out, the asshole son of the geriatric marine, and the gorgeous dark-skinned girl that everyone on his team wanted to fuck.

He let his eyes linger on that one, and the guy beside her edged closer with a threatening glare.

Oh? Someone’s feeling insecure.

Nicolas grinned. Then, he looked back at the beautiful girl and narrowed his eyes.

The only thing about that one is, she almost never shuts up. I can’t believe she’s not talking right now. She must be mad as hell. Good. Fuck her.

Nicolas had hoped to catch the dark-skinned girl alone on campus, but she’d always been with others and she graduated before he found an opportunity.

“Oh, look. It’s the Liar, the Bitch, and the Wordy Hoe. They’ve even got a sad, Beta-male groupie.” Nicolas taunted.

All three glared hatefully at Nicolas—something he was accustomed to. The others’ faces didn’t show quite as much disdain or deep-rooted loathing as Siobhán’s, but all of them looked ready to kill Nicolas.

Nicolas forced a grin. “Ha! Fine. I’ll talk, but only if you let me go, first.”

Siobhán laughed at him. Nicolas hated that her high, pleasant voice was still music to his ears.

She sounded incredible when she was moaning. She’s got an amazing body, too. It pisses me off that Siobhán’s the best I’ve had. And the selfish cunt wouldn’t open her legs for me again.

That thought made Nicolas seethe as she recovered from her laughter and stared at him.

Siobhán’s gorgeous. Too bad she needs to die.

A smile grew across Siobhán’s face. “Oh, no! That’s not how it’s going to work at all, Nicolas. You see… you’re in a Dungeon. A real Dungeon. And she hates you. She hates your friends. And, no matter what, she’s going to kill every single one of you.”

Nicolas glared back at her. “Fuck you, then. If you won’—”

Siobhán cut him off as one of the spiders snapped its fangs, nipping the tip of his nose. “You said last night that you wanted to kill every person who stood in the way of you getting rich and powerful, right? You and your friend Adrian discussed that like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

Siobhán jabbed her small index finger against Nicolas’ chest as she emphasized three words, and it hurt.

Nicolas shuddered with indignant rage.

How the fuck does she—

“Adrian talked, Nicolas. He squealed like a pig when the Dungeon threatened him, and so will you, if you want to die without suffering. It really pisses me off, you know? I’ve never wanted to hit anyone before, but right now—”

The left side of his face stung horribly, and Nicolas realized he’d been slapped.

Siobhán shook her head with a frown, looking sad. “That’s for what you did to my friends, and what you tried to do to everyone here.”

Wrath exploded inside Nicolas, and he strained against the cutting silk. “Fuck you, cunt! I—”

Claws dug into Nicolas’ forehead as the spiders each stuck another glue blob on his neck, then raced around him one time, pulling their strands taut before attaching them again. It burned where their sticky glue adhered, and the silk choked him, cutting into his neck.

“Fuck… you.”

I’ll never give in. Not for her!

The spiders moved, faster than before, and Nicolas felt like sharp knives rested against his forehead.

Siobhán frowned, looking uncomfortable. “Ready to talk? The Dungeon says she can keep going if you prefer.”

Anger took control, and Nicolas screamed, “What the fuck do you want, Stench-Trench? You already know about the plan! The Order’s taking over this fucked-up country, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

He tried to bring his hands up to cover his mouth, but they were wrapped securely.

Siobhán lightly patted his cheek. Her forehead smoothed out and she looked relieved. “Good boy. We appreciate your cooperation. Now, there’s something else the Dungeon wants to know.”

My vision grew hazy as I nearly raged out of control.

And it was this asshole’s fault.

His existence couldn’t be tolerated, but I still needed to know who killed my Ryebean and her love.

I stared at my four human residents, who stood around Nicolas as he cursed and struggled against the silk that held him while my spiders clung to his head.

Michael—Rihelah’s quiet childhood friend, and the man whom she loved. I didn’t know him well, but so far he’d impressed me with his dedication to her and his desire to do what was right.

Ryebean—one of the most brilliant people I’d ever known. Lovely as an angel, she had surprised me years ago with her heart of gold. Most young women who approached her level of beauty were arrogant and self-serving, but not my Ryebean. She had an earnest, honest desire to create harmony around her, and I loved her for it.

Joybean—the quiet, self-deprecating, hyper-intelligent girl who always avoided the limelight. She could have matched Ryebean’s grades and achievements if she’d tried, but the idea of being noticed made her shy away. It frustrated me that she’d deliberately give wrong answers on tests to avoid standing out, but that was who she was.

