Chapter 66: The value in scribbled words
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The last pence to completely fill William’s money-jar, clinked into place but there was still no signs of Joss. Thankfully, the ban on letters had been lifted. For even after 5 months of searching, no traitor had been caught nor found.

William was still working for Brice as his servant, hence the good pay, but the position of main servant was no longer his. Rex had fully come back into his role and had no more strife with the young master. This was evident, because Rex was now also allowed to join his master during practice.

William was in the midst of laying out some evening clothes, when the two returned from the training grounds. Brice panted from his body’s exhaustion. The heavy armour that he wore creaked with every step. Dents were visible all over the metal piece. "Fetch him some water, Mirabelle. Our master needs a good wash", Rex commanded, while he disassembled his master's armour.

William slipped past them. With balanced steps, he hurried his way down to the well. To think he had to fetch 8 buckets of water, just so that pampered brat could take yet another bath. One which he couldn't have the luxury of… Not that he didn't bathe! But he would have to do it by hand, in freezing cold water straight from the well. Whereas Brice gets to enjoy a warmed up tub…

William was absorbed by his work, when a sudden commotion broke out near the gate. He looked up to see his father return. This made him slightly relieved, yet something was off? Despite his father’s earlier display of abuse, William still went over to inquire him; "Where is Joss!?".

The father didn't seem to want to be bothered by this nag, so he pushed her aside to bane the way to his lord. William stood baffled by his father's insolence. Apparently his father still held a grudge against him, even though he got to vent out his feelings during their last confrontation.

It was nerve-racking to go uninformed but William still had a job he needed to do. And his master wasn’t exactly the patient kind... He could only hope, whether the news were good or bad, they would soon find their way to him.

William finished the preparations for his lord to submerge in. While he stood on the side polishing parts of the dented armour, the others talked. Brice was quite annoyed at how poorly the non-bonded squires performed today. He grumbled, “Rex, how come it’s so hard to find a proper punching bag these days?”.

Said servant handed him some soap powder, before replying, "I'm afraid, that there aren't many who'll refine their skills before a bonding. Many believe it to be a waste of sweat and training. Especially when they are considered leftovers because they couldn’t bond with a dinosaur when they were still a page… With their dreams crushed in such a way, I find it quite plausible that they would take on a lazy attitude. Hence having too much hope for them is fruitless, my lord… But don’t let it upset you… As soon as you're bonded again, I’m sure that there'll be plenty of splendid competition to choose from".

This remark rubbed Brice the wrong way. So he snapped back, "It's always bonded this, bonded that!.. Years will fly by and I might not be able see a single dinosaur suitable for my spirit! And your telling me to slack off and accept the meager offerings I can get? Is it really that impossible to find someone worthy to battle against? Someone who is not a bonded!?".

Rex gently shook his head as he appeased, "Why my lord!? Didn't you witness them at the Winter Weddings?.. No one can measure up to a bonded… And no normal man is as capable as you…". Brice seemed to ignore anything else Rex might have wanted to add. With no words to say, an awkward silence soon spread through the chamber. William also remained unheard. Not that he wanted to become a member of club: “Whine with Brice”.

Then out of the blue, Brice huskily asked Rex, "By the way... Did you remember to deliver Vivian those silver flowers, that I spotted yesterday?". Rex rolled his eyes, unbeknownst to his master. He then replied nonchalantly; "Why yes, young master… She said she'll visit you, at full moon”. “Excellent” Brice said, before shooting out of the lukewarm water.

Inside a chamber, also located in castle Blaise, a certain father kneeled before his lord. A smile spread from cheek to cheek. Finally, the father could bring his lord the unbelievable news; “I succeeded, my lord! The Talcan’s have taken your seal and accepted a cooperation…”.

Lord Blaise spun around and asked with a stutter, “T-they have!?”. The father nodded and continued, “My son, Joss, is with them now… They agreed to let us hunt for the bandits in their lands. However, we must be accompanied by some of their warriors at all times and-”. Lord Blaise seemed a bit bitter as he commented, “Ah, I see that they still bear lingering distrust towards us…”.

The father blinked, checking if his lord was done interrupting him, before adding, “And we cannot roam around in their lands forever… We’ve made some arrangements in which days and months we may visit… I’ve merely come back to fetch more knights to annihilate those rats… Then I’ll be on my way back”.

Lord Blaise scribbled a note, detailing how much provisions and manpower he could take with him. Of course these provisions were of the bare minimum. For Lord Blaise didn’t view this knight before him, to be of much value. Which was also the reason why, he had agreed to let the father take on this insane mission to begin with…

The father took the note and then he left without further ado.






Months passed by with no news of the bandit extermination quest.

A worn broomstick rested in William’s hands. He had just finished the last of his training for the day. Feeling its weight, he thought of the sword that should have replaced it long ago…

Even though he had never used a sword, or rather, a weapon before in his life. He had watched plenty of action movies with others doing the exact same as he was doing now… William tsked in shame and threw away his supposed toy. What exactly was he doing anyway!? When were movies ever a good source, to be taught advanced skills from?

He wished to protect himself using this era’s main weapon. That was the whole reason for why he started practicing with this substitute, in the first place… Joss wasn’t here and the same could be said of his sword!..

Desperate times calls for desperate measures! So he settled himself down with a quill and a small wooden box. The quill flowed down onto textured parchment, with ink that expressed his request to get a sword send back, in exchange for the sum that the wooden box contained… This he knew, was a huge gamble. For the messenger who would carry his letter across the land, could easily get mauled or intercepted along the way to Halbal castle. But William couldn’t wait any longer. At least, not when crazy bandits lurked around the area and who knows what...

Someone entered the room without warning. William turned around to see Remony. She was very upset these days…

Having a look at what William was doing, made her ask him; “Are you sending a letter?.. Perhaps to Harvick?.. Or maybe Joss?”. William smiled weakly and said, “To Harvick of course… Joss is… Well, who knows where he is right now?”.

Remony swirled her hair around in thought; “I’ve heard from the lord’s adviser, that they seem to be close on the bandits’ tail… But the closer they get, the more dangerous it’ll be… I do hope he comes back safely… And what about Harvick? Why are you sending him a letter now? Didn’t you just send one last week?”.

William lifted the box and shook it to let Remony know of the rich harmony that played inside of it. “Since Joss hasn’t come back yet; I’m asking him instead to get me a sword…”. Remony didn’t seem too keen on this idea; “Are you sure he’ll comply?.. Joss may have been swayed because you promised him a splendid gift but this trick can’t be used on Harvick, cause he has everything… Why should-”. Remony stopped herself mid-sentence, as she found that she had gone too far…

With a flick of her hair, she was back on track.

Quickly she corrected herself; “Or you know… Maybe I’m wrong?.. He does after all seem to dote on you, more than anyone else…”. To this William had to shamelessly agree, “You could say that… That’s exactly the whole reason why I trust that he will understand my need for it… But who knows what’ll happen, right?.. I guess we’ll find out soon enough”.