10: Making a Plan
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The situation with Naomi has been resolved, which means that Mari can continue her work while the doll calms down elsewhere. She manages to make some good progress despite the earlier distractions, and the morning is almost over by the time Naomi shows up again, having returned to what could be considered its normal state. Mari takes this opportunity to ask something she’s been wondering about.


“Hey Naomi, I really should have asked this sooner, but do dolls need to eat or anything like that? I noticed that you haven’t really been doing that at all.”


“Miss does not need to worry about that.” Naomi replies cheerfully. “This one doesn’t need food to survive… But that being said, a treat now and then would be nice…”


“Ah okay, there are some lemonade popsicles in the freezer downstairs if you want to grab one later, but there’s something else I’d like you to get started on, if that’s okay.”


The mention of the icy snack causes Naomi to perk up. “Of course, whatever Miss desires.”


Mari hands it a notebook and pen. “I’d like you to handle some logistics for me. This place is huge and it’s going to take a lot more than just the two of us to handle all the chores around here, so we need to make a list of everything that needs taking care of, and a rough idea of how many more dolls will be needed to do it all.”


Naomi gasps. “Is Miss saying that this one will get sisters!?”


“Yeah, sure.” Mari says nonchalantly. “I mean, I’ve already gotten myself this deep into this mess, at this point I may as well go all in, right? It’ll take a while to actually build up the numbers though, the materials cost a fair bit.”


“Okay, this one will do everything it can to help!” Naomi says with a determined look in its eyes, and remains in that position for several seconds.


“Is everything okay, Naomi?”


“...This one isn’t sure what chores need doing besides dusting in the lobby…”


Mari looks somewhat defeated upon hearing this. “I suppose I should have expected that… How about we both work on the list to begin with?”


“Thank you, Miss! This one would greatly appreciate it!”


“Okay, so let's start with the cleaning, dusting is one thing, but we’ll need to sweep the floors of the lobby as well, on top of all the other rooms that we’re currently using.”


Naomi intently writes on the notepad as Mari talks. “And the rooms we are not using?”


“We can work our way up to those as I make more dolls, but they aren’t a priority until we need the rooms for something. You can add taking care of Martin’s food, water, and litter box to the list, even if it’s all simple stuff.”


Mari takes a second to think about other important tasks to add to the list.


“Hmm… I should probably take care of groceries myself, I’m not sure how other people would react to seeing a doll walking around. Do dolls know how to cook?”


“This one has never done it before, but there’s only one way to find out!”


“Okay, that’s a maybe for now…” Her eyes drift towards Naomi as she thinks about more tasks, and takes notice of the high waisted shorts and black tank top the doll is wearing.


“We should probably have a doll that can make clothes, so that you won’t all be wearing my stuff.”


“Does Miss not like it when this one wears her clothes?”


“I mean, I don’t really care that much, but if there are going to be more of you I’ll start running out pretty quickly, and buying the materials to make new outfits is probably cheaper than buying clothes outright. Oh, add laundry to the list as well.”


“Sure thing, Miss! It looks like we have a decent amount of chores already!” Naomi excitedly shows her the notepad, but the only things on the page are some unintelligible scribbles, and a crude drawing of what Mari assumes to be herself holding some shopping bags and wearing a hat she doesn’t recognise. 


“Right, I guess literacy isn’t a given with dolls then… Naomi, I’ll write up the chores and start running the numbers myself after I’ve finished my work for the day, okay? If you need something to do, I’d appreciate it if you could dust my bedroom.”


“Roger!” Naomi starts to rush off, hoping to get the job done quickly so it can grab a treat afterwards, but suddenly stops when it reaches the doorway.


“Oh, Miss! This one has thought of another chore that will need doing!”


“What is it?”


“We will need to make sure the plants in the garden are properly tended to.”


Mari is confused by this statement, and it takes her a few seconds to reply.


“Naomi, this place doesn’t have a garden, I checked when I moved in.”


“Has Miss not seen the garden? Miss should come and take a look, it’s very nice.”


Mari takes a look at the time, she’s not expecting anything to come of this, but there’s no harm in taking her lunch break a little early to humour the doll.


The two head downstairs and start walking towards the back door, Martin takes notice of them and decides to join their journey. Martin doesn’t have much experience with the outdoors since he’s used to living in the old apartment, and on the few occasions he has tried venturing out he tends to stay near the door until a noise scares him inside, so Mari can trust him not to run off if he comes with them.


Naomi opens the back door to reveal a large, elaborately designed garden, filled with all varieties of plants, many of which are unlike anything Mari has ever seen before. Naomi bounds forward and turns back to strike a pose at Mari.


“Welcome to the garden, Miss!”


Martin wanders over and starts rolling around in some of the loose soil, and Mari can do little more than stand there gobsmacked at the sight that stands before her.


“What the fuck… This wasn’t here when I took the garbage out yesterday…”


“Good point Miss! We’ll need to add taking out the garbage to the list as well.”