A Chainmail, a Fan, and a Catapult
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Saphoa sat in her bath, staring up at the ceiling as she soaked in the hot water. While it didn't compare to the sea, it was at least nice to get her body wet every once in a while. She also much enjoyed the scented soaps her soon-to-be sisters had given her. She lifted her arm, watching the soapy water slide off of it.

Of course, there had been more adjustments than just limited in-water time. She had been given many dresses to wear. Since she was very muscular, she had at first resisted the idea, but seeing Mac already had a muscular fiance who would (occasionally) wear them (the soon-to-be dwarf Queen Daisy), she had changed her mind and began wearing some, too.

She looked over at the one she had chosen for tonight. It was the same green as her hair, picked out and sewn by another soon-to-be sister, Felicia. She blushed a bit thinking of wearing it in front of Mac.

In Arkanta, it was traditional to have a courtship period before the engagement. You would generally meet up many times for a period, and even go on some long swims together, before deciding if they wanted to move forward. While she and Mac were already technically engaged, she had hoped to have the same experience, if in name only.

Surprisingly (or maybe not, now that she knew Mac a bit better), Mac was very amiable of the idea, agreeing to go along with the plan. He wasn't sure how they'd do a long swim, instead suggesting long carriage trips together, which she had agreed too.

Thinking it was probably about time, she got out and dried herself off. Sea serpent-human skin didn't stay that wet, but she liked the feeling of the soft towels against her skin. After making sure she was thoroughly dried, she put on her undergarments (another landfolk tradition she was getting use too) and then the dress.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she barely had time to blush, before a knock came at the door.

“Come in, Mac,” she said with a smile.

Mac came in, smile on his face as well. “Saphoa.”

Saphoa walked over, giving him a hug, before they sat down together at her tea table. Despite the colder temperatures (it was now the change of autumn into winter in Ositania) Saphoa seemed unbothered, leaving her veranda door open so they could sit outside).

Mac, wearing a nice casual shirt and pants, sat across from her. “I know I ask this every time, but are you doing okay?”

Saphoa giggled, “It is fine, I will not be upset that you are concerned about me.”

Mac scratched his cheek, “You look nice in that dress. Is that another one Felicia made?”

Saphoa nodded, “Yes, I don't know how I will ever repay her.”

Mac shrugged, “Felicia would probably just be happy if you keep her company and talk with her. And help look after her siblings a bit.”

Saphoa laughed, “Haha, I think I will do that then.”

Mac smiled, then took a sip from his tea. Thinking for a moment, he asked, “Really though, you're fine? Not having second thoughts?”

Saphoa shook her head. “I knew I would need to marry for the sake of Arkanta eventually, so having such a caring husband-to-be is reassuring.”

Mac smiled but blushed a bit. “Oh, that reminds me, are you wanting to come to Daisy's wedding? I was gonna talk about it more at dinner tomorrow, but it seems like most everyone else has already decided what they're doing.”

Saphoa seemed a bit confused. “What do you mean? Should I not go?”

Mac shook his hand, “Of course you can, it's up to you. I'd be glad, and I'm sure Daisy would be too, if you did.”

Saphoa still seemed confused, “Should we all not go?”

Mac shook his head. “No, Mel, Elly, and Fe are due in a month or so, give or take, so they aren't going. And Kay is far enough along she doesn't want to risk it, although I think she's still going to try to make Kelly's wedding, since it's a shorter trip. Fawna wants to stay since Marie is giving her etiquette lessons, and of course that keeps Marie here. And Emma is still busy sorting out her new estate, so she's staying.”

“So only Charlotte is going with you and Daisy?”

Mac nodded, “And hopefully you. If you want to go, of course.”

Saphoa smiled and nodded, “I would love to attend! It is in a dwarf city, right? I may be the first Arkantan to ever set foot there.”

Mac smiled back. They continued drinking their tea in silence for a while.

After some quiet moments, Saphoa asked, “Do you think our babies will be blue?”

Mac choked on his tea a bit, going red and pounding his chest. “Wh-why are you asking?”

Saphoa shook her head, “I am just curious.”

Mac nodded, “Well, normally when different species of humans have children, the children will be of the race of the mother. I don't know why sea serpent-humans would be any different, so more than likely they will be.”

Saphoa nodded, but seemed to be thinking. “Will they be okay, being raised so far from water? How will they even learn to swim?”

Mac thought for a bit, then smiled, “It won't be exactly the same, but I have a solution for that.”


More Pregnancies


“I'm pregnant.”

