Chapter 11: Jenny’s Feelings And Different Types Of Blood Mages
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"Alistair, what are you doing here? I didn't think you would come back for some time." I said, smiling and giving the man a hug. " Stepping back, Alistair looks into my eyes. "A lot has changed about you, Kamen. What on earth did Elizabeth do to you down here?" Laughing, I say to Alistair, "It's better if I show you. Elizabeth, you wouldn't mind if I showed him what I could do now, do you?" Elizabeth stares back and sighs, "Go ahead; just don't destroy everything."

"Alright, I hope you're ready to see this" I say to Alistair as I lead him out back. Seeing the back yard, Alistair takes a step back and asks, "What the hell happened here?"

"It's the result of my training; now watch this." I say, smiling. Pulling out my sword, I focus the light and the darkness into my sword. Feeling the energy swell up, I slash outward, releasing a whitish black energy that rips through the ground and explodes. Creating a crater 300 feet wide.

Seeing this Alistair's mouth wide open and his eyes look like they turned white from shock, he sees the numerous craters in the ground and notices some of the trees are cut in half. "What the hell? You weren't even here for that long." I look at him. "Elizabeth says time flows differently here. So we trained and trained until I felt confident enough to fight on my own right now."

I stare at Elizabeth with a serious gaze. She feels a shiver run down her spine. "Jesus, I think I created a monster." She says she is thinking back to his training with the others.

Heading back, Alistair sees Ruby. "Who's this, and what is this strange energy radiating from her?" Clearing my throat, I tell him about changing her and that she's a Blood Mage now. "A Blood Mage? How on earth did you get so lucky but unlucky at the  same time?"Alistair says as he sighs.

"I'm not really sure; I think it might be because of my power. At least for now, let's take her to Alice and see if she can help." I say as we walk back to the portal. Seeing Elizabeth next to us, I ask. "Are you coming with us?"

Elizabeth chuckles. "Why not? You just got a lot more interesting." "A lot sexier too," she thinks to herself. Arriving at the portal, we notice Jenny standing near it. She sees Kamen, starts crying, and runs to him. Grabbing him, she looks up to him. "I missed you so much, Kamen; I was worried something happened to you." She notices Ruby. "Who's this?"

Seeing the sun, I bask in it, enjoying the warm rays against my skin. It doesn't bother me like before, when I was human. I wonder to myself if it's because Lumen and Vestis have come together. Shrugging off the thought, I lead everyone back to the house.

Alice is waiting at the door with a concerned look on her face. "Are you guys okay?" She asks as she looks around at everyone. We all nod in agreement, and Alice notices Ruby for the first time. "Who's this?" She says it cautiously but with curiosity in her voice.

I clear my throat and explain Ruby's condition, that she is a Blood Mage now and we were hoping Alice could help us figure out how to control it or maybe even revert it back somehow. Alice looks taken aback for a second but then shakes her head and says, "Let's go inside and talk about this."

We walk inside to find that Elizabeth has already started making lunch for everyone, and Alistair is sitting next to her helping out. We all sit down together, enjoy our meal, and talk about our experiences while we were gone, as well as what we plan on doing now that we are home again.

After lunch is finished, Alice takes Ruby away so they can start talking about what needs to be done to help Ruby control her powers better without losing control of them completely. The rest of us spend our time trying to relax and recover from our adventures.

At Dracula's castle, Ragnor tells the king what he has learned. "It would seem that the man named Kamen has gotten stronger yet again, and they've recruited Elizabeth as well."

Hearing that name Dracula looks uncomfortable. "That damned woman, I wish I would've dealt with her back then, but it's too late for that now. How strong has that man become?" Ragnor clears his throat. "It would seem that he has a strange entity inside him; it's nothing like your son; it's darker, but at the same time, it's lighter."

