Chapter 5
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Noland POV:

I take one final glance at Amy and her party as I stick out my tongue and pull my bottom eyelid down before I begin to walk out of the guild. Arthur immediately runs towards Amy and her group bows several and apologizes for my actions. I put my hands on my head as I strut out without a hint of remorse. Arthur follows me shortly after he catches up. I push open both doors as we reenter the bustling marketplace. 

"Yo Noland."


"I can't go with you down to the stream. I promised to meet with some friends at 7:30."

"But today is my birthday." I reason with a pout "You have to spend time with your brother on their birthday. It's the law"

"I will, I'll spend the rest of the day with you. Plus we've been planning this for a week."

"Hmmm, you know there is a way for you to hang out with your friends and spend time with me at the same time..."

"I don't like where this is going."

"Please take me with you."

"Noland everyone is at least 3 year older than you. Plus my friends have never seen you before. Your going to make things very awkward."

"I'm gonna tell mom about your not so christan acts you committed with your girlfriend."

"T...That still w...wouldn't me budge."

"And I'll also tell mama about the incident."

"We'll be meeting at this new cafe shop called Cafe June. Walk all the way down until the second to last left than you wanna walk down the path until your third right. Than look down to the right side of the street buildings. You can't miss it. The cafe has several setting tables set up outside with umbrellas as well as flowers below the windows."

"I love your arthur!" I went up to him as I hug him before strolling off in the direction of the cafe. 

"Geez what a pain, how am I going to explain this?" I heard Arthur grumble under his breath as he rubs his neck sheepishly. 

I take a look around me at every one of the different merchant stalls. I gleefully watch as wonderful-smelling foods, fancy clothing, and amazing products fill my eye to the brim. It's like I was a 15-year-old, broke high school girl window shopping. I take a mental note of everything I wanna buy after I complete my quest. I turn the corner and I see the stalls disappear being replaced with an endless lineup of buildings after buildings. Each one of them towering over me stretching over for thousands of feet. They were all at least three stories tall and were packed super densely. I marvel at each one of them changing colors. I take the third right and instantly spot the cafe shop. It was by far the nicest-looking building within the whole lot, which I assume to be the cafe. I run quickly over to the location of Cafe June and I open the door. 

The bell tied to the door rings as the employee's attention is diverted to me for a split second before refocusing on their work. The interior is stunningly beautiful in a simple way. A rich, bitter, and dark scent bombards my nose as I sniff heavily and enjoy the new aroma. I breathe out a satisfied sigh as I marvel at the dim overhead lights in combination with the light brown wooden interior walls. Potted plants littered the place and the seats with tables were scattered. Alongside the window was a set of high sets that faced outside the window with a table attached to the wall to support the counter. Most of the people were outside however a few remained inside. Overall the place gave off a present vibe. I heard the bell ring as I turned around to see arthur walking in with 4 other people. 

"Arthur!" I observed as  I ran over to him. 

"Who is he?"

"Oh he's just my brother"

"Wow you two look nothing alike"

"We get that a lot."

"What is he doing here?"

"He blackmailed me into taking him here."

The entire friend group started bursting out laughing as they all pointed at Arthur.  They laugh so hard that they wheezed to get the air and clung to their stomachs. 

"Bro got caught in 4K"

"fr fr"

"I would not let that slide."

"Just blackmail him back."

"Thank you god for the world shittiest friends. Amen," Arthur prayed with his fingers intertwined with each other.

"Hey were not that bad!"

"Your right, just you Dillon."

"Ok, Dumbass you really think you are anybetter. You litterly ghost us multiple times to go to the library for just a CHANCE to see Ms.Capolling. What happen to bro's before the hoes."

"And it was fucking worth it every time. Don't get mad at me just cuz your gay."

"Agreed Ms.Capolling can get this pipe."

"Agreed Dillon is probably gay."

"Agreed Ms.Capolling is thiccc."

"Ay yo pause, Evelyn that kinda gay."

