#20.5 – [STORY SO FAR]
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Magical Energy has existed within humans from the beginning of time. After its exploitation and misuse in a brutal time period known as the Dragon War, the descendants of humanity's saviors known as the Hunters would face off once more against their sworn enemies, the Dragons, to stop the recurrence of an era that nearly plunged the world into darkness.

Jamal and Tarik were born into the family of Hunters, each with an extremely rare disability that severely inhibits the use of Magical Energy. In their push to defy the odds and become the Strongest in the World, they managed to become Hunter Trainees and advance to their final year of training...until the beacon of light that gave them hope perished before their eyes, and they were taken captive by the enemy.

Deprived of hope, and plunged into despair beyond measure...the heroes found their blessings, overshadowed by a curse.


Where is the story taking place?

For a while, I thought I didn't want it to be specific. I wanted to be as abstract as possible and say "Japanese concepts, japanese names, japanese title etc, but this is not happening in Japan, neither should any consideration for other places and countries be taken." This was mostly to avoid questions like, "What about humans in the rest of the world?" "Do Hunters only exist in Japan?"

Anyway, I eventually decided heck - this world is the same as our world, and the story is based in Japan. Yes, ALL humans possess Magical Energy. Any further questions? No? Thank God.


When is the story taking place?

Well...I have the date indicated in almost every chapter. No futuristic themes, no robots or flying cars or anything out of Cowboy Bebop. The story spans from the previous millennium into this one. That's it.


What were your inspirations?

One day in summer of 2021, I got up thinking...I want to make a story. Extremely weird, considering I've never liked literature and I was never a writer in any way, shape, or form. This story spawned from my love and appreciation of anime and manga. It was also around that year that I became highly invested in Jujutsu Kaisen, which is probably my biggest inspiration as well as this story's main catalyst.

From 2021 onwards, the more I read manga and watched anime (especially around the time of Studio Mappa becoming notorious for high quality productions), I started to think like a Director. When I saw something in a manga page, then saw it animated, I would say "No, no, I would rather this particular tone of voice, or that expression, or this kind of movement for that scene, or positioning the camera in such an angle and have it pan this way," etc etc. I found myself conjuring up my own story on a daily basis, until I finally decided to put those ideas in my notepad. I do not regret it.


Can you draw?

Hell no, sadly. I mean, I could probably get it eventually with practice, but that won't be anytime soon. Hopefully when (if) this story blows up, someone decides to make some character sketches...PS, shout out to DD.MARK.



Ryu Koroshiya 龍殺し屋 literally translates to "Dragon Killer." I can't speak japanese, but I understand a TINY bit of the rules and such, enough to understand how to structure the title, names of techniques, and character names. There's even a particular name that I used to refer to Dragons (that I forgot and I did not write it down...)

EDIT: I remember, it was Mazoku 魔族, which describes evil supernatural beings.
And, for the heck of it, let's call the hunters Majutsu-shi 呪詛師, meaning Sorcerers.

I absolutely loathe the english title...but, if you search "Dragon Hunters" (a title I was actually settled on in the beginning), there are multiple works by that name that exist. A direct translation (Dragon Killer) doesn't seem very appealing either, so I took a page (not literally) out of Yoshihiro Togashi's book and decided on Dragon X Hunter.


Act 2?

It begins next week. Thanks for reading, and see you then.