Chapter 76. City of Kirksawald
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“Morning everyone! Say hi to Ryo! You all saw how awesome he was during the 1st year tournament right? He will be here for a week to hang out and play.” Ken said happily as he greeted his siblings after returning home with Genesis and Emma.

“Didn’t expect to see you. Are you spending the whole break at home? How close are you to holy level?” Rena asked as the fox girl greeted the young man.

“I’m going to Atlantica to train in 2 weeks and as of now, I don’t see how I could reach holy level in half a year so you might have to look elsewhere for an easy life.” Ken replied with a smile.

“Ugh… Should have just stayed on the Fernard angle like everyone else.” Rena replied salty as Ken greeted his siblings and led Ryo into the house.

“Gwen! How was school? Did this foxy treat you well?”Ken asked.

“It’s been going great. I’m pretty used to school life now and all the classes. Rena is without a doubt my best friend and we are always hanging together.” Gwen replied happily as she greeted Ryo.

“The villagers are all so friendly even though I’m not a beastman.” Ryo commented as the family relaxed in the living room together after spending the day showing Ryo around the village and introducing their guest to the friendly villagers.

“Only reason we managed to survive is thanks to them! Especially old man John, that grizzly bear old man is the best. Always helped us out with food whenever we struggled.” Ken recalled happily as he remembered the days not even that distant in the past when he struggled to get enough food to now, able to compete against the strongest and most powerful individuals in the entire world and conjure gold out of thin air and never had to worry about going hungry ever again.

After spending a week with Ken and his family exploring Miodod, Ryo thanked everyone and returned home to Vespera while Ken also left shortly after to return to the city of Atlantica so he could train in the underwater world to improve his ability to boost while getting more private training from Indra’s father, the god of the merman kingdom.    

“How was your stay in Atlantica?” Genesis asked as the group regathered for the start of the final semester for Ken to reach holy level or face consequences for his declaration.

“It was good! Did a lot of training with Indra’s dad and since my fight with Julius, I told god Calidon to go all out on me without holding back and I can confidently say that if we end up going there as refugees, unless the king of Yelwraek sends Zishell to kill me and declare a full out war, I don’t think any other assassin will stand a chance against Indra’s dad.” Ken replied happily as he greeted the girls.

“So what’s our plan for the future?” Clare asked.

“I will do what I can for the next month, trying to improve as much as I can. After the month, I will join Osmar in Kirksawald and see if there is any last-ditch way to make it happen. If not, we will need to spend the last 3 months of the semester looking for a place to disappear to. Maybe it’s Altlantic, maybe it’s somewhere else but we would need to make the plan and be gone before the semester ends.” Ken replied as he laid out the plan.

“I will join you in Kirksawald. I was able to talk everyone into letting me be there with you alone.” Lovetta said happily while Genesis showed much discontent.

After getting settled, the group spent the rest of the day catching up, hanging out with friends, and heading to town for a nice lavish dinner before settling back into their daily school life.

“Bye, everyone! Wish me luck in Kirksawald.” Ken said as he grabbed Lovetta and the pair disappeared from Dragonspire after trying his best and not making much progress on his advancement towards holy level.

“Welcome to Kirksawald!” A loud booming voice said as Ken and Lovetta finished their teleporting.

“Thank you Mr. Fleming for having us. I look forward to learning from you.” Ken replied politely as he greeted the enormous tiger beastman. 

“Call me Osmar.” The hero replied as the towering beastman guided the pair into his mansion while servants bowed politely as the trio walked through the halls until they reached the living room. 

“Meet my wife Helen.” Osmar said as he introduced the pair to a beautiful and kind-looking rabbit beastman with large pointy ears.

“Good morning Mrs. Fleming! Thank you for having us.” Ken said politely to the smiling lady as the pair joined Osmar and his wife in the living room for a conversation. 

“Do any of your children still live with you?” Ken asked as he tried to get to know the hero.

“Oh no.” Osmar replied with a hearty laugh.

“My children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and even some great-great-grandchildren are all out of the nest now and living their own lives. Other than the occasional visits, it’s just me and the wife living here.” Osmar added as Ken got reminded once again just how much older the heroes are compared to him.

