(26) Solstice Shenanigans
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Solstice Shenanigans

The sun had long since set, and the dining room at Zack's place was lit by numerous home-made candles, making the room feel rather cosy as the extended family met for dinner.

“So, thanks for inviting me this year,” said Jennifer, glancing at Margo, squeezing David's hand under the table as the dinner progressed, “It kinda makes me feel like I'm part of the family already.”

“Oh, you've been for a while now, dear,” Margo reassured the girl with a quick wave of her hand, “You're always welcome in my home.”

“I'll second that,” Lily agreed, lifting her wine glass and motioning slightly towards the girl before taking a sip, David bowing his head to hide his smile as he focused on eating.

“Yeah, you'll do,” Samantha added teasingly her father giving her a faux-warning look as he tried not to smirk.

“So, is there anything else I need to know about the solstice ritual?” Jennifer inquired, ignoring the girl's comment for the moment as Margo waggled her index finger until she'd swallowed her food.

“Oh, I always have notes on hand for everyone, as I like to make a few little changes now and then, so don't worry yourself, dear,” Margo replied helpfully, picking up the bottle of strawberry wine before refilling Jennifer and David's glasses.

“I love a good special occasion,” David chuckled softly as he picked up his glass and glanced at his sister, Samantha offering him a quiet glare in return.

“Don't let it go to your head, kid,” Jim chuckled.

“You're lucky,” Jennifer chuckled teasingly, giving her boyfriend a teasing poke in the side with her elbow, “My parents would tell me I still have to wait a few more years before they let me have wine.”

Lily chuckled softly at that, pausing before sipping her wine, holding the glass in both hands as she met the girl's gaze over the rim of her glass. “Well, it's not just that I think that fourteen is more than old enough to have a bit of wine now and again,” the woman explained with a bit of a shrug, her gaze slowly moving over to Margo, a hint of mischief in her expression, “I also think that if you experience alcohol when you're young, you're less likely to go crazy with it when it's suddenly legal just because you reached an age milestone. Plus, in this family we believe in getting your bad decisions out of way when you're still young enough to recover from them.”

Margo let out a quiet snort of laughter as Steven quickly shovelled a large spoonful of beef stew into his mouth, shrinking down a little in his chair as Jim bowed his head to hide his quiet chuckle.

“Does that mean we can start making bad decisions too?” Zack inquired with a grin.

“Some days you make at least six bad decisions before breakfast,” Samantha teased him with a smirk, the boy jabbing her playfully with his elbow.

“You can have some mead later this evening,” Lily told the children, the trio glancing at one another with amusement, “You can make some bad decisions after you open your gifts.”

“We'll have to maximize our bad decision making time then,” Evan concluded sagely, lifting his spoon for anthesis as his friends nodded in agreement.

“Just don't burn the house down this time,” his father teased.

“Hey, if they didn't want me plugging in that many microwaves to the same power-bar, why did it have so many outlets?” Evan chuckled with a helpless shrug, “Honestly, the surge protector was just getting in the way of science!”

“Please tell me he's kidding,” said Jennifer with sudden concern, her eyes going wide as Evan and his father exchanged conspiratorial glances and tried not to laugh, Victoria slowly shaking her head as she stirred her stew for a moment.

“Why do you think we all live in separate houses?” the woman said cryptically, giving the teenager a playful smirk, “It's safer that way.”

“It's why my Aunt Agnes won't let us all just move in with her,” Jim added teasingly, making Lily roll her eyes.

“She lives in a castle!” Samantha piped in excitedly, the girl bouncing in her seat.

“Well, it's more of a keep, really,” Margo corrected her with a bit of a shrug.

“More like just an impressive mansion, I'd say,” Jacob mused, Zack shifting in his seat a bit at the thought.

“It still sounds really amazing,” the boy remarked eagerly, “I'd love the chance to get some pictures of it!”

“All in good time, Zachary,” Lily said firmly, exchanging a quick, meaningful but amused glance with her husband.

Glancing at Samantha, Zack's expression became serious for a moment, causing the girl to almost laugh. “If you ever go out there without me, please take my camera with you, okay?” he asked, the redhead grinning as Evan tried not to laugh.

“Now that's love,” the blond boy commented, Samantha blushing as the rest of their family laughed in agreement, the girl finding herself torn between wanting to let everyone know about the complicated relationship she was in and desperately not wanting openly admit it to her family.

Sighing softly, Samantha slipped a hand under the table and gave Zack's knee a quick squeeze as she glanced at him. “I'll be careful with it,” she said quietly, keeping her voice down as their parents moved on to talk about other things, the boy smiling gratefully back at her in a way that made the girl's heart flutter a bit, “But last I checked, I won't be going alone.”

“I gotta say, I can't wait,” Zack replied with a grin.

“It'll definitely be an adventure,” Evan agreed, Samantha nodding firmly as the three went about finishing their meal...


Later in the evening the group met in the front room, the area having been decorated for the occasion with a small candle lit altar, with a few drawings the children had made over the years to commemorate the celebration hanging on the walls. There were also large pine-cones mixed with pine tree cuttings decorating the mantle piece and a handful of oranges that the children had made patterns on by sticking cloves into them on a small table along with a few bottles of cider and mead that Margo had acquired over the course of the year.

As always Margo's Solstice ritual was a bit different from the year before, making sure that it never got overly formulaic and always gave the evening a certain sense of wonder.

Jennifer was nervous and uncertain at first, her voice shaking as she called the west corner, but by the end she'd settled in quite well and as the group joined hands in a circle and sang a simple song to end it, Jennifer definitely felt like part of the family.

With the ritual done, Lily and Jim slipped away as Steven handed out glasses to everyone. “It won't drink itself,” he chuckled with a grin as Jennifer glanced at the beverages on offer uncertainly.

“This is definitely not like my family,” the girl chuckled as David gave her hand a remeasuring squeeze.