Hearing this, Dracula is confused. "How can it be darker but lighter than my son?" Shrugging it off, he looked at Ragnor and commanded him. "Send some strong troops to go test his strength and resolve." Nodding, Ragnor says, "Yes, my king, I will do it right away." Ragnor disappears into the darkness.

"Kamen, we need to talk about what we're going to do next; there are people out there that are a lot stronger than anything you know. You'll need to come up with a plan for what you have to do." Elizabeth says, looking at Kamen.

Finishing my eggs, I look at her. "I know that I'll need a plan; for now, the plan is that if someone gets in my way, I'll just have fun with them until they realize I'm not the one they want to deal with." I say it with a devilish smile that sends a shiver down everyone's spine.

Clearing her throat Jenny looks at Kamen with puppy-dog-like eyes. "I was wondering, Kamen, can we talk alone?" Seeing her eyes, I can't deny her request. "Of course, lead the way, Jenny." I say this as I follow her into the other room. Arriving in her room, she sits down on her bed and thinks of what to say to me. "Look, Kamen. I've wanted to say this for a while. I know that on the day of our graduation, I must have hurt your feelings, but I didn't want to see you get hurt. I've put off saying this for too long. But I have to say it now. Kamen, I love you."

Hearing this, my heart skips a beat and speeds up. "Jenny had feelings for me this whole time." I think to myself. I come out of my daze and look at her. "Jenny, I can't tell you how long I've waited to hear those words. I've felt the same way about you for so long. I didn't have the courage to tell you because I felt like you would've shunned me and pushed me away. I can't tell you how it feels to finally tell you." I say as I embrace her, pushing my lips to hers and kissing her like I haven't seen her in years.

Taken aback, Jenny kisses me back with so much ferocity that I fall back on the ground. She leans back and looks me in the eyes. "I never want to leave your side again." She leans down and bites into my neck, sucking my blood. It's such a rush that I lose myself in the moment, and I bite her neck and start sucking her blood too.

I pick her up, throw her onto the bed, and get on top of her, pulling her shirt off of her. I look at her voluptuous breasts. I look her in the eyes, and I slowly start playing with her breasts. She moans as she bites back into my neck. This goes on for hours. Changing from position to position, she destroyed her room from out of love.

Downstairs, everyone looks uncomfortable. Someone just said they shit themselves and then mailed it out. "How long can they go at it, Jesus?" Alistair says, and he drinks his cup of blood. Elizabeth is looking out the window and replies. "Well, from what I've seen, there's been a lot of tension between them, and they're finally going with it. I'd say they can probably go for another day." She says she is smiling.

Alice is standing in her house, looking at Ruby. "So you're a Blood Mage now, correct?" She asks, sitting down in the library and handing Ruby a book on Blood Mages. Looking at the book, Ruby grabs it and opens it. "That's what Kamen told me; I've never heard of it before. I was just a simple mage before all of this; I don't understand any of it. He had told me that once a person becomes a vampire, they would have to feed within 24 hours or they'd die."

Alice smiles. "Well, normally that would be correct, but with Blood Mages, as you'll see in the book, they have the ability to create blood and use it as nourishment, canceling out the need to feed. Although you ingest different kinds of blood from various beings, be they vampires, beasts, or humans, You'll notice that you gain different perks for a short period of time." Alice explains, staring at Ruby with curious eyes.

Reading the book, Ruby notices the section on various powers. "It says right here that not all Blood Mages start the same; some have different powers and base stats, and within that, there are different stages of Blood Mages. There is a standard Blood Mage. A Blood Wizard, a Blood Knight, and finally a Blood Paladin I assume that the Blood Paladin is the strongest."

Alice nods. "With the Blood Paladin, you're able to cast holy spells, but with the help of blood. With the blood, you can negate the negative effects of holy power. Seeing as you're a vampire now, that would work in your favor. I will say, I haven't seen a blood mage before. You're definitely interesting, and with some training, I bet you could be really dangerous." She says it with a smile.