1.01: Who is this Red Cape Legion, can I kill them?
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PoV: Grant Pembley.

The talk next went on to more mundane details. Grant Pembley admitted some of the finer points of the conversation to the young man; but he did not tell one final aspect of it.

In any case, Grant could only admit, he somehow liked the boy, and yes even the wife. Not that he'd say so, so openly, in a place such as this. But in the quiet moments of eating, he'd noted Jack eating silently as well, as much observing Grant as Grant observed Jack. Turnabout was fair play, someone used to tell him, long ago. Who was it? A summoned hero from a former day and age?

Well then. Grant knew Jack's background; he couldn't face the boy without having had this knowledge. If the former Hero named Jack had so wanted, he could even without weapons do away with Grant, no question or even effort required. But somehow, Grant knew Jack would not.

For that was his sense of the young man. Maybe even more genteel than before, in the kingdom. Back then and there, their paths had not crossed officially, not in any technical fashion; but Grant had been in a banquet when the old king had introduced his latest form of leverage, in the one summoned hero named Jack.

And, back then, Grant had seen the lustful young princess at the old man's side, take an interest in the new boy.

Grant could not warn Jack, dared not warn him, of how the girl's interest would not have been for building a family with anything other than her own selfish desires. And he saw all that happened to the new hero from afar, not daring to speak up when even Nita told him he should have said something.

Still; the boy Jack had at last done what the king had brought him forth to do, toppling an enemy in the name of this kingdom ― hah, maybe all royalty was only selfish in nature, after all ― and got allowed a dose of freedom for it.

But at last, young Jack was able to break free from the princess, or rather cast aside by her, after she'd been done with him and got herself pregnant by him.

Ouch. That must hurt, Grant had wondered since then. And maybe he wondered if Jack still hated the kingdom as much as when he'd left it. Probably. He hadn't shown up back in the capital since; and now Grant knew why ― he'd been hiding out here, and found himself the real deal ― romance and maybe love.

From his one sighting of this 'Rose' girl last night, through the couple hours and more at the bar booth, he'd come to know of how genuine the girl could be, at least part of it spurred on from Nita encouraging Rose to be herself. Actually, if Grant had more time, he might also come to find Rose a warm and caring individual ― give or take his king's desire to end any and every dungeon master or mistress in existence.

At the end of the meal, Grant Pembley could only pay his tab, Jack's too ... and for good measure pay up in behalf of the remaining knights' tab. This should leave this establishment with not being owed anything by the yet young knights, who would be getting an earful from him later. For no knight should ever act so dishonorably as to not pay the bill. Ever. Maybe even the king should hear of this one, if not the knight's senior trainer.

"Well I-" Grant found himself at a loss for words, standing at the end of their gathering here. "I don't know if we'll see each other again, young man-"

"-we will, I can guarantee that." Jack met Grant's extended hand with his own.

"Well. But if we do ― I don't know who will be on what side, or if either of us will even be able to say hello or what. But if so, in any case ― do tell that wife of yours, hello from Grant and Nita Pembley. And ― take care of her and yourself, in the meantime."

"Will do. And likewise, for you too. I'm not sure I can be so accommodating, whether your knights or the Red Capes show up-"

"-ah, then. Just take it a day at a time. And hope this world works it out in the mean time. You follow the Goddess of Luck or anything? I know you didn't used to care about such; but ― strange times now-"

"Nope. Not really one for following the local religions. I only had an interest in Draefur, God of Consequences, for one thing ― not like he'd so readily take on the husband of a dungeon mistress as his own follower though."

"But 'Lucky Leandra' is not so local, she is worldwide you know. Part of the main group-"

"Yeah I know. I kind of lost interest in her when her zealots began attacking me while I was off finishing this idiot king's command. Plus some say the Red Capes' success is also due to Leandra's involvement; so, it's that kind of feeling here."

"... well. I understand your explanation then. But if you change your mind ... for any of it ... I think you might need her help; Rose might need her help too."

"I will take it under advisement."