“I guess it kinda is now,” he replied with a sheepish grin, Jennifer beaming at him for a moment before standing a little taller to kiss him, the adults in the room exchanging bemused glances

“When can we do that?” Zack whispered teasingly to Samantha as he filled his mug with cider, nudging the girl playfully as she inhaled sharply, her eyes going a little wider.

“We'll definitely need the cauldron on hand when we talk to them about that,” she chuckled nervously, glancing over her shoulder and feeling a tinge of envy. Maybe they could just all ease into it, she pondered. Maybe eventually everyone would just assume that the trio were more than just friends. Maybe one day it'd just be an expected, natural occurrence for her to kiss one or both of the boys in front of her parents. That would certainly be the easiest way, Samantha supposed.

“All right, one more thing before we settle in,” Lily announced as the couple came back into the front room, their arms laden with a number of wrapped packages.

Sitting up straighter as they sat on one of the couches, the three children grinned, Samantha's heart raced, the girl hoping that the boys liked their gifts as much as she thought they would, especially given all she'd done to acquire them.

Placing everything on the coffee-table, Jim and Lily stepped back for a moment, the couple holding hands as they glanced at one another with amusement, the children, as always the most excited by that particular part of the evening's festivities.

“You know, deary, this was how he proposed to me,” Margo chuckled, nudging Jennifer playfully, the girl laughing as David handed her a small box, the older boy blushing a bit as he quickly took another sip of mead to level off his nerves at the implication.

“Oh, I think I can wait a bit for that,” Jennifer assured them both with an amused smile, leaning closer to David as he slipped an arm around her, “Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it.”

“He saved up for three weeks for it,” Margo remarked cryptically, the woman turning around and sipping her drink before she said too much, Jennifer chuckling as David gave her an uncertain look.

“I uh, kinda noticed you had your eye on it,” David admitted a little nervously, smiling as Jennifer carefully pulled the wrapping open and pulled out the small box inside.

Letting out a happy gasp as she opened the box, the girl grinned, slowly pulling out a silver pendant heart-shaped pendant with a tiny emerald set into it on a silver chair, her pale blue eyes sparkling with delight. “Oh, David! I love it!” Jennifer giggled gleefully, making her boyfriend blush a bit as she embraced him, Steven and Margo looking on with amusement.

“I kind wish they'd just get married already,” Samantha chuckled, momentarily distracted as Zack picked up a present and held it in front of her, exchanging glances with Evan as he moved to hold on to the other side of it.

“Give them a few years,” Evan shrugged as the girl glanced down and grinned.

“We had to put our money together for this, but we agreed you'd like it,” Zack explained as Samantha wet her lips, the girl's hands coming up under the flat, rectangular package.

Glancing at the boys in turn, she chuckled softly. “I have a funny feeling about this one,” she told them as the boys grinned back at her, watching Samantha tear open the glittery green wrapping paper.

Letting out and amused laugh, Samantha held up a hard-cover copy of the Kenji and Noriko graphic novel, the girl grinning as she glanced at the boys, resisting the urge to kiss them.

“Thanks guys,” she said softly, grinning in amusement as she motioned for the boys to grab up their own gifts, “but I guess great minds think alike.”

“Holy crap, we need a raise!” Zack laughed as he and Evan pulled out their own their own graphic novels, Samantha blushing a bit at the thought of how she'd been able to afford them.

“How were you able to get these?” Evan asked, lowering his voice, his eyes wide as he flipped through his book, glancing at the girl in wonder as Samantha pursed her lips, taking a deep breath before reaching over to grab up her mug.

“I probably should've told you about that part sooner,” Samantha confessed, glancing down at her book, gripping it a little tighter with both hands as she felt a tinge of guilt, “But I didn't wanna ruin the surprise.”

Zack raised a curious eyebrow at her, the boy's expression otherwise amused. “Well, I guess it is easier to say your sorry than to ask permission,” he teased, Samantha shrinking down a bit as she held her book against her chest.

“Maybe we should sneak off and talk about this,” Evan suggested, Samantha nodding slowly as the boy turned to his father and caught his attention. “Is it okay if we head downstairs for a bit?” he asked, Jacob smiling as he gave his son a nod, lifting his mug in approval.

“Is the cauldron in your backpack?” Zack inquired, Samantha nodding in response as the three got up, quickly refilling their mugs before anyone noticed.

“Your mum's not the only one with her family rituals,” the girl replied with a nervous grin, taking another sip of her mead, pleased by the way it seemed to unwind the knot in her stomach.

“I never thought of it that way,” Evan pondered, the trio slipping away as the rest of their family moved on to their own conversations, the adults fine with the fact that David and Jennifer were continuing to drink along with them.

“Well, it sort of is,” Zack said thoughtfully as Samantha grabbed up her backpack, “I mean, the cauldron does make things seem more important somehow.”

“Gravitas!” Evan told them, grinning at the expression his friends gave him, the the three of them laughing as they hurried down the stairs.

Once there, Evan dropped down onto the couch, sipping is drink as Samantha dug the plastic cauldron out of her backpack and Zack dimmed the lights in the room before grinning to himself, slipping through the door into the other section of the basement for a moment.

“I'll find a movie we can put on in the background for a bit,” said Samantha, the girl still feeling a little nervous about admitting to what had happened, the light from the cauldron casting comforting shadows about the room as she grabbed the remote off the coffee-table.

“Something seasonal, I hope,” Zack said teasingly as he slipped back into the room, setting a bottle of mead down on the table, his friend grinning as they noticed it.

“You sure about this?” Samantha inquired nervously, glancing askance at Zack who gave a nonchalant shrug.

“It's a special occasion,” he replied with a sly smile, “besides, they'll hardly miss it, I think.”

“Well, your mum did say we should make our mistakes early on,” Evan agreed, raising his mug to Samantha, the girl grinning as she tapped her own against it, the two taking deep sips of mead.

