Act 5: Library
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     I was in the room Me and Hotaru booked at the Polar Star Inn and  I was somewhat concerned that I still didn’t have a job while Hotaru did. It has been officially 5 days since We got trapped in this ocean world. Our first and 2nd days were just the 2 of Us stuck on that shipwreck while the 3rd was getting a job. Day 4 was Me taking a stroll in the town. It was now the 5th day. 


     Hotaru has finally started Her job as a Maid at the Polar Star Inn, I still haven’t found any job yet even though I did have some possible viable jobs I could attempt. 


     I looked through the list of buildings I saw that were currently hiring, I could’ve joined the “Hunter’s Path” which was about hunting wild animals for their meat, fur, oil, etc, There was also the Sangonomiya Tea House, which was hiring bartenders and waiters, a library called “Megistus and Minci’s Scriptomancy” which might have been just a library with a fancy name, and lastly was a bakery called “Epona” which seemed like a fairly decent business.


“I remember the cookies My Dad made.” I thought to Myself.


      Back at home, My parents had a professional baker teach him harshly to perfect baking pastries, cookies, and desserts when He was still a teenager, which is probably why My Mom was so infatuated with Him. Needless to say, That knowledge of baking was passed on to Me as well…. To an extent as baking wasn’t something I was good at, They either came out undercooked, overcooked, or burnt.


     I knew it wasn’t the time to reminisce about that but I didn’t find remembering being critiqued by both My Parents on how poor My baking skills came out as.


“My Best option, for now, is probably the Library…” I rationalized the options I had.


     Hunting will put My safety at risk, which would consequently make Hotaru very worried daily. I get way too impatient dealing with customers so the teahouse wasn’t a good idea and I was shit at baking. So evidently the only option I had for a job was “Megistus and Minci’s Scriptomancy.”


“Hopefully I get a job.” I got out of the bed, Nugget perched on My shoulder, and walked downstairs where Hotaru was doing her new job as the inn's 2nd Maid.


     I greeted Hotaru and Nagisa goodbye and headed out to town in order to ask for a job at the library.


     The walk to the library wasn’t that long nor was it any eventful and only took around 15 minutes to arrive to “Megistus and Minci’s Scriptomancy.” The Library seemed to have been made of bricks and concrete, with some quartz acting as the pillars. The architecture was simply elegant and beautiful.


“Time to get a job!” I tried to hype Myself up and entered the library opening its dark brown doors.


     What I saw wasn’t exactly what I have expected because it was more than what I had expected. The Library’s interior was huge, There were many tall shelves that make up the corridors and they were all filled with books of different genres! It was very overwhelming for book nerds to fathom a place full of many kinds of literature to read.


“. . . . . . “ I was speechless, I couldn’t help but feel small in this wonderful place. My jaw was probably on the ground while gazing at the interior and the inner nerd inside Me wanted to do a fanboy freakout.

     While eyeing out the vast room of literature in front of Me, I saw that there were a decent amount of people searching and or reading the types of literature.


“I better find the librarian sooner than later….” A sudden realization reminded Me that I needed to go find whoever runs the place in order to get a job for myself.


      I decided to ask around the people in the library, I asked a few people on where the librarian was and what She looked like to make My search a tad bit easier. 


     I heard that She was a beautiful lady, slim but a bit tall around 6’0 feet tall which was a bit taller than Me and Hotaru, she had deep chestnut hair and soft amber eyes, was well endowed, and preferred to wear a puffy long-sleeved white blouse with a small chest window, a long black skirt that reaches below her knees, black lingerie and brown heels, and lastly a long furry brown coat.


      The description that popped into my head and gave Me a lot of those “Ara-ara mommy vibes” from different manga and anime but that was good enough for Me to memorize, I lastly asked where She tends to stay at, and She prefers to stay on the mid-east side of the library as that was where Her station was.


     I was currently at southwest which meant that I just needed to go in the opposite direction. It took around 3 minutes and I did see the librarian station with a woman that completely fit the description That I was given.


“Deep chestnut hair, 6’0 tall and soft amber eyes, that's Her.” I said in amazement from the Librarian’s beauty.


     I was gonna approach the Librarian now but I noticed that She was busy talking to what I assumed was Her daughter due to how young the other girl looked.


      She looked slightly shorter than the librarian, has long silver hair that reaches down her back. She was wearing a short-sleeved Black turtle-neck, the collar reached far up Her neck and a long gray that was equally as long as the librarian but with slits on its sides. 


     I sat at one of the reading stations but I couldn’t help but overhear their discussion to each other. I kept hearing something about being irritated that the tavern is losing some customers due to rivals making better alcohol, I also heard about the other Girl’s boyfriend leaving due to incompatibility. 


      Both of Their voices had that motherly vibe you would see from someone that’s been taking care of their families although the girl with silver hair’s voice seemed to be sharper than the librarian whom had a softer and more tender voice.


     I was definitely overhearing things I shouldn’t be listening to. The Girl with long silver hair left and the coast was clear to approach the librarian about the job.


    It really wasn't the time to be dumbfounded by a Woman’s charms, I gave Myself a pinch to the side and approached the librarian shortly after the other lady left.


      While approaching the librarian seemed to have immediately noticed Me despite the fact I was walking slowly and quitely the entire time.

“Ara~ Hello Sweetie, What can I help You with?” Her voice really had a motherly vibe to it.


“Ah Yes, I would like to work here, I saw the help wanted sign outside.” I politely asked about the work.


“Ara~! Yes, We are currently hiring assistants and cleaners!” She cheerfully responded.


“If possible I would like to try both jobs, as long as the pay is good Ms.” I asked about the opened jobs trying to not overstep My boundaries


     She interviewed Me, like how Nagisa interviewed Me and Hotaru the other day and I took my time with the test with this one. After that I was hired as Her assistant.


“You’re hired Cutie.” She gracefully announced.


“Thank you.” I was so relieved that I got this job.


      And Altough I had no clue what She was thinking of being so casual at calling me “Sweetie” and “Cutie” but it doesnt really matter all that matter, Being called that was nice.


“You may start Tommorow cutie, I’ll be sure to take good care of you.” She winked while being playful.


      What the hell have I gotten myself into?!


"Squaaaaaaawwwkkkkk" Nugget Screamed while on my shoulder after remaining quiet for so long.