She only had two friends that I knew of—my other beans, and her family never paid much attention to her, but she cared deeply for those she was close to.

Soybean—sweet, social, and friendly, she tried to get along with everyone first and put her studies second. She didn’t try as hard as Ryebean and wasn’t as quick as Joybean when it came to understanding things, but she’d throw herself in front of a truck to save a stranger without a second thought. I also knew that deep inside, she was just as lonesome as Joybean, though that only applied to finding someone special to love.


The obstinate bastard likely had some connection to whoever had killed Michael and Rihelah, and I was going to find out what it was, no matter the cost.

With that in mind, I didn’t want any of my residents to remain for what would happen next.

I had changed. I’d already killed eight of Nicolas’ companions and felt the intoxicating rush of mana from each. I was no longer human—but that didn’t mean the people I cared about had to follow my example.

I had Vijaya climb onto Nicolas’ lap and rear up to stare him in the face. He tried to shrink away, and my human residents frowned.

[Beans, Michael, you should all go elsewhere. This man’s stubborn, and things are going to get ugly. I’m sorry, but I’m going to do whatever I must, to protect innocent people.]

Without a word, Michael and my beans walked away, and all looked unhappy.

I couldn’t blame them. They were good people whose lives had been upended and smashed to pieces by a war they hadn’t started and wanted no part of—and that was before I considered the Draconic doom that hung like a specter of death over our entire world.

Siobhán looked back at Nicolas for a moment.

She choked out the words, “Goodbye, Nicolas. I wish we could have been friends.”

Regret shone on her tearful face as she turned and rushed away.

Soybean’s so kind, even when she’s this mad. I’m sure she hoped that Nicolas could be rehabilitated, but she doesn’t know. She didn’t hear them talking outside, and she doesn’t understand… not yet.

That thought hurt—the knowledge that, no matter what I did, the smiles of the people I loved would fade even further than they already had.

I’ll erase this man and anyone else who dares to attack the innocent.

I sighed.

There’s no question. I don’t feel bad about what I’m going to do. I know I should, but I don’t.

I have to accept that I’m not just Ciara O’Connor anymore. Even if I still care about people at some level, I don’t view humans the same way I did. If they attack my loved ones, I’ll kill. If they come after my core, I’ll kill. Even if all they do is attack my immortal minions… I may kill.

I’m a Dungeon…

A real-life monster.

Michael and Rihelah headed to my basement, but all they did was embrace as Rihelah cried aloud and Michael wore a solemn frown.

Joy and Siobhán went to the beach, to play with Sunny and Sandy, likely for the same reason. They managed to smile when my girls were near, but otherwise, they stared at the ocean. Joy’s eyes glistened, while Siobhán’s made rivers of tears.

Down in the chamber where I was holding him, Nicolas’ struggling ebbed, and his screams devolved into a series of hoarse groans.

My Dungeon half grinned as it drank in the sweet music of his anguish.

[You filthy wretch. For harming my loved ones and betraying our people, in the name of Auronox, I curse your very existence.]

<You have elected to curse the soul of a creature you have subdued. Warning—you may only curse one soul per century. Curses can only be applied to a defeated enemy. The cursed soul becomes yours to command until released, or your Dungeon ceases to exist. Do you wish to proceed?>

Oh, crap. If I do this, then I’m damning him for eternity.

My human side hated the idea, but my Dungeon mind had no qualms. It saw nothing more than a potential threat, and food.

It wasn’t just that I wanted Nicolas out of the picture. I needed him gone. The whole country did. Logic demanded it, for the sake of the masses he would certainly harm and kill if he had his way.

If I take his soul, he’ll be forced to make reparations.

It seemed appropriate when I said it like that—sort of like community service. But in reality, I knew it was much worse.

Still, he’d chosen his path. Nicolas was the worst kind of criminal, who’d harm or kill anyone to serve his whims.

This is it. There’s no turning back.

I can’t save this boy—he’s too far gone. But I can keep him from hurting others.

Yes. I curse him.

And it was done.

I’d embraced my existence as a Dungeon, through and through. At that moment, I accepted that I was a true apex predator—from the bottom of my soul.

Having become heartless enough to damn this man to eternity under my control, the weight of my transformation began to sink in.

The Universe truly was a much bigger place than I knew.

I felt energies gathering around Nicolas, similar to how they had before I became a Dungeon Core.

Nine tiny serpent-shaped entities materialized facing Nicolas, then slithered into his chest while he convulsed, unable to breathe. His eyes glowed green as the sinuous creatures bored through his flesh to wriggle their way inside. Blood poured from the wound, passing through the snakes’ bodies as if they didn’t exist.