La Hire's eyes went wide. He had just been walking down the hall towards the barracks, when his wife had come up to inform him of this.

“Nyahaha, I'm also pregnant.”

La Hire's eyes went even wider, looking at his fiance, who had also come up to him. “Wha-what!?”

“Nyahaha, why are you surprised, we're doing it so much it was bound to happen.”

“We rabbit-humans get pregnant easy, so it's not surprising.”

La Hire looked down. Oh spirits, two children already! We don't even have the house yet, but-... He moved his head up to look at Fiona and Kelly, who were looking at him expectantly.

Breaking out into an uncharacteristic grin, La Hire wrapped an arm around each of them. “I'm so happy!”

Fiona and Kelly teared up a bit, hugging La Hire back.

“Nyahaha, good thing our wedding is next week, we need that money from Father.”

His and Kelly's wedding was scheduled to be right after King Mac's wedding with Daisy. The plan was actually to head straight from Stromvurk to the Gascon estate for the ceremony.

“Are you both feeling okay?” La Hire asked.

They both nodded. “I was feeling a bit lethargic, so I talked with sister, who had me go to Tillie. She confirmed it,” Fiona explained.

Kelly blushed a bit, “I've actually been going to Tillie every week since we started, to be safe.”

La Hire hugged them again, and gave each of them a kiss. “I won't be able to focus on work the rest of the day.”

They both smiled at him, before looking at each other. “Nyahaha, I think you have someone else to talk to, though.”

La Hire raised an eyebrow. “You mean... King Mac?”

Fiona shook her head. “I'm sure sister has already told him. Turn around.”

La Hire turned around, and saw a blushing Kylie there, holding a letter.

“Father replied,” she said, holding out the still-sealed letter.

La Hire turned his head, and Fiona and Kelly were motioning for him to open it. Turning back, he unsealed the letter and opened it.


My Son,


I was glad to receive your letter about your interest in Kylie. I also received a letter from her, expressing her desire to be with you.


Speaking plainly, and privately, I do not normally marry off more than one child to the same person, as the political advantages of doing so are negligible.


As a father, however, I would like to see my Kylie happy with someone.


As a man, I was also touched by your love of cat-human woman. It is rare to find such a catgirl aficionado as myself! Their soft ears. Their beautiful tails. And the way they laugh, simply exquisite!


As such, you and Kylie have my full blessing on marriage. My only terms are that no additional dowry above what I have promised for Kelly will be provided, and that it is conducted at a small ceremony at the Gascon estate. Oh, and you must provide me with cute little grandchildren, of course!





He looked up to see Kylie, nervously squirming about. “Is...is it good news?”

La Hire turned around, but Fiona and Kelly were gone. Sensing their intentions, La Hire turned around. He slowly grabbed Kylie's chin, lifting her up and giving her a kiss.

Kylie seemed to melt away, La Hire having to catch her before she fell. She grabbed her cheeks, which were glowing red, “I'll take that as a yes.”


- Meanwhile in another part of the palace -


“I'm pregnant!”

Mac smiled, jumping out of his chair and grabbing Emma, who had just run into his office.

“That's so amazing!” he replied, spinning her around and giving her a kiss.

Emma was red in the face, presumably from having run straight from Tillie's office. “I felt a bit sick this morning, and when I went to Tillie, she had a big smile on her face. I'm also already a month along!”

Mac chuckled, “It took that long? I guess it's different for everyone.”

Emma shivered a bit in delight. “I'm so excited! I thought maybe something was wrong...”

Mac grabbed her shoulders, “You know I would love you even if you couldn't, right?”

Emma blushed and nodded, “I know, but I knew we could do it if we tried hard enough!”

Mac chuckled again, “Well, we definitely tried hard...”

“Oh, I need to tell Mother and Father....” Emma said, starting to run out.

Mac grabbed her arm, turning her around. “I love you, Emma.”

Emma blushed, and got a huge smile, “I love you too, dummy!” and kissed him quickly, before running out.


- Yet another part of the palace -


'Are you pregnant yet?'

Charlotte grabbed her forehead, putting down a letter. Really mother?... She sighed. I guess, technically, I could be...

She and Mac had finally started to have sex a month ago, on their trip to Arkanta. However, they had only done it a handful of times, and since elves had lower fertility rates than most species, it wouldn't be surprising if it took a year, maybe years, until she eventually got pregnant.

She blushed a bit, thinking of the times she and Mac had done it. It's not for lack of want or trying. Mac seemed to desire her so much, she felt a warmth in her heart every time she thought about it.

