Chapter 26 – The End of the Beginning
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As Billy, Stephanie and Alley returned to the parking lot, Thorn and the other tree-sprites flitted away to meet us on the balcony.  Alley used to worry they would be seen, but in the last two weeks she realized just how sneaky they were - she was confident no one would see them, especially if no one had reason to look.


“How do we explain the blood on our clothes?”  Stephanie asked.  “Spelunking accident?”


“If anyone even asks, I suppose that’s as good an excuse as any.”  Billy said.  “Either that or someone popped a basketball sized mosquito.”


“Ewww.” Alley muttered.  “Let’s just get inside and get a shower and some clean clothes.  Please.”


The three of them walked inside the hotel - and it was obvious the concierge had noticed their sorry state of disrepair - the blood and the torn clothes.   She left her desk and quietly approached the three.   “Is everything all right, madams, and sir?”


It took Stephanie a moment to realize the concierge was speaking Norwegian, and not English - but she didn’t have any problem understanding it.  “Yeah - we had a bit of a climbing accident and need to get cleaned up.  We’re okay.”


The Concierge was not dissuaded.  “Are you sure madam?  I can call an ambulance if you wish?”


Argh!  We just want to get a shower - and I want to see myself in a frigging mirror.  Stephanie gritted her teeth and growled  “We’re FINE, thank you.  We just want to get cleaned up.   We don’t need help.”   As she said her annoyed reply, Steph could feel the pull of her legend, trying to influence the woman... She felt a bit drained - but whatever happened, seemed to help.


The concierge seemed to visibly lose interest, and nodded.  “Very well then, ma’am.  I hope you feel better soon.  Have a nice day!”  The woman walked back over to her desk, and ignored the three of them from then on.  


“What the hell was that?”  Alley asked in a whisper as the three headed to the elevator.


“I’d guess Stephanie just used ‘Gods Honest’ on her.  Billy said, smirking.  Like when you’re caught with your hand in the cookie jar, your moms staring right at you with chocolate on your face and hands - you say I didn’t do it - and she buys it.  Like that.  Nice trick boss - you picked up on that fast.”


“I didn’t even know I was doing it.”  Steph replied.  The elevator door closed and they rose up floor by floor to their hotel rooms.   “I don’t need the shower first - I mean, I know I need one - but I’m going to look in the mirror first, okay?”


“Not surprised,” said Alley.  “That’s what I did in Beiderbach.   I’ll Rock paper scissors you for the shower, Billy...”


“You take it first – I’m not too messed up.”


“Cool.  Thanks Billy.”   Alley gave him a kiss on the cheek, and as the elevator doors opened, she headed towards their room. 


“Did she...”  Billy started.   I could get used to that, he thought.


“I think so.”  Stephanie said.  “I think we might need to talk later, Billy.  We did say it was tabled till we survived.  Well I guess in her mind, we survived...”  She gave his hand a squeeze.  “C’mon – let’s get inside before some maid sees us and thinks were international murderers or something.  I’m still covered in blood.”


“Sure thing, boss.”  He said, smiling. 


They followed Alley - and by the time they got to the apartment, they found a trail of dirty, mangled clothes leading from the front door of the hotel suite towards the bathroom - Alley had probably been naked by the time she hit the bathroom door.


“What are you, like twelve?  Pick up your damn clothes...”  Steph said laughing.  She walked over and opened the window, and the Sprites flew inside.  “Your mistress forgot to clean and fold her clothes, guys.”


“Well get right on it ma’am!”  Thistle said, rustling Rose, Thorn and Petal into picking the clothes for later.


Billy laughed.  “She is getting soooo damn spoiled with those sprites taking care of her.”


“Tell me about it.”  Steph answered with a grin.  “Maybe I should have you do my laundry too?”


“Wha... hey - not funny!”  Billy said, sputtering.  He was still having difficulty getting used to how attractive Stephanie was - and he could just tell that unless something changed really soon, he was going to have to get used to lots of cold showers.


“Depends on who you ask,” Stephanie said, smirking.  ‘I’m gonna go look in the mirror.  Be back soon.”


“Take your time, Stephanie - you earned it.”  Billy pulled off his boots, and grabbed a soda from the bar fridge. 


