Chapter- 3
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Before you guys give up reading my story, could you read my question at the bottom? It’s important and could fix any issue you have with my story. Anyway, peace out and read on nerds… PS: big lemon in the last part of the chapter that might seem weird and forced, so super duper pretty please, read my question in the comments before you leave ✌️


“I don’t know… for as long as I could remember I was an orphan… The only thing I know for sure was that on the night of the Kyuubi attack I was born, and my parent's initials.”

Hiruzen stared at the boy before a sense of unease hit him, an unease of familiarity as he stared into the heterochromatic eyes. One of bright and mischievous violet, the other, a cerulean blue eye, filled with a shine that seemed to tell of an inner curiosity, as pure as a a raging fire.

"What...were their initials?"

Asahi's eyes were minutely darkened with longing, and Hiruzen knew that face, the one that can't be put into words, the look of utter loneliness, the look of wanting to know... if you were ever loved… Naruto had worn it many times, and now so was this young man that just might be his brother.

"My dad's initials were M and N. While my moms were K and U. Other than that... I don't know anything."

The boy lowered his head, and Hiruzen knew he had succeeded in hiding his inner feelings from the non-trained boy.. He knew that had any other person chunin or higher been in the room they would have seen his look of utter shock.

'That... It's too great to be a coincidence... I'll have him come back tomorrow for blood tests so his body can get enough rest, especially if... if he really is their son like Naruto.'

"Mm... It seems my dear boy, I have made an exponential mistake. I'll need you to come back to the hospital tomorrow. We're going to run a few blood tests on you to make sure your, seal, isn't causing any problems. Make sure to get lots of rest tonight. Oh, and the exams were yesterday, you've been in the hospital overnight, and since you passed I'm glad to inform you, that you will have your teams chosen one week from now. Congratulations, Asahi."

"Hai, thank you lord Hokage, and I just wanna know, did Naruto pass?"

'... If it's true, then maybe it would make sense why he is so unconsciously fond of Naruto... It looks like you just might be not so alone after all Naruto. I’ll need to keep Danzig far from this. I’ve already failed my successor once, I won’t let it happen again.'

Hiruzen had already made assumptions in his head as hope of atoning for his sins was reignited with this new found boy.

"Indeed he did, although a little too close for comfort due to some unforeseen incident. You should ask him yourself, he was quite worried about you, but don’t tell anyone else about what he says, it’s an A-rank secret after all. Then, until tomorrow Asahi."

Both of them gave a slight head bow to each other, while Asahi got up.

'Holy fucking shit I thought I was dead. Well, I'm not so who cares? Now... I need to find Naruto and ask him for a duel to copy the Uzumaki genes from him ASAP. Even if it doesn't say we're directly related me being an Uzumaki, plus another Jinchuriki, will probably have Hiruzen put me on the same team as Naruto. Okay, let's do this.'

Asahi gathered all his things, making sure to triple-check his headband's grip on his thigh, before setting off. The first place was Ichiraku's, after all the anime made a very strong point in case about that being his favorite place in the whole elemental nations.

Once there he checked in with Teuchi, and Ayame, it seems that this body had a good relationship with them, finding out the blonde had just left. Next, he ran toward their apartment building hoping to catch him before he went to do anything else.

No sign of Naruto had revealed itself so he went to knock on the apartment door. He waited for a good five minutes in case the knucklehead was taking a shower or anything. He was pounding on it so even if he was napping he would have heard him.

He couldn't think of anywhere else but the Hokage monument so he left to go find him once again. He was looking at the sites too however, even if he was intent on finding Naruto. 

The forest, the huge walls, the faces hundreds of feet wide, the bustling people running about, the odd ninja here and their doing things his world knew to be impossible.

Once there, he immediately started to look around the heads. The stars he had taken had appeared in the forth Hokage’s head which he believed Naruto would be on.

“Yo, Naruto!”

Sure enough, the blonde hyperactive number one unpredictable ninja, Naruto, was sitting with his legs crisscrossed, staring back in surprise as Asahi appeared so soon after thinking about him.

“Hey Asahi! How are you feeling?! I didn’t whoop your butt too hard did I?! Are you okay now?!”

Naruto was, well… a little too much like Naruto. They’d have to work on that but for now, it was definitely going to grow on Asahi.

