Chapter 9 – Adventures Guild
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((alright, this next post is intended to create a bit of a time jump period, so that you can RP the next week in game, while I set up the “Adventurers guild” which leads us into the “Chapter 1 portion of the game, as this was essentially the prologue which contains introductions of the characters, world, and the needed session 0 material, not everyone has given all the needed information on the session 0, but for the most part I have Most Player Pronouns (needed for direct player interactions), Most Character Pronouns, so NPCs and other PCs can interact with easier. We have a list of what you want from me: (in a random order)

Puzzles, Mystery, Combat, Good Social interactions.


We have a list of Do nots, which means do not do these IC and I also won't do these with NPCs.

Sexual Assault, Mind Control, Abuse Children, Abuse Animals, Gore, Sex descriptions beyond basic flirting. (No R and X rated RP) “And they got a room” is all I will ever state.

The next post will contain an event for Mary, which is how the idea of the Adventurers guild happens, and because Mary is a “Can do” Marine, with the Resources she has, she will do, and quickly.))


Mary didn’t feel a bit tired as the sun came up, sure she had been up for more than 24 hours now, sure she even fought a battle on the streets for a bit against the Gremlins, also discovered that yes she did indeed have magic. She was sure her new physiology was why she has not yet felt tired, which was concerning. Because she had played D&D a few years back, as many Marines did while bored on Barracks duty, and she had read what dragons were like, she was afraid she might sleep for a hundred years if she took a nap. So to protect her city… she really felt like New York was Her City. Maybe it was her Dragon Nature, but damned did it not feel like she needed to protect the city and all the millions of people in it.

As she was musing her thoughts and cleaning the counter, the paper boy delivered the daily Village Voice. She was seriously starting to wonder if they weren’t actually all superheroes at the paper. John walked over with the small stack for the bar, while reading the headlines. “Boss, you’re not going to like this, but you should read it.”

Mary took one of the papers and offered the rest to the people sitting and sleeping in the bar's main room.

“Armageddon… maybe, but I doubt it, seems more like a violent rebirth to me.” She scanned the headlines, making faces, she then flipped the pages until she got the full article from the Mayor’s office.” She made a hmmph sound, picked up her phone, the strange beeping on the line made it clear the switchboard was still down. So, she picked up her trusty M Inmarsat Phone briefcase. If the phones were down, maybe the Satellite phones were working. She walked up the stairs to the roof of the building with the briefcase, plugged the phone into the power socket she had added to the roof for this, opened the case and set up the dish. She then picked up the handset, and dialed the most important number she had, her Lawyer. She had several calls to make before flying to the mayor's office.


Once she had arrived at City hall she found her lawyer, who now looked about 10 years younger, healthier, and most of his weight had shifted from his gut to his chest and arms. Her Banker, who was formerly a mousey nerdy lady with glasses thicker than coke bottles had turned into, for lack of a better description, an Incubus, although he was still wearing the same ill-fitting clothing and nerdy glasses. Like seriously, full body transformation, and still nearsighted?

“Hi guys” Mary said while landing, “Rob, looks like you’ve been hitting the gym and not the hoagies. And… Andrea... I suppose you have a new name?”

“Andy” he stated, and he pushed his glasses up, “Andy is just fine. Might try Andrew, but I need to go shopping, no way am I wearing what I saw in the case” He blushes cutely.

“Anyway, let’s make a suggestion to the Mayor. Andy, we’ll need to hire contractors and make some improvements to the Inn.  If things go well.”


The next work day…

Although the Subways were still closed, and most everyone in the city was traumatized, New Yorkers were a resilient people, so life started to go back to a new normal. The roads had been cleared, contractors across the City were inspecting damage, and at Pendragons Bar  & Grill several construction trucks arrived. Contractors started rebuilding the Bar along with the mostly boarded up other buildings in the block. Mary had always intended to do something with the rest of the block, but wasn’t sure how to make best use of the old building until now.



Thursday December 31st

Friday January 1st Mayor agrees.

Monday January 4th Trucks and Contractors arrive.

Friday January 15th Opening ceremony of the world's first Adventurers Guild. “Pendragon’s Adventurers Guild, Bar, Inn, and Support Center.”

Starting Wednesday January 6th, Radio and TV Ads start informing the People of NYC of the upcoming grand opening, and requests ‘anyone interested in paid work using their newfound abilities to help the city, and earn lots of money doing it.’

On opening day if you skip ahead: There will be a line, not as long as you would think, but long enough that it takes an hour to clear it. The doors open at 10am, There will be, however, a bit of a crowd watching from a distance.

John the Green Bouncer will show people to where the Bar used to be, there is a clerks’ desk with a computer, and The Red Skinned Bartender Shaye will greet you, she will inform the people joining Membership is free, and everyone  will start at … Rank E, and will over time become Rank S (Higher ranks will be added at later times) The ranks are as follows:

E = Levels 1, 2, 3  

D = Levels 4, 5, 6

C = Levels 7, 8 , 9

B = Levels 10, 11, 12

A = Levels 13, 14, 15

S= Levels 16, 17, 18

S+ = Levels 19, 20

From there she will guide you to one of 4 reception desks, where various employees will be doing the paperwork, and the hand scanner. The paper work is the usual Employment contract stuff, contracts for use of deadly force, application for use of deadly weapons, and an oath allowing for the adventurer to be deputized as a defender of the city from monsters, form there with the documentation done, the employee will us a biometric techno-magical hand scanner, which will certify the player ID, check personality traits and other things to  issue a weapons permit,  all while displaying these things in a Magical and technological hologram which at the end will displays the Player Character Sheet as a hologram. The information it shows is:

Name (with legal info ie birthday, gender based on self identity), weapons permit, Class as either (Martiall or Magical), Species, total Levels: 

 “(Personal Info) - Weapons and Vehicle Permit -   Magic User - Tiefling Level 2” 

 Eventually the scanner will be more advanced, and show more information, but well, I think the highest level Artificer right now is maybe level 4. The Highest Ranker is not my Character, and well I’ll let Caios write that story.

Once the scanner is done, the player will receive an ID card which is an Official ID from the City and State of New York, and counts as Government ID  for all ID purposes.  It will have your photo Name Birthday, Weapons permit, Permitted Vehicle License,  a serial number that has 24 alphanumeric characters and special symbols:

Example:  ABC456!@#0123DEF&*(1234

For the math inclined: 7.890371113 E+12 possible combinations. 

It is also bio locked so only the owner of the card can show the details. You will also get a set of Dog tags. The dog tag is made of non-ferrous metal and is best described as a Magical/Sci-Fi metal. Ie Adamantium/Buscar.


Once you have the ID, there is the main guild floor, it includes a much larger space, with tables. In one corner is a bar and grill, in another corner is a hotel front desk, and in the center is a massive board where jobs are posted. There are four clerk's desks at the job board to both register requests and accept jobs. 


And at the far wall next to a Bank, is the job compilation desk, where payments can be done as cash, check, or direct deposit to the guild bank, if you sign up for that service.