010 Some fresh air
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In the basket that the goblins brought with them, there are now three swords and a mace. I'm a little surprised there's no shield. Or did the goblins just not take it? They probably didn't have any spears either. Though for small enemies like goblins, that would probably not be the right weapon anyway.

Looks like Chloe and Paula only had their daggers for close combat. Even if they are archers, it's not exactly ideal. But I can take advantage of that. When I tell them to take one sword each, they shouldn't complain if I want the other weapons.

"You probably won't like what I'm about to say. But you should both take one sword each. You got your bows back, but they didn't collect the arrows. And I would hate to leave this cave with stone spears. So, I would like to take the other two weapons for us.

Chloe's not exactly thrilled with my proposition, and she gives me the evil eye. Paula, however, seems to be on my side. Or at least she can understand my reasoning.

"You know Victoria's right. So, don't give her that scowl." - Paula

Although Chloe's still not happy with it. But at least she nods and stops staring at me. The two of them pick up a sword each. So does Isgard, while Siegward grabs the mace.

Next, I go looking for the backpack I saw yesterday with Dungeon View. And it won't take me long to find it either. It's old but otherwise perfectly fine. Hopefully, the goblins have left the contents alone.

The backpack was pretty empty. All I found inside was a leather pouch and a canteen. The canteen was empty, I should fill it up. Fortunately, I had seen the small spring in the cave. But first I'll check the leather bag. There are a few coins inside.

I found 16 silver coins and 21 copper coins. The silver coins are about the size of my thumb. While the coins of copper are a bit bigger. Now I just need to know the exchange rate. Or how much the whole thing is even worth.

"Tell me, how much does one actually earn by hunting goblins?"

"Not much, but enough to live on. The guild pays 30 copper a day for it. On top of that, there's a 10 copper bounty per goblin." - Chloe

Well, that still doesn't give me the exchange rate. I'm gonna have to ask for it right away.

"I found some coins here. Can you tell me how much copper is worth in silver?"

I'll keep the number of silver coins to myself for now. If it's the 100 copper used in fantasy games... that's not very nice. But apart from our clothes, my sword and the 'borrowed' weapons, we don't own anything.

Chloe was confused by my question for a moment. But then she remembered we know nothing about the outside world.

"Twelve coppers is one silver. And before you ask, 20 silver is one gold.

So, we didn't find a fortune after all. 16 silver is 192 copper, making 213 copper. That's seven days' patrol or 21 goblins. Is that my calculating skill? There's no way I could've figured it out that fast in my head...

I guess Chloe saw my disappointed face. At least she has a little smile on her face right now. So, I'm restocking the canteen I found. There's nothing else of importance in that camp. I absorb everything into the dungeon. With this, I added some wood again. But mostly two dozen pelts. When I take them out, the hides should be clean again. I hope they're...

"Then let us go. I hope you can find the spot where you were attacked. But I guess it's not too hard to follow the tracks."

Somehow none of my companions seems particularly chatty. I hope that will change. Otherwise, it's gonna be a long day...

After leaving the cave, I have to shield my eyes for a moment. The sun is high in the sky, it should be noon. It feels as if I haven't been outdoors for an eternity.

The land is mostly flat. A few trees and bushes are near the entrance. But mostly grassland. And on the horizon, I can see some woods. I turn around and can see that we are standing at the foot of a mountain.

It does not take long until we find the goblins' tracks and follow them. Since nobody is talking, I try to experiment a little. I activate Dungeon Vision and try to hide the entrance to the cave. The traps should be enough against intruders. However, I would rather not find the dungeon in the first place.

It takes me a little while to get used to it. But after a while, I can easily work on the dungeon and walk at the same time. Is it because of my multitasking skill?

I'm trying to summon a stone from the dungeon in my hand as a test. But I fail. I can't absorb anything either. Would have been too nice. So, no infinitely large inventory for me.

If necessary, we still have the backpack. Siegward is carrying it now. Apparently, it wasn't even up to discussion whether I wanted to carry it or not.

About half an hour later, we reach the place of the assault. What we find is not a pretty sight. The goblins had done an excellent job. I'm afraid some of the dead had also served as a food source. Though I can't understand why the goblins just left the remains here. But I don't want to know their exact behaviour pattern.

Chloe's the one who got the worst of it. She kneels down next to one of the dead and cries. Paula hugs her, trying to comfort her. Chloe probably wouldn't forgive me if I suggested we search the dead for something useful. So, I wait a few minutes before I ask Paula what we should do next.

Since she wants to bury the dead, I'm looking for suitable materials to make a shovel and pickaxe. It does not take long until I find some branches and stones. Then I use my magic to make the tools.

After hiding the entrance to the dungeon and making the tools, I have almost no mana left. But I refuse to dig the graves with bare hands or some sticks. It takes at least two hours until we are finished. But at least Chloe has calmed down in the meantime.

I try not to let on. But when we were almost done, I realised I could have used magic to dig the graves. I'm too ashamed to say anything. And I hope the others haven't noticed...

Luckily Paula kept the backpacks with the supplies on the side. Each of us now has a knife and a flask. Additionally, Paula has given us four backpacks. Inside are a sleeping mat, a blanket and food for about a week.

We also decide to take a break and eat something. But the meal consists only of hardtack and dried meat. Both are quite hard to eat and do not taste very good. I could have imagined something better for my first meal ever. For example, pizza...

But I guess that there is no pizza in this world. But as a decent Isekai protagonist, I could introduce it. But with my culinary skills, I can't do much more. But maybe I could manage to make schnitzel with fries. After that, I really run out of recipes, though.

"Are the Wildlands always this dangerous?"

For a change, I try to start a conversation. Maybe I can at least gather some information.

"No, even for a goblin nest, there were too many of them. Of course, it's always dangerous out here. But we're still not deep enough to get to the really deadly monsters. Otherwise, the villages out here would have all been destroyed long ago." - Paula

"My condolences for meeting with them. Had you left even one day later. I probably would have destroyed the nest already. But I only discovered the cave myself yesterday."

Chloe looks at me, suspiciously.

"How is that possible? Wasn't that cave part of your dungeon?"

"I only woke up four days ago. And it looks like the goblins didn't know about the dungeon core. I have no idea how it got there, though."

Now they both look at me surprised. I had already started to miss their shocked faces.

"You're only four days old?" - Chloe and Paula

"Not quite. According to my status window, the Core is 374 years old. However, I have no memory of what happened before I woke up. This body of mine, however, is 32 years old. To this must be added the name 'Victoria of the High Mountain', of which I have no recollections.

"You seem to be shrouded in quite a few mysteries. Perhaps you should visit a temple in the town. A prayer to your God might answer your questions." - Paula

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. However, I need to do some prep work first. I can't just leave the dungeon. Even though it's hidden. Who knows what could happen if no one is guarding it."

After we finish eating, we decide to go back to the cave. We still have some time until sunset, but first, we have to set up camp there.