PoV: Jack Thorn.

Jack left the diner slowly, nodding to the merchant pair who followed him. Funny enough, they also had been doing a little browsing through the village while looking for bargains. Or perhaps Rose had also allowed them some dungeon wares to try to pawn. But then again, they weren't really so needed, right now.

"Business is done, Prim and Pram. Did you find anything of interest through the shops around here?"

"Yes boss," Prim spoke up. "From an unusual mention in another store. The carpenter said the diner you just came from used to have a certain stew he'd like to try again, only he heard the diner cannot get the certain herbs and mushrooms special for the stew. Mistress did tell us, she has room in the dungeon to set aside for growing things, and she decided to arrange this. In a day or two Pram and I can return and offer some of these ingredients."

"Me too, boss," Pram spoke as well, with her own news. "The apothecary shop on the north side of the village is needing an occasional source of some rather common plants for their reagents. Mistress also said this works too for the garden space in the dungeon ― these plants and the other herbs can grow in close proximity without either doing the other one any harm."

"Good, that's looking like a start for some income to the dungeon. And I know of one additional chance for selling wares, but I'll wait to tell it once we are back in the dungeon, as it's a more long term solution. Go on exploring the village if you like, before you head back to the dungeon; I don't think matters require you to follow me so much now."

"Yes boss," both rabbit creatures mumbled, then raced off.

Jack trudged on, greeting the village guard one more time as he left, explaining all was well. The guard also had nothing special to say, except that a pair of tough looking orcs were reported seen just over the next hill. Jack blanched but said nothing of them.

Just over the first hill out of the village, and the ground shook. An almost silent impact to the ground indicated an entity appearing behind him. Jack turned around-

"Oh. It's you. Leandra, right?"

"Yes, how very astute, young human. Or, would you say it was your 'lucky guess' based on the circumstances?"

"... take it as you will."

"Just to be fair," she called out again before he could leave, "I did hear the conversation earlier ― I couldn't not, especially when my name is invoked ― and I am aware of the circumstance you spoke to the man. It is not my intent to get your unwilling support to me; but he was right in what he said ― both you and your wife might need my help. Anyway I've already warned the Red Capes if they come here, they will be losing my support to them."

"Why go that far? I mean, I may have become a 'former Hero', but why me? Or, is it Rose-"

Leandra tilted her head. "Hmm, let's say I just want to shift the balance of who has what amount of luck in this world. I see your situation and I want to include it in my overall purpose, going forward. Or maybe if you had yet withheld the truth of your past to your wife, I would not be here right now and we would not be having this conversation. But you did tell her, and now she has prayed for both your and her mutual safety as you make your family strong."

"... her being a dungeon mistress does not bother you?"

"No; why should it? I know many others who are still existing since long ago."

"Okay, maybe you could introduce us to some of them."

"I can do that, if you truly wish it. Be aware the dungeon masters in question have to agree to such a meeting as well. But at least three of them also have had their own entanglements with the Red Capes and may be willing to meet you and Rose on this reason alone. Another two might be willing to meet any fellow dungeon mistress just for the sake of it; and at least one still has a romantic attachment to you, Sir Jack."

"... me ... what did I do-"

"She said ... you're her type. Rhona first noticed you when you entered her dungeon southeast of Paktustan and-"

"Oh right, because I involuntarily said I loved that dungeon layout, right."

"Yes, that and because she noted you stayed properly attentive on the safe zones she setup for adventurers to rest in. While the others went about their own selfish affairs, she saw you alone kept vigilant, which does show your attention even where others might have thought things 'safe'. Plus maybe because others teased you for not bringing in a fellow adventurer as a mate for those ... 'safe zone' affairs. She thought if you were to come back, she'd offer to be your bedmate for at least one time."

"... seeing as I'm now married and intending to remain faithful to Rose ... I will have to pass. But I do thank her for the offer; maybe she'll meet someone similar someday for whom she can make the same offer." In another second, Jack also thought to add more. "But, what of the big guy in the dungeon north of Karballah, the one bossy minotaur who kept chasing after me even after I defeated him three times in one day?"

