Chapter 11 – Misadventures
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The flight had been long and tiring...  They had left Toronto around noon - that was about 18 hours ago - and now it was about noon, local time the day after... I’m pooped. Stephanie thought. The flight was nice I guess, but damn and I glad it’s over.   At least Andrew got over his upset soon enough.  I think he actually liked flying.  The two of them grinned at each other, gave their hands a squeeze, and moved down the hall from the plane to the terminal.   People around them were speaking mostly German, so it was a little hard to make sense of anything.


“I can’t believe were here, sweetie!”  Andrew said.  “I liked the plane.  Did you enjoy it?”


“Yeah...  I was kind of surprised I ended up reading a few issues of Better Homes and Gardens, though - I mean, what the hell?  I usually hate that stuff.  I’m just glad that Mary-Beth gave them to me when she was done. They were oddly interesting.  Other than that, the flight was fine, except for sleeping.  I’m beat.”


“Yeah, me too.  I guess we need a hotel?”


“That and a short nap would be nice.”  Stephanie answered.


They emerged from the tunnel into the terminal - and stopped in awe.  Unlike some of the terminals Stephanie had been in, this one looked beautiful...  There was a huge open area, where support columns were of white painted steel and moved upwards, branching like the limbs of trees...  It looked as if a beautiful forest of steel trees was holding up the roof... it was amazing!   The two of the stared a moment, before the press of people forced them to keep moving.   A stranger stopped next to them, and simply said “First time in Stuttgart?  It’s beautiful isn’t it?”   His English was poor, but Stephanie and Andrew could understand him.


“Yes - it is.”  Steph answered, followed by Andrew who felt the same.


“Do you need directions?”  The fellow asked.  “My name is Mikel - I can show you to customs if you like.”  Mikel was a big man - well over six feet tall, and half as broad.  He looked like a weightlifter, but acted more like a gentle giant.   He was missing a tooth on the top of his jaw.


“Thank you.”  Andrew said, turning to Steph.  “Let’s go!  Oh – I’m Andrew, by the way.”


“And I’m Stephanie.”  She said.  “Thanks for your help.”


“It’s nothing.”  Mikel said, and motioned towards the customs booths.


The three of them walked towards Customs, Mikel chatting happily in poor English.  “I love Stuttgart – it’s so beautiful in the fall.  The winter though - brrrr....!  Winter in the Black Forest is rivalled only by the Russian winter, in my opinion.”   As we arrived, Mikel pointed out the lines where international travellers were showing their papers, and entering the country.   They got in line.


Mikel kept chatting away.  “Are you two here on travel?  Romance?”  He was obviously the chatty, curious type.


Andrew laughed.  “I wish... We’re here on a family matter.  If we’re lucky well find time for some tourism and romance, but I think we’ll have to see.”


Mikel chuckled as well.  “Family, I understand.  You have a good trip, my friends.”   It was Mikel’s turn next - he offered his papers and answered a few questions, and was through.  


Andrew and Stephanie went through next, and soon were through and leaving the Airport terminal.  “Hey!  There’s Mikel!”  Andrew exclaimed.   “Hey!”  He cried out.


“I think he wants us to come over.”  Steph said.  “Let’s go see.”


As they approached, Mikel whistled and a cab drove up next to him.  “My friends - I guessed you don’t speak German, so if you will let me, I will ask the taxi to take you to a hotel.”


“Thank you!”  Steph exclaimed.  “That’s really nice of you, Mikel.”


Mikel just smiled in answer.  “What hotel do you want?”


Andrew smiled wryly.  “We don’t have any reservations.  Something not too expensive?”


“Ahhh...  I know a place.”  Mikel said - then turned to the driver and spoke in quick fluent words.  The cab driver nodded, and Mikel said.  “It is ready - he will take you to a hotel.  Have a good trip, my friends.”


“Thanks again!”  Steph said, really pleased.  Andrew looked equally pleased, and they stowed their luggage and got inside the cab.  “Goodbye Mikel!”


“Goodbye, Stephanie, Andrew - I hope you have a good trip.”  Mikel said, calling for his own taxi.


With that, the two sat back and looked at the beautiful German city roll by their cabs windows.  “Everyone here has been so friendly, so far!”  Andrew said.  “It’s nice.  And Europe is beautiful...  I hope we have time to tour a bit once were done this quest stuff.”