“Ah?! I remember distinctly that I won that match! You wanna go again hah?!”

“Oh yeah?! Well I was going easy on you because you weren’t feeling good, so now that you’re better I’m gonna really whip your ass dattebayo!”

‘Too easy, but it’s a good thing I actually like you my guy. Lots of people from back in my old world would have just used you, but I won’t, I’ll help you rise just like I will, so when I leave, if I can that is, the world won’t be missing me anytime soon.’

Both boys rushed at each other. Naruto this time instead of full sprinting, made a cross sign with his hands, causing Asahi’s eyes to shine brightly like stars.

He kicked the toe of his sandal into the crevasse of a rock on the floor, making it float into the air, allowing him to grab it. 

Asahi planted his foot, spun his upper torso, pulling with his hips, and shoulders-

Shadow cl-!”

Naruto jumped as fast as he could making the rock hit his shoulder instead of his face, that had been thrown by the other white haired boy.

“Hey what are you doing?! That’s not fair!”

Asahi rushed in sliding passed Naruto’s wild attempt at defense, almost getting clobbered because of the boys crazy fast reflexes.

His left forearm snaked around the blondes neck, catching the full weight behind Asahi dropping his body, with his left hand reaching back to clasp his right hand that was behind Naruto's head.

He grabbed, and squeezed, hearing the blondes breathing instantly become cut off in a rear naked choke hold.

“Lesson number one, Otōto. We are Shinobi, we don’t play fair. We aren’t samurai. Never forget that.”

He let go because he’d seen Naruto’s eyes start to drift close, before they immediately snapped back open as the jin-… other, blonde,  Jinchuriki sat there breathing a little roughly.

“Heh, told you I’d win.”

At that Naruto started ranting and raving about his lack of informant of the rules for their spar.

“There are no rules, I literally just told you that Naruto…”

“Wha-… ahaha oops.”

He did his signature back of the head rub revealing his embarrassment, well besides his slightly flushed face.

“Hey… I was thinking, if we get put on the same teams… would you wanna’ train with me? I know it’s weir-

“Yes! Absolutely ‘ttebayo!”

His fists launched in the air before he rushed Asahi, who started to drop into a guarded stance, then stopping immediately as he felt arms wrap around him.

Arms that wet shaking, arms that were far thinner than they should have been, arms that had seen abuse, arms that had seen loneliness like few have… arms that felt like his used to.

“Ne, Asahi… did you really mean it w-when you said, Otō…to?”

“Hm? What do you mean… Otōto?”

The arms that were gripping him for dear life, seemed to grip him harder. Sure over the years him and Asahi had been decent friends hanging out most other days but… the sudden growth in their relationship was something he would gladly take and cherish, more than almost anything el—

‘If I had to choose, I could… maybe, let ramen go for big brother Asahi.’

Definitely more than anything else in the world.


“Stop thinking about ramen!”

The face Naruto made was priceless. He looked like he’d seen a ghost shit another ghost out of itself, before they both did it again in tandem.

“How did you know?! Did becoming a big brother really allow you to read my mind?! I thought that was a myth!”

At that, both of them flopped onto the floor, looking up through the tree leaves that had placed themselves under after a bit of walking.

Silence over took both, one drifting off to sleep because of the mental turmoil he’d experienced over the past three days, and the sudden joyous occasion, while the other Isley looked into the air.


Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki.

Ability list:

Leaf exercise: beginner.

Chakra control: Novice.

Henge(mutated): max.

Kawarimi: Competent.

Shirurikenjutsu: Beginner.

Trap setting: Competent.

Stealth: Competent.

Bunshin: Novice.

Wind affinity: MAX.

Uzu-kaze bloodline: Increase vitality, stamina, recovery, and chakra growth, by fifty times. Increase physical speed growth by twenty-five times. Prerequisite for chakra chains, healing bite, minds eye of Kagura, and sage body. Once acquired you may choose one ability to acquire of the bloodline bringing it to the third tier of its given area, before acquiring another one.

[Chakra chains:…

Healing bite…

Minds eye of Kagura:…

Sage body: You are a direct descendant of the Sage of six paths himself, including be a reincarnation of his son Asura. You gain an affinity with nature that seems almost supernatural if nurtured correctly.]

