Chapter 6 – Reimu exorcises a ghost.
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Reimu turned to face him. "What is your question?" she asked, intrigued.

"Are you a Miko by chance?" the man asked, eyeing her attire.

"Yes, I am one," Reimu confirmed.

"In that case, what is the name of the God you prayed for?" the man inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Reimu felt a sense of dread wash over her as the man asked his next question. "The person I believe in is the Hakurei God (Me!)," she replied with a hint of reluctance in her voice.

"Hakurei God?" the man repeated, looking at her with confusion.

Reimu inwardly pleaded for him not to ask any more questions. She hoped to end the conversation soon, fearing that any more questions might lead to revealing too much about her identity.

Reimu's relief was palpable as the man changed the topic, asking about her line of work. "What is the main job you do?" he inquired.

"Youkai extermination," Reimu responded confidently. It was a task that she had grown accustomed to, one that required the use of force at times.

The man's expression suddenly shifted to one of desperation. "Please help me!!!" he pleaded, grabbing onto Reimu's arm.

Reimu's expression turned to one of confusion as the man pleaded for her help. "What help do you need?" she asked, wondering what he could possibly want from her.

"I'm being hunted by a ghost, please help me!!!" the man exclaimed, gripping onto Reimu's arm tightly. Reimu could feel the man's fear and desperation emanating from him, and she knew that she had to act fast to help him.

Reimu's eyebrows furrowed as the man offered to pay her for her services. "Ghost? Yokai and ghosts are different things though...there's a line between them," she hesitated.

But before she could finish her thought, the man interrupted, "I'll pay you a hefty sum, so please help me!" His desperation seemed to have escalated, and Reimu couldn't help but notice the prospect of earning money.

Reimu made a decision to help the man in need, and her expression turned resolute. "Okay, I've heard your suffering enough, I shall bring justice to you," she said firmly, ready to take on the task.

The man was stunned by her sudden change of heart. "Thank you so much!!!" he exclaimed, his gratitude evident.

Reimu wasted no time and demanded, "Now lead the way!!!" She was determined to complete the task at hand, whatever it may be, and bring an end to the man's troubles.

-Unknown Location-

Yagoo approached A-chan, his assistant, with a question. "A-chan, are there no gods that have a color scheme of red and white in the mortal realm?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

A-chan shook her head. "Yes, I've searched through the Internet and our archives, but there hasn't been a priestess with a red and white color code," she replied to Yagoo.

Yagoo seemed to be deep in thought. "Does this mean it's a part of the process of merging?" he pondered aloud.

Yagoo listened attentively to A-chan's response. "Probably, it's a high chance it is," she replied, confirming Yagoo's suspicion.

Yagoo nodded his head in agreement. "Soudesu…." he muttered to himself.

Realizing the potential danger that the merging of the realms could bring, Yagoo made a decision. "We should tell our members to be careful because I think stronger creatures from the supernatural realm will come into this plane," he said, concerned for the safety of his employees.

Yagoo turned to A-chan with a serious expression. "A-chan, tell Enma about this situation, so she can arrange countermeasures for the future of this problem," he instructed, aware of the gravity of the situation.

A-chan nodded in understanding. "Understood," she replied, although her exhaustion was evident in her voice. "I haven't taken a sleep yet," she added, noting the urgency of the matter.

-Requester's House-

The man led Reimu to his house, and as he opened the door, he gestured for her to take a seat. "Here we are in my house. Please take a seat, I'm going to get tea," he said, politely.

Reimu obliged and sat down, her senses alert as she tried to locate any trace of the ghost or yokai that might be lurking nearby. She couldn't help but notice that the spirit track seemed to lead to a nearby cave, indicating that the ghost might have a larger territory than just this man's house.

The man returned with the tea and handed it to Reimu. "Here you are," he said, smiling warmly at her.

Reimu thanked the man for the tea and took a sip, detecting a hint of cinnamon in the flavor. She then decided to gather more information about the situation. "Can you tell me how you concluded it's a ghost and not a wild beast?" she asked curiously.

The man took a deep breath before answering. "I have a job that requires me to be physically fit. If it's a beast, I can defeat it easily. However, this creature can phase through walls, change its body shape, and emit miserable sounds worse than a zombie," he explained, a look of concern on his face.

The man let out a sigh before explaining further. "I know, but I told myself that I can handle whatever happens in the house. I didn't think it was a ghost," he admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.

He then added, "I've posted a request on the Mercenary Guild, but no one wants to attempt it. There were a few who showed interest, but they quickly left after hearing the details."

Reimu listened to his explanation and couldn't help but wonder about the strength gauge in this world. "I don't know what the gauge of strength is in this world," she thought to herself.

Reimu suggested a simple solution, "You can just change houses."

The man let out a chuckle and responded, "I know, but I bragged to my wife about it, and she wants to see it in person."

Reimu was puzzled by his answer and thought to herself, "What kind of husband and wife are they when they don't live together?"