“Way ahead of you,” Samantha chuckled, hitting play and putting the remote down before leaning back, sighing happily as the boys cuddled closer.

“Is it really that bad?” Evan inquired as Zack opened the bottle and refilled his mug, the girl frowning thoughtfully for a moment.

“Well, I guess it wasn't that bad,” Samantha confessed, letting Zack give her another refill, “But things might get a little bit weird next time we go to comic store.”

“Please tell me you didn't do anything weird with Gary,” Zack teased, grinning broadly as Samantha let out a laugh and gave him a teasing slap on the shoulder, the girl finding she rather enjoyed the light-headed feeling the mead was starting to give her.

“Oh please!” she replied, the girl slurring her words slightly as she rolled her eyes, “I'm not even sure Gary cares about that sorta thing. I mean, doesn't he like live upstairs over his shop and like, never go outside?”

“Seems that way,” Evan replied with a shrug, none of them paying much attention to the movie.

“It um...” Samantha paused, taking a deep breath before sipping her mead again, “It was his new assistant. Seth.”

The boys giving her amused looks, Samantha's heart raced as she felt herself blushing again, another sip of her mead staving off the girl's nervousness. “He offered me a huge discount if I sucked his thing,” she confessed, the girl hiding her behind her mug.

“Dang, now I'm wishing I'd leant you my camera sooner,” Zack teased, the girl giving him a faux-annoyed look as she found it hard not to laugh.

“It's a bit worse than that, though,” Samantha added, waggling about her index finger, starting to find what she'd done rather amusing as the boys rested their hands on her thighs, squeezing them reassuringly, “We ah, did it in the store...”

“When it was still open?” Evan asked, his eyes going wide behind his glasses, the girl nodding slowly, grinning to herself as she remembered the feeling of excitement and danger as the one other customer walked around the store.

“That's so hot,” Zack admitted with a grin, “We need to do something like that too!”

“It's only fair,” Evan added, Samantha letting out a helpless whimper, knowing they were right and knowing she'd love to do something like that with them. It was just the getting caught part that worried her.

“I'll add it to the list,” she told them, trying to copy her mother's tone, but only succeeding in making the boys laugh.

“Well, they did build a mall at the end of Main Street last year,” Evan commented with a grin, glancing at Zack as both boys raised their mugs to one another.

“Imagine what we could get up to there,” Zack agreed, swaying a little as both of them drank to the idea, Samantha taking a moment to process things before smirking at the idea.

“Its probably be full of college students all the time,” Samantha noted, frowning into her mug as she moved the liquid about for a moment before giggling softly as she glanced askance at each of the boys in turn, “We could probably learn things from them.”

“Naw, we could probably teach them things,” Zack chuckled, grabbing up the bottle and leaning over to top off the girl's drink.

Samantha lifted her head slowly and took a moment to focus on the boy. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” she inquired, trying to sound serious, but unable to keep from smirking, the boy shrugging helplessly.

“Well, this mead won't drink itself,” Evan noted, reaching past her so Zack could refill his mug before leaning back, his hand upon Samantha's leg sliding higher, his fingers idly toying with the button of her jeans.

“Is that a scientific fact?” Samantha giggled, the boy pausing to think for a moment as Zack set down the bottle and started tugging at her t-shirt.

“Maybe... um, we can use that as an excuse for where the mead went,” Evan pondered, finishing off what was left in his mug so he could use both hands to undo the girl's jeans properly.

Not feeling especially bothered by the boys trying to undress the girl as the mead made her brain feel fuzzy and her body pleasantly warm, Samantha sipped her drink thoughtfully.

“How fast does it evaporate?” she asked, holding her mug in both hands, sighing softly and smiling happily, feeling Zack's hand slide up under her shirt, his palm warm as it rested against her nipple.

“A whole bottle'd take a few days at least,” Evan replied thoughtfully as he slid off the couch, crawling closer so he could reach up and start tugging down the girl's jeans.

“I dunno that we have that much time,” Samantha giggled, letting out a muffled laugh as Zack pressed his lips to hers, the girl's eyes going wide as his tongue pushed into her mouth accompanied by a mouthful of mead.

Sighing softly, Samantha relaxed, closing her eyes happily, their tongues entwining, sharing the bit of mead between them for a moment. At the same time, Evan pulled her jeans down, the boy leaning closer to teasingly kiss Samantha's thighs as the girl moved her hips forward, leaning back to let the boys do as they wished.

“Our parents are upstairs,” Samantha whispered with a giggle, Zack pulling his lips away for a moment, kissing her teasingly as his hands caressed her flat chest, occasionally dragging across the girl's nipples.

“I don't care,” Zack told her drunkenly with an amused smile, his fingers squeezing the girl's nipples, causing Samantha to inhale sharply as the unexpected sensation shot through her, the girl giggling as she felt Evan's hands push her legs apart, the boy slowly dragging his tongue across her naked folds.

“We're gonna get in soooo much trouble,” the girl giggled, leaning her head back so Zack could kiss her neck as she finished off the mead in her mug. It had just the right amount of sweetness, Samantha supposed, making it go down entirely too easily.

“We've got some time,” Zack murmured in her ear before giving it a nibble, the girl's body giving a deep quiver as she found it impossible to ignore Evan's tongue, her fingers running through the boy's hair.

Gigging softly, Samantha moaned happily, Evan's hands caressing her thighs as he licked her, Zack moving onto his knees beside her before grabbing up the bottle of mead.

“Why should the adults have all the fun?” the boy chuckled, taking a sip from the bottle before grinning as he pressed it against the girl's lips, Samantha taking another swallowing of mead as she reached over with her free hand to pull down the zipper of Zack's jeans.

“It's... so unfair,” Samantha slurred, amused by how everything seemed so surreal, the shifting shadows the cauldron cast seeming to move in strange ways out of the corner of her eyes.

