Chapter 10:I am inevitable!
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[Its been like,exactly a month since I last posted and I just wanted to say, kids suck. Oh my God the kid wasnt even mine they're still causing me trouble. And then my parents decided to get a puppy(yes I live with my parents cause the economy sucks too) which I am helping take care of aswell. Anyway all this really meant was I was just either to tired or just wanting to do my own reading. Anyway with the holidays coming up I hope I can get the motivation to start writing again.]

Getting up a couple hours later I can feel a big difference. And it seemed that Eina decided I was in good enough shape to add in the cyberware. Something I told her to do if she thought my body could take it. 

Cause yes, I was taking steps to be careful. Even though I have all the know-how upstairs does not mean I can just throw stuff in willy-nilly. 

Even before I got all my augments ready I was doing multiple tests through simulations. And I had a few plans to bring me back to 100 if I went comatose or something. 

Though things went great there was no need for them. And let me just say, being a spartan is incredible. Every move I make is backed by enhanced muscle. My senses got a boost in control along with the rest of my body.

My balance and speed of thought have improved to a level most could not dream of. And all of this is without my armor. Once I have it on I don't doubt that all the before-mentioned benefits will be even better.

Next was the cyberware to try out. 

Taking a small jump up I do a double jump. With a hiss of air, I jumped another few feet up. Landing with zero issues and no sound at all. The lynx paw systems kept me silent.

Secondly was my quick hacks. Opening them up my world slows down and the hacks are brought up. I release one random piece of equipment just for it to shut down completely in half a second. Meaning that even my quick hacks were unbelievably fast.

Finally, I pulled up a clock in my eyesight and threw a ball up then activated my sandevistan. The ball stopped in mid-air. No longer moving up at all. The clock slowed down until it was in this spot,0.00001

That was the only spot moving. Ticking up a slow speed, as everything stood still. Moving I feel as though I am in water or honey. Getting to the other side of the room I slip out of slow-mo and watch the ball drop. 

Pulling up the room's video feed I see myself teleport to the other side of the room. Slowing it down I still can't see myself moving. My cameras were some of the best in this world. Sure they weren't speed-specific ones but more for security. 

Still to make them seem like they could not even see was ridiculous. And this was without the armor boosting it. With it, I bet I could add another zero.

After patting myself on the back enough I headed to the girls and talked to them for a little while. Mostly just me showing off my new body that was completely shredded now. I even had one of those back demons like in Baki and Hajime No Ippo. Which is pretty cool, if I say so myself.

The chat ended when they had eaten all they could and backed a few containers to go. With them gone, I focused on getting my suit finalized and ready to make. But before I did that I wanted to spend the point I had saved. 

Mainly cause I had a thought that if the shields could be better then I would be safer. So in that thought, I put the point into borderlands. The shields in that place were dummy-strong. 

Being able to take hits from vault monsters and other such blows. And then recharge to take them again. But also the new-u stations make me technically immortal. With me being digitally teleported to safety if I die. 

Though to make some of the really strong stuff I would have to buy border lands fully. But with the one point, it was enough to add a higher threshold to my shields.

Even added some other tech for me to use. Such as elemental ammo, very strong weapons, and a whole lot of variety. Like a different version of every piece of tech streamlined for different planets.

What was interesting, that I forgot, was the robotics in this verse. Sure most of the enemy bots were just loaded bots tricked out. But a lot of those were serious upgrades. Add on the fact I am a master at any science from Halo, cyberpunk, and the replicator from StarTrek. I can pump out as many of the upgraded bots as I want. Modify them as well.

So other than my shields the purchase brought with it a pleasant surprise. 

Setting up my armor to be in a replicator was easy. With it coming out perfectly and then having some bots put it together. With the armor on the stand, I step back and wipe away a teardrop. 

The suit itself was mastercheifs style of armor. Just the dark blue and black that I liked. However, I also took some time to decal it with some of my favorite stuff. Such as the cyberpunk samurai logo and some use symbols. 

Now, I would put it on but I felt that I should go through the training of the Spartans. At least simulations of it and some of the physical elements. 

The sims are how to use the armor effectively and the skillset of a spartan. 

The armor itself had some of the gadgets from the series. Like the armor lock, jetpack, invisibility, and grappling hook. Along with those it has been upgraded with the metals from Marvel. Making Mjolnir's armor unbreakable in his world. 

Where before just the armor could take a fall from outer space. Now, it can take a spaceship to the face, probably. I can do as much speculation as I want but without putting it to the test. That is only an educated guess.

The shields taking that guess to a whole other level. A level I would have to use computers to get an image of. And that is just with the lowest borderlands knowledge. Once I max it out I bet I could tank a star exploding. Or at least when I buy other verses.

So I spent the next few hours doing sims. Mainly just military drills from all three worlds. Which were similar in many ways they just had minor issues with the types of enemies they had. Halo had the covenant while cyberpunk was mostly modern fighters. 

Borderlands had the wackiest drills because they involved how to battle giant creatures. Mostly just aiming for weak points and how to spot them. But interesting all in all.

The drills were rather easy to do with my enhanced mind and body. The most difficult part was getting my aim straight. Where before I had to brace hard against a gun now it was easy. My instincts were throwing me off and I had to train it to not brace so much. In turn, it stopped me from flinching the gun away with my strength. 