“I think a better question is what will happen to us if we succeed in our quest?  I mean, if were given powers wont our lives change forever?   We could try to be normal - but it never works out in comics - what makes you think it’ll work out here in real life?”


“I dunno.  I don’t know if I want to be normal - I just want to be happy.  Everything else doesn’t matter, hon - as long as were together.”  Andrew smiled and squeezed Stephanie’s hand.   The streets rolled by as they travelled, passing two hotels and moving deeper into the city.


“Ummm... Weren’t those hotels any good?”  Stephanie asked, grabbing her phrase book to ask ‘which hotel are we going to?’


“Don’t know, hon.”   Andrew replied.  


It became obvious a few minutes later, when they turned into a narrow alley and parked in an open courtyard in the back, that they weren’t going to a hotel at all... Steph put away the phrase book, fearing what was about to happen.   “Hon,” she asked.  “I think they might be trying to rob us.”


“What?!”  Andrew said, worried.  “Uh oh!”  The two of them got out of the cab, in case they were forced to run or fight.


The four men that emerged from a red-painted wooden door, two of them carrying baseball bats, made it extremely obvious that Stephanie was right.   The two of them got out of the car, and rushed to stand side by side, while they were circled roughly by the four men plus the cab driver.   They looked bored - but violent - like guard dogs too lazy to bark, still full of menace.   One of them said in rough English  “This is a robbery.  Give us your cash, jewellery and travellers cheques, and you can go.  Otherwise, it’ll go badly for you.”


Andrew and Stephanie looked at each other - and then at the thieves, and realized something in an epiphany.  Both of them were scared - but neither of them wanted to simply cave in and surrender - for their own reasons, they stood their ground. 


Andrew was finding his senses seemed sharper - more sensitive, like time was slowing down.  He was able to see where the thieves were telegraphing some of their moves - and his vision and scent was limned by a scent of clover, green hills - and the roar of angry clansmen and harp music.  Blood pumped in his veins - veins throbbed in his head.  I’ll be damned if I give up our stuff to these punks...  I guess I’ve gone crazy, but so be it.


Stephanie felt much the same way, except her senses were overwhelmed - again - like when she struck her mother on Thanksgiving day.   She could once again smell and hear the blood and din of battle, and smell the sweet stench of amber.  She wanted to fight.


The thieves must have realized by their stances the two tourists weren’t going to give in - and two of them - the ones with the baseball bats, moved in swinging.


Andrew reacted first...  As one of the thugs raised his bat to hit him, Andrew kicked with all his might onto the thug’s right knee.  His kick connected, and he felt the man’s knee break and start to bend backwards as Andrews weight went into the kick.  Andrew, thrown a little off balance, staggered towards the man, who had fallen and started screaming in pain, his baseball bat forgotten as he clutched his ruined leg.


Oh my god!   I crippled him with one kick!  Andrew thought, staring in shock at the destroyed leg of the thug.  His guard such as it was, dropped, and the other thugs began to move in, having drawn knives.


The other thug stepped up to Stephanie and swung for the hills - and missed as she dodged the blow with ease that surprised her.  How the hell am I doing this?  She wondered, as she balled her fist, and rammed her fist into fleshy part of the thugs throat - it was one of the areas you’re supposed to hit if you’re being assaulted, according to some of her other friends.   Steph had never been to a self defence class - but one of her pals used to be in the Canadian infantry, and had given her pointers to win a fight.  One of the rules was keep attacking, and don’t stop.  They were helping today.


Steph’s fist connected with the thugs soft fleshy throat - and crushed into it, hard.  He tried to scream, but all that came out was a gasp and a gurgle.  He dropped the bat, and clutched his throat falling to the ground, trying to be able to breathe.


The other three men - one of them the cab driver - attacked the two tourists - one on Stephanie, two on Andrew.   Andrew, still stunned he’d taken down a thug that easily, was distracted and one of the thugs slashed him across the shoulder, cutting his jacket.  Blood welled up, and soaked his jacket sleeve, and he yelped in pain - he was able to dodge the second one.  The cab driver came at Stephanie, looking pissed off enough to kill them both - and took slash after slash at her, as she dodged and blocked the stabs...  


