Chapter 29: Is our lord a heathen!?
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Along with the white swans, winter passed by and William turned 3 years old. During his birth month, a peculiar sight unfolded.

Jacqueline went up to greet the guest, who knocked on their door. She seemed a bit surprised and uttered “My, if it isn’t solvinianty’s devout members? Have you come to gather us for a mass?”. Three men dressed in oakgreen robes and golden-red brooches, strolled into the living room. “Greetings good servant… Where are your masters?”.

Jacqueline went out the back and called in the parents. The spokesperson for this trio immediately greeted the pair, with a simple bow.

The father also seemed a bit surprised, that the holymen were here and said “To have respected members of the solvinian temple, here at our house... I see... So the rumours are true?”.

The solvinian member crossed his hands on his chest and muttered “In god we believe and pray… But how can you pray, when there isn’t a nearby temple?.. Your lord Blaise has made donations but not nearly enough to erect a temple worthy of our heavenly lord… Lord Blaise however, gave us permission to seek donations from the people. Please show us how strong your faith is and let us build this temple together”.

William’s parents immediately complied and searched their storage and hidden spots, for valuables to give to the temple. William who saw this hunt for treasures take place, could only be puzzled…

He didn’t know that his family were so religious? The odd thing was, that there had been no talk of this solvinian religion in their house…

At least not a conversation that he could remember?

When the devout members left, the parents looked at each other with guilty minds. They had indeed been very preoccupied these years… Forgetting to properly serve their god, more often. They had made some typical offerings and prayers now and then but nothing big.

The father had to complain and said “We’re really worthless aren’t we?.. Thankfully a temple will soon be erected… Yet, I cannot believe that our lord Blaise, can’t afford such a deed? Don’t you find it odd as well, Vanessa?”. Vanessa nodded very convinced and added “He has only grown more powerful, of what I’ve heard. We have seen many new alliance partners gather at the gates to feast with him… Do you think it might be because lord Blaise isn’t very religious?”.

The father immediately snapped at Vanessa and exclaimed “Hold your tongue! How can you say that about our lord!?.. Think about it… The lord and the castle have only been here for three generations… I’ve heard that it’s only natural for sprouts, at first, to act with only wealth and power on their mind… When these are secured, they will look to and offer god his proper respects and the spoils of war. Such is the life of a lord… He just hasn’t waged enough battles yet”.

Although the father seemed to spout logic, he didn’t sound very convinced himself.

William who was spectating all of this in the corner, saw his parents finish their chatter and scatter back to work. This sudden visit of holymen, had made William very curious as to what religion they believed in.

So he raced into Joss’ room and asked “Joss! Do you know!? What ish the solvinian fwaith about?”. Joss who was practicing his carving skills, looked up confused and asked back “What do you mean? Haven’t you heard about Solvi yet?”. William replied “No? I don’t remember susch a name…”.

Joss sighed and explained the basics. As a child himself, he didn’t really know the more complex verses and quotes. His parents didn’t either, for there was no books available or a temple that they could gather in to hear about these stories. But that would soon change...

William was pretty bad at listening attentively when it came to history. But Joss was rather brief and the story was actually interesting. So William could summarize it in his head without any problems…

Brewing on the story he had just digested, he felt like laughing... What do you call this!? An alternative form of Christianity?

Seen with another world’s eyes: Solvi was Jesus, the disciples had been converted into dinosaurs and god was… Well, god?… At least, that was what he understood from it.

Imagining a red haired Jesus sitting at a table with 12 dinosaurs, who would be roaring and eating from the fine plates and licking up the wine, during the last supper was hilarious…  William burst out laughing. He couldn’t hold it in! Although Solvi didn’t have a last supper.

Still… What a sight it would be to behold!






While the new temple was being built on the mainland banks, one of the first battles in a long time was going to take place. It was in the middle of july. So heat and hungry mosquitoes were common.

Harvick would join his first fight and get the chance to earn his honor, alongside one of his new uncles. Lord Blaise’s brother. With them, William’s father along with a large group of knights, accompanied them on the march to a nearby plain.

The now 11 and a half year old Harvick was sitting on Liberto. He was wearing Blaise castle’s coat of arms. It was a chess tabard. With their charge planted in two squares. One on the top right and the bottom left. The squares were either red or blue. The same tabard was worn by all the other knights. It was so they could easily recognise each other and not accidentally kill their comrades in the midst of battle.

As the progression left down towards the mainland. Fathers and sons bid their families farewell. For some of them it would be their last goodbye.

Joss and Vanessa both hung onto the father. Trying to imprint his scent and touch before it would be gone. Maybe forever. William however kept his eyes on the two warriors that led the troops. He couldn’t believe it… He thought: How can they send out a child to face a battle involving blood and steel? Aren’t he too young for that?

William clenched his fist, as he decided to take the initiative. He led his small legs towards Harvick, who was saying his farewell to his younger brothers and Grettel. William heard the old lady say “Remember to try and take down their leader! That’s what is most important!.. Oh! And of course. Your not worth anything dead… So try to stay alive”. This sentence didn’t make a dent in Harvick’s expression. He was used to this kind of striving mother…

The sentiments from Harvick’s siblings and his old mother didn’t really move him. But a tiny voice from behind made his still heart, quiver a bit. It was William who asked “Why do you have to leawe ash well?”.

Harvick turned around and saw the little girl approach them. Before he could reply, his mother answered “Silly girl, of course it’s because he is a bonded now! They have more strength and willpower than ordinary people. It’s easy for them to survive such a thing! Hehe”.

William ignored the old crow and locked his eyes onto Harvick’s. Then he said “I bewieve in you and Liberto!.. But still… Be careful! Bewause...”. William stopped for a bit, for the next thing that was going to come out of his mouth, was rather cheesy… He gulped and threw away what pride he had left. After all… Harvick might not come back…

The little girl grinned and seemed a bit bashful as she said “Bewause you’re my precious friend! I wanna pway and fly with you and Liberto again! So come back awive!”. Harvick didn’t smile. Instead he frowned and said “What ill omen. Of course I’ll come back alive, Mirabelle. Don’t go saying such things, haha…”. His frown eased up and a creepy calm seemed to surface on Harvick’s face…

William didn’t get to say any more, as his father sneaked up behind him and lifted his small body into a hug. Goosebumps spread, as this action was quite unbecoming of his otherwise, cold father…

To think that even someone like him, would get so sentimental?..

Before things got too drawn out and painful, the combatants quickly mounted their dinosaur’s or steeds. As they rode away, the many loved ones left behind, grouped together and yelled things like “May Solvi guide you!” and “Kill those bastards!”.

They didn’t see that group of brave warriors again, before a whole month had passed…

Hope you have a good friday ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