Act 4: Town of wine and Fish
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      We spent all of Our energy yesterday packing up our belongings off the ship, getting the dinghy safely to sea level, rowing from the ship towards the island, and getting lost and separated from each other while searching for the inn, Needless to say, Me and Hotaru needed some shut-eye and alone time and the bear mat was doing it's job quite well.

     Our room was very dark, only lit by a candle on our nightstands. I was still reading the diaries from the ship, Nugget was perched on the bear mattress and Hotaru was probably doing Her thing on the other side of the barrier.

". . . . . ." I was trying to get the courage to call out to Hotaru because I wanted to discuss with Her how We'd make a living in the island.

"A fisherman…. Or maybe helping out here at the inn…." These were only some of the ideas I accidentally said out loud subconsciously.

"Itsuki. Can You please worry about the financial problem tomorrow? I already discussed with Nagisa about the payment earlier remember?" She said loudly from the other side of the barrier.

     I think I should practice keeping My Own thoughts to Myself, I was definitely worrying Hotaru with My loud thoughts and I should stop burdening Her anymore than I had.

"Im… sorry. I'll avoid this topic then." I responded dryly.

"Good, Now go to bed" She responded coldly, and the light from Her side of the barrier went out


     I guess she wanted to sleep since We had a long day earlier. I blew out the candle on My own nightstand since there wasn't any point keeping a fire hazard lit up all night.

     It was finally early in the morning, I always made sure to get up before the sun rises so I can have a morning jog, but due to the circumstances of the place and I didn't know any good routes to jog on, I just decided to stretch and do some push-ups and sit-ups at least until 15 minutes before Hotaru woke up.

"One…. two…. Three… four…." I counted each of My push-ups and sit-ups.

     It was almost time to wake up Hotaru as before We finished booking the room She asked Nagisa to let Us work at the inn as payment for staying there for a while.

     Nagisa was the cute little cheetah femboy Who was the receptionist We talked to yesterday? He had the ears and tail of a cheetah, as well as some of Its pattern on the fur on his arms, ears, and tail He was certainly eye-catchingly cute.

"Hotaru~ wake up~ It's time to talk with Nagisa about our payment" I tapped her hand softly while calling out to Her.

"O… Okay I'll be up in a bit…" She said sleepily.

     I then took a warm bath in the bathroom that came with Our room. The bathtub was essentially part of the Cement or tile floor and the toilet... was a barrel that seemed to lead to underground. Gross, I rather use the bushes outside the city as My toilet.

     I then took a bath to prepare for Our discussion with Nagisa about the payment for staying the month. The bath I took around 15 minutes, I didn't like to take too long washing My butt so I got out and rushed the bathing.

     I then put on the clothes I wore My clothes from yesterday. I didn't enjoy wearing the same clothes for 2 days in a row but what choice did I have? Go naked? Hell No.

     I got out of the room wearing the clothes from yesterday, Hotaru was sitting on Her bed and We made eye contact.

"Good morning~" Hotaru greeted Me while I got out of the shower,

"Same to You, the bathroom is free now" I greeted Her back.

"Thank You." She got off the bed and brought Her stuff into the bathroom to have Her bath.

     The book I started reading this time was The Captain's personal journal, it seemed to contain details about the treasures He pillaged and hidden, and there were even several maps We might be able to use to locate these treasures. I didn't say anything to Hotaru about any of these maps folded in the Captain's diary.

     This might be a good ace up My sleeve if I'm ever to be put in a situation to pay for My life or held hostage. As good as these trades may be…. I have absolutely zero plans on using these maps to bargain for My life. I'm not weak enough to beg for My life. I would rather fight for My life to the death.

 The idea of using treasure to bargain for one's life just disgusted Me. It really is just a sign of weakness that You will rather trade something that holds so much value just because You fucked up your plans during combat.

"I'm done with My bath, It's time to go out and have a word with Nagisa." Hotaru was drying up Her hair with a towel and was already dressed in the outfit She had worn yesterday.

"Indeed. Let's get out of here and have our talk." I politely responded.

     We got out of the room, Hotaru locked the apartment and We headed downstairs and entered the lobby where We were greeted by The cute little cheetah femboy Nagisa.

"Good morning, Mr. Itsuki and Ms. Hotaru, how was Your morning? Did You enjoy Your stay at Our lovely Inn?" The short little guy asked us from behind the counter

"Good Morning Nagisa, Our stay was very fun, the room was quite cozy!" I greeted Him back and responded Honestly.

"I'm pleased to hear about Your satisfaction." He expressed very happily.

"Um… Nagisa, about the payment, is it possible for You to accept One of Us to take shifts in order to pay for Our stay here at Polar Star?" Hotaru seemed to have stuttered for a bit, I didn't think I would see Her struggling to ask for something.

