Chapter 7:Woah,we’re half way there!
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Jakes view 

ripper doc space

Putting my Ripper doc skills to use is something special. Being able to just make someone else feel better and feel useful to other people is nice.

Making stuff is fun too but most of the time you don't see other people benefit from it. Like in the future when I make other universes medicine and sell all that stuff for dirt cheap, I know I'll be helping people and stuff. But with these 3 dolls that I'm healing, it's right there.

That's the entire reason I am doing this John Wick-style hotel. If I can make sure that the 'good' mercs and edgerunners get the best gear and have a reason to follow unwritten rules and stuff, the city will hopefully be better.

Plus I think it's cool so, eh 'shrug' why not?

 Wow, I'm a basic guy huh? Just want to feel useful and make stuff that looks cool.

Having helped the first 2 with their problems I gesture for the still-conscious girl to hop in the chair.  I get to work fixing her ceramic coating by cutting off sections with the damage and reattaching the plates that I had made from the replicator in the closet.

Done with that I sent her off to the infirmary with the others, so she could wait for her friends to wake up.

They left a couple of hours after that, leaving me to continue with what I was doing that day.

The entire last week I focused on buying the inventor points I wanted and then integrating them into the other tech I got from the inventor. Which takes time unless I have the thing maxed at 5 points allowing me to have an easier time integrating the tech.

The points I put into during the week were 2 points into cyberpunk bringing it to a 5 then I put 3 points into Halo bringing that to a 5 as well. Finally, with the last 2, I bought adamantium and vibranium.

Over the week I also got more customers, most of them being dolls that I had to do simple repairs on, though some came in with actual injuries. Mostly from the Tyger claws. 

I had also sent over more jobs to Maine and the others, although it seemed that the claws were losing a bunch of goons with them hitting some of their more seedy locations. Hint, hint wink, wink.

I sent them jobs ranging from simple delivery to clearing out entire compounds. They mostly took to the murdering gigs leaving me to contact some of the lesser-known mercs. 

It gave me the pleasure of meeting Jackie Wells, a real swell dude. Wants to die though. It's kind of weird, but I also kind of et it. 

You know, live fast die young, and make sure everyone knows about you. Pretty much sums up the way he is. With that being curved by Mama Wells and Misty.

But all in all a nice guy.

But other than meeting new people and doing more fixer work I have been upgrading everything I have like crazy. 

With the Marvel Metals bought I got the makeup of it and could now replicate it. Though the cost for it is stupidly priced, like for a pound of the stuff it pulls the entire nuclear battery I'm using to power the dang thing.

It stops doing that after the small cube pops up but the battery used to be able to power like five of them. That's a lot of power to draw in for a little bit of special metal.

This led me to make a permanent fusion reactor that powers the unsc ships. Putting it below the garage and even below my little hidy hole.

Running power from that through superconducting cables to every replicator that I have.

With the replicators all powered up and getting everything set up with the metals. 

Mostly used the metal in everything I could. From helping brace the building against vibrations and just being a nigh unbreakable metal that can replace the original building metal.

They can also be used in a myriad of other places that show more effectiveness. Mostly my gear. 

Using both metals in combination boosts every piece of gear that I'm making. From making certain pieces unbreakable and other more fragile pieces protected from any physical force. 

Making every piece of my future cyberware a durability beast. And that's not even talking about the spartan suit that I will be working on.

  The mega building is almost done being built, even if I have to replace some of the lower sections of the building. It hasn't slowed down the bots because they just made more to send down to do that. They are currently in their 50s, making their way through them, and reaching the wanted 70 levels in about a week and a half.

With the increase in the room, I can hold more people. With the max at most being like 120,000 people that the place was designed to hold.

Not that I will.

Another thing that happened during the week was that Rogue sent me the eddies from the job Mitch did. And it was a lot of money. Enough that I started buying places. An old warehouse here and a couple of small hideouts there. Plus just a massive fuck off piece of land. 

I have no idea what I'll put here but I have it. Might put in a hydroponics thing there. Use it as an excuse to sell things cheaper and a reason my food is better or something.

Strangely it was on the 7th day that I got an alert from Eina. She told me that she spotted Sasha was spotted hanging out around the Corpo plaza. He looks like a stalker. Like seriously why would she wear those stupid sunglasses? She's just standing out more.

Sighing I pull up my contacts and call her.

"Jake? Why are you calling me, I told you we aren't taking any gigs right now?"

 " Well, when one of the members of my greatest merc crew hangs out in Corpo Plaza looking like she just walked out of a bad spy thriller. I had to call and make sure she wasn't about to do something as dumb as rob a corp."

"My clothes aren't dumb."

"Yes, they are, and not even going to try and defend yourself about stealing from a corp?"

"It's none of your business what I do when I'm not on a job."

"It is when someone like you is about to throw your life away for something inside that building. Besides I pay you guys well if you wanted something from inside the building you should have set up a gig for it. I have ways to get things out of the corps."

"You do? Aren't you like a new fixer or something?"

