Chapter 98/ARC 2 Start: A new life
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Somewhere secluded in Spring Valley, a nest was ready to welcome a new set of hatchlings into this world. Surrounding it stood two expecting parents, each about 2,5 meters tall. These giants had dazzling white coats of feathers, with a hint of silver mixed across their chest and forehead.

Soon one out of the three eggs began to crack open, and out came a tiny version of themselves. Seeing their first little cub, had the parents stretch their necks as they made calls and purrs of happiness.

These calls resounded through Spring Valley. A valley that was known for often being enshrouded in snow, only to be overtaken by resilient vegetation. Its main feature was its constant change between winter and spring. On and on this circle would repeat. Winter-spring, winter-spring...

Back in the nest, their firstborn cub took in the tall flower-bushes that surrounded them. These camouflaging walls consisted of youthful leaves, dotted with huge juicy-looking berries. It was a fascinating wonder that the cub wanted to see the end of. But this task turned out to be impossible. It almost fell over for trying to peer over those gigantic walls.

As it tripped the cub tried to regain its balance, but then suddenly, a small snowflake floated right unto its nose. Encouraging it to sneeze and experience an overwhelming sensation for the first time in its life. *ACHOO!*, it yelped as it completely lost control over its little body; tumbling on its back in a disgraceful manner. The parents were startled by their baby’s clumsy nature, but soon purred happily and licked it up to stand again.

Not long after this drama had occurred, the other eggs also managed to fully hatch. Each cub coming out bigger than the first. These big cubs were welcomed with many licks and then it was time to feed…

The one with the job of fetching dinner today was their mother, who went out, only to come back minutes later with a bloody-meal.

As soon as they saw and smelled this yummy prey, the cubs couldn’t help but jump up and down in excitement. They were even so ecstatic that they almost tore the animal out of their mother’s mouth. This their mother didn’t tolerate. So she sighed and flung the mangled beast into their nest, where it was quickly devoured whole...

As the babies ate, neither of their parents showed signs of impatience. They were kind enough to let all the cubs finish their meal before the selection occurred...

The firstborn cub looked on curiously as its parents stuck down their heads to sniff among them. This interrogation went on for a while before its parents each decided to bite one of its younger siblings. After they had successfully tasted each others’ blood, they shared a moment with their foreheads pressed together. The little firstborn cub wondered when it would be its turn to share this special moment with its parents, but… They never did?

Instead, they soon parted ways, each parent with their own child accompanying it. The firstborn cub cocked its head very confused at the situation. First, it looked at mommy, then daddy. After much inner conflict, it decided to follow the female dinosaur. Its mother noticed this obstinate behavior. So it coldly turned around and used its tail to force the cub back into the nest that was getting abandoned.

The poor little creature was beyond confused and anxious. So it did what came most natural to it...

It closed its eyes and then it started to cry out for help. It sat there crying a few sorrowful howls. Hoping for its parents to take notice of its lonely state, but it soon found itself alone. When it once again opened its eyes, everything was beginning to be covered in snow.

The cub stared puzzled into the distance. It now knew that it had been completely abandoned… But why?...

The small baby dinosaur that was the size of a kitten, had to quickly learn how to survive by itself. And life became just that. Survival... Until one day when it noticed a strange phenomenon. For some reason, multiple dinosaurs swarmed towards a certain creature. The cub was already incredibly bored by its survivalist lifestyle. So it decided to follow the flock and solve the mystery.

The creature they followed was very strange. Walking around on two very straight legs like trees, it seemed weak, and yet any dinosaur that tried to eat it was eaten in return. The cub soon found out that this creature was insanely good at finding ‘power meals’. And once in a blue moon, it would leave behind some leftovers!

This was the sole reason as to why so many followed it. They all hoped to be the one who got to the power meals first, and those who did would immediately devour the crumbs. For just this measly amount alone could give them enough benefits to become rulers of their own little territories.

The cub was very intelligent and thus it often got a mouthful without having to fight for it. This went on for a while until one morning its casual dreams were halted by an intense mental spark.

“!?..”. The dinosaur woke up in a flash. It was hard for it to comprehend, but it felt like the thing it yearned for more than anything else, had just passed it by. Its heart began to thump loudly inside of its little chest because of all the excitement. It couldn’t spot where this unusual presence came from, but it could somehow sense its direction. Including the fact, that it was rapidly moving away!

So it thought: To heck with following this mindless beast around any more! I’m going to chase that other thing from now on!...

For something great was definitely waiting for it at the end of this chase.