Healing factor(MID Class): Due to a result of yokai-chakra enhancement and Uzumaki vitality working in tandem. Without yokai-chakra, goes down to low class. Increases recovery rate and physical growth by fifty times,

Jinchuriki: Nine-tails.(Yang half) Increase recovery by one hundred times. Increase physical growth by fifty times. increase chakra growth by one hundred and fifty times.

Tailed Beast chakra corrosion resistance(high class): The corrosive properties come from how utterly dense and volatile the bijuu chakra is. It corrodes, melts, dissolves, and eats through almost anything, except you.

[Abilities that can be quantified in skill level go from novice -> beginner -> competent -> proficient -> expert -> MAX.]

{Abilities that are automatic similarly to a healing factor, are determined into classes. Low class -> Mid class -> high class -> extreme class -> transcendent class.}

Asahi choose the bloodline, finally clicking on the asterisk next to it revealing the benefits that were even more amazing than he originally thought he’d get.

Immediately he felt his body start to itch. Unlike with Kurami, this wasn’t a slow process at first. It began fast, and hard.

His skin started to burn lightly, his veins felt like acid was flowing through them. He felt his brain start to throb, his vision went blurry, before he felt a strong and malignant chakra flush through him.

His sense of pain dulled to a simmering growl, soon followed by spasms and twitches.

He closed his eyes and sunk into his mind, willing himself to appear before his oldest newest friend. Her eyes were blazing red indicating she was using chakra.


Lemon and angst warning


“Hi handsome~!”

She launched into his arms snuggling into his chest, before he heard a soft moan come from her. In here Asahi was in his older body, well, what he believed he’d look like when he was older anyway.

She was grinding her pelvis into his and he felt his soldier start to throb with rent soon wanting to plunge deep int-

“Uh… ahem, what are you doing?”

She simply ground harder feeling his bulge grow. It was pressed against the thin fabric separating her snack from the outside world.

“I… can’t help it, ahn~… you literally made me this way, and I need a release, especially after those words I’ll never forget. Please, please ravage me, Asahi, I can’t hold it any longer! Please~.”

He was tempted and by god would he love to give this woman, if she was even real which he was still only a little hesitant about, what she wanted. 

“I just… I know the reasoning is absolutely stupid, but I want our first time to be special, and in the real world. Not just my mind… I’m sorr- mn?”

The fiery vixen had captured his lips with he, which he immediately returned with all his might. The moan and shiver that tore through her said he did the right thing. A pop later and saliva bridge torn down, Kurami spoke with eyes that wanted to suck him dry.

“I, oh my god I want you so bad. I can wait for that, but it better be soon because I’m a chakra construct of emotion so these urges plus the little change you gave me, makes this almost unbearably torturous.”

He needed no further invitation, so instead of going to use his rod, he’d use everything else to pleasure her today. Sure it was fast paced, but if the boy was being honest, he wouldn’t have been able to do a slow relationship after his last one.

He grabbed her hips, and pushed, causing her to fall onto her back, widening her legs almost automatically for him. They wrapped juicily around his waist, pulling him in making his boner turn into a painful explosion waiting to happen.

He placed a kiss upon her lips, flicking his tongue across wanting to part the soft flesh which obliged deliriously happily.

Her mouth was lava, heat assaulted his senses, as his tongue ground, caressed, held, and made love to her own.

He wanted to stick his cock in there but she came first he decided. What could he say, he’d always been like that.

He pulled back, placing an agonizingly slow trail of hickeys down her neck, down her collar… down her breast as he realized all of her clothing was gone, most probably done her herself. 

He opened his eyes, staring at the very erect pink nipple, causing his mouth to water. He looked up and then down after seeing her face as she had already started to finger her honey pot. 

Once more he looked up asking her for the go ahead. Her head bounced up and down so fast he felt a chuckle almost threaten to break through as her breathing grew harder. Sweat was starting to glisten and gleam across her skin.

She was burning hot, almost dangerously so, but thankfully he knew she would be fine since she was made of chakra.

