Chapter 3 – 1 | The City of Realight Part 2 (1)
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Hello, this is Becca Thorn here. The situation in front of me is startling to say the least. Things are advancing pretty quickly.

Cheshyr You say I am not qualified to be a tester? Insolence! I shall be the judge of that.

Cheshyr leaps down in front of me silently like a ninja. Her head of long shiny matte hair settles in the wind. Eyes blue like the sky stare at me examining me. Seeming to decide something she nods and speaks.

Cheshyr Very well! I accept this charge. You, girl, will be my testee henceforth until I am satisfied.

Without waiting for Holand or the receptionist lady to confirm or deny, Cheshyr grabs my arm and whisks me away from the Guild. Holand tosses me my card that just got finished processing from the counter.

A muddy clay colored card that has my name, Becca Thorn, date of issue and Realight City’s Keepers Guild as city of origin, all of it is present. A symbol of the Keepers Guild, a spear and a shield, are imprinted on the card.

It looks like I succeeded in meeting the target of my investigation, but I wasn’t able to collect much information from the surroundings. From their reactions, it seems troublesome to associate with her.

Nothing that paints her as criminal yet, but her behavior reeks of childish villain fantasy. Considering this is a fantasy world, maybe it is only fitting. Still, that way of talking and acting reminds me of my younger sister who was copying a cartoon show’s characters.

It’s that 8th-grader syndrome right. The one where she gets bit by the overly imaginative bug, believing anything can happen and that she is meant for greater things. It’s a phase a lot of young children go through where they think the fairy tales they hear are possible.

Cheshyr Are you listening to me? You dare to ignore me? You … uh?

It seems we’ve reached our destination while I was wrapped in my thoughts. The area looks like an old brick courtyard that is empty.

Becca Name’s Becca. Becca Thorn.

Cheshyr Right! Becca, I knew that. You passed only the first of several tests. Better prepare yourself. When I’m done with you you’ll wish for a swift death!

Swift death? This girl is definitely at the age where she can say embarrassing things, but I bet she’ll regret this later in life. Not unless I just never bring it up in the future. But I make no such promises in my head.

Becca So I’m not sure how this test is supposed to be carried out, but I’ve heard some things about you. Do you think I can trust you to handle this?

Cheshyr Naturally! If you have any questions, fire away. There is nothing Cheshyr does not know.

Time to gather information. At first I try to probe carefully to not seem suspicious, but this girl, how should I say it? She doesn’t suspect anything despite my lack of common sense. She accepts my excuse of being a sheltered girl too easily and it doesn’t sound like she’s thinking too deeply.

In fact, it doesn’t seem like she even bothers to think about anything. As a result I learn a lot of things to supplement my lacking world knowledge. At this point I’m not even asking about things related to the test but she answers just as easily.

The only major thing I learn of is that there is a religion centered around the Goddess of Light, possibly the same goddess who contacted me together with that devil. In the Church of Eternal Light, they say the Goddess is forever locked in battle with the Chaos Devil. The Church preaches that light and chaos exist in equilibrium, but I know from the source that the same balance is skewed right now.

During the conversation I sense my bag shake and out pops the slime Mu. Hey, don’t scare me like that. Ah, Cheshyr is staring dead at Mu. How do I explain this?

Cheshyr You tamed a slime did you? Well I’m not one to denounce one’s choice but I know others will look down on you for that. Especially other tamers.

Looks like this world has monster tamers and she’s actually mistaken me for one. So slime is an acceptable partner. Guess I dodged a bullet there.

Becca It’s more of a pet than anything. She’s called Mu. So do I need some sort of collar or something on her to show that she’s not hostile to humans?

Cheshyr I don’t see why? Slimes are generally harmless so it doesn’t matter if they’re spotted with a collar. As long as she doesn’t leave your side no one will bother to kill a stray slime.

I figured already but Mu, you’re kind of weak aren’t you? Still adorable. Mu seems interested in what we’re up to or she’s bored staying in the bag. I allow her to roam about freely but warn her from going too far.

Becca Say, Ms. Cheshyr? You know about the Sisters of Danirass? I heard some wandering Keeper caught them recently.

Cheshyr Oh those girls? Yeah I know of them. They’re my old mates.

That’s a confession there Cheshyr dear. Are you aware? If she’s up to something then I should appeal to her and find out.

Becca If they’re your former friends, then does that mean you’re going to help break them out? I mean, surely one as dastardly as you has something up your sleeve?

Cheshyr I severed ties with those boy-crazed fools long ago. What happens to them is none of my concern.

So she’s not up to no good.

Cheshyr Besides, I have something much more evil planned.

Spoke too soon. I hope she’s just joking, for Mirenda’s sake.

Becca As expected of Madam Cheshyr. What is this plan if I may be so bold?

Cheshyr I’m going to steal the city lord’s most valuable possession.


Author's Note - Sorry for the delay. Real world stuff and Lunar New Year took up lots of time. Will try to be more regular with updates. Enjoy.