"Shut the fuck up Dillon litterly can't be talking. Your the only one who doesn't think that Ms.Capollings hot. You probably get off to Mr.Aldridge. Plus a girl can appreciate another girls beauty without it being in a romantic way."

"Would you smash her?"

"I mean if I was drunk enough......"

"Ay yo pause again. Isn't she like 32 and your like 17?"

"I mean if I was drunk enough I'd smash anything except for your sorry asses."

"Hey Brother did you teach them to curse as much as you or did they teach you?"

"Your concerned about that of all things? Oh my what a cute and innocent little brother you have Ar • thur~. Your so cute I could eat you up!" Evelyn ran over to me to rub her checks onto mine. I instinctively put out my hand as a barrier between me and her. How the hell is her acceleration so fast? And the movements she made towards me is clearly not that of an amateur

"Ay yo pause again, Isn't he like 10-11 and your acting like this? My Evelyn I never knew you were an age player."

"Is wittle Diwin mad that he wouldn't EVER get a single compliments from a girl in his life? "

Before Dillion could retort I interrupted this conversation as I put all my mana on display. Dillion and the third male friend all looked shocked at my amount of mana. I quickly retracted it in order not to waste it and save it for the mission 

"Hey Eveyln wanna spar with me?"

"Oh... to have such an impressive showing of mana at such a young age. Are you really clanless?"

"None that I know of."

"Very well than I will accept your challenge, later."

"Ehhhhhhhhh" I instantly deflate like a balloon as I flop onto the floor and sulk in my rejection.

"I feel in the mood to drink my cinnamon half sugar mocha while bullying my punching ba... er I mean friends."

"Noland stand up we are at the front of the line order something."

"You don't have to buy..."

"Oh don't be like that." Evelyn threw her arm around my shoulder as she declared "You can't be such a downer. Plus you shown me something interesting today, and I always look forward to having a brand new toy to play with~."

"Yup, officer there's the one. The couger that is hitting on unsuspecting 10 year old child." The third friend walked over to a nearby officer at the table after he finished ordering his drink.

"Wait I'm only 17 I can't be a couger, Yet."

"Why are we talking about cats?"

"Oh Noland it was a mistake letting you here so easily. Now my precious brother is going to lose his innocence."

"I pray for your fertility Noland, Eveyln is the probably the type of girl too pin down a kid and rape them."

"She probably wouldn't stop after they cum once."

"Definitly, I can see my poor brother being sucked dry until he passes out."

"Dear god please let Nolands pp's survive. Amen"



All three of the friends looked at Noland with the same teary pitiful eye that one would look at a fatal illness patient who knows their days are numbered. They all shake away their head in pity at their lack the power to stop Eveylin and her nsfw schemes. 

"Mom I'm sorry I broke your promises to protect Noland, the lust demon is too strong. Dear god please forgive for my powerlessness. Amen"



The three friends look up at the sky outside of the cafe window before silently they let a single tear drop from their eye as they close it, reaching acceptance for Noland's fate. They had relaxed melancholy faces as they looked at Noland savoring his healthy face before it got drained. 

"Why does everyone look so sad? Eveylin wouldn't do anything bad to me! Isn't grape a fruit? What's a pp and what is cum? Why is everyone praying and looking at me like I'm about to die. Is she really that strong?"

Arthur gently put his hand on my shoulder as he looks at me with teary eyes.  (In the same way, a certain advocate of gender equality would look at a sorry excuse of a goddess.) 

"Noland in your next life you will definitely become an S-rank adventure. "

"Are you guys done with your oscar winning, sad remorseful main character who wished they could do more for a dying family member preformence."


"Than let's go, I got our drinks. Noland, I decided to get you black with a little cream and sugar. It is the default coffee that everyone should start out with."

"Absolutly not!"

"Hmm, What do you want Submissive brother?"

"Coffee is not good for someone his age."

"Than what are we going to do throw it away."

"Oh, I'll give it to Shane." 

