Eric the Slime
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Once upon a time, a slime named Eric was born. This made poor Eric very confused. Eric had memories of being a human in a world where slimes did not exist, except in fictional stories about fantasy worlds.

What kind of nonsense is this? Complained, Eric. Sadly, as Eric had yet to learn how to speak, these words were mere thoughts trapped within his empty head.

Hey! Don’t insult me! It seems poor Eric has even begun imagining insults despite no one talking to him.

I hear you just fine you damn narrator! 

... You aren’t supposed to break the fourth wall like that. In fact, you aren’t supposed to hear me at all. How are you doing this?

Don’t ask me, I didn’t make the rules.

*sigh* well, lets take a look at your stats then.

Name: Eric
Monster: Slime
XP: 3
STR: 1
VIT: 1
DEX: 1
AGI: 1
INT: 1
WIS: 1

[Rule of Funny]

Oh shit, that’s a TV tropes link! Don’t click it!

Who the hell is gonna click… oh, huh, neat… 

Eric promptly got lost browsing TV tropes, despite being warned not to look.

***Author Note***

Once upon a time I tried to write a reincarnated as a slime story, and ended up writing a dumb joke instead. >_<