Act 8: Lugh’s Soft Buns
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Itsuki’s P.O.V.


     I was still laying down in the position that Hotaru layed Me in except that…. My whole heart was throbbing from what She just did. I initially planned to just prank Her once She got home. I did not think in My entire life that Hotaru would go and kiss Me on My forehead!!!!!


“What the heck were you thinking!?” My whole head was spinning and My thoughts were running rampant from what I just experienced.


“Why would you go and kiss me~!?!?! Are You still drunk~!?” I was shouting internally and rolling around, while Hotaru was taking a shower.


“Squawk~ Itsuki,” Nugget whispered.


“What is it, Dear Nugget?” I responded to Nugget while having My head buried in the pillow.


“Hotaru Back. Hotaru Back.” She ecstatically said.


“Alright, thank You, Dear Nugget.” I sarcastically responded.


“Squawk. You’re welcome!” Nugget flew off.


     How on earth do I plan to face Hotaru… Not after what She had just did to Me…….


I got up from the position Hotaru moved Me on and tried to sneak out of the room but…

“You’re up early, good morning Itsuki.” It was Hotaru, she just finished her shower and she was wearing a more casual outfit while drying her hair with a towel.


“Yes. Good morning… I’ll.. I’ll be heading back to My room..... Sorry for trespassing” I quickly left while trying to cover My face with My hands.


“O-Oh… Um sure…” I heard some type of disappointment as I left.


     I couldn’t really see Hotaru face to face not after what happened…


“Eh? Why did He left so soon?” Hotaru questioned out of confusion.


“Squawk. I bet He knows~” Nugget teased Hotaru.


“Knows what? Wait He knew what I did!? Nugget did you tell Him!?” She panicked and started getting flustered.


“SQuaawkk~ Who knows~ Who knows~!!” Nugget taunted.


“EEEEEEEGGGHHHHH!!!!!????” Hotaru slowly got more and more flustered.

Noontime At Megistus and Minci’s Scriptomancy

“Ara~ does My little cutie have a crush on His older sister?” Kei giggled before deciding to give a tease.


“It’s not… It’s a bit complicated Y’know.” I hid my face behind the book that I was reading.


“I understand that cutie, now why don’t You tell Kei why Your older sister kissed Your forehead.” Kei fixed Her hair and closed the book she held while asking curiously.


“Now That is what I don’t know, for all I know, Hotaru might have still been drunk, She hasn’t exactly come home last night.” I tried to explain accurately.


“Last night you say? And drunk?” Kei questioned curiously.


“Um, yeah… She went out last night to The Ragnivindir’s Tavern and only came home earlier today why?” I explained everything that happened.


“Ara~ I might’ve known a thing or two hehe~.” Kei giggled




“Well…. A very close friend of Mine works at that tavern and She might’ve brought Your friend over to rest at My place because She was way too intoxicated by the 12 bottles of liquor that She had drank last night.” Kei seemed to have been shocked but immediately went back to Her Motherly persona.


“Ah- I…. I see, thanks for clearing this up.” I completely covered my face with the book.


“So how do you plan to “Face” Your older sister Hotaru?”


“That is the problem there… I don't really know how to face Her right now.”


“I see, well how about You go take a stroll out at town, the library isn’t busy today so You may come back later at closing time to help Me clean up.”


“Are You actually serious I can just go and do that?”


“Yes, You’re My cutie aren’t You? I’m sure  I can make an exception.” She said with a flashy wink.


“Eh- Th-thanks… I’ll be sure to be back by closing time, Thank You.”


     I headed out of the library for some fresh air and clear my head off of the incident earlier that morning.


“Oh, it’s You Itsuki.” A familiar deep voice called out


     I turned around and saw a familiar face, it was Lugh, and he seemed to be carrying 2 baskets of what seemed to be groceries. 


     There was also another man next to Lugh, He was slightly taller and had wine-colored hair, and gray eyes and was dressed in a black and gray coat, a burgundy undershirt, and long black pants.


“How have you been?” Lugh politely asked Me.


“I’m doing well, how about You?” I responded politely and bowed.


“I’ was just about to go to the “Soft Buns” Bakery with this rascal next to Me, Itsuki, this is My best friend, Sora.” He sarcastically introduced the man next to Him.


”Nice to meet You Itsuki, I’m Isshiki Sora, Glad to meet Ya bud?” His voice wasn’t as deep as Lugh’s but a voice that You would hear from a Senpai at school.


“The honors are all Mine actually” I respectfully responded.


      Me and Sora shook hands and gave each other a respectful nod.


“I was actually about to go to the bakery Myself to buy some bread for Myself, but I ran into this broke fool who forgot his wallet at the Bakery. Sora roasted Lugh hard.


“I only forgot My wallet today. You know, there is no need to be mad, I promised to pay You back once We arrive at the bakery remember?” Lugh shrugged at Sora’s remarks.


“It’s just a joke, don't be an old man.” Sora responded in a facepalm.


**Ahem** Anyway Would Ya like to join us at the bakery Itsuki? We will be staying there for quite a bit though” Lugh asked.


“I don’t mind but wouldn’t I be a nuisance by coming there?”


