Why we use the simulators.
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"Alright, just imagine the most powerful thing in the universe. With this magic, we'll summon it to defeat our foes."

The entire world vanishes into a black hole.



"Okay, maybe not quite THAT powerful."

Cthulhu arrives and everyone goes insane... thankfully, since we're all better off not knowing what came next.



"Something the world can actually survive please?"


"******* censorship!."


"Legal please! No stealing other people's IP!"

A massive tree appears, reaching all the way up into the upper atmosphere.

"That works, right?"

"Technically, but summoning a greater deity is going to reshape the entire world. We're trying to prevent an upheaval, not create one."


“Okay, just try imagining a powerful warrior.”

A giant humanoid mecha appears, easily 60 meters in height. It’s not moving.

“I forgot the pilot.”


“Ugh, you are seriously the worst summoner I’ve ever had to train. Can you just summon a dragon?”

A colossal black dragon appears, except it’s not quite black. Looking at the scales is like looking at the night sky, with stars and galaxies and… did I just hear the world crack? Yup… the ground is falling apart.

“Sorry, it seems space dragons really need to stay in space.”


“Okay, let’s start smaller, how about a normal wolf.”

At first nothing happened, then the most massive set of jaws I’ve ever seen came down on the planet and bit into it.

“How did I manage to summon a world eating wolf?”

“I give up, your imagination is out of control. You are hereby forbidden to ever use magic.”

… well, there goes my dreams of being a mage… *sob*


“And that class, is why it is important to always test new spells in the simulators. NEVER use a new spell in the real world without training in simulations first!”