Lifting his head, Evan chuckled softly, moving up to give Samantha a long kiss, the girl giggling softly as she pulled out Zack's shaft, gently stroking it as she ran her tongue across Evan's lips, amused as she tasted herself upon them.

“I find your obsession with fairness very endearing,” Evan murmured fondly, smiling as he brushed the girl's scarlet hair out of her face as she then moved to take Zack's shaft in her mouth.

“She's the best,” the other boy chuckled, handing Evan the bottle.

“Indubitably,” Evan agreed with a grin, taking another sip as well, frowning thoughtfully for a moment before moving up onto the couch, undoing his jeans with is free hand.

Letting out a happy moan, Samantha pulled her head back, making a wet sucking sound as Zack's shaft pulled free, the girl feeling Evan take her hand and place it upon his hardness.

“You want something, my love?” the girl asked teasingly in a lazy tone, giggling as Evan moved her hand slowly up and down.

“Just a little fairness,” Evan teased, Samantha rolling her eyes even as she laughed.

“You're just lucky I love you,” she replied, Evan shuffling a little closer as the girl shifted over so she could take him in her mouth, the boy exhaling loudly and handing the bottle back to Zack.

“I think she gets more horny when she's drunk,” Zack commented, Evan grinning broadly and nodding, Samantha pulling her mouth free, giving him a faux glare as she stroked both boys' shafts.

“I'm not horny, I'm ah... just being nice,” Samantha replied, the boys laughing for a moment before hearing noise upstairs in the kitchen.

“oh crap!” Zack laughed, Samantha yelping with a grin as she quickly struggled to pull her jeans back up, the boys quickly tucking themselves away.

Waiting several moments, the children grinned, listening to the muffled voices and occasional creaking of the floorboards for several moments before being sure that no one was coming downstairs just yet.

“We should've kept going,” Evan chuckled, glancing at the ceiling, tracking the sounds of voices and footsteps for a moment, not noticing Samantha's hand in his lap for a moment.

“I'd be... ah, okay with that,” the girl managed, grinning in amusement as she shuffled down again to rest her head against the back of the couch, her hands reaching into both boys' jeans again once more.

“Yup, definitely more horny when she's drunk,” Zack teased, Samantha doing her best to give him a dirty look but finding herself laughing at the face he made in he made in reply.

“Still a nice way to spend an evening,” Evan murmured, cuddling closer, his fingers undoing her jeans once again.

Sighing contentedly as Zack joined him, Samantha smiled to herself, her own fingers gently cradling what she found in the boys' jeans. Giggling as the two cuddled her closer, Samantha idly moved her fingers about, simply enjoying what the three were doing without the need to go further as they rewatched the movie that was on for likely the dozenth time.

“This is kinda nice,” Zack mused quietly sipping his drink as Evan nodded slowly in agreement, unable to keep from smiling at the sensation of Samantha's soft hand against his sensitive skin.

“I have you both right where I want you,” the girl giggled softly, Zack grinning in reply as he moved his mug to her lips, the redhead obediently taking another sip, the world spinning a little as she swallowed.

“I don't see the problem,” Evan chuckled softly, taking a sip of his own drink before offering more to Samantha as well.

“Now... you're just trying to get me drunk,” the girl replied with slow sarcasm, stumbling a bit over her words as she found it hard to think quite straight before accepting a sip from the boy's mug.

“Too late for that,” Zack replied, unable to keep from chuckling before downing the rest of his drink and tilting his head to rest it atop of Samantha's.

Evan frowned for a moment, staring thoughtfully into his mug. “I think... this stuff works differently than vodka,” he concluded, finding it hard to keep his head off the back of the couch as he turned towards the others, “Vodka made me more... uh, hyper. This just kinda makes me mellow.”

“Drinking for science!” Zack agreed, lifting his empty mug dramatically before dropping it back down onto the cushion beside him and glancing at Samantha, “Oh oh...”

“Oh oh?” Evan inquired, squinting a bit in the gloom, wincing a bit at the vertigo as he lifted his head to look at his friend.

“I think we were too much for her,” Zack chuckled softly, smiling fondly at Samantha who had fallen asleep, the girl smiling to herself despite being unconscious.

Evan nodded slowly, moving his hand from Samantha's thigh to brush her hair back over her ear. “She's so cute when she's asleep,” he sighed fondly, nuzzling the sleeping girl's neck.

“But weirdly quiet,” Zack agreed mirthfully, slipping his hand up under the girl's shirt to rest his hand against her firm tummy, “I'm not sure how I feel about that.”

Evan grinned in response, both boys jumping a bit as they heard the basement door open, the pair scrambling to carefully slide Samantha's hands out of their jeans and into her lap in a more or less inoffensive position. As Jim and Jacob came down the stairs, the two talking in hushed, but amused tones, the boys frantically hunted about for some way to deal with the empty mead bottle.

“You kids ready to head out yet?” Jacob inquired just as Evan dropped his arm over the far end of the couch, the boy grinning as innocently as he could.

Glancing over at his friends for a moment before frowning at the movie that was near its end anyway, Zack gave a firm nod. “Ah, I think so,” the boy said brightly, chuckling as he glanced over at Samantha, hoping no one noticed how drunk he was, “But um, I think we might need to change Sam's batteries.”

“I'll make sure to do that,” Jim chuckled, swaying a little as he stepped closer, pushing the coffee-table out a bit with his foot before bending down to pick up Samantha in his arms.

“How about you two?” Jacob inquired with an amused smile, the boys looking about as ready for bed as they felt.

“I dunno, can we get carried home too?” Zack inquired with a grin, Evan's father rolling his eyes even as he chuckled.

“Only if you promise to carry me next time,” Jacob told them, the boys waiting for Jim to carry the unconscious Samantha out of the way before leaping to their feet excitedly, both of them grinning awkwardly as they tried not to fall back down.