“Not at all, plus the bread there is very delicious,” Lugh responded


“I agree, no need to be shy, come with us,” Sora reassured as He put His arm around Lugh’s head to which He didn’t seemed to expect it.


“Alright, I’ll be in your care.” I showed My gratefulness and gave Them a thumbs up to which they both gave Me one as well.


     The walk to the “Soft Buns” bakery didn’t take that long, it was actually quite short, I walked from the Polar Star Inn to the library every day so It wasn’t uncommon for Me to walk past the bakery which was just around the fishery and marketplace.


     During the entire walk to Soft Buns, Sora was constantly smiling and messing with Lugh about secrets they shared together.


     We finally arrived at the bakery which had 2 stories, its base looked like it was made of stone and the main building itself was made of white materials like quartz or diorite and had wooden lines that go along the outer walls which looked fancy. And lastly a tiled roof.


     The building also looked like it had a large stone chimney which would be the place where loaves of bread and pastries would be baked from.


     Once We were about 12 meters away from the bakery, A girl with below-average height and hazelnut amber hair kicked the doors open, ran towards and jumped on Lugh hugging him tightly and wrapping her legs around his torso.


“EEEH!?” I got surprised but it looked like Lugh and Sora weren’t moved at all.


“Welcome back Lugh~!!!!!” She was clinging to Him hard like a very happy puppy.


“Hello Kianna, I hoped You enjoyed the drinking party We had last night.” Lugh seemed happy to have this girl hold onto Him.


“Greetings Kianna, I’m sorry for hogging all of Lugh’s attention last night.” Sora apologized.


“Attention?” I asked.


“Oh well You see….” Lugh tried to explain but was cut off by the Young Lady.


“WELL You see, Yesterday We celebrated Lugh’s 24th birthday and Sora got way too drunk, and Me and Lugh had to Carry him along with us!!!! While walking, He got sick and had to be taken somewhere to rest, so I had to go back home very sad and lonely while these 2 shared a motel room the whole night!!!!!!!!!! HMMPPHHH~~~!!!” The girl angrily yelled and pouted at Sora while still clinging to Lugh’s torso.


“Yeah, I apologize for that Miss Kianna, Lugh and I had to share a bed and slept together, and in the morning he just left a note on My forehead and explained what happened to Me last night.” Sora was bowing and apologizing nonstop.


***AHHEEMMM~~!!!*** If you two can stop being salty can We please go inside now? I can’t tell which is heavier. Kianna or this Basket.


“Sorry Lughieeee~~~!!” Kianna continued to cutely throw Herself at Lugh.


“Alright give it here.” Sora annoyedly took the basket as We all walked inside.

At a Table for 4


“First order of business, Kianna here’s the groceries You asked Me to buy earlier, 2 pounds of flour, 3-liter bottles of Fresh Goat milk, 2 pounds of pure cream, and lastly 5 pounds of…. Sugar….” Lugh seemed to have hesitated at the end.


“What is she cooking in there.” Me and Sora said in unison as We gave the Lugh a look of concern and fear.


“Thank you Mr Lugh~!!!” Kianna was acting very bubbly as She went to the kitchen while Lugh followed with the groceries.

5 minutes later, Lugh returned and sat back at the table carrying a basket of loaves of bread bagels and muffins, and 3 glasses of water. 


“Alright now that I’m done being Miss Kianna’s butler, time to discuss why I invited You two here-” Lugh was about to start the discussion but I immediately cut Him off as I got curious.


“Hold on Lugh, You were always planning to invite and discuss whatever this is with Me?” I quickly asked Lugh.


“Of course, during our previous encounter, You seemed passionate about magic and mystical topics, it would only be natural to include You to talk here.” He cleared it up with Me.


“It appears that both of Us have a habit of cutting off Dear Lugh here hehe~ We’re definitely gonna get along Amigo!” Sora ecstatically laughed while resting His elbow on Lugh’s shoulder much to His dismay and somewhat embarrassment.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” I happily responded.


“Now back to Business, Itsuki have you ever heard of the term pirates, thieves, and mercenaries that sail the seas?” Lugh asked very seriously.


     The way Lugh phrased them just makes Me think of the historical figure Black Beard. Is He saying this world’s seas weren’t safe not only from the threat of drowning but the danger from pirates and other crooks.


“I’m somewhat familiar,” I responded.


“This world is very unsafe, Me and Sora have sailed it all before since We were kids. A few times our parent’s ships were attacked, our family protected Us by either paying them our freedom or by force…” Lugh’s voice got serious.


“Why am I being told this?” I questioned.


“Because I noticed the day We met, that You want to get off this Island, The oceans are not safe at all so I highly recommend think Your choices through before deciding to just leave this place.”


“I see…. Sorry for worrying You, and thank You for caring about My safety.”


“There are also ruins in this Island’s forests and there are rumored to be treasures that You might be able to sell so You can pay a well-armed ship to help get off this Island, but the ruins themselves are layed with booby traps and might have guardians You’d have to fight off.” Sora expressed His opinion on this Matter.


     They both knew I didn’t want to stay on this island, Should I just accept that this was the fate Me and Hotaru was destined to have? To just stay here or is it telling Us to live our lives here to the fullest without any regrets…..