79. Behind The Steering Wheel
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The night transitioned into the day without any incidents, but Vere couldn't help but notice the increased attention he received from the sailors while standing behind the steering wheel. It was evident that they were suspicious, though their focus remained on the unexpected guests aboard the ship rather than the captain's absence. However, this would soon change.

The morning winds tousled the tall man's hair, occasionally obstructing his view. Ironically, this provided some respite from the relentless reflection of the morning sun's rays reflected in the water, which, combined with the ship's movement, often irritated his eyes as he couldn’t find a good angle to look ahead.

Growing more anxious, he anticipated the moment when the sailors would realize they were further from the coast than expected, leading to demands to see Captain Adir. His anxiety intensified upon spotting a crew member climbing the mast to survey the surroundings from the crow's nest.

"Ship on the horizon!" echoed from above just as the man reached his vantage point. "Ship on the horizon!"

"What flag?!" someone called out from the deck.

The news quickly spread among the crew, capturing their attention.

"Pirates! It's pirates!" the lookout cried. "They are ahead of us!"

Amidst the commotion, a familiar face emerged among the seamen. It was the same elderly man whom Vere had relieved at the steering wheel. This time, however, he donned the complete navy uniform. By listening attentively throughout the night, the tall man had discovered his identity—the first mate, also known as Salah. If the old man had been wearing his coat during their encounter, Vere would have recognized his rank earlier, but he wasn't.

Below deck, the news reached Mamadou's ears, prompting him to rouse Javohir by gently patting the boy's belly. Bruno had already been awake, and he quickly vacated the hammock, leading the way out of the hold. The rest of the group followed suit.

Exiting the hold proved challenging due to the crowded and dimly lit ship interior. Many others sought passage to the deck. Nevertheless, the three managed to join the throng, making their way upward.

At that moment, the first mate approached Vere, while the other sailors became preoccupied with the ship on the horizon, drawing closer to the bow.

"I need to speak with the captain," he stated, preparing to pass by Vere. However, he halted, surprised by the tall man's nonchalant reaction. As if he expected to be stopped, or at least face some resistance.

After this brief pause, the first mate continued his march towards the captain's quarters with determination. He wasted no time, pushing open the door and stepping inside. His eyes widened at the sight of Princess Hallel, but before he could react, a plump figure emerged from behind and delivered a forceful blow to his head with a heavy object.

"Why did you hit him?" the princess inquired.

"I'll explain in a moment, princess," Hadiza responded, closing the door and, along the way, sharing a brief exchange of glances with Vere.

Meanwhile, on the deck, Bruno and the rest of the group finally arrived, drawing considerable attention. Making their way toward Vere, the young alchemist asserted, "It's time to pull the princess card," he informed as he ascended the stairs, determined to reach the tall man.

Vere acknowledged the words of the young alchemist with a nod but remained silent. He released his grip on the steering wheel, then approached the door, giving it two deliberate knocks before returning to his position.

"Where is the captain?!" a voice called out from the deck.

More voices joined in, demanding answers. However, all fell silent as Princess Hallel emerged from the cabin, clad in her sea-blue dress, and approached the railing. A warm smile graced her lips as she gazed at the sailors.

"There has been a change of plans!" Vere's voice boomed across the deck from behind the steering wheel. "Due to reasons I can't disclose, we must meet the vessels ahead of us."

His announcement stirred murmurs among the men below, sparking discussions and inquiries for which no one seemed to have an immediate answer.

Taking a bold step forward, Bruno approached the princess and whispered, "It's time for you to address your subjects. Tell them to trust the big man. Say it's a secret diplomatic mission or something. Lie, but make sure they will buy it."

Princess Hallel turned slowly to face him, a look of surprise on her face. "Bruno?" she questioned quietly. "What are you doing here?"

"It's not important, just do what I asked you, please. Otherwise, we might have a mutiny here," he urgently pointed out.

"Mutiny? Why?" she inquired, shifting her attention to the sailors below who looked at her with anticipation.

"Do you trust Vere?" the young alchemist questioned.

"Y-yes..." she hesitated before responding.

"Then please do as I said. He will explain everything to you later. And no more towers, no more being trapped in a room. No more loneliness. Just trust Vere," he urged, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

The princess found his words both surprising and intriguing. Her mouth opened briefly before she slowly nodded in agreement.

"Sailors!" she called out, addressing the men below. "You are on a secret diplomatic mission. Trust your captain, and trust me, your princess. You don't need to know more than that. Your dedication will be rewarded in due time."

With poise and composure, she projected an aura of confidence.

"Now, back to the cabin before they ask too many questions," Bruno whispered, pulling her away.

Hallel smiled at the sailors, then obediently turned on her heels and vanished behind the cabin door, guided by the young alchemist. The body of the first mate had been already swiftly removed, leaving no trace of what had transpired. Bruno then closed the door.

"Prepare to drop the anchor as soon as we near the pirate ship!" Vere commanded.

Approaching the railing, the boy took a deep breath of the fresh sea air, his face breaking into a contented smile. Despite the multitude of possible obstacles that lay ahead, everything appeared to be falling into place, and he once again felt a sense of control over his own fate.