Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

As Akira stood atop the abandoned building, looking down upon the city, he reminisced about his past life.

He used to be an ordinary teenager from another world, content with spending his days immersed in video games and anime. He watched so many anime and played so many games, it was as if he was literally living inside them.

As if a mockery, or maybe a gift, from fate itself, his life took an unexpected turn after death. In the blink of an eye, he was dead, only to be reborn in this world of quirks and heroes, where dreams and fantasies seemed to come true.

However, his rebirth was not the glorious, magical event he had envisioned. At the age of 4 in this world of My-Hero-Academia, he discovered that he was part of the 20% of the population who didn't possess a quirk.

Then he came to learn that anime was not exaggerating about the quirkless people. Akira was considered an outcast, an anomaly in a society that glorified superpowers.

But his loving parents, determined to protect him from the cruelty of the world, decided to move to a small village where he could grow up without facing the prejudice reserved for the quirkless.

In that quaint village, he began to rebuild his life. He adjusted his expectations and planned for a future that didn't rely on extraordinary abilities. The dreams of harem and protagonist-like life left him soon. He accepted who he was, or at least, he tried to.

A small part of him wanted the power of One-for-All, the legendary quirk that All Might possessed, by making the man give him the quirk instead of Izuku. But Akira knew that such power would only bring more chaos and danger to his life, and that wasn’t what he wanted to do to repay his loving family.

So, he indeed came to accept his fate. He pushed the thought of grandeur away and focused on living a normal, peaceful existence.

That peace, however, was short-lived. When Akira was nine years old, tragedy struck.

A group of heartless villains invaded their village, and his parents were brutally murdered before his eyes. In that moment of despair and rage, something within him awakened, as if the world was mocking him, reminding him that this truly was a world based on an anime. His dormant quirk revealed itself at that time.

But even with this newfound power, he was unable to save his parents or exact vengeance upon their killers. All he could do was drive the villains away, make them flee, run for their lives, and Akira couldn’t catch them. Even now, they were free to roam the world and continue their nefarious deeds. No heroes have managed to catch them yet.

No, the society didn’t even know those villains were the ones who destroyed that village and killed his parents. Society said that a cursed child of light had turned the area into a crater, blasting like a supernova, and erasing the village from the planet’s map.

While it was true that he had gone into a Solar Supernova in rage, the village was already destroyed by then. All the people were already dead by then.

The child’s display of power and the destruction it wrought turned him into an urban legend. Some guy with a strange quirk apparently managed to look a little into the past, and the only thing that guy saw was Akira turning into a nuke.

When the news spread, people whispered about the child who they said was God's Punishment, a warning, a harbinger of doom sent to destroy that village. They said he was an emissary of destruction and death, a curse upon the world, and everyone was so glad that he had perished along with the village.

They were wrong. Akira was still alive. The years that followed in his life were harsh and unforgiving. Having to hide his identity and live like an orphan, was not something he enjoyed at the least.

Still, Akira didn’t want to destroy society just because of that. No, it was the later years, as he observed the world from the perspective of an outsider, that he realized how corrupt and foolish this was. It needed to be stopped, everything needed to be reset, and only by doing that could Akira guarantee the world will be at peace indeed.

Society wasn’t a stupid concept on its own. But the current society was.

As Akira stood alone, staring at the city below, he couldn't help but feel a sense of conviction. His experiences had taught him that this world was flawed, and its systems were corrupt. The only way to save it was to bring about a complete reset, tearing down the society that had caused so much pain and suffering. He had once been a victim, but now, with his power and determination, he had the opportunity to become an agent of change.

His monologue came to an end, and he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the path that lay ahead. He knew that the journey would be difficult, and the odds were stacked against him.

But he couldn't stand idly by while the world continued to decay.

It was time to act finally, to challenge the status quo, and to reshape the world into something better. And he was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen. Globalization needed to be destroyed, the internet needed to be shut down, and the world needed to go back to monarchy. An iron fist shall rule the world, and while the average lifestyle may drop, average peacefulness will increase.

At least, Akira will make sure of it.


Perched on the edge of the rooftop, I continued to scan the cityscape of Hosu below. The wind whipped through my hair, carrying with it the sounds of the bustling metropolis, the silence of the night slowly devouring all the sound.

I was searching for someone who could help me achieve my goals, someone who shared my desire to challenge the status quo. That’s what I was doing here, my eyes sharp and looking for any movement of light in the darkness.

Footsteps approached from behind then, and I knew without looking who it was.

"You've been up here for hours, Akira," Toga said, her voice pouty. "No time for me at all~? Anyway, have you found who you're looking for?"

I sighed, my gaze never leaving the city below.

"No," I admitted, frustration seeping into my voice. "I've been keeping an eye out for the Hero-Killer, but I see no lead to him.”

I thought he may be a valuable ally, someone who shared a similar view as me. So I really wanted him in this small team of mine.

Toga leaned against the ledge beside me, her eyes also scanning the city.

"Stain, huh? He's gained quite a reputation lately. But do you really think he'll join us? He has his own twisted sense of justice."

"I believe our goals align, at least to some extent," I replied, turning to look at her, her hair fluttering just like mine. "We both want to change the world for the better, even if our methods might be slightly different. He doesn’t hesitate to kill the heroes, while I mostly cripple them for life. If we can convince him that our cause is just, he might be willing to work with us."

Toga nodded, humming a little, her expression thoughtful. "Well, we won't find him by just standing around here. It's nearly midnight. We should head back to our hideout for now."

I hesitated for a moment, my eyes lingering on the city one last time before reluctantly nodding in agreement. Together, we descended from the rooftop, our footsteps echoing softly through the deserted streets as we made our way back to our hidden sanctuary.

Upon arriving at our hideout, the old house that looked haunted, Toga wasted no time in making herself comfortable, sprawling across one of the worn-out couches that adorned the room.

"So, what's our plan? By the way, what else do you do in your free time? Since you aren’t labeled a villain yet, don’t you have some kind of cover-up story?" she asked, her eyes locked on me as she awaited my response.

I sat on another couch, facing her, and shrugged a little. "I do have that sort of thing going on. It’s just been a day since we met. You will learn more about me as time passes. As for the plan… We need to gather more information on Stain. His patterns, his habits, anything that might give us an edge in finding him and convincing him to join our cause."

“Oh?” Toga sat up, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Intriguing. I wanna see what you do on your normal day. Ah, as for the Hero Killer, well I guess a little detective work never hurt anyone."

“Let’s be serious, Toga.” I sighed in his head. It was good she was not being too weird, though.

We spent the rest of the night poring over news articles and online forums, where Toga fell asleep in no time, while I continued searching for any clue that might lead us to Stain.

As the hours ticked by, my determination only grew stronger. I knew that finding him wouldn't be easy, but with each piece of information we uncovered, the puzzle slowly began to take shape.

As the first light of dawn crept through the windows, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. With Toga by my side and the possibility of recruiting Stain to our cause, I knew we were one step closer to challenging the corrupt system that ruled this world.

It was a daunting task, but together, we were ready to face whatever obstacles lay ahead. The plot of the anime was also unfolding, and at this rate, I will collide with the main cast in no time.

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