Leandra chuckled. "Yeah, he might be one of the former three with hate for the Red Capes; you might meet him too, but he'll for sure want a 'rematch' just to see if he can beat you now."

"Ah. One last query. What of Draefur-"

"He also heard your conversation, you know. He'd like to talk to you on his own, too; but I won the chance for getting dibs on you-"

"You make me sound like a prize or something."

"But you are. The only summoned human so far who went so far as to marry a dungeon master or mistress, for love. Seven others in the past had formed mutual reproduction pacts with other dungeon entities; but none so thorough as you two have done."

"... truly? I would have thought-"

"-let's just say you took a large chance even by accepting Rose, and her proposal; and you both got lucky from bonding to each other. Good night, young human named Jack."

And with that, the goddess vanished.

Jack walked on the rest of the way, entering the dungeon entrance to find Rose right there in his path.

"Who is this Red Cape Legion, can I kill them?"

"Oh, you heard, right-"

"Yeah so who are they?"

"Someone who- Wait. You know how as a summoned human, I was supposed to be greater than all the other knights, soldiers, adventurers, and so on? Well this chapter of adventurers within the capital's adventure guild were just so professional, and likely second in power and strength, next to me. Now that I'm not there, they likely are the ones with the real power ... until that fool king goes on to summon another human. As he might do, too ― and then, one more thing to worry about."

"S, s, so ... am I in danger?"

"Yes." Jack tried to move past, but Rose held onto his shirt. "Only if they come here, though. After I left the village-"

"I heard that part, too. Strange to think you get to see a goddess and I don't."

"Why is it so strange, Rose? I've already seen one deity, in being summoned here; why wouldn't I see another one?"

"... m, maybe you could fill in some more of your past to me? I'm feeling like I am missing a whole lot of context from your life."

"I am sure it would take a lifetime to explain these last few years though. If I can even remember it all; and there's some of it ... I don't want to remember, so much."

"So then. The 'Red Cape Legion'. Tell me more."

"They're greedy, it's true; but they are singularly noted in not allowing their greed to get the better of them ― they know how to turn down offers or back away from missions which are too much effort for them. I only did see a group of seven of them pass my own team in one dungeon floor; they cleaned room after room before me and my companions could get there. They're impressive; and at one time I admired them. But if they're going to come here, I'd better wish you could move dungeon locations or stop being a dungeon mistress. It's that much of a 'black and white' difference, compared to other adventurers."

"Oh. But I'm still not prepared to take in any adventurer, much less one team of professionals ― I'm doomed, aren't I? I'll not get to see our children grow up and-"

Jack reached out, grabbing her before her teary eyes could gush out her worries. "You aren't dead yet; so why act like you are? Besides ― the dungeon may be your domain ... but you are my domain. My home is with you."

"But ... my dungeon ... isn't ready-"

"Ah well then there's things to do. Something to think about. I've got a few ideas ― I won't take over your job of managing it; but I will tell some things I know or suspect should work for dungeon domains and the entities within."

She looked up, surprised at this.

"Y, you would ... help me?"

"Why not? You are my wife, and I am your husband. Even if I have no role here, I do want to feel useful, instead of useless." And at a soft sound of a footstep nearby, he added for effect, "Oh and I suppose I can stick around for a while anyway; someone has got to tease Prissy more often-"


Jack and Rose both laughed at the soft protest.

"But really. Rose. I think, if you would take me up on my offer, we should hold a meeting with all dungeon entities present; I do have a lot to say."

"Alright then, to the basement we go!"


"I added another floor."

Walking among the new plants growing in this large room, Jack noted the new entities Rose had also summoned to perform the work of dungeon agriculture.


They acknowledge Rose as she entered, but they bristled to attention once Jack entered behind her, holding onto their hoes and cultivation equipment even tighter.

"I think, you should introduce me to your new minions."

