Book 2 chapter 8: Final preparations
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The training went by far quicker than I had anticipated. As a human, it had taken me days to properly learn the spell, though I was incapable of using it myself, only sure that I had learned it thanks to the confirmation of a troll who assured me I had learned it.

But I had been a human. It was a bit foolish to use my time to train as a timeline for them.

The first of them to learn was Borsch, something I credited to his existence as an ork sage's apprentice. Clearly he was a step ahead, and though I did not quite know what sage signified, I could only assume that i was relevant to the pursuit in magic.

He learned the spell in a matter of minutes, emerging as a rather bulky looking elf.

It was a bit weird honestly, conspicuous even. Less conspicuous than a skarpan walking through the town, but he was still rather brawny as an elf, when elves were known for their more slender physique, something Redgar and Fenil both fit more in line with, looking more like normal elves.

Damil was the other exception of the group, turning into a rather stubby little elf.

He grew, of that there was no doubt, but compared to the average elf, he was what would be considered small.

He'd be considered a tall dwarf but still short for a human and an elf.

Both he and Borsch would be considered abnormalities, and for the more puritan elves, they'd likely be considered aberrations, since elves who are abnormal are often suspect of being half elves, and for those crude types they'd gossip about monster progenitors.

But for the average elf they'd be considered abnormal, and no more. Humans would likely care less so, same with other species that roamed the empire.

These would hold as disguises.

Being satisfied with their disguises, I set to other things I held in priority.

Like disguises for the carriage.

'Surely the carriage can blend in better than it does currently?" I ask Servante, pointing to the rather obvious lgo, and he scratches his neck awkwardly.

"It did." he commented, "But thanks to the attack by the "bandits" the cloaking magic was damaged.I've fixed it already."

I nod, though I do remain curious as to why he didn't activate it earlier.

Seeing my curiosity, he admitted surprisingly sheepishly. "I just fixed it." seeming embarrassed by this statement and even a bit abyed by this admittance, though I am unsure why. After all it is a difficult task to fix a broken magic circle, especially with how much time he takes out of his day to keep an eye on us.

I'd say it's quite the achievement for a B-rank knight.

And I tell him so. 'You did good. Most B-ranks would need another week to get something like that fixed.' I was worried that we'd have to with something more primitive like repainting the carriage, something in which I have little advice.

The elf stiffens for a minute, before responding curtly. "Of course. I am no mere B-rank knight after all." he said, with his chin turned up, with a sense of pride in his voice.

Okay. Well if it makes him feel more positive and make this journey smoother I'm fine with it.

As we approached closer and closer to the town, we began seeing other carriages. This is unsurprising, given how popular of a tourist destination skip village is, being the second most popular of the three villages from the original pun.

Of course, we've had the camouflage set up and the skarpans using the Feratol spell up, so we fit in relatively well amongst the other carts, though I suspect we've been regarded as elven isolationists given some of the weird looks we've been given.

EIght elves and a turtle. Yeah no that makes sense.

I do take this time to start planning out what I'm going to sell.

Yes, what I'm going to sell.

I'll have to discuss with the skarpans soon about what they plan to sell, but I must also consider myself, as someone who plans to sell my own things.

I wanted to make a little money on the side after all, and frankly if I had to sell wares anywhere, Skip village isn't a bad place to start.

But what?

I was going to sell some of the ironwood originally, but I've come to realize that it really hurts to pull off branches. And frankly, given how little I'll gather with the pain involved, it simply isn't worth it. Not until I grow bigger, regenerate faster, or become more willing to take off branches.

As I sit there and contemplate, Willow walks very quietly, merely choosing to sit next to me, resting on top of my shell.

She's a very quiet child.

With that serene look on her face.

I do prefer kids smile though.

So I grew her more fruit. She likes lychee, so I make her a few more of those, willing ore to form into a razor, carving the lychees.

ANd soon the little high elf is quietly eating lychees. It's not the loud excitement of an ordinary child, but quiet joy as she enjoyed the delectable fruit.

It's a subtle but tender smile.

Ah. Fruit. I grow those.

Couldn't I sell those?

From what I could tell, the fruit I'm producing are merely normal fruit, no more no less so they'd likely be worth little. But in a bundle they could be worth a fair buck.

It's the exotic fruit though that could probably sell really well.

Indeed lychees are a rather rare import. Selling those could turn up a profit, though that carried its own isks.

Even without lychees however, he had plenty of fruit to sell, and taking them off could make him a good deal of money.

I offered Willow a silent thanks as I quietly patted the child's head, who was enjoying her fruit.

Sometimes inspiration comes from the most random of places.

I had to take the form of an orc again as I began to teach Leon some basics of combat technique.