"Taking Shifts here?" Nagisa's voice was low and adorable, the little cheetah probably hasn't dealt with these sorts of matters yet.

"Yes We currently don't have much currency on Us at the moment, so if it's possible can this proposal be considered?" I bowed while asking Him to let Us work here.

"In that case, then why don't We first discuss both of Your strengths and weaknesses?" His response was now somewhat high-pitched.

     I was fully prepared to beg and grobble for this job but I guess the Nagisa has a heart of gold.

"Thank You…" Hotaru's spirits went up from the response We had received from Nagisa.

"Well then, let Us interview You two for Your future jobs!" Nagisa cheered Us on about the interview

     Mr. Nagisa cheerfully held Our hands on each of His' I guess that He was just affectionate in that way, He brought Us to the front of the Inn which had a table and 3 chairs, They were wooden and the woodwork was really good, it was very admirable. We all had a seat and Nagisa handed Us 2 sheets of paper and a feather for writing. The sheets looked like test sheets and We just had to fill in our details. This might've been our initiation or contract

     The questions are exactly what I have expected from the start, "Tell Me About Yourself?"  "What are Your strengths and weaknesses?" "Why should I choose You?" What do You contribute? These questions are very easy for Me and  Hotaru because We had dealt with a lot of internship job interviews before. I was confident both of Us can pass this little test Nagisa has given us. My mind and face were full of confidence I believe We can do this!!

"Only Hotaru is Hired." Nagisa cheekily said with an innocent smile on His cute little cheetah face."

     Hotaru was giggling that only She was accepted at the job. I felt very salty over this defeat.

"Well, it looks like I'm gonna be the Husband here!" Hotaru joked smugly.

I 100% hated when she does that but now wasn't the time to fuel her fire right now.

"Congratulations Hotaru~~!!" Nagisa's voice was full of positivity and cuteness.

     Hotaru shook hands with Him, She was said to start working by next week so Our stay at the inn was free until then. Nagisa went back inside to continue His work while Me and Hotaru stayed to discuss My Predicament.

"I see…. Hotaru…. I'll… I'll try to find ways to earn a profit for Us, Just focus on this job! Let's carry the burden together!" I proposed to Hotaru while holding in the salt.

"I'll be sure to take care of the problems here!" She was finally back to being the Happy sunshine I knew.

     Now it was My turn to find a Job!


     I headed out to the town to try learning My way around town.


I walked past multiple small buildings and houses, some were made of wood, and others seemed to be made of clay or cement. I also noticed tailor shops that We could eventually go to to get New clothes! I also have walked passed a fairly large library called "Megistus and Minci's Scriptomancy" as well as a very eye-catching Bakery called "Soft-Buns."

"This Town seems fairly lively," I whispered to Myself while gazing at My Surroundings to not draw any attention.

      When We have entered this town there was a sign that said "Welcome to HaH-WHaH-E, Where only the freshest seafood and Wine come together!!" If that was true then We can finally eat something other than the rations in the backpacks. I was very relieved to know We at least found a stable place to live in.

     By some matter of luck, I wound up going to quite a large fish market. There were large tuna, salmon, oysters, and what looked like giant crabs being sold off.

"Those things are Large!" I couldn't help but be surprised by the size of the crabs and oysters that were just delivered to the market's vendors while walking around the market and the stalls I checked at My brochures.

     When We initially entered the town We were offered brochures about the local place and luckily for Me I accepted it while Hotaru seemed to have been stubborn from our bickering and decided to have kept walking which led to the 2 of us getting separated multiple times in less than 20 minutes.

"Time to check out a different place." after being amazed like a little kid I decided to explore a different street.

     I saw a fairly sized building called The "Hunter's Path" and The "Sangonomiya Tea House." It took Me around a few hours to get My bearings together but now I can proudly say I have this area of town fairly memorized.

     Hours later I decided to head back to the inn but I had a tingling feeling that ran up My spine.

     During the entire time I was exploring I couldn't help but feel like some kind of looming danger heading toward Me, It was like all the red flags in My head were blaring their sirens telling Me that our time on this Island was limited….

". . . . . . . . Is…. someone after Me?" I kept thinking as I only started having these chills just yesterday….

     I didn't think this was worth mentioning but I had an odd sensation run up My spine when We first truly entered the town, it was something like a chill I paid no attention to it since I just brushed it off as a gust of wind.

     When I entered the Inn I was greeted by Hotaru and Nagisa who seemed to have been busy playing a board game called "Captain's War." The pieces looked like a pirate's version of chess. I greeted the 2 back and politely said that I will be going back to our room since I felt winded.