"Aah ... but they should know you, if I do."

"Still. It may help, your saying it out loud."

Rose cleared her throat, and held onto Jack's shirt sleeve in a casual grasp of the fabric.

"Minions. I am your dungeon mistress, Rose- um what was your last name again dear?"

"... Thorn."

"Oh. Um. Everyone. I am Rose Thorn. Um ― really, Jack?" she whispered at last. "You did not tell me before this-"

"... precisely. It didn't seem to matter. And I thought in your own first analysis of me, you would have seen this detail."

"Well anyway. And everyone, this is my husband, Jack Thorn. He is not part of the dungeon; but he is an important part of my life, whether I were your dungeon mistress or not. Treat him well, and please get along with him too."

The room was silent; but Jack knew the dungeon minions were not likely to break out in applause or something. An introduction was only that ― giving a name to someone new to a scene. Or, for the new minions, indicating someone who also meant something to their mistress.

Taking his own cue, he furthered the moment with his own introduction, hoping to do better than Rose did.

"Yes, thank you Rose. I am Jack, a former summoned hero for a kingdom, and an accomplished adventurer from the past few years. But since being disposed by the kingdom who brought me here, I have now settled down and married your dungeon mistress, who I love. The reason this meeting of the dungeon minions is called, is because soon a powerful group might come here to do battle, possibly even to attempt its destruction-"

He paused here; already the minions gasped or drew back at his announcing of his past as an adventurer, but they bristled at the words of even more danger to come.

"-but it is not a guarantee those people will win, or defeat this place. Especially with my own knowledge of other dungeons, I am going to be providing some serious hints and comments on how to improve this here dungeon into something more impressive than it is. So. First, a general commentary on what I've noticed from other dungeons-"

Over several tens of minutes, Jack went on about his experiences. Most dungeons were varied enough to have their own specific cultures or specializations in floor layouts; yet some things always stayed the same among them all.

For example, most dungeon floors stayed tightly fit within a two kilometer by two kilometer layout, maybe a couple kilometers deep too, with rooms in varied places in their floor arrangements. The paths between rooms, and rooms themselves, sometimes crossed over or under the other rooms and paths; an adventurer could often get very lost, if he or she did not have a good sense of spatial awareness. This could be used by a dungeon master or mistress to great effect; sometimes half the reason an adventurer went into a dungeon in the first place, is to map out what is otherwise unknown, to find out the little secrets others might have missed. At least it was so, for Jack.

Plus in just two of the dungeons Jack had been in, he always thought something more was at work: secrets, or secret places off limits to all but the dungeon master or mistress, and any of the minions allowed to be there. For a certainty, if the dungeon master or mistress were anything like Jack or even Rose, surely they would have their own private residence and assorted domestic features which would not normally be part of a dungeon adventure. Like the one time he'd been in a party and cleared one floor, advanced to the next floor, but then went back to the floor above ― and met another dungeon minion sneaking around right away to pick up dropped items. There should have been no way such a minion could be there, so soon ― yet one was. He then suspected some of the walls had secret passages to allow swift movement for the minions and dungeon staff, so things could be operated as efficiently as possible.

And, the 'strength' of a dungeon seemed to be bound up in how many 'dungeon points' it could store. For one part of it, it depended upon the dungeon core as a mana storage device; but he suspected some additional factors at play in the largest of them. The more cores a dungeon had, the more mana which could be stored, and also the higher mana regeneration and storage rate which applied. In the largest dungeon known to be in existence, it contained a spare core per floor, each one guarded by a floor boss ― or even kept secret in an unseen part of the dungeon's floor. Even if an adventuring team could traverse the dungeon, they would be hard pressed to find and defeat all of them before a dungeon master or mistress would rebuild, a floor at a time.

