Chapter 31: New Reality
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Chapter 31: New Reality

Friday, March 31st, 10:31 AM

Dungeon Ciara

The Dungeon took us in and healed our illness.

We had no idea, then, of the horrors that lay in store.”

-- Musings of JS—a survivor.

They WHAT?” Joe slammed his fist against a tree trunk in the fruit orchard, knocking half the peaches loose. Several bounced off his head but he didn’t care.

Michael flinched. “Uh… Ciara says the One World Order sent information to people it had radicalized online, the night before the bombs fell, warning them to seek shelter.”

Rage like nothing he’d ever felt lanced through Joe’s mind and heart. He tightened his fists even more, until they hurt.

Here. In our own country. I knew it could happen anywhere, but

Joe felt Mike’s hand on his shoulder and resisted the impulse to shake it off.

Those rotten shitstains! That information that could have saved millions, including Anna!

Stay with me, Schimpf. We both know that done is done. Let’s move forward from where we are.” Mike squeezed Joe’s shoulder, and Joe rolled his eyes.

Oorah,” Joe growled. He glared at Michael. “She said there are more of them at The Boardwalk, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville?

Michael gulped and replied, “Yeah. Oh, Ciara says she captured Nicolas, too. But only his soul? Holy shit. She also says there’s one traitor still tied up in the Crow’s Nest above us.”

Launching himself past Mike and Michael, Joe flew up the curved ramp so fast he had to use his left hand like a third leg to keep from slamming into the wall.

Dashing around inside the Crow’s Nest, he found Adrian high in a dark alcove behind the ramp, unconscious and breathing weakly in a silken prison.

I had a bad feeling about this kid. Wish I’d been wrong.

Joe reached up to heal Adrian, then flinched when the silk cut his fingers. “Fuck.” He healed himself instead.

Taking out his combat knife, Joe sawed at the tough silk as Mike and Michael trotted up the ramp.

Uncle Joe, Ciara says she can get him down if you’ll wait a bit, but…” Michael trailed off.

But what?” Joe stopped cutting and stared hard at Michael.

There’s gonna be a really big spider involved. The one that tied him up in the first place. Her name is Nita, and she’s Siobhán’s companion, so, Ciara says don’t hurt her.”

It’s always something. This is fucked, Michael.” Joe gritted his teeth.

Michael replied, “I won’t lie—Nita’s scary as hell. But she’s harmless as long as you don’t attack Siobhán.”

Joe scoffed. “Hah.” That girl. She’s gorgeous, but at least this’ll make it easier to shrug off her advances.

Siobhán’s on her way, and Nita’s coming up from below,” said Michael.

Fine. Fucker’s not dead yet. I’ll offer him healing if he’ll talk. I need to hear this from the source.”

Michael gulped. “Ciara says… are you sure? Okay… she says she can handle making him talk, Uncle Joe. All you have to do is ask questions.”

Torture is banned under the Geneva Conventions.” Mike shook his head.

Ciara says torture won’t be necessary.” Michael shrugged.

Hm.” Joe rubbed his chin.

Siobhán rushed in and stretched her arms as if to hug Joe but stopped. She wore a pained frown as she locked eyes with him. Then she hugged him anyway.

This again. Joe sighed.

I heard, Joe. About your wife. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” Siobhán’s searching eyes glistened when he gripped her shoulders and she trailed off when he pushed her away gently.

Mike raised an eyebrow at Joe.

Right. Be nice. She’s not a bad person. She lost her family, too.

Joe took a deep breath.

I don’t want to talk about that, so just drop it. And don’t worry. I’m not angry at you. It’s this fucker I need to deal with right now.” Joe pointed up at the imprisoned traitor.

Siobhán nodded stiffly, then looked down and trembled. Tears rained at her feet.

Joe pressed his lips together, then looked at Adrian again.

Nita’s—here. She’ll…” Siobhán sniffled, and, like Michael had said, a huge spider skittered up to hang beside Adrian.

Sonofa… that fucker’s massive,” Joe muttered, stepping back.

This spider wasn’t just big. It was a monster, easily large enough to capture and kill an adult. It reminded Joe of some tropical orb weavers he’d seen, except for its size and the disturbing red hourglass that glowed on its belly.

She’s—a really—good girl.” Siobhán buried her face in her hands.

I’m sure she is.” Joe stepped further from the spider.

Nita made quick work of the silken lines, snipping them with her terrifying mouth.

Fucking hell. I could barely cut those with my blade. This thing could easily kill, even without venom.

When Nita’s pencil-thin legs carried her and Adrian smoothly to the ground, Joe felt his breath catch. Its strength is absurd.

Only the support lines had been cut—the traitor was still bound by silk.

Thank you, Nita.” Siobhán smiled as Nita climbed onto her chest and linked her long front legs around Siobhán’s neck.

She’s not just a pretty face. The girl’s got guts. Joe found himself nodding while Siobhán looked at him with sad eyes, then left wearing her unnerving spider like a fashion accessory.

Right.” Joe shook his head, then picked Adrian up.

Adrian gasped and coughed while Joe carried him down the ramp again.