The reason I stopped the sims was that I got some info from an informant. The info was just about the job I wanted to be done. A simple stakeout of the Ripper doc fingers. A pretty disgusting man. As well as having him send out some emails of the hub to his clients 

But the info wasn't the main thing I stopped for. It was what it brought to my mind that did. The hunt. A quest that involves a serial killer and a cow farm. 

A man named Anthony something went around kidnapping people and killing them in a weird gas mask.  Pulling up my internal screen I search through the web for information. 

A few minutes later I knew what I needed to know. The farm out in the badlands, the websites he uses, and even what his search history is filled with. Not surprisingly it's nasty stuff. 

Pulling up the ncpd records, which is easy, I search for river. After all, he was the only cop that I currently know was clean. 

Of course, with that brought up, I also started thinking of other people.  David's mom for one and the mayor's candid guy, Peralez. Gloria because she died and Peralez cause he and his wife were being brainwashed.

Now most of this is easy to solve. Just send the details to River for the Anthony guy, use a servalencedrone for Gloria, and then hack into the system's brainwashing the Peralez.

With a few things here and there this should be a 2-day job. 

The next thing I thought of was cyber psychosis. I technically do have a 'cure' for it, if forcing cyber psychos to feel a ton of emotions is a cure, yeah the only thing you need to fix it is a lot of emotions. 

Most people who go through this see the world through memories. So you have to kind of shock the brain back into awareness with a new perspective. This can be done by adding nerves to their cyberware or a brain dance with a feel-good effect. It brings them back from the 'machine' they became.

Scientifically speaking they just added way too much chrome way too fast. Making them suffer from all the extra connections to their brains. It's like adding an extra arm to yourself. With so many connections your mind just becomes heavy as the body does what it has been doing with the chrome. 

It's like a robocop, being controlled by the machine parts.

Deciding to go a little hands-off with this one I sent a crate of bds and info to Regina. A former reporter who was combating cyberphyscos. Well capturing them and trying to heal them. 

As for the plan with the mayor guy, it was simple. Use a drone to connect to the off-network spyware that was being used. Silently take control and slowly let the Peralez couple think freely. 

Simple and effective. The drone took less than a minute to make. It was one of those stealth quadcopter drones. It had silent propulsion and an invisibility cloaking device. Simple light refraction, and anti-scan. 

Sending it to the apartment that they lived in was just as easy. Of course, it was the roof that I was interested in, so I wasn't anywhere close to them. 

Sending in the ghost programs after the drone connected they went through any ice silently. It takes all of 20 seconds to subvert the entire system. 

And I have to say that Nightcorp, cause this was them, was very inefficient. It seemed they had been here for a little while and still had not fully brainwashed them completely. I have the same tech and I could do it in a month, without permanent damage to the subject. They have been here since the last election.

Anyway, ignoring corporate uselessness, I set up the brainwashing to reverse and left a door for me to monitor the situation. With that done I took a minute to think.

In the span of half an hour, if that, I had fixed a lot of stuff. The hunt quest that led to the death of many, before and after it started, was avoided. I had also taken Anthony out after he got word from an officer that Rivers was on his way, and was fleeing. 

Yes, the officer was recorded and I sent that to Rivers as well. Along with a smiley face and a keep up the good work. I'm nice like that. 

During that time I also solved cyber psychosis and stopped a politician from being controlled. And the Gloria dead thing as well. But until she does almost die it is still up in the air.

This made me think of all I have done up to this. Mainly about how even though I have some small time mercs working for me. I haven't done too much to better the city. 

Sure I've had some scavs killed but they pop up every month or so. And while I am offering my services for dirt cheap it has only just begun to pick up. I have only just started to get a couple dozen people buying food a day and even less renting an apartment.

Of course, I bet that once people find out the stuff I am selling isn't a trick they will flood here. Something I would be happy for.

But until then I had an idea. Mostly one that was pretty easy to do but hard to keep going. And that was cleaning up the garbage surrounding the city, as well as the oil fields and air. Might as well throw in the beach and waters too.

Which is an easy fix, I just had to place some of the tech I got from all the other verses. Cobble them together to be as efficient as possible, and bam! Water and air solved. Just place the tech in the water with some stealth gear and do the same with the air purifiers. But, high up.

The harder one to clean is ones where people can see the effects clear as day. Leaving me to take a few minutes to figure out what I could do. Between giving a bunch of drones some stealth tech to just putting up some walls around the area. 

After a bit of thought I kind of just said fuck it and decided to go loud. In a sense.

So going to my gamer chair I went into the net. More specifically NCs owned properties. Of which the garbage mountains sit on top. Searching through the system I marked every plot of land that had garbage piles on them and 'bought' them.

Which just meant that I was such a good hacker that I could give myself the lands without buying them. Though if they had put them up for sale at normal rates I might have bought them. But because of some old law, it stops NC from selling any more properties that it already had sold.

Meaning I had to backdate it being sold to me. A fake identity actually but it is technically me.

With the lands now mine I sent some of my drones in to set up a forward base. Having a few squads of security bots go with them. Watching them lift off the ground in some pelicans.

With my deeds set up, I started up the sims again while keeping an eye out for corpos. Because even if I do have tech centuries ahead of this place, I don't doubt they would do something stupid.