Dungeon minions had a 'soft immortality' while existing within a dungeon realm. That is, if they were to be defeated and die within the dungeon space, they could be brought back again, to be resurrected to life in the dungeon itself, and so on. Jack had the thought of it being a matter of having more or stronger dungeon cores, and the mana flows necessary to call forth minions after their defeat; or even to setup respawning of the most valued of minions within a dungeon floor. Maybe it meant the minions were tied to the dungeon core, or cores, and when the minions perished their essence went back to the core, for which their existence could be called forth again. Or maybe if one dungeon core was damaged it also dumped the stored minion patterns to other cores, or the main core. Who knew, but the deities ― and Jack wasn't ready to ask just yet.

So. Put it all together, and ... what have you. Private residence spaces for the dungeon master or mistress and key staff, not seen by outsiders. Dungeon itself growing to an almost immense proportion, a few cubed kilometers of volume and such; with floors laid out and configured for efficiency for the dungeon's use and not the adventurers'. Spare dungeon cores to expand the potential of a dungeon mana capacity and such; so things can grow in a timely fashion, and minions not being wasted or lost upon death. An overall chance to grow, grow, and ... grow. And prosper.

Plus he also related briefly what Leandra spoke to him earlier. Other dungeons might also be in a similar situation; in this context Jack will also see it as beneficial to make connections between this dungeon and the others, and maybe even to trade among them. Have one dungeon's material excesses be sold to another dungeon who needs it, for a fair price.

But then again, from what the two bunny kin learned and reported to him earlier. The nearby village which Jack had been residing in before he met Rose, its businesses did have some merchantability and needs for the few ancillary things Rose's dungeon could also perform. Such as, the reason for this new floor, and new growths here. Agriculture ― within the dungeon. For further ideas of things the two rabbit merchants can offer to obtain from or for the local businesses, they only had to keep their eyes open and ask around.

In conclusion, Jack spoke to Rose, still in front of them all.

"Basically, from what I have seen of this dungeon ― it's the second iteration in your designing of this place, since you have arrived to become a dungeon mistress. Am I right? You have done well, even if you wish to remain pacifist or neutral to dungeon matters. Especially knowing other lands such as the kingdom near here would like to demolish a dungeon just because it exists, I applaud your attempt to not be too eager to fight. But yet to be my wife as I am to be your husband, I wish you to maintain a proper level of protecting mine and your existences, as I protect your and mine existences. And together we protect the dungeon and its many minions too."

PoV: Rose Thorn.

She sat there, awestruck.

Rose could not love Jack any more than she did, right now. Not only in this time of her own selfish worries did he prove she could do something, he'd also told her what she could be doing now.

On a scale far grander than she'd even imagined, even since before Jack stepped back into the dungeon this day. For all intents and purposes ― wasn't today a greater day than yesterday? Well yeah ... yesterday they'd only known of Grant Pembley arriving in the village, and the odd chance of something about to occur; or at least that's all the further she thought about it.

But. Jack. He cared, so much ... and he'd just helped her without demeaning her at all. Not like her own father in a past life had done, or classmates or teachers either ― they called her names and thought of her as an unimportant trash character.

Oh, how they should see her now. Well yes she might still want to be pregnant; she was for sure now. And so she could focus on other things, while setting up a nursery room for the future children to come into the dungeon.

"In short, Rose ― to use an expression from Earth ― it's a whole new ballgame, something you can plan for and do. Not all at once, mind you; but to have these thoughts and be able to see a future with no worries as you have had before this ― you will be fine. With me, here at your side. At least ... until I grow old and wrinkled, and even then you might tire of me-"

"I told you, husband ― I will not abandon you-"

"Well good, because I have no intention to leave you, either. And anyway ... that's all I have to say for now. If the dungeon minions may have come from other dungeons, perhaps they know of other things we can add to our 'to do list'. And I assume your dungeon shopping system may have some good bargains to purchase from time to time, so keep an eye open. But for now, I'm ready to look around the new floor, Rose."

"A, alright everyone get back to work!"

She grabbed Jack's hand, and pulled him along on the big reveal of this and other rooms.

Things would change, even after now. Yes, a lot of changes. Not so much for these agricultural rooms, at least not at first; not until after the first crops to be harvested.