Of course, that wasn't all their relationship was. Mac was very supportive of her work on inventions, and seemed as glad as she was when something started working. The look in his eyes when he recognized something from his previous world filled her with an immense sense of happiness.

Charlotte decided she may as well at least tell her mother she and Mac were actually trying for one now. Normally in noble society you weren't supposed to do these things before marriage, or if you did to at least keep it silent, but in cases where a child was needed or wanted, it was often brushed aside.

Hopefully she doesn't embarrass me at Stromvurk...



Revitalization of Toulouse


Melissandra unconsciously rubbed her belly as she set her instructions down. The 'Revitalization of Toulouse' program, as they were calling it (at Mac's suggestion) was currently a large stack of papers on her desk, that she was slowly writing up.

Mac had helped her initially, but some of it was decisions she needed to make if she was going to be in charge of it, and Mac had a million other directions he was being pulled in.

Melissandra shook her head, I can do this. Mac gave me the idea, and I can run with it. She looked down at her belly, well, I can run once you're out, Millia.

She was only writing now, as nothing was being started until Millia, their daughter and the first new heir, was born safely. Of course, Felicia will be able to wet-nurse, so I can focus on this once I've recovered...although I still want to spend time with Millia...

She smiled at the thought of her and Mac's baby. She knew how important this was for Ositania, but really she just wanted the image of her and Mac holding the baby to become a reality. Then I'll have enough motivation to work the rest of my life! Or, at least, until I'm pregnant again...

She hadn't spoken with Mac yet, but she was planning on waiting a while before trying for another baby after the first one. At least until Toulouse was up and running. Of course, that didn't mean they wouldn't have sex, just that she would take contraceptive medicine for a while.

Melissandra blushed at the thought of sex. She and Mac had had to stop a couple months ago, as she had gotten big enough that it hurt too much. Of course, Mac still spent nights with her, giving her kisses and gentle caresses (and massages, which he seemed to be quickly becoming a master at).

Shaking her head once more, she went back to writing. She was laying out the proposed building plan of Toulouse. The town had been burned to the ground in the last war, and what was left had fallen into disrepair in the six (now almost seven) years since, so it was going to be rebuilt from scratch. While the rest of the plan wouldn't start until Millia was finally out, this was being sent to the builders as soon as she finished, so they could start preparing things in the winter and start building in the spring.

She stopped, thinking about Toulouse. As a young girl, she had walked the streets, playing with the kids, much to his parent's light chagrin, although they never stopped her from going back out. Maybe I should go see the ruins, but...I'm almost glad I haven't been back, I can keep the good memories alive.

It wouldn't be a one-to-one recreation, but she was going to try and incorporate a lot of the town from her memories into the new one.

A knock came at the door.

“Come in.”

The door opened, and Mac came in, walking over and grabbing her shoulders, rubbing them gently and kissing her cheek. “That's looking good.”

Melissandra put a hand on Mac's, “Thanks. I'm trying my best from memory.”

Mac hugged her gently. “Are you okay doing this?”

Melissandra nodded, “It's not that I'm not sad, but I've grieved and lived. And now I can move on by creating a new town for memories to be made.”

Mac wiped the tear from her cheek she didn't realize was there. Kissing her wet cheek, he kneeled down, “I do have one condition though.”

Melissandra turned her head, “Really? What's that?”

Mac pointed to an area on the outskirts of the town. “Leave a space open for a station, and an empty road next to it.”

Melissandra nodded, “Is this for your 'train' thing?”

Mac nodded, “Yes, I want the first one to go there.”

Melissandra raised an eyebrow. “But wouldn't making it to a central location like Loren make more sense? Or a place we could do more trade with, like Stromvurk?”

Mac gently poked her cheeks, “My lovely wife might try and spend too much time in Toulouse, and I need to be able to visit her quickly.”

Melissandra blushed, “I...I love you Mac.” She stood up and kissed him. “You know me too well.”

Mac chuckled, “That I do.” He leaned over and gave her a kiss. “And I love you too.”


Magic Thesis


The next day, Marie slapped down a stack of papers on Mac's desk, a smug smile on her face.

“Is this what you were talking about? With magic and the Drain Stone?” Mac asked, picking up the papers.

Marie nodded. “Yes. And make sure none of this leaves the room. I'd...prefer if you didn't talk about it with the others too much, either. Not that I don't trust them, and some already know, but I don't want this leaking out accidentally...”

Mac nodded. This is amazing, but...

