Ancient Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Esper Dawnstar was slowly walking with her friend toward their school. It was December and the air was chilly. Her friend, Stahli, had a thick coat and Esper wore a hot and soft scarf.

It’s been almost two years since her brother presumably died along with his whole classroom. The wound was still deep in her heart. The pain from loosing her last family member, the one that endeavored for her well-being, taking the place left by her dead parents, was still present. But her dearest friend did everything she could to help her. Stahli’s parents took Esper with them, raising her along their own child. Partly filling the hole in her chest.

All the consideration they provided her helped greatly in Esper’s recovery from the chock. She now was leading an almost normal pupil life, the only different point being her point of view toward the world more mature than an average kid. Sometimes, her gaze was clouded by invisible and sad thoughts, and in these moments, Stahli was helping her by trying to distract her attention from these dark considerations. And thus, she was now going to her school, following the same path as always, discussing small matters with her friend.

After a dozen of minutes of idle talk and walk, they finally arrived at the front door of the facility and entered with the other pupils.

Today, the civic and moral education lesson was about the vote rights. The teacher, a middle-aged, kind and generous woman was speaking to her pupils.

“In the modern era, Kings and Emperors don’t rule the countries anymore like during the Middle-Ages or the Antiquity. Our society now lies upon a new political system. Can someone tell me which one it is?”

A boy with rare red hair raised his hand and spoke. “A democracy?”

“You are right, and the most important feature of the democracy is the right of vote. You already experienced it when you elected your class president, remember? Everyone that is 18 or older can put his envelope in the urn and express his viewpoint on the political situation.”

A hand was standing upward at the corner of the room. “But, teacher, if there are bad people that vote too, will it not harm the society?”

Another kid spoke. “He is right, what if one of these bullies that attacked our senpais two years ago?” Esper stiffened a bit but relaxed soon after. The kid that spoke thoughtlessly had also lost an important parent during the incident two years ago.

“All the governments have their flaws. You are very sharp, to point out one of them at such a young age. But you know, perhaps if bad people didn’t exist, if only righteous persons lived under this sky, we wouldn’t need any government. Those bad people are a part of the world, like everything else...” The lesson continued for while.

Suddenly, without being noticed by the others, Esper jolted on her seat. Then, a smile stretched her lips. Stahli looked her way in wonders but kept her mouth shut.


At the end of the class, she asked Esper. “Why did you look so happy during the civic education.

Her friend looked at her cheerfully. “I don’t know why but I heard big bro say some bad words. He was really angry but now I know he is alive.” A single tear bloomed at the corner of her eye while Stahli was looking at her, dumbfounded.

“… If you say so you must be right. I think…”


It was the evening. Kyle was walking down the busy streets of Brook city toward the red light district. Some passerbies were throwing at him confused gazes. ‘The cold but cool hero of the city is going to enjoy himself? Never thought he was this kind of man.’ They were seemingly misunderstanding what they were seeing.

Without minding the surrounding mood, Kyle entered one of the most luxurious places of pleasure. Once inside, he put on a hooded mantle and created a dark mask. A grin filled with pointy teeth was imprinted in 3d on it, giving a ‘Jeff the killer’ vibe. But with more teeth. Because teeth are good.

He wordlessly greeted the waitress and asked for “this certain entertaining show”. She led him to a room hidden further inside the huge facility.

The piece was a huge ballroom. Its ceiling was high, at least five meters above the heads of the participants. Expensive-looking chandeliers were hanging from this ceiling, providing a bright bluish light. All the people inside was wearing different kinds of masks. Some were the simple ovals given by the brothel while others were more fancy, showing laughing smiles inlaid with gemstones. Some even had mana stones on them.

Everyone was speaking, telling the last news of the underground under the vigilant eye of three dozens of masked sentries. They all had large and bulky frames and were armed with regular swords and cutlass. Kyle assessed that they should all be around the rank C or B if compared to adventurers. It was fairly high in this world, considering that the people having the strength of an S-ranker can be counted on one hand.

A woman wearing a mask representing a sun and a moon proposed him a glass of alcohol. “You are new here right? Is it your first time in these kinds of place?”

Kyle silently starred at her under his eye-socket-less mask. “Not interested, thanks.”

An awkward silence settled between the two, soon broken by the arrival of a lean woman. Her suit could have been mistaken for a slightly outdated earthen one. Her dark-purplish hairs, dark skin and pointy ears betrayed her race even though she was wearing a mask. “Greetings and welcome everyone! I shall be the host of tonight’s auction.” Everyone’s attention gathered toward her. “Now if you would like, please take a sit in order to let us begin the event.”

The auction had begun, and the High-elves reprieve too. Soon, it would be only a matter of time before the Dusk’s Angel brings to them their twilight.


Hi guys! Here is Gwenis, the lazy but optimzed guy bringing out another chapter!

To be honest, it was probably the hardest I had to write up till now. I hope it won't be too obvious^^. I had a hard time finding Esper's scene teehee~.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it and see you soon (I hope lol).