He opened his mouth, and wrapped his lips slowly around her teat, before sucking strongly. His tongue went to work, flicking across it, rubbing around it, before his teeth duh into it slightly making her back arch, slamming her beautiful maiden hood into his little soldier, thankfully not penetrating, coating the entire underside of it in love juices as she released her pent up frustration minutely.

He shivered at how hot she was down there, it felt like someone had rubbed a heating pad against his cock that was coated in lube.

He wanted to so badly, so damn badly to stick it in her. It was right there, she was willing with her very soul, wanting him to do it. He knew if he did this she wouldn’t care about his claim earlier because that’s just how she was born to be.

He could get away with it and nothing could stop him, nothing could prevent him except his own beliefs, beliefs that came from a world that rejected him, hated him, beat him down… why should he follow their norms?

Why was he constraining himself to their fires, their philosophies, when he was in a world of nigh magic? What was holding him back, from making the woman happy like she wanted to be… was he so petty as to put his pride above possibly falling in love?

… No he absolutely was not. He grabbed her hips and rubbed his long and thick rod over her slit that craved to be filled with an intensity that burned like the sun.

Why was he denying the woman that loved him love back? Why was he scared to follow through with it… why, was he still holding onto the past? He had a fresh start here, to do whatever he wanted, to be who ever he wanted. 

He kept running as her finger kept pumping in and out. His nibbles grew in intensity, as he switched between each nipple rapidly and with relish. 

He felt her clench tightly thrusting to meet his very hard meat stick at each thrust. She wanted to make love to him and… he saw no reason now, why he should keep the unconditional love she was offering him, away, and he would make it up to her for the rest of his life.

He stopped his ministration’s upon her beautiful and delicious breasts pink and sexy peaks, gaining him an almost actual cry of Darrow from the demon.

“I will make you mine, an I will be yours for as long as I live.”

He pulled her legs up as he slid down, placing his watering mouth in front of her otherworldly beautiful vagina. It drew his gaze as he was lost in its soft pink tone, glistening in ethereal sparkles reminding him of its burning desire to be one with him. Kurami would be his first step in being a new person, a new him.

He would love her with all his heart, and do anything to make her happy. Maybe this was a terrible thought process, and maybe he did have something wrong mentally that was allowing this to progress so alarmingly quickly, but he didn’t care anymore. 

He had a chance and he would take it, he would take any and very chance he had now and going forward.

He stuck his tongue over the glistening and glowing snatch, drawing it from almost her anus, to her clit. She shivered uncontrollably, locking her legs around his head with out even commanding her legs to do so, pulling his tongue as deep into her find as it naturally could.


She heaved with a sigh, feeling the warm squirm inside her, even though not deep was filling her with delirious satisfaction. She wanted nothing more than to make her man happy.

She looked down as he lapped, and twisted his tongue, licking inside and out, making her squirt minutely with each loving and tender caress, as he held vehement eye contact with her making her explode with desire.

She felt a finger prod her back door as if asking for permission and she nodded, no, she shook with affirmation of his want to explore her body.

She would be his calm, his rock, she would make it so it was possible for him to be the best possible him without worry of anything else because, wether she was born this way or not, her only desire in life was to be with him in happiness as they went through life together.

She felt a slight pinch of discomfort as he rather suddenly plunged his middle finger down to the knuckle in her right little ass.

“Hnh! Asahi, please~!”

She wanted him to take her, why was he holding back? He had all the reason to be one with her and yet… was she the problem maybe? Was her desi-


He had stuck his other hands first and second finger deep inside her burning folds, slick with her natural love lube, molding her insides to his shape already. 

“Oh Kami, oh Kami, oh Kami! Please Asahi! Please please please! This is torture. You deserve to be loved, and I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world except you to be doing this to me. Hanh! Please, I love you, and I will give you everything of me! My heart, my mind, my soul, my strength, asAHii~!”

His finger in her ass had found his finger in her snatch as they clung on opposite sides of her scorching insides. They felt a hardening muscle growing taught quickly in between them.

He ruthlessly attacked them, rubbing, digging into it, playing with it roughly, just like Kurami just now found out she liked.

“Holy fuck Asahiiiii!!!”

She smashed her insides down around his appendages, grabbing them like a vice, refusing exit of any kind to be permittedz

“Hah, hah, hah, oh sweet sage~. Please Asahi… I want to be one with you, it’s the only thing I desire. I want to be yours, in every way, and want you to be mine the same.”