“I, ah, think I can walk,” Evan managed, yawning as he placed a hand on Zack's shoulder for balance, nearly knocking the boy over, both of them trying not to laugh.

“I think you two might have had a little too much,” Jacob chuckled, watching his friend carry Samantha back up the stairs, lowering his voice as he leaned a little closer, “Just don't let your mothers know, and try not to be sick in the morning.”

“Good thing there's no school on Sundays,” Evan replied, glancing at Zack who nodded slowly, suddenly wondering how long his brain would keep spinning and hoping it would be done by Monday.

“Okay, we're going home, try not to fall asleep down here, okay? It'll make it too obvious,” Jacob told Zack with a grin, the boy chuckling and giving the man a nod as his friends left for the night...


David sighed happily as he hugged Jennifer one last time on the front porch, her father's car parked just in front of house with the engine running. Barely noticing the cold, David slowly pulled away, the two teenagers' fingers linking for a moment longer as they smiled fondly at one another.

“I think they might have let me have a little too much to drink this year,” the boy confessed, his grin a bit lopsided as Jennifer tried not to laugh too much, the blond girl swaying a little, David's dark green eyes glancing downwards at Jennifer's ample bosom through her open winter jacket.

“A little more and I might have had to stay the night,” his girlfriend giggled teasingly, moving their joined arms apart so she could move closer, standing a little taller to give David a gentle kiss, not caring that she was being observed from the street.

David took a deep breath, his knees feeling a little weak. “I can't quite think of anything I wouldn't do to make that happen right now,” he confessed with a bit of a chuckle, Jennifer grinning as she gave his hands a squeeze.

“I'll keep that in mind for next time,” she replied slyly, slipping away from David and spinning around so she could glance over her shoulder at him with something of a sultry expression that made the teenager's heart race.

“I love you, you know that right?” he blurted out, Jennifer giggling a bit as she grabbed the hand rail to keep from slipping.

“I know,” the girl replied with a grin, laughing as she hurried down the wooden steps and got into the car, waving enthusiastically at David as the car pulled away.

“You tease,” the teenager chuckled softly to himself, turning about just as his parents came out to join him, his mother holding out his winter coat as his father held his sleeping sister in his arms.

“You forgot something,” Lily told him with a hint of amusement, David nodding his thanks as he slipped into it, “There's enough snowmen in our backyard already without adding you to their number.”

“Very funny,” David replied, chuckling in-spite of himself, glancing down the road in the direction Jennifer had gone one last time before hurrying the short distance to his own front door.

Waiting impatiently for his parents, David glanced at Samantha, the girl semi-conscious in her father's arms, her head upon his shoulder, the girl holding onto him almost instinctively, looking somehow small and vulnerable in the glow from the nearby porch-lights.

“Uhg, seriously, we could be inside already,” David muttered to himself, his parents needing to go rather slower than he would have preferred, the boy rubbing his hands together to warm them as they finally ascended the front porch steps.

Unlocking the door, Lily ushered David quickly inside. “We probably should've given you rum, you'd stay warmer,” she teased, the boy chuckling softly, quickly making way for his parents.

“I dunno, that might make him become a pirate or something,” Jim replied teasingly, Lily rolling her eyes even as she smirked, the two slipping out of their boots before heading down the hall.

“I draw the line at buying a parrot,” she told him with faux-sternness, lowering her voice as she lead the way upstairs before opening the door to Samantha's room for her husband.

Chuckling softly, Jim waited a moment for Lily to move Samantha's blankets out of the way before setting the girl down on her bed and carefully slipping off her coat. “She probably shouldn't sleep in her jeans,” the man commented uncertainly, glancing at Lily as she smiled fondly down at her daughter.

“So help her out of them,” she chuckled softly at his hesitation.

Jim exhaled heavily, shaking his head. “It just feels weird to me at this point,” he muttered, Lily slipping her hand up under the back of his shirt to reassuringly stroke his back.

“I doubt she'll be bothered by it for at least another year, maybe two if we're lucky,” she remarked, resting her head on Jim's shoulder for a second as he took a deep breath and undid his daughter's jeans.

“She is really independent, though,” Jim replied with a sad smile, carefully shuffling the garment down, hesitating again as Samantha's panties slipped a bit, his hand shakily adjusting them to make sure they stayed in place.

“Somewhat, but not entirely,” Lily said thoughtfully, smiling a little to herself as Jim moved to the foot of the bed to pull the girl's jeans the rest of the way off by the easy way.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, the man stood up straight again, Jim glanced down at Samantha as he neatly folded the girl's jeans. His daughter was still a little small for her age, Jim supposed, but she was by no means scrawny, Samantha's legs definitely having a pleasing shape to them, he had to admit.

“Sleep is wasted on the young,” Lily chuckled, pulling the blankets over the girl, snapping Jim out of his reverie, the man sighing softly and nodding in agreement.

“Too bad we can't save it up,” Jim replied wistfully, taking his wife's hand and leading her out of the room.

“Tomorrow's Sunday,” Lily replied with a shrug and a wistful smile, “we can always sleep in if we wanted.”

Jim smiled as he turned around, the woman closing the door behind her and lifting her chin to look into his eyes. “Are you implying you want to stay up a little later?” Jim inquired teasingly.

“Maybe,” Lily replied slyly, the woman stepping backwards, leading her husband towards their own room...


Standing at the foot of the stairs, David could hear his parents talking quietly to one another, both still sounding a bit inebriated as they moved further down the hall, eventually closing their bedroom door behind them. Smiling to himself, David wondered if Jennifer would be home yet and if he could talk to her online, the look she'd given him still sticking in his mind.

Heading upstairs, he slipped quietly into his room before taking a seat at his desk and booted up his laptop, the teenager wasting no time in checking to see if his girlfriend was still up and about. Frowning as he saw the message Jennifer had sent him, David sighed heavily and shook his head to himself.

