Chapter 34
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It's when they're again on the plane that they relax. She's moaning about what the media will say the next day as she's seen taking the plane back with Tony because the capture of the robbers was too high-profile and it will be weird if she disappears in the air after some took photos of her next to Tony.

Tony, luckily, can't make fun of her because of the green drink he's taking with a grimace.

"Is it that bad?" she asks.

"Worse." His grimace turns mischievous as he tilts the drink toward her. "Wanna try?"

She steps back from the horrid smell. "No thanks."

Seeing his pouting face, she can't help but feel bad. She grows serious as she sits in front of him. Ignoring the smell, she asks, "Nothing about a cure?"

His grimace worsens.

"What about—"

"It's hard to discover a new element, okay?" he snaps. He then sighs and his voice a gentle murmur as he said, "I'm trying, okay?"

"I wish there was something more I could do to help besides stop some symptoms from spreading," she mutters while thinking about how she will have to tell him part of the truth if he doesn't find anything in two weeks. She will have to think about how to reveal what his Father found out without telling him how she found out about it.

She sighs softly but thanks to sitting so close Tony hears and tries to lift the mood by saying, "Well, unless we can create a time machine that could help us travel through time to see if anyone has discovered a new element in the future, I don't see it working. But yeah maybe I should—"

She stops listening to him. The word 'time travel' resonates within her.

She knows Tony finds a way to travel time in the future with the help of Pym's technology, but maybe she could—

"Hey, Eva. Are you listening to me?" Tony says, snapping his fingers at her.

She shakes her head, feeling a pang of guilt for not paying attention to Tony. She can't contain her joy though. Grasping his shoulder and giving it a light shake, her face beams into a wide grin. "Time travel, Tony! Time travel!"

Tony lets her move him around, and she can sense his lips upturning from her delight. "Okay, can you tell me what got you so excited? Did you discover how to Time travel?"

"Basically, yes," she says, feeling proud of herself for finding the answer to Tony's poisoning and a way to successfully conceal her future knowledge. "There are two Pokémon that can travel across time."

Tony lifts his eyebrows. "Really? Is it a Psychic, too?"

She shakes her head, letting out a soft laugh, before nodding and smiling brightly. "Well, one of them. And it's the weaker of the two, but perfect for what we're trying to do, so it probably won't hurt."

"If you say so. Though… Are there really Pokémon who can do this kind of thing?"

"Well, normal Pokémon can't do it, but there are some that can affect nature's law: The Legendaries."

"Uh oh. I can feel the caps on that word. It sounds important." He frowns. "Don't you think it will be dangerous?"

She shrugs. "Maybe, but—no pain, no gain, right?"

"Yeah, no." He shakes his head. "You don't like the pain, remember?"

"I can deal with some pain."

He raises an eyebrow.

"I can!"

"You sulked for an hour after you burned yourself while cooking."

"Hey, I sulked because I made a rookie mistake, not because of the pain."

"Sure, sure. If it helps you sleep at night…"


"You love my ass."

She blushes and punches lightly his arm. "Asshole."

He winks at her. "Kinky. Do you also love my—"

"Ugh, shut up!" She tries to ignore her blush as she takes a deep breath and says, "Okay, I'll try it."

"Wait. Here, in the plane? At least, first tell me about those two Pokémon you mentioned."

She looks around. She knows they're alone for privacy's sake, but there's still a pilot and some attendants next to the plane room. Seemingly able to know what she's thinking about, he only waves his hand and says, "Jarvis."

She hears a whirring noise, and a raised eyebrow is all she needs for him to explain about his own security mechanisms inside his planes. Still, to be sure, she's only going to talk inside his mind. Tony rolls his eyes when she says that to him, but he complies. "So?"

'Well, the two Pokémon I was referring to before are Dialga and Celebi."

He seems to process both words before saying, "Okay, they are both 'Legendaries', I take it. But what does legendary mean?"

She looks aside nervously. 'Well, they're god-like beings, created by the God of Creation, Arceus, to maintain the order of nature… Or something like that.'

His eyebrow, which had been steadily rising since she started speaking, is now almost level with his hairline. "Something like that?"

'Yeah, well. I'm technically a Legendary myself, but obviously, I came here with the minimum powers my race can have and each transformation causes me pain, which is weird and shouldn't happen.'

"You're a deity?" he says incredulously, which, rude.

She huffs. 'Is that so hard to believe?'

"You've got a domain and everything?"

'Well, I'm not the original Mew, but I'm a Mew. The original one is the ancestor of all Pokémon. I'm… a copy? Yes, a copy of the original. That's why I can transform in all Pokémon. All Mew have that ability, but for some reason, I feel pain when I do so.' He seems to grow concerned and she, feeling guilty for putting that expression on his face, decides to change the topic. 'Anyway, the two Pokémon I was talking about both can travel through Time.'

Tony frowns. "Okay, so they're Legendaries and they have the same ability but… they can't be the same, right? Is there a difference between them?"

'Well, Dialga is the Personification of time, while Celebi is only able to travel through Time.' She hums as she thinks about it. 'Like, using a metaphor, if Dialga is the sea, with the sea being Time, Celebi would be a boat, I think? Celebi can travel as they wish, but can't command the sea.'

Tony squints his eyes and asks, "Are you comparing a minor-tier deity with a primordial one?"

'Yeah, basically.'

"Please tell me, the Psychic one is the so-called boat."

Her lips twitch upwards and she can't say anything as she was the one who made the comparison. 'Yeah. Celebi is a Grass/Psychic Pokemon.'



Reviews fill my soul with motivation :D

Also if you wanna read up to 8 chapters ahead, go to my p-a-treon/JorieDS