I followed Arthur and his friends as I sat down at an empty table. The chairs were well-cushioned, and the table was clean. The table was one of those fancy large circular wooden tables that my mom's friends had. The cafe was one of the nicest places I've ever been to in a long time. Is this quality that of those prestigious schools rich kids attended? 

"Yo Noland your big bro said that you will become an S rank adventure. Are you one already?"

"Yeah I just became one today."

"How old are you?"


"And what rank are you?"

"top of C- rank"

"Wowie your so strong for someone so small~"

"Thank you, after this me and Arthur are going on a quest."

"Really? You better not get outdone by your younger brother Ar • thur"

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"How much would you guys suck dick for?"

"Robert!?!?! There's a kid here."

"Answer the question."


"15 copper."

"What was the point of the question?"

"To prove you are gay. Bro our drinks combined is almost 10 copper."

"Your telling me that you would suck dick for 8 cups of coffee."

"The cafe is overpriced as hell. You could get two coffees anywhere else!"

"So you would suck dick for 16 cups of coffee?"


"It doesn't matter how much he will suck dick for. His ugly ass is never gonna get it."

"Shut the fuck up arthur, I know you aren't talking. You are litterly a bottom. We all know you get pegged by your girlfriend."

"Ha, you don't gotta be jealous just because I am sexually active and your not."

"Hell I could get all the bitchs I want if I try."

"'Ight than rizz that chick up."

Arthur pointed towards a random girl sitting alone on a high stool looking outside the window with her chin resting on her palm, fingers wrapped around her cheek. Dillon scooches his chair back and uses his hands to push the table to stand up. He confidently takes Noland's coffee alongside his and strolls over to her and stops standing in front of her with a small smile. She turns around and looks at him giving him her attention. 

"I got an extra coffee, I'd love to share it with you.(Poor shane, he needs the coffee more than this random chick.)"

"Haha, no thanks I just had a cup of coffee.(This was a bear face lie she just walked into the store 5 minutes ago.)"

"Such a pretty girl shouldn't be alone. I'll accompany you."

"Actually, I'm waiting for my bbbbooooyyyyy frieeeeennnndddd.(This is just dillion's perception of her speech.)"

"I'm sorry." Dillon has fled, he has earned zero exp, and zero gold. Dillions LOVE(level of vagina experience.) has remained at level 1.

Dillion walks back towards us like a sad puppy with its tail in between its legs. In order to console the wounded warrior and encourage him to fight on another day we showered him with our laughs. As we bused our asses off laughing at dillion's best attempts at rizz up a girl. 

"Hey I'd like to see you do better arthur!"

"I ain't cheating on my girlfriend. The mere fact that I have a girlfriend should already testify for my superior rizz."

"It's ok we all know that you pay for it."

"Just like how you pay for your porn mag's?"

"Please for the love of god and everything beautiful, definitely not you, just shut up. You aren't gonna win Dillion just take the L and jerk off like a loser."

" Bro only takes L's the only L he hasn't taken is to his virginity."


"Brother why are you so mean to your friends? It like you are a bully. Do all people bully their friends?"

"The law is the law and I can't change it."

"Noland, do you even have friends?"

"I don't have time to make friends."



"I don't even know how to respond to that."

"Then why did you even come here in the first place?"

"Cuz I wanna see what kind of friends that Arthur has."

"Oh I see."

"Say what is your impression of us."

"Y'all are the worst."

"In the best way possible"

"Thank you for taking care of my big bro."

I stood up and pushed the chair into the table as I grabbed my untouched coffee. I wave goodbye to Arthurs's friends as I quickly ran back towards the adventures guild.  They holler goodbye to me as they wave back. I run in the cobbled streets making sure to land lightly not to spill a single drop of Shane's coffee. I screech to a halt as I whip my head around to look Athur directly in the eye 

"Brother... You got some great friends. Although they seem like the type to throw themselves into dangerous situations. You better protect them, or I'll kick your butt"

"There is no way I wouldn't. They don't call me mama arthur for nothing."

I smile back at him as I whip my head back facing in front of me as I turn the corner and speed off.