Had she not been so worried about him she would have been much more bashful at his apparent delight in gulping her juices down, horny too. 

He stood tall as he stared at her. The scape around them faded, replaced with stars, and novas, images of space that leave all in awe of its beauty. He climbed to sit himself lined straight at her snatch with his rod.

He leaned forward and captured her lips with his love juice spiked ones. He had the little push he needed, and from her he would do everything and anything he wanted, with the help of his lover right by his side. 


He slowly thrust himself into her, earning a pleading moan to go faster. He didn’t want to hurt her so-

“Fuha! Asahi I’m not human, you can ram you big juicy cock into my tiny holes as hard as you want and I’ll be just fine~!”

She had ripped her mulish from his so she could get her pierce put to make him hurry along before she did the work herself without his help.

Taking all his built up resolve and using it as his now immovable force, he slammed his cock as hard and deep as fast as he possibly could, into her flaming vagina.

“Haaa!!! Yesss! Asahiiiiii!!!!!”


He groaned in pleasure, as her slippery, lubed up vagina gripped him, twisting around him, wanting his seed to paint her entire womb and cervix white.




He smacked his nuts into her anus with each powerful thrust, earning a moan that was increasing in intensity through her sealed lips from their passionate tongue fucking, as he bottomed out kissing her wombs entrance with his tip each time.

He used their mental link to push every ounce of emotion he could through it, followed along by Kurami doing the exact same thing. Emotions, thoughts, feelings, in ways very few have had… met with each other, and feel in love.

They were connected in a way that could not be replicated with any fake or less intense feelings. They felt the absolute joy, the happiness taking over both of them as the slowly approached climax.

‘I love you Asahi.’

‘… I love you too, Kurami, and I will never let you down, I swear it.’


Grunts from Asahi as he tried with all his might to extend the pleasure she felt for even a moment gave way to his lunges bloating with and intake of air, as he felt every muscles clench in his body with maximum intensity.



He pushed with everything he had with her biting his tongue roughly drawing a little blood due to her sharp canines, as she contracted her insides like a living volcano, squeezing forth its desired prize. 

Both reached climax, exploding in pleasure, electrocuting them almost, causing eyes to roll. Asahi’s nuts contracted, splurging a load bigger than he’d ever released inside her breaching her wombs entrance with his huge cock, with each rope burning Kurami’s inner walls with pleasure nearing insanity.

Rope after utter rope of semen coated, soaked, caked, positively drowned her insides with his seed. She had no air left to scream with, as her eyes lost themselves in the back of their sockets. She was still clamping down on his tongue drawing more blood she started sucking on.

She was delirious on her high, along with Asahi, both never wanting this moment to end. It was something that they would do as many times possible for eternity if they can.

Slowly, Kurami’s walls released the flaccid turning penis, from its heated embrace.

Asahi twitched as the painful tickle ripped through his tip. He waited but no cum leaked from Kurami so he started to doubt fearfully if he was fertile or not.

“My love… I will never, so long as I am alive under no circumstances, EVER, let your seed go to waste, especially such an important load.”

Her dirty language spoken with such passion made his cock twitch. He knew he’d be hard within moments, but the exhaustion he felt mentally was starting to catch up to him again. Turns out emotions if bottled tend to cause unneeded harm to yourself.

She felt the twitch too apparently because he head snapped to it, gulping down her watering mouths saliva.

“Well, thank you then, for such an honor.” He leaned over her as his now raging cock pressed into her very tight and puckered asshole.

She shivered because even though she wasn’t human, taking such a huge thing up there, might break her still.

“Don’t worry, I’m too tired to explore such an adventurous place at the moment. I will come back for it… mark my words.”

He kissed her gentle emotions, making her clutch his back that had already healed from her scratching into it. She felt his body relax, not his cock nicely enough, and she would give him her thanks when he awoke.

She heard his breathing even out and deepen slowly as he passed into the world of dreams which unfortunately weren’t her realm of expertise but, should could still make a few things happen.


Lemon & cringe angst end


Asahi was startled awake by a small poke coming from his side. He spiked his eyes open with the last thing he remembered was a dream after his break though with Kurami and falling asleep which was pretty much him doing all kinds of kinky and very hot thing with her.

