B II, ch 19. Back On Solid Ground
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The quay they had docked at appeared to be newly constructed—a testament to the deal Zoulan had struck with the pirates. Stretching beyond it were several imposing warehouses, and further still lay a small village. This was undoubtedly the source of the diligent workers who seemed to populate the bustling port, as evidenced by the nearby ships the young alchemist had spotted. The trade with pirates was thriving in this place.

Overall, the day was dreary and unpleasant. The biting cold nipped at their skin, and a light drizzle cast a damp haze over everything. The gusts of wind that swept through intermittently only added to the bone-chilling discomfort. On the horizon, Bruno's gaze was drawn to the majestic mountains, their peaks shrouded in thick clouds. It piqued his curiosity, for it was amidst those lofty heights that the region's hidden riches were said to lie.

His eyes shifted gradually to the workers on the quay, diligently preparing for the unloading of goods from the vessel. Further away, a few figures stood motionless, their gazes fixed upon the approaching ship. Judging by their attire, the boy deduced that they were there to welcome them—perhaps officials or even nobles.

One of them, older with a long face and a nearly bald head, wore a thick brown cloak that enveloped his entire body, rendering his underlying garments indiscernible. The sagging skin on his face resembled a mask of sorts. By his side stood a bulkier man, sporting a day's worth of unshaved beard and a short, dark mane atop his square-like head. His jacket was sturdy and reminiscent of padding worn beneath chainmail or plate armor. A sword hung from his belt.

‘This must be Bahir and the other guy? Perhaps his bodyguard or a militia man,’ a second thought crossed Bruno's mind.

With the gangplank in place, Billy took the lead, stepping off the ship, followed closely by Marco. They headed straight toward the waiting figures, prompting the young alchemist to observe attentively, awaiting a signal to join them.

Curiosity compelled Bruno to steal a glance behind him, assessing the presence of his companions. Viki, Javohir, and Raul stood a few steps away, ready and packed, waiting for him to make a move. Heb Horemm was conspicuously absent—an understandable circumstance, considering the clandestine nature of his activities on Frontier Island, activities that few were privy to.

Lost in his thoughts, Bruno's musings about the mysterious man were interrupted by a discreet signal from Viki, prompting him to turn around. His attention refocused on Billy, who met his gaze directly, signaling for him to join the group. Without hesitation, Bruno began walking, crossing the gangplank and traversing the length of the quay until he reached the gathering.

"This is the boy," declared Billy, motioning toward Bruno. "Don't let his age deceive you. He is smart and knows a lot about alchemy."

"Good day," greeted the young alchemist.

"Good day," replied the older man, introducing himself. "I'm Bahir Veleryn, the treasurer of King Katyan. And this is Captain Brish Navernaya, responsible for the guards in the mines."

Bahir pointed to his companion, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest, exuding an air of disapproval towards the changes imposed by Hugo Wagner. It seemed likely that King Katyan had tasked Bahir and Brish with the burden of addressing these challenges, while he indulged in the pleasures of the flesh—feasting, drinking, and undoubtedly pursuing carnal delights.

"I'm Bruno, an alchemist," the boy introduced himself.

"What will you require to begin your work?" Bahir inquired, cutting straight to the point.

"I will need a building with several rooms for accommodation, as I have companions with me, and ample space to establish a laboratory. Provide me with as many books on botany and alchemy as you can acquire, along with the necessary ingredients and equipment. If there is a skilled craftsman adept at working with glass, I can provide precise instructions for the items I will need in the future. Additionally, I would like to visit the local farmlands, speak with the workers, and assess their cultivation practices. After I’m done with the agriculture, I will turn my attention to the mines—I believe I can bring about improvements there as well," Bruno explained confidently. „I brought some equipment with me, but with time I will undoubtedly need more, so please search for the craftsman I mentioned if there isn’t one available.”

"Those are bold claims," remarked Brish, though a faint smile betrayed his true feelings about the situation. „And quite a list.”

It was quite obvious that to him, it all seemed like a joke, a waste of time.

"I recommend you get used to him speaking this way," Billy chimed in with a smirk on his face.

"Moreover, you should get accustomed to me fulfilling my promises," Bruno added, locking eyes with the pirate, eliciting a nearly identical smile from Brish.

Billy's tongue clicked, but he refrained from responding, his silence speaking volumes on his behalf.

"We will be counting on that to be the truth. Follow me. The ride is waiting. I will take you to the right place and show you what we have already prepared," Bahir declared, dismissing the ongoing bickering.

Bruno swiftly turned around, signaling to his companions to disembark from the ship. Eagerly, they responded, wasting no time in accepting his invitation. As they made their way off the vessel, Bahir and Brish led the way, forging ahead from the quay. Billy remained behind, observing their departure for a brief moment before turning back towards his ship.

"Good luck!" he called out eventually, his voice carrying over the harbor before he retreated to attend to his own affairs. Viki, Javohir, and Raul passed by him, hastily bidding their farewells, but he paid them no mind.

Meanwhile, Bruno set foot on the solid ground of the paved harbor, relishing the sensation after the prolonged journey aboard the ‘Blue Whale.’ His feet adjusted to the familiar sensation of the creaking wooden planks, and now the sturdier stone beneath his soles offered a noticeable contrast.

The immediate surroundings comprised a few warehouses situated merely a dozen steps away. Beyond them, the sand stretched out, its loose texture a result of countless wagons traversing the area.

Further along, past the line of warehouses, two carriages awaited. Though not pristine, they appeared to be in serviceable condition, indicating the state of the kingdom. At least at first glance, the horses seemed healthy and well-treated.

‘There will be much work to be done here,’ Bruno pondered to himself, a smile gradually spreading across his face. ‘Before I take over, and even more after I do… I can’t wait...’