It’s too damn easy, she thought. It’s like they’re in slow motion half the time!  What the hell is happening to us?  My blood feels like it’s on fire!  She heard Andrews yelp of pain, and doubled her efforts to come to his aid. Gotta help Andrew!


Andrew felt the same way - his blood was thundering, fiery and searing.  He couldn’t think - all he could do was fight.  He wasn’t going berserk - he could feel that he could still think clearly, but it was like he was sick with a fever, and able to fight like a maniac at the same time.  He couldn’t explain it.


Andrew touched his shoulder - and his hand came away wet and dripping.  Without thinking, he flung the dripping blood into the face of his second attacker, and as the thug struggled to wipe the blood from his eyes, Andrew picked up a fallen bat and swung it at the first attacker - the remaining one with the knife.  It was a wild swing, and it hit the thug on the right arm, hard.  Andrew saw the man scream in pain and drop the knife.  


Stephanie grabbed the cabbies knife hand, and instead of fighting him strength to strength for control, simply redirected his swing, causing it to miss her - and redirected it into his own ribcage, just under the breastbone.  Blood sprayed over Stephanie’s hands as she forced the knife in, and she gasped and stepped back as the cabbie fell to the ground in a pool of blood. What have I done?  I killed him!


The last thug with a weapon - the one who had blood in his eyes - looked at his downed and wounded friends, and took a quick stab at Andrew, and when it failed to connect, he turned and ran, slowly followed by the man with the broken arm, who held his shattered limb carefully.


It was over...  Stephanie felt sick... something was wrong with her.  She should be scared, or in shock - instead, all she felt was excited. Victorious.  She felt like screaming a battle cry at the top of her lungs.  She wanted to have sex - she wanted to feast.  She won - and it felt... it felt good.  Really good.   She stared at the ruined thugs trying to process all these new feelings, feeling sicker and sicker - like she was burning up.  There was something wrong with her.


Andrew was having a similar dilemma - as his battle lust left him, he realized just how much damage he had done - and that he was hurt, although it didn’t feel as bad as it could have. Odd, he thought, checking the wound. It’s really shallow - just a long nick, like a big papercut.  My jackets screwed, though.  He felt sick too - like he was on fire.   “What’s happening?”  He called out.


“I don’t know!  I feel really sick, like a fever!”  Steph said, a bit panicked.  She felt faint.   “Damn!  Why didn’t I call Billy?  Billy, Come forth!” she said as she clutched the necklace of dog tags.


With a roll of thunder and a pop of air, Billy appeared next to her - and grabbed Stephanie to keep her from falling as she nearly passed out.  Billy dragged her to the car, and put her in the back seat, and went to get Andrew.   Thor’s hammer, they made a mess of these guys, he thought.  Their ichor is awakening.  Damn.  “We need a hotel, fast.”  Billy got Andrew seated - but by the time he had, Stephanie had nearly passed out.  The three thugs on the ground were either unconscious or dead - he didn’t much care which.  They did good, though, he thought.  Better than I would have expected, actually.


“Billy... what’s happening to us?”  Andrew asked, worriedly. 


“Your Ichor is awakening, Andy - it means you’re about to pass out for a few.  It’s okay - I just didn’t think it would happen this soon or I’d have warned you both.  It wasn’t supposed to happen until you faced Greyfang.   Its normal - all scions go through it.”


“Will we be okay?”  Andrew asked.  “Will Stephanie be all right?”


“You both will be.  Take it easy – I’ll borrow this guys cab and get you to a decent hotel.  We’ll say you and your girlfriend are a bit drunk, and you slipped and tore your jacket.  Well get a room or two, and I’ll bribe the concierge to not call the police.  It’ll be fine.  I got this.”


Andrew was rapidly losing consciousness as well.  All he could say before he passed out was “Thanks.”  Everything went black. 


“Well hell.”  Billy said out loud, to no one in particular.  Looking at the defeated thugs again, he revised his estimate - one crippled, two dead.  “Oh well...  At least they left us the cab.”  He found the keys in the ignition, so he simply started the car, and drove into the city, looking for the first decent hotel he could find.  His two charges would need rest and food, and lots of both.