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Kalen's pov


i exhaled in defeat, it seemed no matter how hard I tried the beast would not yield

"you just thought something rude just now"

I turned around to face the voice, the beast 

"you did it again"

a highly perceptive beast this one was 

"do you want me to stone you with my scissors"

'do you think you could hit me even if I stood still'

I said a hint of mocking in my voice 


she said while smirking with only her mouth, her eyes on the other hand displayed a killing light, she made to smack me on the head before we heard a knock

"honey are you there"

at the sound of the male voice her features softened into a beautiful smile, the smile of a woman in love, a smile which was swiftly replaced by the look of a murderer as I spoke 

'yes your dragon is here'

before I realised she had a pair of scissors in her hands and was lunging at me with them, even if the technique had been immaculate for me dodging wouldn't have been a feat but I still put on a show of anxiety as she repeatedly tried to stab me. Felix walked into the room and upon spotting the site the well fed mage had the gall to say

"oh, it seems like you too are getting along"

'Felix I believe I've said this to you multiple times already but it seems you need to hear it again, get glasses'

I continued to gracefully dodge within a hairs breath of her strikes in order to make it seem like I was barely avoiding her strikes, so she did what any normal homicidal maniac would do, she picked up speed.

Honestly, although the scissors were enchanted they wouldn't even leave a bruise if I decided to let them strike me but I was less afraid for myself and moreso for my attire, I had just put on the magic-clothes that had been custom made for me against my own heavy protest and I had to admit, I cut a rather dashing figure.

 It was all black cuz I'd never wear anything else but was an astonishing mix of militant and reagal it's main parts consisting of a striped suit only it came with a holster and sheathe for my sword, and a dark cloak with accessorised silver accents, on my hands were two dark gloves that made the entire ensemble look deadly and stylish. The only problem was that i had sworn that the moment it was finished I would hate it, and after looking at myself in the mirror I had come to the decision that a small lie was in order 

'Felix, your girlfriend dressed me up like a pencil with cloth on its back'

"you gloomy bastard!!!!"

her attacks increased in intensity, after a few tedious seconds I spoke once more 


I offered with my hand out


she said recieving it with a shake before turning to Felix 

"love of my life, surely you know who you must stand beside right now"

tiebreaker is a method we had created to settle disputes between us, in we ask the opinion of a third party with a certain level of value in our lives, today Felix was the victim

'come on Felix, which one are you gonna chose, all out years of closeness'

 I said gesturing to the both of us 

'or sex' 

I said pointing at his girlfriend 

"speaking of sex when are you gonna have that"

his girlfriend threw her head back and laughed while I put on a sour face 

'just pick a side'

he brought a hand to his chin in false thought before speaking, his eyes shined with hope in both our directions and for a minute I suspected he'd say something sensible 

"clearly she turned you into a good-looking pencil with cloth on its back"


we said together, Felix replied with his characteristic laughter before stepping towards Shainne before planting a kiss on her cheek

"you did wonderful babe"

the raven haired beauty who had been fuming a second ago let out a small smile before returning the kiss with her own while I watched, once the two entangled Felix came up to me and puckered up but I swiftly escaped before asking 


the dolt put on a smile and spoke

"I didn't want you to feel jealous"

'so what does that make you considerate or an idiot'

he chuckled at those words, coincidentally I ended up back in front of the mirror and caught another look at myself, I had never been one to give much thought to my appearance(Felix called it the luck of the extremely handsome, but he was probably just trolling) but even I had to admit that this was a wonderful look. I turned to face the person responsible for this.Black hair and unique purple eyes and under them were bags obvious marks of sleepless nights, she did an incredible job, as she caught my gaze I did two things simultaneously

'Shainne, its not terrible'

as I spoke I sent a mental transmission 

'thank you'

she looked at me with a smirk upon her lips before scoffing 

"alright, you"

Felix said pointing at me 

"are gonna be late"

with that I remembered why this suit had to be made and why it looked like Shainne hadn't slept in weeks, the conference of the Don's, all of them, every single Don will be present all in order to judge both me and Trident for our recent actions, it was happening today as such their was a rush order for my suit and I was only now getting it 

'do I really have to go'


It had been a few minutes since Felix and Shainne had practically forced me out of my own home because of a harmless joke and I was still suppressing my discontent, sure if given the chance I ditch this event but that didn't mean I would do so in this scenario, there wasn't a chance. I still managed to walk through the hallways of Langris's manor while maintaining a neutral expression, at my side were two maids who were at least master level, far beneath me but overqualified to be wearing a maid outfit. The staff, that was what they were called, their true names and origins were unknown, all but a few things were certain when dealing with them, they weren't defenseless and they were provided by the Don's association, they both monitored and assisted Don's, even in questionable ways, how one should treat them was up to them as far as I know there had never been an incident when one spiked a drink or snuck into a Don's office to steal information, but they were always listening watching and judging, and that was enough. 

I was escorted into a courtyard and standing within it were 4 of 5 Don's all in resplendent outfits 

"Kalen you're here"

i heard the chipper voice of a blond bastard, he sauntered towards me in robes that looked to have been woven from gold before stretching his hands out for a hug, I swiftly dodged him, I don't know why but he seemed to have stopped all motion while in the pose of someone expecting a hug. He even had a creepy smile on his face, weird, why was I dodging a lot of weirdos today. I walked up to the lady Raine, she was in her black haired form, she seemed to be apraising me but I let it slide 

'Miss Raine'

"huh,... I mean good day Third"

I nodded, it was then that I properly took her in, like always her beauty was only outmatched by her true form even now as she wore a dress that looked to have been woven of blue roses tinged with gold, even the word breathtaking did not do her justice, but I did not let my eyes linger. 

'Don Samuel, Don Kannie'

I greeted with individual nods, the reason I greeted Raine first wasn't because she was the most eye-catching but because she was the one I was most familiar with, even still both men would have caught the eye of anything with a pulse if they went out, like me Don Sam wore a suit only his was a mix of the deep sea blue with silver lining, he also had a diamond studded brooch with white steel cuffs and unlike Raine and Langris he had chosen to place his sword in a scabbard on his side, like me. I couldn't help but approve as I shook his hand.

Don Kannie's attire on the other hand strove to strengthen the belief that he was foreign, his garb was akin to that of a monk's, forest green and wrapped around him in a beautiful flow as they exposed his numerous tatoos but what really sold it was the numerous golden adornments in his hair as well as the rings for both his fingers and ears, he truly looked like a bizarre piece of art, bizarre but still art. 

The man smilled at me before turning to Langris asking 

"so when are we going"

Langris who seemed to have recovered finally spoke 

'about now'

and like that we disappeared.