Joe asked as he descended, “Okay, Dungeon. Where do you want to do this?”

Michael said, “Ciara says head through the tunnel to the left as we reach the bottom of the ramp.”

I hate this kind of shit.” Mike muttered. “You sure you want to be there, son? We won’t torture this kid, but it could take a long time for him to talk and you’ll witness a lot of suffering if he refuses Joe’s healing.”

I’ve been shot to death, Dad. I think I can handle this,” Michael said grimly.

Mike sighed again.

Adrian stirred and said, “What’s happening? Nicolas? Somebody, help!”

I’ve got you, Adrian,” Joe said flatly.

Adrian sounded relieved, “Oh, thank God. Joe, you came to rescue us. This place is evil—spiders everywhere!”

Yeah, I noticed,” Joe replied.

How far are we from the exit? We need to get back to Genomics and warn everyone about this place!” Adrian sounded amiable as he spoke, and it made Joe sick.

Joe grumbled, “Don’t worry, we’re making good time. Shut up and let me think.”

Okay,” Adrian replied.

A dull red glow in the passage ahead grew stronger as they approached, until they entered a large cavern with thousands of toxic mushrooms matching those Javier had used to poison the people at Genomics.

What the fuck is this?” Mike asked.

Over there.” Michael pointed to their left.

Ciara says to sit him in the chair,” said Michael.

What chair? I don’t—oh.” Joe seated Adrian on a high-backed stone armchair after it came into view.

Don’t mind the spiders or centipede. They’re on our side.” Michael looked at Joe and Mike.

Spiders… on our side? What the hell are you guys talking ab—AAH!” Adrian screamed, then fell into horrified silence.

Six spiders, much smaller than Nita but still huge by normal standards, climbed onto Adrian and quickly lashed him to the armchair. They remained against his body.

Son, what the hell’s going on, here?” Mike’s voice was low and quiet. Joe could tell he was annoyed.

Michael shook his head with an incredulous look toward no-one.

Something’s off. Joe tightened his fists.

Ciara says we’re not interrogating Adrian.” Michael sounded confused.

What?” Joe asked flatly.

Are you serious, Ciara? You’re sure you want to… Okay, Yeah.” Michael blanched, his discomfort evident even in the low, red light. He winced, then rubbed his chin and snorted. “So, uh… bear with me on this. Nicolas will answer your questions.

Joe shared a glance with Mike in the ruddy gloom before shutting his eyes for a moment.

Fifteen minutes ago, you told us Nicolas was dead—that the Dungeon killed him.” Joe deadpanned at Michael.

[I have come, and I… will be a good boy.] Nicolas’ voice seethed. His tone was wrong.

Joe tensed and looked around, but nobody else had crept up on them. Mike met Joe’s eyes, pointed behind the stone chair, and they moved together to check.

Still nothing.

Michael spoke up again. “Y-yeah. Technically, Nicolas is dead. But his soul is alive. It’s imprisoned in one of the Dungeon’s creatures.”

Fucking hell…” Mike shook his head at Joe, and Joe swallowed.

[The Dungeon commands me. Ask what you will.] Nicolas hissed.

Who killed my son and his fiancé?” Mike asked quietly. Joe knew that tone.

For the Dungeon’s sake, I hope she doesn’t piss Mike off.

[I don’t know exactly who shot them, but I heard they were killed near the Coconut Grove. Natalie Maddow was temporarily in charge while I was away.] Nicolas choked his words out.

With hate and suffering coloring his tone, Nicolas answered their questions.

Mike and Michael walked silently with Joe through the eerily-lit passage back toward the surface. Following the questioning, they left Adrian to his fate in the Dungeon.

Numerous dragonfly wings fluttered behind them, followed by claws clicking, and muffled screaming.

I know the bastard deserved it and I would’ve put a bullet in his head without hesitation, but that’s gotta be a fucked-up way to die. I don’t even want to know.

Joe gritted his teeth.

If they managed to radicalize so many in this area, and it was all done online, this is probably nationwide. The treasonous fucks had hours to prepare before the bombs, while everyone else

His mind raced with thoughts of Anna and countless other faces.

So many could have been saved, if others had warning.

Seething after everything they’d just heard, Joe said grimly, “Still can’t believe the sick fuckers are kidnapping children for indoctrination. Looks like we have our marching orders, Master Guns.

“…against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” said Mike.

Joe knew and followed the words Mike recited from their oath of enlistment with such dedication, they had long ago become a part of who he was.

Damn right. We’ll defend this land, the Constitution, and the people, whatever it takes.

After Joe and Mike questioned Nicolas, I spotted an unusual amount of movement near The Boardwalk. An armed group of almost two hundred approached from the north along Riverside Avenue.

You’ve got to be kidding.

Most carried the same haughty, self-righteous attitude as Nicolas and his cronies, while a few appeared meek or subservient.

Rather than seeming cautious or apprehensive, the local traitors greeted and mingled freely with the new arrivals, and I sighed.

Shortly afterward, a small group left in the opposite direction. Three children were bound and tied together with a heavy rope, as four adults led them Auronox-knows-where.