“Sorry, love, I think I had a little too much tonight, and I'm absolutely nackered, so I'm going to bed. Talk to you tomorrow, okay?” it read, David's heart to sinking despite that he wasn't entirely surprised.

Exhaling loudly, the boy gave his bedroom door a quick glance to make sure it was closed properly before resigning himself to the alternative. Navigating to a certain folder, David nibbled his bottom lip thoughtfully for a moment, his cursor hovering over one of the handful of incest themed videos he'd downloaded.

For a moment, David's heart raced a bit, the teenager momentarily wondering if his new obsession was really something he should be indulging in. Ever since that moment at the amusement park, it had become harder and harder to not think about such things. And it had only gotten worse since his discovery of his sister's internet activity.

With a shrug, David pushed the doubts away. It was all very harmless. It wasn't even like the actors were even actually related, after all, he reasoned. Where was the actual harm in having a bit of fun? Smiling to himself, David stood up long enough to get out of his jeans and sat back down, his manhood already hard at the thought of one video in particular.

Chuckling softly to himself, David started the video and clicked ahead a bit to bypass the preamble. As the scene of a young blond woman sitting on a couch reading a book came into view, the teenager's hand moved almost instinctively to his hardness, his pulse quickening as the camera panned back a bit, showing off her crossed bare legs that extended from her cut-off jean-shorts.

A moment later, and a young man came stumbling into the room in what was, admittedly, a rather over the top attempt to act drunk. David chuckled softly as he skipped ahead a bit again. There was one line of the cheesy dialogue he wanted to hear before the main event. One that always struck a positive nerve with him.

The scene now showed the young man sitting beside the actress, holding one of her wrists securely as he groped her breast through her pink tank-top with the other. “But you're fucking my brother!” the young woman insisted, faux-struggling a bit, the actor responding with a wide grin as he replied with, “And you're my fucking sister!”

The words sent a pleasant tingle through David's body, even if they were the product of bad writing, delivered by two people with barely any acting talent. It didn't matter, though. Something about a brother and sister in that situation was definitely secretly becoming more and more of interest to him.

Skipping ahead just a little more, David panted softly, squeezing his shaft tighter as he slowly stroked it. It was so unfair, he thought to himself, that stuff like that just couldn't happen in real life. The best he could hope for was to tell Jennifer about his budding fetish and hope she went along with it. But would she? Would his girlfriend be okay with pretending to be his sister?

Probably not. Jennifer wasn't exactly a total “good girl” but she was by no means super kinky or anything. Although she had let David try anal finally, so that was a thing. Smiling at the memory, David hoped they could do it again, but knew it would be so much hotter if he could just once have her pretend for him.

Glancing at the door again, a dark thought came to his lust and alcohol addled mind. His actual sister was just in the next room, he knew. She'd clearly been drinking, even if none of the adults seemed interested in making a big deal about it. Samantha was so out of it that she probably wouldn't remember being carried home. His sister was probably so completely out of it that she wouldn't notice anything that happened to her for at least a few more hours.

Glancing back at the video, David's hand moved faster at the sight of the young young woman on her knees, her “brother” pulling her hair as he thrusted hard into her, his “sister” covering her mouth to keep from making noise. Which was a real concern as two other actors pretending to be their parents were clearly standing in the other room.

“I wish she was a redhead,” David chuckled to himself, the scene was hot, but somehow, he couldn't help but keep thinking of the little girl in the next room. Their parents had gone to bed after all. Would it be really be so bad if he just went in and had a look? Maybe masturbated a bit? She'd never know. Where was the harm?

His manhood throbbing desperately in his hand at the thought, David paused the video and shakily got to his feet. Glancing at cellphone, he hesitantly grabbed it up. It wasn't like he was ever going to have an opportunity like this again, and having a few pictures for later would certainly be nice.

Taking a deep breath, David slipped out of his room, closing his door behind him and adjusting the torch app on his phone, turning it down to its minimum setting so he wouldn't attract attention or possibly wake his sister. Double checking that there wasn't any light visible under his parent's door, the teenager stepped quietly across the carpeted floor, pausing with is hand on his sister's door handle.

Chuckling softly under his breath, David suddenly realised that he was naked form the waist down. Not only that, but he was also sporting a rather pressing erection. “Oh well,” the teenager whispered softly to himself, it's not like I'd be in any less trouble if I was clothed.”

A nervous smile crossing his lips, David's shaking hand slowly turned the door-handle, quietly opening Samantha's door, the teenager lifting his phone just enough to pierce the gloom of the floor.

Finding nothing on the floor he might step on, the boy nibbled his bottom lip with excited nervousness as he panned his phone higher, the light casting over Samantha's tiny sleeping form.

Grinning to himself, David stepped inside and closed the door quietly behind him before creeping closer. Wetting his dry lips, the boy paused for a moment to take a quick picture, the girl was still lying on her back, her head turned away from the door.

Creeping closer, he could hear the girl's soft, steady breathing, clearly asleep beneath her blankets. His grin widening as he moved closer, David's heart raced, the boy wincing a bit as one of the floorboards creaked slightly. Pausing for just a moment, David held his breath, half expecting the girl to wake up as he waited several long seconds.

Moving closer and finally reaching her bed, David leaned closer to the girl, trying to keep from chuckling nervously as he moved his face closer to Samantha's ear. “Sam,” he whispered, pausing a moment as the girl failed to react, “Are you awake?”

The girl didn't respond, her breathing remaining deep and slow even as David's shaking hand slowly pulled back her blankets, her brother thankful that the room wasn't too chilly.

Standing slowly, David carefully set the blankets down, Samantha fully exposed to him except for the t-shirt she still wore. Taking a deep breath, David lifted his phone again, taking a picture of the girl before focusing on Samantha's legs and taking another.

