Chapter 3
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It didn’t take long to make up your mind, spending even one week without using the spells was enough for you to realise what you needed to do.


You put in your two weeks notice at your job, making sure not to let your family find out. It’s a huge risk, but it’ll be worth it, and hopefully you’ll be able to find something where you can be yourself.


You texted your friend, telling them the plan and when you’ll be able to move out. They asked a friend of theirs who owned a minivan to help out, so that you could take everything in one trip. You did it on the Monday after you leave your job, everyone else in the house was at work during the day, giving you the perfect chance to pack everything you needed and get out.


It was the last time you’ll ever see that house, and while you were a little sad about it, you were mostly excited to finally be free for the first time in your life. You’re not sure what you’re going to do moving forward, but you’re glad you’ll be able to do it as yourself. The only other thing to do was get a new phone number, so that they wouldn't be able to contact you ever again.


A few weeks have passed, and you’ve loved the time you’ve gotten to spend with your friend, as well as getting to fully embrace yourself after only being able to do so in short bursts previously.


They’ve enjoyed having you around as well, obviously the company is great, but they also appreciate the fact that there’s someone living here who’s able to drive. They use their wings to get around, but flying to the grocery store usually causes a scene.


Right now you’re enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon on the couch, in the embrace of someone who truly cares about you. You’ve been using the magic much more often since you moved, so your natural state has been changing even faster than before.


Your skin has taken on a Lilac hue, and your fangs haven’t fully grown in yet but they’re very noticeable now. It’s also started to become clear that your favourite hoodie is less oversized than it used to be, for multiple reasons.


Other changes have started to bleed through as well, like how your nails have started to grow faster, and naturally sharpen to a point. You need to maintain them more often than you used to, and it’s very important that you do, but they’re absolutely worth it.


The most enticing change of all, however, is that a pair of horns have started growing from your forehead. At the moment they’re not that big, but you’ve seen how large they are when the spells are active, and you can’t wait for them to be like that all the time.


You’re lost in thought about all the changes that are yet to come, when you’re broken out of it by a voice from behind you.


“Hey babe, I’ve been wondering… You’ve been super into my wings since we met, have you ever thought about having your own?”


That’s not something you’ve really considered before. You’ve been fascinated by the concept of having wings since you were a child, but for some reason when you were introduced to the spells you never thought about creating a set for yourself.


Why didn’t it occur to you sooner? Maybe you were just scared of taking such a big step, and you knew deep within that if you ever got to experience something like that you’d never go back.


But you’ve already taken that step at this point, haven’t you? You don’t have to worry about going back, because you can finally embrace the fact that this is who you are now, and you can become whatever you want to be.


They notice that you’re deep in thought about the subject.


“I think they’d be perfect for you, a set of badass wings is exactly what you need to complete the look.”


They lean in a bit closer and speak softly.


“Y’know, it’d mean we could fly places together as well. I happen to know a quiet spot on a hill where you can see the entire city, it looks amazing at night…”


You can’t say no to something like that. It’s too dangerous for them to take you places in their arms, but if you were able to take flight yourself, the two of you could go wherever you wanted. You roll over a bit so you can face them, and say that it’s a wonderful idea.


You hadn’t planned to use magic again today. It already took a lot out of you this morning, but this isn’t something you want to wait for, and you’ve been learning to be a lot more spontaneous recently. You start to change into who you were always meant to be, taking one more step towards being able to stay like that forever.