The man's face lit up with relief as he pleaded, "Please help me."

Reimu let out a sigh before finishing her tea and saying, "Fine."

She then turned to the man and asked, "I'm going to exterminate the ghost right now, do you want to come with me, Mr…?"

The man introduced himself as Hendrickson, to which Reimu responded with a nod and a friendly smile. "Okay, Mr. Hendrickson, my name is Hakurei Reimu," she said.

Hendrickson expressed his gratitude to Reimu for her willingness to help. However, he looked a bit confused when she mentioned exterminating the ghost. "Miss Reimu, thanks for everything, though what does it mean that you're going to exterminate the ghost?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Reimu tilted her head slightly, looking at Hendrickson as if he had asked a strange question. "It is what it is," she replied cryptically.

Hendrickson was taken aback by her response and asked, "Sorry?"

Reimu let out a small chuckle and explained, "I am a shrine maiden, and one of my duties is to exterminate spirits and ghosts that cause trouble in the human world. That's what I mean by 'exterminating the ghost.'"

Hendrickson looked impressed by her explanation and nodded in understanding.


Reimu looked outside and exclaimed, "It's a good thing the moon is super bright tonight, yoooshh~"

She then pointed out to Hendrickson the location of the ghost's hideout, a cave in the distance. "Here it is, the hideout of the ghost," she said.

Hendrickson looked surprised and asked, "How did you find it?"

Reimu simply shrugged and said, "As a shrine maiden, I have a strong intuition for these things. It's one of the perks of the job."

Reimu smiled and said, "Though it's just a hunch."

Hendrickson's sweat dropped at her words and nervously chuckled, "Just a hunch, haha…"

Reimu continued, "I just need to draw the beast outside. It's easier to deal with it in the open rather than in an enclosed space like a cave."

Hendrickson looked a bit worried and asked, "Is it safe to draw it out? What if it attacks us?"

Reimu reassured him with a confident smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Just stay back and watch from a safe distance."

Reimu suddenly pulled out a bunch of paper and threw it into the cave, leaving a trail of blue light behind. "What's she doing?" Hendrickson asked himself.

Suddenly, a terrifying shriek echoed from the cave, causing Hendrickson to jump in fright. "What was that?!" he exclaimed.

Reimu turned to him and said calmly, "That's the sound of the ghost being drawn out. We should stay put and wait."

As they watched, the cave lit up with a bright blue light, and the sound of the creature's shrieks grew louder. Hendrickson began to feel uneasy and suggested, "Reimu-san, we should probably escape."

Reimu shook her head and said confidently, "No need. I have this under control."

Reimu's actions impressed Hendrickson, and he thought to himself, "Reimu-san is truly a good person."

Reimu noticed the worry on Hendrickson's face and advised him, "You should hide behind that tree over there so you won't get hit by any stray spells."

Hendrickson felt grateful for Reimu's concern and silently thought, "Reimu-san is truly a great person."

After a while, a creature emerged from the cave, covered in blue flames. Hendrickson watched in awe as Reimu calmly stepped forward to face the creature, ready to take it down.

As the creature emerged from the cave, Hendrickson could see that it was a vengeful spirit, its body a silhouette of a giant humanoid dripping with black ooze. He remembered that these types of ghosts grew stronger when fed fear and would continue to hunt until they killed the one they hated or the one who wronged them.

"Reimu-san, that is-" Hendrickson began to say, but was interrupted by the sight of Reimu's incredible display of power. She kicked the vengeful ghost high into the sky, and then threw a large number of paper talismans that glowed red, leaving a trail of red arcs that exploded upon impact. Hendrickson watched in amazement as the ghost was obliterated by the barrage of talismans.

"Wow," Hendrickson breathed, "I've never seen anything like that before."

With the vengeful spirit vanquished, Reimu turned to Hendrickson and asked, "Ohh... Hendrickson, the mission is finished. Let's talk about the pay."

Hendrickson was still in awe after witnessing Reimu's incredible display of power. "So this is how mikos fight," he thought to himself.

He then asked Reimu, "By the way, I saw you floating. Is that part of a miko's abilities?"

Reimu nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's one of a miko's abilities. We have many techniques to deal with spirits."

Hendrickson couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Naruhudo (I see)."


On the rooftop of the tallest tower, a small girl wearing a blue shark hoodie asked a tall woman who was dressed in a grim reaper attire, "Calli, Calli, is that fireworks over there?"

Calli, who seemed to be lost in thought, snapped out of her reverie and looked to where the girl was pointing. "Hmm...?" she murmured, her eyes scanning the horizon.

As the colorful display of fireworks illuminated the sky, a woman wearing an orange dress exclaimed, "Wooooo!!!!! The fireworks are so weird, it didn't explode in the last one."

Another girl, holding a book with tentacles, speculated, "Maybe it's a test?"

A detective girl was also watching the fireworks from a distance. As she observed the display, she thought to herself, "So you're already here, Reimu," recalling the name mentioned to her by her future counterpart.