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Amidst the vast expanse of sand and towering rocks, two figures stood in a standoff.

Marisa fixed her determined gaze on Reimu. "Reimu, if I manage to land a hit on you, you have to accept my request."

Reimu met Marisa's challenge with confidence. "Of course."

Marisa pressed further, seeking assurance. "Any kind of request?"

Reimu nodded firmly. "Yes, I promise."

"Good," Marisa declared, determination evident in her eyes. "Don't go back on your word."

With her hakkero charged and her broom emitting a faint glow, Marisa prepared for action. Two orbs of magical energy hovered at her side.

Reimu held her gohei firmly in hand and summoned two orbs of her own. With a swift motion, the shrine maiden took flight, and Marisa followed suit, both ready for their friendly duel.

Amid their aerial confrontation, the shrine maiden flung blue amulets toward Marisa, who swiftly intercepted them with a barrage of yellow missiles.

Undeterred, Reimu unleashed a stream of red amulets, prompting the magician to counter with a massive blue star, triggering a spectacular explosion that gave rise to a flurry of smaller stars.

Reacting swiftly, Reimu skillfully evaded the incoming projectiles, only to find herself facing a new threat – a green laser hurtling towards her. Acting quickly, she conjured a formidable wall of amulets, creating a protective barrier to ward off the laser.

From above, the magician reappeared in the sky, launching a powerful blue laser toward Reimu. Undaunted, the shrine maiden conjured a barrier to intercept the laser's trajectory.

As the duel escalated, Reimu noted with surprise, I didn't expect such aggression from her this time.

Suddenly, the blue laser intensified, growing larger and more potent, a display of the magician's increased determination.

The shrine maiden's protective barrier proved insufficient as the intense blue laser shattered it and struck her directly. Moments later, Reimu reappeared behind the magician, launching a barrage of needles in her direction. The magician's orbs responded with precise blue laser shots that destroyed the incoming needles and brushed against the shrine maiden.

The magician's speed increased, propelling her forward as she charged toward Reimu. At the last moment, she abruptly halted her advance and soared higher into the sky to evade a forming portal. From her elevated position, the magician unleashed a volley of scattering star shots.

In a swift countermove, Reimu hurled an orb at the magician, connecting with a hit. However, the magician swiftly vanished into thin air, leaving Reimu momentarily disoriented. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light caught the shrine maiden off guard, causing her to tumble to the ground. Just as she began to fall, the magician materialized and caught her, eliciting a surprised admission from Reimu, "You caught me off guard there..."

Marisa's triumphant voice filled the air as she analyzed their duel, revealing her strategy to disrupt Reimu's concentration and exploit her calculated fighting style.

"Of course, after all, most of your spells require intense focus, and all I had to do was throw you off balance," Marisa remarked with a knowing grin. "Your precise control holds you back, making sure not to cause harm."

Reimu's smile hinted at her acknowledgment. "A victory is a victory," she conceded.

With the duel's outcome clear, Marisa finally broached the subject that had spurred their friendly rivalry.

"Fine... what is your request?" Reimu inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Marisa's reply was a tender action that left the shrine maiden utterly surprised. As their faces drew closer, Marisa pressed a soft kiss on Reimu's lips. The moment held a weight of unspoken emotions.

"Be my girlfriend," Marisa voiced her request, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and nervousness.

A profound silence enveloped them, broken only by the beating of their hearts. The answer that followed was a whisper, as delicate as a fluttering breeze.


A radiant smile graced Marisa's lips as she leaned in once more, sealing their newfound understanding with another heartfelt kiss.


In the tranquil ambiance of the shrine, Reimu found herself engrossed in a book, her surroundings a haven of peace. It was in this moment of quietude that the familiar voice of a certain magician pierced the air.

"Reimu! I have someone for you to meet," Marisa's energetic voice announced her arrival.

Startled from her reverie, Reimu glanced up to see Marisa standing at the entrance of the shrine, accompanied by a figure that stirred a sense of recognition.

"Hmm?" Reimu responded, her curiosity piqued.

Following Marisa was none other than the bookstore owner, Patchouli.

"Patchouli?" Reimu's surprise was evident in her voice.

Marisa seemed equally surprised by Reimu's familiarity with the newcomer. "Oh? You know her already?!" Marisa exclaimed.

"Yes, she's the owner of the bookstore I encountered when I first arrived here," Reimu explained, a hint of nostalgia tugging at her memories.

Seemingly satisfied with Reimu's response, Marisa made her intentions clear. "Well then, I'll leave her with you for a bit while I go take on a quest."

Reimu's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

However, Marisa's departure was swift and decisive, the magician leaving without explaining, leaving Reimu with unanswered questions hanging in the air.

The librarian, visibly uneasy, found herself unsure of how to proceed in this unexpected encounter.

"Do you want tea?" Reimu offered, attempting to ease the tension.

"Yes," Patchouli replied, her voice softening.

As they both sipped their tea, a semblance of calm settled over them.

"May I ask something?" Patchouli ventured.

Reimu nodded, giving her consent. "You may ask anything."

Patchouli's next question was direct and took Reimu by surprise. "Will you accept me if I confessed to you?"

Reimu was caught off guard, nearly spilling her tea in her astonishment. She coughed, trying to regain her composure after the sudden shock.

"That's too fast for that!" Reimu exclaimed, her voice a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "After all, we only met once, and this is only our second encounter. Why would you want to confess to me?"

Patchouli's response held an air of mystery. "What if I told you that you and I have known each other for several thousand years..."

Reimu's eyes widened, realization dawning upon her. "So, you mean that before I lost my memories, we had a connection that spanned a long time?"

"Yes," Patchouli confirmed. "Although I'm surprised that you believed me so easily."

Reimu's voice held a mixture of curiosity and longing. "I sense a familiarity in you as if you were someone important to me. Unfortunately, the exact details elude my memory."

"I see..." Patchouli responded, her expression thoughtful.

A gentle smile graced Reimu's lips. "Although I may not recall our shared history, perhaps we can create new memories together. Let's take the time to get to know each other better before I give you my answer."

Patchouli's eyes softened with understanding. "I agree with that."

As they continued to converse, the shrine maiden and the librarian engaged in a pleasant discussion about their pasts, sharing stories that helped bridge the gap of forgotten memories.


Reimu's peaceful slumber graced Patchouli's lap, her head cradled gently against the librarian's thigh. Tender strokes of Patchouli's hand through Reimu's hair created a soothing rhythm, a gentle connection that seemed to transcend time.

"Despite the passage of countless experiences and the transformations we've undergone, there are certain aspects that remain constant," Patchouli murmured. Her gaze held a mixture of fondness and longing as she looked down at the slumbering shrine maiden.

A heartfelt wish resided within Patchouli's words. "I hope to never lose you again. I'll do everything in my power to ensure your well-being and happiness, now that you're here, in my embrace..."

The intimate atmosphere between them was palpable, a silent promise that stretched beyond words. As the gentle caress of Patchouli's lips brushed against Reimu's, it was a tender expression of a love that had endured through time and trials.