Nicolas’ mouth fell slack, his entire body shriveled slightly, and his struggles ceased.

I recalled my Dire Widows and sent them to watch over Adrian, the last surviving traitor. I only kept him alive because he’d been talkative, and I thought Joe and Mike would appreciate hearing all of this for themselves. But there was zero chance he would leave my Dungeon alive.

<Soul extracted. Select a minion to serve as its prison.>

A roiling mass of black and green tendrils like a cross between roots and tentacles exited Nicolas through the hole in his chest, and his body slumped forward.

Sickly contempt and hatred radiated from Nicolas’ soul as I came up with the perfect punishment.

Oh, he’ll hate this once he understands what he’s become.

Vijaya. My first-floor boss.

<Vijaya has been augmented with a captured soul. The soul’s intelligence is now imprisoned within Vijaya for eternity, or until Vijaya ceases to exist.>

Nicolas’ voice screamed into my mind for a second before he started talking. [Ahh! I can’t feel my—what the fuck is up with my body? It feels wrong—]

[Stop talking and hold still, wretch.]

He did, and his old body was absorbed by my Dungeon.

“Professor! Was that Nicolas? I just heard him inside my—” Siobhán exclaimed from where she and Joy were walking on the beach.

[Yes, ‘bean. I’ve found a way to extract the information I need.]

“What did you do to him?” Joy asked.

[He’s imprisoned inside Vijaya.]

“Wait, so… he didn’t have to die?” Siobhán’s eyes welled up with tears.

Had he died? His body was gone, but since his soul endured, the answer was probably…

[No. But he is trapped and will be forced to obey me.]

I brooded in uncomfortable silence for a moment, since what I’d done was to implement a form of slavery against this man.

By Lord Auronox, I’m horrible. I’ll have to find some way to atone for this, someday.

<<Continue to learn and grow, child. The answer will come with time.>>

I was thunderstruck by Auronox’s words. It was obvious by their complete lack of any reaction that my residents had not heard Him.

Ha! Lord Auronox… thank you for that. You’re really starting to grow on me.

I thought I could hear a Draconic voice chuckling.

[Don’t worry, Soybean. If Nicolas learns to be a decent person, I’ll let him control himself again.]

“That’s… it sounds scary, too, but… Thank you for not killing him.” Siobhán sobbed.

[I don’t really want to kill anyone, ‘bean. I mean, okay, the Dungeon in me does, but it’s just… we’re at war, with two different enemies. You saw what happened after I let Nicolas and his friends go. I can’t do that ever again.]

I saw hope in Siobhán’s eyes as she wiped away her tears. “Then… can you trap the others like that in your other minions, and make them think for a while, too?”


I had a feeling that question was coming.

I sighed.

[I can only do that once every hundred years. Until 2123, Nicolas is it.]

“Oh… I see. But at least I know you’re still you. I love you, ProfCon.” Siobhán sniffled.

[I love you too, ‘bean. But I am different, and considering what we’re up against, it’s probably for the best. We’ll all need to do whatever it takes to protect innocent people.]

“Mm.” Siobhán nodded.

[I’m going to deal with Nicolas, Soybean.]

“Okay.” She frowned.

[Nicolas. You may speak three words only.]

[Fuck off, cunt!]

[Wrong answer.]

I waited to be certain he couldn’t disobey. He remained silent.

[You may only speak to give concise, truthful answers to my questions. What is your name?] I asked him.

[Nicolas Ancel.]

[Tell me why some of your people would attack Michael and Rihelah, the couple who were headed back to Genomics.]

[My girlfriend hated Rihelah for years because she was so pretty. Also, killing people is fun, and it turns my girlfriend on.] The voice was strained and furious.

[Is Clemen your girlfriend?] I already knew the answer since she’d been there the whole time.

[No. But she’s a decent piece of ass.]

[Who is your girlfriend?] I asked with barely contained rage.

[Natalie Maddow.] I could taste the anguish in his words, and that made my Dungeon-half purr.

[Is Natalie the one who attacked my friends?] I asked sweetly.

[Most likely.] He grunted.

[Where is she, and how many people are with her?]

[Infiltrating Genomics by herself, or with the others at Coconut Grove. There were twenty-seven freedom fighters there, last time I checked.]

His words made me cringe.

This murderous asshole thinks of himself and his cronies as freedom fighters.

[Thank you for your cooperation.]

Minions: 100/100

Residents: 10/10

Denizens: 23093

Traps: 1/5