"Yes I do, and you went up to my ice, didn't you? Do you think I don't have a preem netrunner in hand? And she owes me a few favors from giving her some new gear, like top-of-the-line next-gen stuff. So would you like to open a gig with me?"

"Are you just doing this because I'm on Maines crew?"

"Sasha, there are very few competent people in this world. Even less in this hellhole of a city. So yes, if I have to cash in a favor or two to keep you alive, it would be worth it...... Plus I could use this as an excuse to get a free gig out of you guys."

"Wow feel real loved here."

"Well, I can give the only I know, and that's tough love. Besides, sometimes you don't need to be talked to but yelled at instead. Plus I've already texted Maine before I called you, He is like 20 seconds out."

"You called Maine on me? And was all that just to buy time?"

"Yes I did, and no that's the truth. Harsh truth."

Moments later Maine and Dorio pulled to the side of the road looking at Sahsha like they just caught a cat messing with something it shouldn't have.

"Well I'll leave you to them, I'll look into what you wanted to know. You'll get a file later that you can do what you want with."

Hanging up the call before she could ask questions I began to head to my net runner lair and chipped in.

I haven't talked about the net or diving into it. Along with how the networks look.

Mainly cause it's the reverse of the real world. Sure there are some different rules and other bits and bobs, but it's still just the real world. Most of the different rules are that whatever you will kind just happens. You want to go over there, will it, down there, will it. 

You can fly if you want to. The next thing is that the networks show up kind of like red waves that blip out. If that makes any sense. 

Heading in the direction of Biotechnica's HQ I reach into its network and start sending my ghost into it. Ghosts are kind of the opposite of demons.

Used to silently get into systems and Start slowly pulling data from them. Bit by bit I got deeper into their systems until I got what I came here for, the files on securine. The painkillers that caused Sashas' mother to die of neurodegeneration. Putting a copy of that into a separate file and sending it to Sasha I get back to focusing on covering my tracks as well as leaving back doors for me later.

"Well, aren't you a fast one, an hour and a half to break into biotechnicas stuff? So what is NC's new shadow doing here?"

Turning around towards the female voice I see a Japanese woman in a yukata with a paper umbrella. Scanning around her I see half a dozen other figures hidden in the net.

Turning back to face her I think about who she is, cause I have no memory of messing with anyone in the net. Other than the scavs and peaking in on public stuff I haven't even touched anything outside of a few blocks around my house. Seriously this is the first time I have even hacked into something like I just did without the network ending up closed after I was done.

"Well shadow, cat's got your tongue, or are you scared of something?"

Turning my head I say"I have no fucking idea who you are, and what's with this shadow shit. I don't remember someone giving me that name. Wait doesn't matter, what do you want?"

"I want you to remember who you messed with and suffer the consequences for messing with us."

"And who is that?"

"The Tyger claws. Attack claws!!!"

With that last shout 7 net runners pop out of the surroundings causing ripples in the net. sending shurikens made of demonic code at me.

Willing ninja wire into my hand I sent the wire to wrap in the center of the shurikens and hurl them back at the claws. Following that with summoning a minigun and putting up my ice I start slinging lead at the ninjas. Hitting one after he was forced to dodge the shuriken. 

I turned my focus onto the others as the one guy started to glitch and flash in random ways before just popping from the net together. Letting rip I start tearing the net up with all kinds of demons and ghosts that cause damage to everything they touch before fizzling out with no actual target.

With the net-running ninjas running around and playing hard to get I show these fake-ass wannabe japan weebs what a real ninja is. Pulling one hand from the time I make a shadow clone hand sign. With body doubles splitting from me every second I finally take out another 3 runners before they crack the first layer of my ice, with the next popping up instantly.

The runners seeing my second ice take a second to look at each other before pulling probably the dumbest thing they could have pulled. A suicide attack. Well not really, they're still alive, maybe but they will be hurting if they are. Standing in front of them as they charged at me dodging the bullets filled with code before exploding in code.

Now before all of you get on me about how a fake explosion in the net won't do anything to me I will say that the explosion was made of a code that works on the strength behind the runner. Meaning that they brought the power of 3 net running chairs and whatever else they had to bear right onto my ice shields. 

Not doing anything, honestly. My second level of ice is still there just with some of it brute forcefully solved.

Twisting and turning to double-check that I'm alone and they left, I leave myself heading to a secondary location to run a few checks on my ice and gear for any nasties.

Once I get home I can't help but wonder what brought on the attack. It was only after asking Eina that I remembered that I had killed those claws in my building and then sent Maine and his crew to fuck with and murder a bunch of claws. Well, that's a little embarrassing. But what was with that shadow stuff they were talking about?

Eh, I'll ask them when they try again later. Back to the grind.

(AN: Sasha originally found out about the painkillers while doing a job to steal stuff from biotechnica, she did the gig then sent the files to the news then died when jumping out of a window. Just a little AU cause I'm not a walking-talking cyberpunk encyclopedia. Patched it up with a bit of change and led it into a fight with Sasha hopefully being alive later.)