“I will cut to the chase. I’m sure you are aware that I had promised the king of Yelwraek I would become the youngest in history to reach holy level and that deadline is in less than half a year. At the current pace I am improving, I will probably end up reaching it by the end of next year and be on par with the current top 2. 

Unfortunately, that’s not the deal and won’t be good enough and unless I figure out how to condense that growth into the next few months, I will be forced to go into hiding or risk having my life come to an unfortunate end. I wanted to have a training session with all 3 of the current top, but it turns out that neither of the top 2 kingdoms allowed their heroes to offer private lessons so you are my last hope to live a normal life.” Ken replied as the beastman hero listened attentively.

“Interesting indeed! When you approached me for a private exchange, I had no reason to turn you down as I love spirited kids who are eager to learn. However, I have seen many newcomers with talent in my years but Zishell and Julius were always special. 

Never before or after have I seen anyone that could be compared to their level of talent and ability but you are definitely peaking my interest. I obviously know of your existence, but as an old man, I don’t really pay attention to the hype of newcomers as I have seen many propped-up individuals over the years who achieved nothing. Tell me a brief history about you and everything you have learned so far and I will see what I can do to help you grow.” Osmar replied with his interest piqued, learning for the first time what Ken tried to accomplish. 

“My name is Ken. I grew up in the small kingdom of Miodod which is located in the beastman alliance on the continent of Vlayria, near the kingdom of Ostrium. I was an orphan who until I was accepted into Dragonspire knew nothing about anything other than trying to help my adoptive mother and family get enough food to feed everyone.

When I got accepted into Dragonspire at the age of 15, I got a zero on my entrance exam from never having the chance to attend a single day of school until my enrollment. Over the next 4 years, I trained, studied, and did everything I could and was able to reach divine level in 4 of the basic elements and all 3 types of physical enhancements. 

From my training with the hero Sylvester, I was able to learn space magic and after my training with the hero Thallan, I was able to refine my space magic and also improve it to divine level with my main focus on teleport.

Right now, I have reached divine level in every basic element and physical enhancement and I am about 30% of the way towards holy level on everything but I’m not making any headway on how to improve faster and make it by my deadline.” Ken explained as Osmar listened while nodding.

“Impressive indeed! I have heard the rumblings about you but to get the details on exactly how far you have come in such a short amount of time. I can safely say that on talent alone, you are up there with Zishell and Julius. However, talent to learn and maximum potential are not the same, and just because you have such rapid growth does not mean your peak will be as high.

Of the young ones I have personally trained and fought with, Fernard is without a doubt the one I think has the highest potential. However, you might well surprise me with how fast you have grown so far. Take the rest of today and go explore the city and enjoy the sights of Kirksawald. I will devise a training regiment and we will start tomorrow.” Osmar said as Ken and Lovetta thanked the cheerful tiger beastman and headed for town.

The kingdom of Kirksawald, located on the Iruth continent is the largest beastman kingdom in the world. Sharing its borders with Feirvenn and many smaller kingdoms, the kingdom of Kirksawald is without a doubt the largest and most mighty on this continent. 

“Do you think he is biased because Fernard is a beastman or he actually thinks Fernard has the highest potential?” Ken asked Lovetta as the pair rode in a Zebra pulled carriage into the city square. 

“Are you jealous? Osmar hasn't trained with you yet. He will understand how special you are once he gets to train with you. This city looks so different from home or Dragonspire!” Lovetta replied as she peeked out of the window eagerly. 

“Oh yeah! You really haven't been anywhere outside of the forest other than Dragonspire have you? The buildings here are mostly made from clay because the landscape is mostly plains without many mountains to mine for stones to build stone buildings or trees to build wooden ones!” Ken replied as he regurgitated what he had learned from Genesis when he first visited the continent and the city of Feirvenn.  

With Lovetta acting like a child at a candy store seeing everything for the first time and getting excited over all the new things she gets to see and experience for the first time, Ken happily acted as the guide as the pair explored the capital city of the Kirksawald kingdom.