“I will.”  Stephanie answered, and went over to the bed she and Alley were sharing, dropping the magical backpack on the bed with a thump.   Even empty the bag seemed to have at least some weight, even though most of the loot was still somewhere else, wherever the backpack stored its treasures.   She pulled off her mangled leather jacket and put it in a trashbag which they had left ready for just this occasion.  Her shirt and bra, underwear and pants also went in the trash, and she wrapped a towel around herself before heading back out into the suite and going to the bathroom.  


Billy was relaxing in front of the TV, waiting for the girls to finish up - so she was able to sneak past and get inside without being ogled by Billy - although the Sprites got an eyeful, and if little wooden people could be surprised - and pleased - they certainly were.  She remembered their faces when she came out of the cave - Thistle and Petal had known immediately what happened.   None of them had said anything - it wasn’t the time...  It probably would be soon.  Steph smiled.  I really like the tree-sprites.  They’re family - like Billy.  Oddly enough, the thought didn’t surprise her as much as make her smile.  Family...  The only family I’ve got now.


Stephanie went into the washroom, to hear the pitter patter of the water falling on Alley, who was humming a pop tune she’d heard on the radio.  Steph wasn’t sure she even knew what it meant - but maybe she did; after all, they could understand almost any language now.  It was nice hearing her sing.   “Hey stinker.”  She said.  “Any hot water left?”  She closed the door and looked in the mirror.


Days later, Steph realized Alley had responded with something like ‘yeah – I’ll be done in a minute.’ - but she was dazzled by her appearance and all her thoughts fled her mind.  Before her in the mirror was a beautiful goddess of a young woman.  She was a tall woman, about six feet tall, with a strong athletic build as opposed to a weightlifters build.  She was fair skinned, like the Aesir, and her long hair was now red, not brown going silver.  Her eyes were bright green and sparkled like jewels - they were magnetic to look at - and her lips were red even though she wore no makeup today.   She was curvy in all the right places - sexy as hell, she thought, and she was significantly more endowed than before...   I never got better than an A cup on the hormones, Steph thought.  These beauties are at least the same as Alleys, if not more.  Sweet!  Looking down at her crotch, she smiled deeply. Thank god it’s finally gone, she thought.  I thought I’d never get rid of that piece of meat.  She looked up, and prayed to her mom. Thanks.


Not really sure if she should believe the beautiful mirage in front of her, Stephanie touched the mirror - and the vision of loveliness moved as she did, when she did.  “That’s me...  Oh my god... I’m perfect!”  It was hard to comprehend - Stephanie was now so beautiful she transcended normal and entered the realm of archetype.   There’s no way I’m going un-noticed anywhere ever again.  “Holy Shit!  No one would ever believe I was the Stephanie Walsh of a month ago - not in a million years.”


Alley gave her a hug from behind, her slender arms cupping Stephanie’s new breasts and giving them a squeeze.  “You’re not kidding, hon - you look fantastic.  I’m so glad you got your wish.”   Alley turned her groping into a more sedate hug, and they embraced for a few minutes. 


“Me too, Alley.”  Steph said sniffing - tears were coming easy today it seemed.  “I’d better get into the shower and clean off this mess.”


“Trust me, no one would care if you were covered in human waste, they’d still want to get close to you.”  Alley laughed - and she wasn’t kidding.  If I thought I had it bad, she’s going to have it a hundred times worse.  Alley thought.  Still, if I have to be careful what I wish for, I suppose so does she.   Alley wrapped a towel around herself and left the bathroom, and got some clean clothes on.  


Soon, all three of them were washed and dressed in cleaner clothing, and sitting down to talk.


Petal flitted up to Stephanie, and started playing with her hair.  She smiled.  “I’m really glad you’re happy, ma’am.”  She said in her light voice.  “You look so pretty now.”


“Were all happy for you, ma’am.”  Rose said - the other sprites nodding.  “You earned it.”


“Thanks guys.”  Steph answered.  “I still don’t believe it.”


“No kidding.”  Billy said.  “You know how hard it is to behave with you two goddesses in here?”  He looked like he was almost joking, but not quite.   “You both have quite the impact on people, believe me.”


Alley laughed.  “Well, will you ever get revenge on us and get deific appearance?”


“Nope.” Billy said, sadly.  “You can only be a scion if you’re alive - and I died.  I’m kind of a spiritual being with solid form - so I don’t have deific powers.  If somehow a miracle happened, and I was raised from the dead - like that’s gonna happen! - I suppose I might have a shot - but I’d think I’d know if I had ichor like the two of you.”


