Diary 2 : How do you… do?
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The boy waits patiently for the food currently being worked on by the girl for some minutes out of the room, in which he tries to move his joints.

“Oof, it's so jerky all around”



“What the heck are you doing when I'm not around?“. Coming back while picking somwthing behind the door with her is a pair of their food tray, and her eyes right now are questioning him with disturbed look.


“... Doing a warm-up for a walk?“


“Look, we can get you out of there soon. Not now, but soon, okay?“


As she takes upon herself a seat near him whilr they await the food to cool down, the two engage in a conversation, sometimes deviating from what the boy asked and instead the girl asked back questions, in faint hope that it'll bring something back to him. 

“So those plants, does it mean you came here everyday waiting, to see if I'll wake up, someday?“


She flushes with her face red, scratching her neck and facing away from his eyes because of the embarrassment. 

“... I, guess? ...“. She answered meekly, and he deems this to be, kind of cute.


Something switched inside of him unknowingly, to tease her just a little bit more.

“Since I don't think I stink, pretty sure there's someone who washes my body daily, is it you?“


“... *sigh* Y-yes…“. Seeing the boy mildly smiling condescendingly, she gets more heated from the teasing.


He himself gets flustered by her reaction, and he don't really understand why.

“Oh... Well uh, don't know what to say aside from... Thanks”


Quiet took place again seconds after, and she think it's time for her to bring his food to him.

“T-then, let me take your food for a moment here”. 


As she tries to hand his, the girl notices that he is still hardly able to move his arms, and instinctively brought a spoon with warm soup for him.

“Wait wait wait, I can eat by my-”


“No ye can't, doofus. Those shaky hands of yours answered it already”. She blows the heat just as she closes in near his face, now not sure if his eyes are deceiving him if she's beeting red or not. “I won't accept no for an answer, what with you already weak as hell, boy. Now, open up, Aah~”


He opens his mouth, and let her feeds him for awhile, in which the boy took some second to himself thinking.

“... Is this homemade?“


She smiles triumphantly, acting all smug.

“Hehe. Believe it or not, yeah it is. By me, nonetheless. Unbelievable, ain't it?“


He thumbs up towards her sincerely. 

“It's quite good! It wasn't too sour, nor too hot, and neither is the dishes hard to eat. Thanks a lot, uhm ... What's your name?“


By the time he's finished, she coughs a bit as to cool herself down from all the good points he pointed out. 

“Ahem. My name is Leon Arson, best friend of Dennis Johanson ... that's you, by the way”


He can't help but lets out his laughing, out loud.

“Ahahah~, you're, joking right? About the best friend part?“


“Hmm? Why would I?“. She lifts one of her eyebrows in curiosity while continuing to spoon feed him. 


“Because you're more likely to be a girlfriend than a best friend with your charming attitude and cute appearance. Just saying”




The spoon she hold fell, and Leon pick it up while showing her back to him.

“... I'll go clean it at the sink, just wait for awhile, yeah?”. In which she scurries off hastily right after.


'... Maybe I should apologize for all the teasing just now'. The thought as he finds it irresponsible of him to blurt all these to Leon.


As Dennis is taking all of his time to himself, Leon over here washes the spoon with water, and soap... overabundance of soap.

'Charming... Cute... *gulp* G-girlfriend ... eheheh~'. While she rewind those words back and forth, she snaps back to reality that those might as well be a fluke, as those are said from a person that he wasn't used to be. '... But, what if those are his honest thoughts, stored away after all these time?…'. After of which, she swipes the spoon clean from water and approaches Dennis while she puts it on one of the tray, and continues to feed him, to both heart's content. 'Oh well, guess time will tell, and I'll make sure he gets a taste of it himself when he do, cheeky bastard!' 




