007 Evolution and progress
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The fight against the large Goblin was over quickly. And the girl even helped the twins. But what happened after that was very strange. I could hear a voice that seemed to come from nowhere. And my two goblins began to glow.

"I appreciate your efforts. But there is something wrong with your memory... I don't have much time, but I will solve your most pressing problem."

And then everything went dark.

Bond girl POV

What's happening now? I stumble back a few steps and land on my butt. Where does that voice come from, and why are those two goblins glowing? I sit on the ground for about a minute and stare at them. Then I notice that their shape is slowly changing.

Both have grown a few centimetres. They are now something between 145 and 150 cm tall. And when the glow stops, I stare at them in complete astonishment. Their skin and hair are no longer green!

"Dwarves"? How is this possible?"

They really seem to be brother and sister. Their faces are too similar. Both have brownish-red hair and slightly pointed ears. Not the long, pointed ears like elves but not the round ears like humans.

Also, their clothes have changed. Before they wore only a few rags as it is typical for goblins. But now they wear normal clothes. A pair of leather boots, dark brown pants and a light brown shirt. Just regular, boring clothes.

Next, they turn in my direction. And the female dwarf smiles at me. Then she takes a few steps towards me and holds her hand out to me.

"Are you all right? Why are you sitting on the floor?" - Female Dwarf

"I, uh. What's going on here?" - Blonde girl

Still bewildered, I grab her hand and let her help me up on my feet.

"I can't answer that question either. I only know that everything is as it should be. My name is Isgard by the way, and this is my brother Siegward."

Siegward nods at me when Isgard introduces him but says nothing.

"Uh, my name is Chloe. And the sleeping beauty in the back is Paula. But seriously, what's going on here? Why did you help us? You were goblins yourselves just a moment ago."

Isgard answers me, still with a smile on his face.

"That question is easy to answer. Our mistress has ordered us to help you." - Isgard

I look at her in astonishment. That raises more questions than it answers.

"Your mistress? Why does she know about us? And why would she want to help us?" - Chloe

The dwarf just shakes her head before she answers.

"Our mistress should answer these questions herself. But right now, she's sleeping. Why don't we take care of your friend first?" - Isgard

That's right. I nod to her before I turn around. Then I go and sit down next to Paula and see how she is doing. It shouldn't be long before she wakes up

Meanwhile, the twins are picking up the rusty sword. And take what's left of the goblin's leather armour.

Paula POV

My head hurts as someone hit me in the head. Wait! Somebody hit me in the head!

Right, we were attacked by a bunch of goblins. What happened next? Where are the others? I look around, and I let myself groan. Then I see Chloe's face above me.

"Wah!" - Paula

"Morning, sleepyhead. Sleep well?" - Chloe

"Chloe? What happened? - Paula

"The goblins overpowered us and took us away. This is what happened. We were incredibly lucky. Those two saved us." - Chloe

I turn my head, and I can see two dwarves.

"Dwarves"? Uh, I mean thanks for the rescue. My name is Paula."

The female dwarf answers with a smile and a dismissive hand movement.

"You're welcome. I am Isgard, and the silent one over there is Siegward."

Siegward just nods when he is introduced.

Isgard then makes a serious face and makes a suggestion.

"Now that you're awake, however, we should go. There are still some goblins out there. They had left the nest while we fought. And who knows when they'll be back." - Isgard

Chloe and I both make a face when we hear this and get up. Isgard puts a primitive spear in my hand, and Chloe picks up a spear as well. The two dwarves go ahead, and we follow them through the tunnel.

We haven't gone far when we find a triggered trap and the dismembered bodies of four goblins. I can hear the horror in Chloe's voice as she speaks.

"What the hell happened here? Why is there a trap in a Simple Cave? Wait, are we in a dungeon?" - Chloe

We both stopped after we had this realisation. The two dwarves turn around, and Isgard speaks in her usual calm voice.

"Yes, that's right. We are in a dungeon. But you don't have to worry. Nothing will happen to you. You better give us a hand here. This door is heavy." - Isgard

Chloe and I look at them both suspiciously. And then Chloe sighs before she goes on.

"You're right. These two saved us from the goblins. But which door?" - Chloe

To our amazement, the dwarves lean against a wall. And we can hear the scraping of stone on stone. A hidden door? I only hope it is not a mistake.

Together we can open the door. And to my amazement, there are glowing crystals set into the ceiling. I've heard about it, but I've never been in a dungeon myself. That is why I have never seen such magical artefacts. They would be worth a small fortune on the market, but they usually cannot be removed.

We close the door behind us again and walk down the corridor. And unlike the tunnel, where the walls and floor are made of rough stone. You would think we were in a castle and not in a cave.

At the end of the corridor is another hidden door. And as we open it, I stare at the big, blue, shining crystal. The Dungeon Core? Chloe, however, points to a huge transparent egg. A girl in the foetal position is sleeping inside it.

"Is that your mistress?" - Chloe

The dwarf siblings turn around and have a serious expression on their faces.

"Yeah, that's right. You two better not get any funny ideas. She should wake up soon. She'll decide what happens next."

Chloe seems to have come to terms with that already. And she's putting her back up against a wall. I follow her lead and ask her exactly what happened when I was unconscious.


Everything feels so heavy. What happened? I heard this voice. It said it wanted to help me. But what happened next? Why am I so sluggish? People talk to each other, but I can't understand them. It sounds like I'm underwater.

Next thing I know, I suddenly fall to the ground. I can see again, but my head hurts. I cough up liquid and have a hard time breathing. Then the headaches get worse and reach for my head. It feels like an eternity until the pain disappears. And only then do I realise that I shouldn't have a body at all.

"Is everything alright, mistress?" - ???

Mistress? Is she talking to me? I look up and see a young girl with brownish-red hair. I look at her confused at first. Then I look around. I am in the Core Room. And there are four other people here besides me. Next to her stands, a boy with the same hair and on the wall sit the two girls I wanted to save.

But who are the other two? ...wait a minute, they look so much alike, like twins... You don't say...

"Are you two...?"

Seemingly happy with my insight, she smiles at me before answering.

"Yes, mistress! I am Isgard. And my brother here is Siegward. And please do not mind. He is not a man of big words." - Isgard

"Mistress!" - Siegward

Like she warned me. He says just one word and nods respectfully at me. But none of it makes sense... unless what did the owner of that voice do? Somehow, he turned my goblins into what? They look a little small for humans. Mostly because they don't look like children. I notice that their ears are pointy. Definitely not human. Elves, maybe? But they look too small for elves. If my fantasy knowledge counts for anything around here. Although the goblins looked like goblins...

Next thing I know, I reach for my ears and notice they're the same shape. And then it hits me like a blow. They've been calling me mistress all along! And my voice didn't sound very masculine, either! I'm doing a facepalm. Of course! I was transported to a fantasy world, and at first, I had no body. And there's only one possible form that I can take later. I am a little girl now!

"Mistress?" - ???

I make a throw-away motion before I answer.

"It's nothing. I just had a realisation."

Next, the blonde girl interrupts our little chat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you. But what happens to us now?" - Blonde girl

"Uh, I hadn't really thought about what happened after that."

I smile wryly and try to look apologetic.

"And what should I call you anyway? I'm not calling you mistress. My name's Chloe, by the way, and this is Paula."

Paula waves at me briefly but looks at me carefully.

"Um, name... I don't have a name? Or do I? Wait a minute. Status!"

And then I'm completely flabbergasted.