I lost sight of that group before I could determine where they were going, and my Devilflies didn’t make it there in time to stop them.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Ultimately, I worried the simple arthropod minds of my Devilflies might have trouble distinguishing between proper targets and innocent children without my direct oversight. Thus, I refrained from sending them after the four who were trafficking the kids. It wasn’t worth risking the lives of those kids, so I turned to ask my own babies for help.

[Sunny. Sandy. Mommy needs you…]

I hated sending my precious girls into a potentially-dangerous situation, but my pups had always loved children. The least I could do was tell them what was happening and let them decide what to do.

[Sandy will go.]

[Sunny will save children.]

Of course, there’d been no question in my Labs’ minds, and their voices were adamant.

If good humans were in danger—especially kids—they would do whatever it took to help, consequences be damned.

To my surprise, after hearing what was happening, Nino and Hanzo offered their help and leaped off the Crow’s Nest where they’d been sunning themselves. They fell in beside my pups as they ran.


[You come to help baby humans?]

[Sandy trusts Hanzo.]

[Looks mean, but is good kitty!]

[You heard the Dog-Mom. These bad humans are dangerous.] Nino sounded worried as they flew across the ground together after passing beyond the harbor gate, leaving dust clouds to mark their passing.

I may never understand how cats think. They can be abrasive and downright self-absorbed, so I’d scoffed at tales of cats rushing to find help for children in danger.

But those two had just proved me wrong.

Because they put their safety on the line, I would pamper Nino and Hanzo for life.

Trusting in the intelligence of those four, I considered what to do about those murdering traitors who would enslave children.

There was still a lot of work left to prepare my second floor for my core—but even without the revelation that children were being targeted—I knew I couldn’t let Joe and Mike fight against so many by themselves.

Even after I’d informed them of the situation via Michael, they planned a sniping operation to eliminate as many traitors as possible. I had a bad feeling that, despite their apparent competence and Joe’s healing, there was a good chance that one or both could be killed against such numbers.

Dad, I’m coming with you,” Michael announced.

What? No.” Mike laughed.

I’m coming, too. They’re taking children,” Rihelah added.

You’re both serious.” Joe frowned.

We’re immortal.” Michael’s expression was hard.

He continued, “If we die, yeah, it’ll hurt like hell. But we’ve done that once already. If I can keep my Dad and my Uncle Joe alive, then the cost is irrelevant. You’re family.”

You’re planning on sniping, and that means you need someone around to watch your six, right?” Rihelah raised her eyebrows.

With a deep sigh, Mike stared at the young couple. “Get your gear. We shove off in ten.”

Siobhán and Joy had mulled going, but I vetoed that idea before they could speak with Joe and Mike.

I needed those two around to help my new human denizens get used to their new home. The pair sulked a little, but the ease and speed with which they backed off meant they were probably relieved.

[Michael and Rihelah—let Joe and Mike know that I’ll help to keep the enemy occupied.]

The couple nodded.

While Joe, Mike, Michael, and Rihelah prepped to assault Coconut Grove, I planned my own little raiding party.

The dogs and cats ran in the direction the Dungeon had pointed out, filtering the smells around them for signs of recent human activity. Nino pondered what to do about the situation.

If they are as bad as the Dungeon says, then we must kill to save the young humans.

Nino winced.

Dogs won’t do that… unless there is no other way.

Me and Hanzo will have to fight these bad ones. I don’t like it. Humans are big and strong. Despite their usually-friendly nature, they’re dangerously smart. And that’s good humans. Bad humans…

She glanced at Sunny and Sandy, running beside her.

The dogs may have trouble with them.

I’ll protect you both. Those dumb smiles of yours need to stay.

[Pay attention, dogs. Humans are easy to manipulate,] said Hanzo.

[Why would do?] [Not to humans?] Sandy didn’t sound happy.

Nino interjected, [These are bad humans, Sandy.]

[Sandy speaks of past.] [Hanzo done bad,] Sunny chided.

Hanzo sighed. [Hanzo is hungry.]

[Oh.] Both dogs said in unison.

Ah, food. Nino smiled to herself, thinking of tasty things. Then she cringed, remembering several times she’d debased herself to acquire something tasty.

No. Must focus. We need a plan for this hunt.

[The bad humans carry loud danger sticks.] Nino pointed out.

With a haunted glance at one another, the dogs replied, [We know.]

They sounded worried.

How can the hunt succeed without harm?

Nino said, [Humans are smart, but they have weak senses.]

[Use voices,] Sunny replied.

[What? How will that help?] asked Hanzo.

[We can speak.] [Cats pretend to be human.] [Distract bad humans.] [Cats good at hiding.] [Lead bad humans away.] [Sunny save kids.]

Sunny’s words stunned Nino.

How? That’s an intelligent plan!

Play it cool.

[I like it. Me and Hanzo will hide. We taunt them, and the bad humans will chase us.]

[Nino smart.] [Sandy knew.]

[Sunny help small humans.]

[I smell,] said Sandy.

[You what? Oh!] Nino caught the faint scent of many humans, but seven distinct odors stood out above the rest.

Minions: 100/100

Residents: 10/10

Denizens: 38669

Traps: 1/5


I created a Discord channel for the story. :)