“Is every major city this grand and large and full of people and things? It must be hundreds if not thousands of times larger than Dragonspire!” Lovetta asked excitedly as the pair settled at a busy restaurant where Lovetta blended in with the locals completely while Ken got heads turning not only due to him being a human but also the fact that most of those who took a closer look recognized him immediately as the famous upcomer from Dragonspire. 

“Compared to the capital of Darrumburgh and Yelwraek, its size is the only thing that’s impressive about this city. I have been to many places that’s either way cooler or have much more extravagant buildings.” Ken replied in between bites of food and greeting people who came up to say hi.

“Look at you! We were both country bumpkins who knew nothing about the world outside of our tiny bubble but you have gotten so many experiences over the past few years while I am still the same nobody.” Lovetta replied with a hint of envy and admiration. 

“Sorry, Lovetta. I know I haven’t been around much lately with all the exchanges I have done and even when I am around, I spend most of my time training and studying. But it will be over soon and with how much you are enjoying this city, I will do my absolute best to get to holy level so we can continue our school life and you will be able to visit all the major kingdoms and cities and do exchanges all over and get to experience what I have.” Ken replied apologetically. 

“Ken. If you abandoned Clare so you wouldn’t have to deal with the situation, then I would be disappointed in you. Worse comes to worst, we will just go live somewhere secluded. For someone like me who grew up in a secluded forest, it won’t be much different except I will be with the one I love.” Lovetta replied happily as the pair finished their lunch and continued the adventure. 

“I hope Osmar is the answer I need so I can reach holy level. I wouldn’t mind living a simple life but to force all of you into that lifestyle when you all have such bright futures would make me feel guilty for as long as I live.” Ken said seriously as the pair strolled along the sidewalk. 

“We all know how hard you have been working. No one will blame you if you end up failing. Like Genesis, I would actually prefer it if you don’t end up becoming so famous and have hundreds of wives and concubines like Clare’s father.” Lovetta replied, letting Ken know about her honest feelings.

“You know I’m weak to beautiful girls but even I know having hundreds is too many. I will settle with a few dozen at most.” Ken replied jokingly.

“I know you are trying to be funny but if you actually get to holy level in the next few months, I don’t think you will be able to resist all the gorgeous girls who will be throwing themselves at you.” Lovetta replied as she held Ken’s arm tightly. 

After spending the afternoon visiting different shops and city attractions, the pair wandered into a busy homestyle restaurant packed with families and ordered enough food for a small group despite the server’s plea for them to not order so much food.

“I can’t believe the two of you finished all that food!” The impressed server commented as Ken paid the bill and the pair returned to their sightseeing under the bright streets lit by thousands of artifacts. 

After hanging out late into the night, with the location of the mansion firmly in his mind, Ken teleported the pair back effortlessly and greeted the surprised servant at the front door.

“Welcome back! I hope you two had fun.” Osmar greeted the pair as they arrived at the living room after a full day of exploring. 

“The city is massive and full of interesting things to see and do! The food here is also great!” Lovetta replied happily while Ken just smiled.

“Well. Unfortunately, the fun ends here. I have drafted a training regiment and if your potential is as high as you are talented in learning new things. I might just be able to help you achieve holy level before the end-of-year tournament.” Osmar offered.

“Are you serious? Thank you so much! I look forward to training with you. No matter what it takes, I will be sure to accomplish it!” Ken replied happily. Excited to learn that reaching holy level was still within reach and that he and the girls wouldn’t need to spend the rest of their lives in hiding.

“Get some good rest, we will begin training first thing tomorrow morning.” Osmar stated as he left the living room to turn in for the night while a servant led Ken and Lovetta to the guest room they would be staying in.

“I guess it’s time to see if I am just a fast learner who’s fast approaching my max potential or if I got what it takes to reach the very top.” Ken said as the pair settled into bed.

“I’m sure it’s the latter. There is no way your cap is barely reaching holy level. One day, you will be up there with the best of the best and go down in history as such.” Lovetta replied confidently.

“Thanks, Lovetta! I will do whatever the training Osmar has ready for me and be the man who lives up to all of the expectations!” Ken answered as he kissed the wolf girl as the pair got ready for bed.