Merely a couple hours ago of Prim and Pram exploring the village, going into shops Rose herself did not dare go and asking things she would not have asked ― and now, Rose knew, this might be the 'third iteration' as Jack might say of the dungeon design.

So far, this is a vastly different life for her, from being the formerly sweet senorita named Rosa Reya de la Montana, to now being dungeon mistress Rose Thorn in another world.

Eh ... what's in a name. She is herself, no matter the form or the world she found herself within. But married to Jack, she knew she could be better, she would be better, she ... must be better.

Her only hope now ... wherever she went after her existence here ... Jack would always be with her.

PoV: Grant Pembley.

Holding the crystal ball, Grant activated it. He'd just noticed the buzzing, indicating an inbound 'call' ― someone was trying to reach him, and he hoped it wasn't the .. what Jack said ... foolish king.

Of course, he dared not use those same words-

The face which appeared, though-

"P, princess?"

"Say it correctly, chancellor!"

"Guh ... um. Your Highness, Princess Ella-"

"That's better. So. I understand my former consort Jack is somewhere near there?"

Grant held off saying anything to this; he'd not got any indication of whether Jack even wanted to hear from her. On the contrary, Grant got the impression Jack and Rose were quite happy, together; and the merest of mentions of the princess here could bring a strong distraction into the young couple's bliss.

"Well, is it so, or not? Is he slumming or something? Never mind. Just tell me where he is; I need to make another heir."

"Y, your highness, I- um. I don't know how to say this, but ... I don't think he wants to see you, right now."

"What, he doesn't want to see this glorious regal body?"

The image in the globe panned down, to show ― quite exposed ― a scene of some intimate bits he'd think over for later. Much, much later.

"You telling me, he doesn't want to do his duty to the royal heiress any more? What, he has a new woman ― never mind, I'll show up and it'll be over, whoever the little tramp may be. Eh, see you soon, chancellor. I will be coming along with the Red Cape Legion, who are going to arrive the day after tomorrow, by air route."

The globe turned dark, and Grant just sat there for a couple minutes. Nita might still be awake back in the other room; but of late she started getting more tired about this time in the evening. He'd have to hurry and join her, if they were going to have their nightly make out session ― or else, he'd have to get his thrills himself. Whatever, the princess did just show herself, did she not? And if Grant had set it up right, this crystal globe did record images, for later replay-

But, no. First matters first. Jack. What to do about Jack. Or, what to tell the young man, of the change in situation?

The appearance of the Red Capes ... could not be so wondrous, at least not like he'd previously thought of the kingdom's second most noted adventure team. Because, in spite of it ― Grant and Nita had genuinely got to know and like Rose, and Jack too. But ... a dungeon mistress, or any mistress or master, to be so ... human, was still so new a thought, to a human.

The girl Rose, she probably had her own thoughts and feelings and fears, all wrapped together. Even now, she probably didn't know just how overwhelmed and destroyed she would be, in so short a time. Grant might be a villain if he said something, or even if he withheld himself from saying anything. He could not win, he could only lose, in whatever options were available to him next.

And to this point, Grant considered something he ... did not like. He could not like a question with so bleak an answer.

'Should I leave the kingdom, to side with Jack and Rose-'

His heart beat fluctuated, as he feared ― no matter his answer, someone innocent was likely, or assured, to die soon.

"Grant, you coming to bed soon? I'm not getting any younger, here."

"What the f-"

After the princess + 'Red Cape Legion' arrive ... what chances of chaos? (Pick up to two.)
  • Grant Pembley turns good guy, gives the king the finger.
  • Red Capes fumble about the easy dungeon, 'just for fun'.
  • 'Inter-Deity Personalities' happen, dragging in Jack+Rose.
  • Villager suspicions, visiting others, unknown travelers?
  • Some other dungeon personalities might wanna meet Jack-
  • Roll the dice, any old random pathfinder class.
Total voters: 13 · This poll was closed on Dec 20, 2019 04:52 PM.