Anko was what he saw, with him in his apartment, before she grinned deviously and gripped his hard tent with relish.

“You know kid, now that you’re going to be a Shinobi, one of those jobs it’s to learn how to seduce the opposite sex… some will need to teach you and, I just so happen to have a good but a free time since I just got back from a mission… I can teach you how to use that to make anyone fall for it… happily..”

He was undoubtedly startled and then his face changed to one of fear instantly. Kurami-

‘Is okay with it.’


Asahi was shocked because he had already declared his devotion to her for the rest of his life.

‘I find this hot as fuck, because it just means my mate is very, very desirable. That makes me very hot and bothered to know other woman want you as badly as I do~’

‘Well… uhm, okay…’

“If you’re serious than sure, but I want you to know, I won’t do that to anyone who doesn’t want me to.”

Some how the devious smile turned far more genuine instantly which he realized this may have been a test.

“Don’t worry… she’s very, willing.”

She stroked harder and more deftly, slipping her hand into and below the fabric.

“Oh, momma. That’s a big boy.”

That made him feel rather… elated, because even if it was a reaction to something he couldn’t control it was the first time… he’s actually never been complemented outside of his love last night with Kurami.

“Thanks but uhm, why are you here exactly, and how’s I get here?”

She continued to stroke him, while talking to him. 

“First we’re going to the hospital to get your blood drawn and ran, apparently Naruto is coming too, for some reason, and for the other one… I brought you back because I found you sleeping up there on the monument. Glad I did because now, I get something very nice in return.”


Small lime here you can skip


He had started twitching because somehow her hand was slick with her saliva now. He was drawing to a climax. She leaned unto the bed, dipped her head down, pulled the blankets back, and enclosed his cocks tip with her mouth.

He almost nutted right there but he was determined to hold on. Her bobbing started immediately digging his cock deep into her warm throat. It wasn’t anywhere near as hot as Kurami’s, but it still was tipping him to his very fast approaching climax.

He slid his hand like a snake between her breast and down into her skirt. She grinned while holding the tip in her mouth. His younger hands smaller than what he used on Kurami were far more dexterous though.

He slid his middle finger to the knuckle in slowly, earning a rewarding light moan from the snake Princess. His thumb went to message right over her clit.m making her start to bob faster. They both wanted to climax quickly so he said screw it.

He started thrusting his hips into her face, his lightly pubic covered pelvis met her nose every time she somehow bottomed his huge length for his age nine inch cock down her throat.

His other hand reached down the back of her pants as he lined up his thumb with her juices brought it back up and suck it deep into her little butthole.

She jerked at the suddenness causing the final melt down for both of them. He thigh quakes as liquid dropped down from her squirt as she felt his penis conclude inside her throat still trying to swallow more takijg the very surprising amount of semen, and a very delightful surprise as his cum tastes sweet… almost like fucking dango.

She sucked, and sucked as hard as she could rewarding him for giving her a taste of the food of the gods only using his dick.

She pulled back getting a small mouthful of it, swishing it back and forth.

‘Holy shit it does taste like dango!’

She opened her mouth to see the face of bliss and surprise staring at her. She twirled her tongue in his thick, creamy, and delicious seed, before swallowing loudly and with and open mouth. He got hard again quickly.


Lime end


She wanted to go all the way and pop his cherry for him but knew she was pushing it even now since he still wasn’t technically a Genin. She could wait a week, after all, no sane person wouldn’t pass him and his team which had already been decided.

“Okay, go take a shower and then head to the hospital, I’ll get the knuckle head there on time because I’m sure he slept in. Ja ne~.”

‘This world is fucking crazy.’


And that folks is our first lemon. Always look for constructive criticism, and ideas. I’m human, I totally make mistakes, probably more than all of you guys even, so just let me know if you find something.

Anyway, what’d y’all think? Did I give a good enough reason to break the status quo? Was the lemon alright? Was it too forced? What could I have done better, or removed, anything really. I’m always ready to improve, oh and editing will be done later because once again it’s 341 in the morning… I don’t know why but man do I get the strongest fucking urges to eight at those times. 

Welp, anyway, that’s it from me.

-cheeks out ✌️