David had to admit they were quite nice, smooth and firm looking with a lovely shape for a girl her age. Glancing towards her face, the boy leaned closer again and gently touched the girl's thigh with his free hand, a pleasant tingle flowing up his spine.

Exhaling slowly, David glanced back at Samantha's thigh as he slowly moved his hand lower, the child's pale skin silky soft, her muscles indeed firm beneath it. Smiling to himself, David let his hand explore up and down Samantha's leg for a few moments, pleased that the girl wasn't stirring at all.

“I wonder what else this brat'll sleep through,” he chuckled softly, David carefully setting down his phone before reaching up with both hands, pulling the hem of Samantha's t-shirt up a bit before hooking his fingers under her panties.

Holding his breath, David carefully watched his sister's expression for several moments, the girl remaining still other than the slight rise and fall of her body as she breathed. With the alcohol still in his system giving him the courage he needed, David slowly began tugging the thin garment downwards, the boy letting out a soft gasp as the child's netherfolds came into view.

Stopping at her knees, David scrambled to pick up his phone again, his hands shaking as taking a picture before adjusting his angle and taking another. David had never really considered taking a good look between his sister's legs before, but now that he had, he couldn't help but wonder why he'd never really noticed them.

The eleven-year-old's hairless folds looked soft and tight, temptingly perfect and untouched. Unsurprising, really, David chuckled to himself as he zoomed in a bit to take another picture, the teenager wondering what it might be like to touch her there. His sister hadn't woken up yet, so what was to say she would if he went a bit further?

Glancing at Samantha's face again, David slid his hand slowly up the child's leg, pausing for a hesitant moment before brushing his fingers against his sister's folds, taking a deep breath at the silky softness of them. Brushing his finger against where they met, Samantha did indeed feel rather tight. The fact made him chuckle softly, reasoning that whatever it was she was doing online wasn't quite as perverted as it could have been.

“What have you been doing on that site?” David wondered allowed, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as his fingertip brushed slowly and up and down, pressing gently against Samantha's tight opening as her body slowly started to react.

Grinning as he felt the slightest bit of warm wetness, David swallowed down his nervousness and leaned closer, giving in to the impulse and giving his sister's folds a long, slow lick. Pausing as a tingling sensation spread through him, David knew he should stop, but he just couldn't.

Closing his eyes, David slowly explored his sister's folds with his tongue, the teenager finding he rather liked the the texture if her skin and very subtle flavour of the little girl's moisture. Lifting his head, David smirked as he saw that Samantha hadn't moved despite the way her body was reacting, the boy rubbing his fingers against her now moist folds, half-wondering if it was possible to get his sister off in her sleep.

“She'd probably wake up if I did that, though,” he sighed, taking another picture of Samantha's wet folds for future use before frowning thoughtfully and slipping his hands under the girl's shoulder and thigh.

Taking a deep breath and hoping she didn't wake up, David then slowly rolled Samantha onto her side, pausing to make sure the girl was indeed drunk enough not to wake up. Grinning as he saw that his sister was still unconscious, David slowly and carefully adjusted the child's body, lying her carefully on her stomach, her head still turned away from the door.

“Now that's what I'm talking about,” the teenager chuckled, grinning at the sight of his sister's bottom, remembering the image of it reflected in a fun-house mirror that summer. It was even nicer now, David reasoned, taking a few more pictures before setting down his camera and running his hands over the rise of Samantha's bottom cheeks.

Exhaling slowly, David found his sister's bottom as firm as he thought it would be, the teenager slowly shaking his head, wishing that Jennifer's bottom was like that, but then, Samantha was far more athletic than his girlfriend was.

“I shouldn't be doing this...” the boy muttered, thoughts of the blond girl he loved cutting through the light alcoholic haze that still gripped him, but yet it was almost too hard to stop.

Giving Samantha's bottom another firm squeeze, David's body gave a bit of a shudder, the teenager finding it more and more difficult to ignore the hungry ache from his manhood. Glancing down, David took a deep breath, taking hold of his shaft and giving it a few slow strokes to take the edge off.

“Why do you gotta be so hot...” David muttered, staring intently at Samantha's bottom as he moved his hand, wishing he could do more than just stare at it, but knowing that would be a terrible idea.

Still, the idea of pushing himself between those perfect bottom cheeks was rather tempting. Jennifer had only let him do it twice so far, and the thought of how tight his sister would be was almost too intense a thought to bear.

His heart racing, David glanced towards the door. He still had a small “sample size” container of lube from when he'd tried anal with Jennifer. Would it be enough? Was Samantha sufficiently drunk to stay unconscious if he tried something like that? It seemed likely, but what if she didn't?

Glancing down at his sister's bottom again, David took a deep breath. “Fuck it,” he muttered, grabbing up his phone before slipping back out the door and moving quickly to his bedroom, feeling a bit self-conscious about being mostly naked in the hallway.

Once in his room, David opened his desk drawer and pushed aside a few school supplies. Reaching around, his hand came around the top of a small glass bottle, the boy letting out a small laugh as he pulled it out.

David smiled at the small bottle of vodka he'd taken home with him from his camping trip. There wasn't a lot left, but a little more liquid courage was definitely a good thing in this situation, he decided.

Taking two deep sips, David took hold of the edge of his desk for balance, chuckling a little to himself as he went back to searching for the tiny container of lube. His fingers wrapping around it after a moment, David's eyes went wide, his manhood reacting a little to the thought of what he was seriously considering doing.

She kind of had it coming, he decided. Samantha was always getting away with things. Especially tonight. She always had, though. Being a girl their parents constantly seemed to think that she was sweet and innocent, but David knew his sister better than they did. Especially now that he knew Samantha was going to places like “Talking To Strangers.”

“I really gotta make sure to catch her next stream,” David chuckled, closing his fingers around the tiny plastic container and taking a deep breath as the room spun a little, his inhabitations fading further, “Okay, let's do this.”

