Episode 51
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“Shit.” Iva says, again.

It’s the only response he gives. I go through everything I saw in the lab as we wind our way through the halls. We walk to the officer's wing where the captain is. Everyone ditches their communication devices during free time, except Iva. But he's too disturbed to ask how I found her location without messaging her. 

“I was sure this is what fuels the stuff in the vault.” He pats his pocket with the vials. “Those weapons disarm the demon powers, like Dr Quinn thinks the Rex does. But it makes no sense to inject it into a person.”

“Captain, Warrior Targe will be a member of the Elites until further notice.” Buckler’s hushed words are weary.

“He's not trained for live combat.” The captain’s hands ball at her sides as she follows Buckler to the officer’s wing. “And what do you mean until further notice?”

They turn down the hall and I slide behind a pillar. Iva falls in next to me.

“It comes from above, E.” He stops with a sigh. “It’s out of our hands.”

“Bullshit.” She spits out. “You’re in charge of the Elites.”

“That’s right, I am. And for this mission I relinquish control to General Targe.”

Her mouth snaps open to respond but Buckler holds out his hand to stop her. He straightens to full height towering over her tiny frame.

“That’s an order, captain. Understood?” His voice is hard, unquestioning.

The captain pauses, her breathing is rapid and her heart pumps hard. The last time her cool demeanor wavered this much was when we met in the tunnel attack.

“Yes, sir.” Her response is more like screw you but Buckler takes it.

“Dismissed.” He says over his shoulder, already walking away.

Her head hangs in defeat and I want to leave to give her this moment. Instead, Iva pulls my elbow to rush her. Her hand is shaky when she pushes away the hair that’s escaped her long braid. She snaps her head up at our approach.

“You weren’t at dinner.” She's ready to distribute punishment for not following our schedule.

“No.” Iva answers. “We need you in the tech lab. Now.”

All emotion from before vanishes. Only our calm, collected captain stands before us.

“Let’s go.” Her purposeful steps echo across the tiles as we follow.


Crowded around Iva’s microscopes, we wait as he sifts through the green goop. I push at the safety mask that covers my entire face. It’s hot underneath here, but we have no idea what’s in the sample we stole. It's kept in the hazmat lab so we need to be careful.

Iva works with two microscopes secured in a portable glove box. I’m amazed he has all this stuff at the ready. He twists knobs with one hand and uses a pipette to examine the slide of goop with precision. He moves to the second microscope with material he scooped out of a trap. I lean over the slide he abandoned and power up my eyes. Willing my vision to go telescopic like it did with the goggles. Behind the mask I have coverage for the energy to flow free. All my senses heighten. The substance is odorless, and has a sound to it. A vibrating hum that pulses, like it’s breathing. I bolt up straight to hide my reaction.

“Did you see something?” The captain leans over me. Her honey sweet scent invades and now it’s all I smell.

“Damn.” Iva says, raising his hand like he wants to rip off his mask but stops short.

“It's the same. But I can't be sure it's based off the Rex's fluids. And without snagging a vile from Targe, there's no way to tell if he's injecting the same thing.” 

He removes the slides, placing them into a metal box with what’s left of the vials. Once sealed, he takes off his protective gear. I quickly follow his lead ready to breathe fresh air. We already tested the clear fluid which we guessed was not demon blood but something else, spinal fluid maybe. We need more intel.

“You can work your magic on Jane.” The captain voices my thoughts exactly.

Iva runs his hand through his wavy hair only for it to fall right back across his forehead. He's usually cocky about the effect he has on her, but there’s hesitation now.

“Sure, I’ll take one for the team.” He sighs.

“Did you know our mission objective?” I ask the captain. It’s been bugging me. What Jane said about capturing a Rex.

“Yes.” She places her mask on the corner of Iva’s workstation.

Why wouldn’t she tell us? She’s always holding back.

“It’s standard.” Iva says from underneath his workstation. “The squad doesn’t receive objectives until transport. Security breaches happen.”

“You thought I was keeping it from you.” She nods in acceptance.

“The captain always gives us a heads up as soon as she is informed.” He slides the containment box into a refrigerator with a dark gray cover. 

“Which was the first part of my conversation with Buckler.” Her smile is tight knowing we witnessed her frustration.

“So how did Jane have it already?” I ask.

“I am not privileged with that information. Good work tonight, warriors.” 

“I told you he was perfect for infiltration.” Iva boasts.

I catch the beginning of her smile, but it fades before I can be sure. “We’ll see how perfect in just a few hours. We load out for mission in the morning.” 

“In the morning? What about Targe and his lab rat warriors?” Iva's fingers are frozen over his device.

“0400 hours. Order went out after dinner. Which you'd have seen if you followed your schedules. Now get to the barracks. We have an early start.” She spins around and exits the lab.

I walk over to Iva and pull his wrist towards me. Orders to move out at 0400 hours sit open on his small screen.

“Shit.” We say at the same time.

I race after the captain. She’s at the end of the hall and I catch up fast.

“How can you let this go? We can’t go on the mission with Targe in command. We have no idea what he’s up to.” She keeps walking as if I’m not there. “You’re putting your squad in danger, willingly, again.” My voice echoes in the hall.

I almost run into her back when she stops dead in her tracks. She whirls around, green eyes blazing up at me.

“My squad is always top priority. I’d put my life in front of theirs any day of the week. Can you say the same?” 

I take a step back and grit my teeth. Her eyes flash in challenge but I hold my tongue. She’s right. I’ll never be able to stand out or stand up for them. I’ll never be able to put myself in front of them.

“Shouldn’t we tell Buckler about the lab warriors or Dr. Quinn?” I’m struggling for control.

“What makes you think they don’t already know?” Her words make me take a step back.

She’s right, again. They wouldn’t have transferred Targe’s Rex demon to Centrum if they didn’t know. And the sudden urgency for this mission comes from high command Buckler said. She lets me absorb her words.

“We are warrior born. Born to be their weapon. They point, we strike. It’s all we are to them.” Her eyes dim back to a muddy hazel. 

She wants me to accept this truth, to understand. But all I understand is we're expendable and no one seems to care.