“Why would you?”  Steph asked.  “We sure as hell didn’t until we were visited.  Could be the same for you.”


“Maybe.”  Billy said.  “Could we change the topic please.  It’s uncomfortable.”


“Sure Billy.  Sorry.”  Steph looked chagrined.  Of course he wouldn’t like talking about how he died or all that stuff.  Geez - get a new pair of tits and suddenly you’re a fucking idiot, Stephanie.   “I didn’t mean to upset you.”


“I know.”  Billy said.  “You get used to it - being dead.  It sucks, but it’s better than being in Hel.”


The three were quiet for more than a little while, until Alley broke the silence.  “What are we going to do about... us?”  She continued before either of the others could interject or break in.  “Steph is attracted to me - and to you Billy.  You’re attracted to me and her if what you said was right.  I’m obviously attracted to her - and I really think I could be with you too... So why the hell are we all confused and sad about this?”


Billy gave her a look that said ‘say what?’  “What do you mean?  What are you getting at?”  Is she seriously considering what I THINK she’s considering?  I never even considered it possible!   I wanted to - but I’ve never seen people do it in our day and age. 


“What I think Alley is saying is why don’t we try a three-way relationship and see how it turns out? - am I right, Alley?”


Alley smiled.  “Pretty much.  When it works right, it’s the best thing in the world - but if it doesn’t work it’s a fucking disaster.  I think we could make it work, if were honest with each other.  I’m willing to try and see.”


Billy tried to keep his face calm.  “What about you, Stephanie.  Do you think this could work too?”   Oh my god - am I seriously worried she’ll say yes - or say no?   I have to admit I want this so bad I could die - but it just isn’t possible - is it?


Stephanie thought a moment, and considered what Alley had said earlier that day, plus how she felt about both of them.   She honestly did care for both of them - and although normal morals would say pick one and live with your choice she didn’t really know if normal customs really applied anymore.  She could pretend to be normal and say goodbye to someone she cared about - or she could say yes to taking a risk, and maybe win more than she ever bargained for.  It was a fool’s question.  “I’d like to try, Billy.  I think it might work, for us if not for everyone.”


Billy let out his breath - he hadn’t been aware he was holding his breath until now - and sighed. How can I refuse - even if I wanted to, which I don’t, I don’t think I could refuse them.  They don’t realize it, I think, but they are a part of me.   I can’t NOT think about them.   My choice was made for me the moment I arrived in Valhalla.  I love them both, now and forever.  “I’m in.”  He said.  “Although I’m not sure how we’re going to make it work.”


“You think we do?”  Steph said, laughing.  “We’ll just have to muddle through and hope for the best.”


Billy laughed at that as well.  “I suppose.  What’s out next move, once we have our celebration dinner?”


“You already know that, silly.”  Steph said, smiling.  “We head back to Canada, and head up to North Bay.  You’ve got to say hi to your dad and tell him you’re okay.  I promised, remember?”


Billy smiled. She did promise me at that. “Yeah - you did.”


Thorn looked worried.  “Are you sure that’s the right thing to do, ma’am?”


“Yes, Thorn.  It is the right thing to do - even if it breaks some of the rules.”  Steph answered.  “Billy needs to see his dad - and Billy’s dad needs to see his son.  If we didn’t do this, we’d be horrible friends - and worse girlfriends.   It’s a human thing to want to say goodbye - if that’s what happens.  We need to do this, for Billy.”


Billy felt tears running down his cheeks.  How in the hell did I get so lucky as to be sent to these two?  He wondered.  He tried to talk - but all he could choke out was a rough “Thank you.” 


Alley held his hand and gave it a squeeze.  “It’s okay Billy.  We’ve got a ton of stuff to do ahead of us - we haven’t even really started saving the world yet - just killed some monsters.   This isn’t the end... it’s the end of the beginning.  Wait till you see what tomorrow brings!”


The three of them held hands and smiled.  They would see what tomorrow brought indeed - but they would do it together.  They got up and headed downstairs for their celebration dinner, confident that tomorrow would take care of itself.







Stephanie, Ally, Billy and the Sprites will return in the Mandate of Heaven, Part 2!