Well, I change from turtle to orc, and then to elf within the carriage,, to avoid any wandering eyes.

You never know when someone will be looking.

Since He'll be trained as an assassin, I'm teaching him how to hold the dagger offensively.

Last time, he randomly dug the blade into the goblins flesh but it lacked finesse, seemingly based on his work as someone who'd skinned a beast.

SO we spent a day or so, practicing the grips, as well as practicing slicing through the air.

I also had him run 10 laps around a self designed area, much to Lenore's worry,

"Are you sure? That seems a lot for a child of his age." she worriedly inquired, watching as the child ran the laps, looking tired.

I used to run 15 laps at his age though, and I took off 5 in consideration to the idea that he may lack the same determination.

'Do you think it a little too much?' I find myself asking, seeking guidance from someone who may have better insight into this than I.

"Yes." she said without hesitation, leading me to ask her how many she suggested.

She looked thoughtful as she contemplated it for a fair minute.

"Five laps." she said. It's rather low for my taste, but he is a child.

Fine. 5 laps.

Leon hadn't complained, but he looks extremely tired when I had called him back, and looked visibly happier once I shrank the number down to 5 laps.

Lenore was right about it being too much for a child, so I guess she has more experience teaching children than I do. All the soldiers I trained were usually 15 and up, so I am a bit out of my depth here.

We spent the rest of the training that day teaching him how to circulate magic. Nothing major, but the ability to circulate magic is a base requirement for surviving if you ask me.

I also used that time to start carving out a dummy out of a tree for him to use, so he can train even outside of the adventurer's hall.

I had other things to do as well, including talking with Stolidus, who's been bothering me with something.

[You should use appraisal more.]

The system persisted in my head again, much to my annoyance.


I can appraise things on my own right.

[I disagree. Remember the situation with the ork sage?] Stolidus responded smugly.

Useful, sure. But I'd hardly say enough so to use constantly.

[Just use it. It'll cost you absolutely nothing!.] It insisted, but I disagreed.

It's still a spell. What if someone sensed me casting appraisal on them? This appraisal spell does not seem that special to me at first glance, and if there's a chance that I'll be detected by a stronger person, and piss them off given how offensive scrying spells can be viewed as, it's not worth investing in.

[It's not a scrying spell! It's a insight spell, allowing you insight into the nature of a being. At higher levels it's practically a must have. You're going to a town to shop right? Then the appraisal spell will be perfect for you! At higher levels, appraisal can identify the ones that are secretly magical tools and artifacts, meaning you can swoop in and buy them at discount!]

And that's appealing to a certain degree, true, but I do have an eye for this stuff. I can identify artifacts with my own inquisitive eye.

[Not to the level appraisal you can't!]

Why do you care so much anyway?

[W-w-well] Stolidus hesitated, [You know, I'm a system, it's my job you know?]

... You're being made to do this aren't you.

[What? No!] The spirit like being vehemently denied it, but his awkward expression easily gave it away, as well as his weird pestering, when he usually cares little to repeat it.

A digital avatar that gives away your expression doesn't help your case Stolidus.

[... Damnit. 75 warned me this may happen]

Was it 75 then?

[No, no. Hes as lax as I am in some aspects.]

Alright, then who?

[System 0, or the base of the system. She's like a administrator, or like our progenitor or something.] He said it with awkwardness, yet there was also a tone of respect in his voice.

So you basically got nagged by your mother.

[Yeah, sure, if you want to phrase it like that.] He said with a clear attitude.

Then why does she want me to learn appraisal that badly? I can hardly imagine that I'm important enough to be personally paid attention to.

[Don't flatter yourself. All players are under her jurisdiction. She sees all of our activities. If she sees something she feels the need to correct, then she'll come over and give us a nudge. ]

Then you must get plenty of nudges.

[Nah, it's not me she's worried about. I'm a neet. It's you, mr. I-will-protect-you-with-my-life. ] He said, accusatory pointing his finger at me, much to my confusion.

You're exaggerating.

[... Just use the damn spell. It hardy uses any mana, and allows you to discover secret treasures. And leveling it hardly costs you anything. All you have to do is use it on random stuff.]

Fine, if it gets you off my back, ad your mom off your back, then I can do that.



See? Using it.

[Good. Anyway, be careful I guess, since you've chosen such a stupid path. Good luck.] He said, and with a pop, he's gone again.

He's not wrong. I could see the practical use of such a spell, even if it constantly requires me to expend mana.

The next day or so before we arrive there should be rather peaceful anyway, so may as well use the spell in the meantime, since he's so insistent upon it.

[Appraisal has reached level 2!]

Oh look, it's even gone up a level.

And with just an extra day of travel, we finally arrived at skip village.

We were at the first major stop of our journey.