Grinning nervously, David crept back into the hallway, his heart racing as his excitement grew. The alcohol clouding his mind, any thoughts of consequences slipped away, his lust building as David pushed Samantha's door open again and shined the light from his phone over her small young body.

She'd shifted a tiny bit, David supposed, but his sister was pretty much where he'd left her, the rise of the girl's bottom once more attracting his attention.

Moving closer, David set down his phone on the edge of Samantha's bed, his gaze focused on the girl's bottom as he opened the tiny container, squirting some of the lube onto the head of his shaft. His breath quickening, David smeared the now warmed up goo around his hardness, the teenager's body shaking, wishing he could just hold her down and do what he wanted, but knowing that if he wasn't careful, Samantha would wake up and it would all be over.

Glancing down along the girl's legs, David chuckled as he found his sister's panties still down around her knees. “Those'll come in handy,” the boy whispered to himself, taking a moment to slowly slide them the rest of the way off, slipping them past her feet before taking a moment to get a good look at them.

The garment seemed so tiny, a reminder of how small his sister was, the thought sending a pleasant tingling through David's body. Glancing back at Samantha, the boy took a deep breath before slowly and carefully crawling onto the bed, looming over her before straddling the girl's thighs.

Panting softly, David grinned, trying to keep from letting out a laugh as he slid his hand across her bottom before pushing apart her cheeks. Glancing over to her face, Samantha's long red hair obscuring her features a bit, David squeezed the remainder of the lube down onto the child's tight little orifice, hoping she didn't react to the sudden moisture in such a strange place.

After a moment of her not reacting, David tossed the tiny bottle into the waste basket beside Samantha's desk before reaching over to pick up his phone. This was a once in a life time opportunity, after all.

Switching to video recording mode, David exhaled slowly as he placed his shaft between his sister's bottom cheeks, the teenager starting to cautiously move his hips, sliding himself between them. Closing his eyes, David found the sensation almost too intense.

“Okay,” David breathed, lifting himself up a bit higher before angling his shaft downwards, his body shaking with nervous excitement as he rubbed the head of his shaft against the tiny opening, “Here goes...”

Gritting his teeth, David leaned forward, resting on his other hand, Samantha's panties still held in his clenched fist as he slowly let his weight and gravity push himself against her. Exhaling slowly, the sensation was almost overwhelming as the head of his lubricated shaft pushed against the tiny entrance, stretching it slowly wider around it.

Swallowing hard, trying not to make any noise, the heat of his sister's body spread through David as the tight ring squeezed him firmly, the teenager straining not to shove himself forward as he sank deeper into Samantha's bottom. Though the lubricant making the process easier, his sister's passage was still incredibly tight, a fact that only increased the teenager's excitement, his shaft throbbing as willed himself not to cum too soon.

Pausing, David did his best to slow his breathing, not wanting to make too much noise, the boy leaning a little closer to his sister's face, lifting his phone to shed a bit of light upon it. The slight look of discomfort he found made David smile as he recorded a few seconds of it. Still, David knew he had to be careful. If it hurt her too much, Samantha would more than likely wake up and then it would be all over.

Setting his phone down, David balanced himself with both hands on either side of the girl, lifting himself higher before slowly letting himself push down again, his shaft sinking deeper, the boy stifling a gasp at the sensation. It felt incredible, the little girl's passage squeezing David's shaft even more tightly than Jennifer's had, making David half-wonder if he shouldn't try making a move on one of Samantha's female friends.

Moving carefully, gently pushing into her again and again, David's body shuddered, the teenager trying to keep his breathing slow and steady. “This feels way too good” the teenager whispered to himself, grinning as he sank fully half of his shaft into his sister's bottom, “I just wish I could do this while you were awake...”

Closing his eyes, David's body gave a deep shudder as he started moving again, the tight ring of Samantha's opening squeezing him so tightly that David almost wished he'd had more lube. Still, the boy knew he had to hurry. The longer he took, the more likely the girl was to wake up.

Giving into the sensation, David let out a deep groan, his balls tightening as his shaft throbbed desperately. He wanted to cum inside of her. Jennifer had let him do that. David knew how good it would feel, especially since he'd be getting one over on his sister if he did, but the risk of it leaking out of her after the fact and Samantha noticing was a definite concern. He'd never be able to explain that away!

“It'd serve you right, though,” David breathed, leaning closer to brush his face against the girl's soft red hair, brushing his lips gently against Samantha's before pulling back, straining to keep from cumming.

David then quickly shuffled back up onto his knees, gritting his teeth and straining as he slowly pulled himself back, pausing for a moment to enjoy the sensation of Samantha's inner walls squeezing his cockhead.

Holding his breath, David then pulled himself free, the boy letting out a soft gasp as he quickly moved the girl's panties to cover himself as he felt himself start to cum.

Stroking himself quickly, straining to hold back the hard grunt that he desperately wanted to let out, David focused on Samantha's face as thick jets of his sperm shot out into the girl's panties. Exhaling slowly, a low moan escaped David's lips as he stroked out the last few drops, trying not to laugh as he glanced down at the girl's now ruined panties.

“I'll have to do some laundry later,” David chuckled softly to himself, panting as he carefully crawled off of the bed, his sister letting out a soft groan in her sleep that sent a chill down his spine.

Pausing, David's heart raced, worried that his sister might wake up, but the girl remained asleep. Exhaling heavily, David slipped off the bed before carefully pulling the blankets back over the girl and taking a few steps back.

Grinning to himself at what he'd just gotten away with, the teenager checked his phone to make sure he'd gotten enough material to keep himself satisfied for a while. What David saw made his manhood twitch a bit, making the teenager chuckle. As much as he wanted to, though, the boy knew better than to push his luck.

Slipping back into the hallway, David took another glance back at his sister. “At least you're good for something,” he muttered with a smirk, closing the door before quietly as he could before heading off to bed...