Mac started thumbing through the pages. Normally stacks of paper like this were plans or programs he needed to approved, but instead this was more a...scientific paper. Except the subject was magic.

Marie had discovered that magic may be way more common than currently thought. Generally, magic was limited to nobles, with a few exceptions where it occasionally popped up in commoners. Usually these commoners were scooped up by noble households for their magic bloodlines (since it was common, though not certain, that magic could be passed down to children).

However, Marie had used the Drain Stone to test all his commoner fiances, and Bella, a random commoner they were friends with, and every single one had magic. While a small sample size, the chances of randomly hitting positives on them was still insanely low. More than likely, magic was a lot more common than was thought.

“I'll read through all of this, but is there anything we should do right now?” Mac asked.

Marie shook her head. “I think this needs to be...very gradual...”

Mac nodded. “You're worried about the implications for noble houses?”

Marie nodded. “Yes, but I think they will survive. Nobles can be nobles without a monopoly on magic. The first issue is...regulation.”

“Regulation?” Mac repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Marie nodded. “Say, for instance, someone in the palace was found murdered, burned to a crisp. Who is your suspect?”

Mac chuckled, “Not hard to figure out.”
Marie nodded again. “Exactly, it would be hard-pressed to blame anyone but me, with my fire magic. Now, think of a different scenario. Everyone knows magic. We find a person murdered in the same way in streets of Loren. Now how do we find out?”

“It could be any magic user that has some ability related to fire...” Mac responded, understanding where she was going.

“Exactly. It needs to be regulated, especially abilities that are lethal. We can't just allow anyone with magic to run around using it without us knowing. We need to keep a log of everyone and their abilities.”

Mac slowly nodded. I feel like that's intrusive, but it's probably better than the alternative...right?

“Since we control the Drain Stone, we can make sure we catalogue each ability as it's discovered.”

“What about people who don't use the Drain Stone to discover their magic?”

Marie raised an eyebrow. “It's technically possible, as some commoners already do, but...you'd have to try guessing really hard, or get really lucky, to not just guess your actual magic, but then use it properly.”

“That's true. And actually a bit relieving.”

Marie smiled. “Thanks for reading that over. Once you're done I'll make a second draft, and then we can figure out when a good time to publish it is. If we can get some of the Houses buy-in beforehand, it will be an easier sell.”

Marie went to leave, but Mac grabbed her hand. Marie blushed a bit, “What's wrong?”

Mac shook his head, “I'm not letting you get away that easy.”

He gave her a kiss. Marie grabbed his head, pulling it back in for a longer, deeper kiss, before finally letting go.

Mac smiled, “I love you.”

Marie blushed, “I love you too,” and poked him in the chest, before turning around to leave.


Carriage Business


“Mac, what is this?” Eleanor said, holding up a paper.

Mac was currently massaging her shoulders as they sat on her bed. Eleanor's stomach was so big, she was having trouble moving, so she often worked from her bed. Mac did his best to help, and Eleanor seemed to be thankful for the attention.

Which is why Mac was a bit surprised at her seeming upset. “What's wrong?” he replied, grabbing the paper. “Oh...”

“We can't hire other dwarves to work on the engines! Those are valuable Otherworlder technology!” she said, looking at him.

Mac held up his hands. “I know, I know, just hold on...Daisy can't make them quickly by herself, and she has other things to work on too. But, if we have a bunch of dwarves working on them, then we can produce them more quickly.”

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, “How many do we need? I know you wanted one for a new royal carriage, and you have these 'trains' you keep eluding too that seem so far in the future...”

Mac nodded, “Yeah the trains might be a bit aways. But think about this – just like with the zipper dresses, what are the other nobles going to think when they see us rolling in with an engine-powered carriage?”

Eleanor's face lit up. “We could charge a fortune! But...what if they steal the engine technology?”

Mac shrugged, “From what I understand, only Daisy and Charlotte could make one right now. And if we have the dwarves sign contracts to not release it...well, it's not foolproof, but just like with the zippers, if we get enough of a head start it won't matter.”

Eleanor nodded, looking at the proposal and going deep in thought.

After a minute, she turned to Mac, “Dear, can I ask you something?”

Mac was a bit surprised at the change of tone, but nodded. “Of course.”

Eleanor pulled down her dress (a loose maternity one) and exposed her chest.

Mac blushed a bit, “Elly, you know-”

Eleanor shook her head, “No, I'm not trying to tempt you or anything. I just want to know, do you think they look bigger?”

Mac blinked a couple times, then looked.

Eleanor continued, “Tillie said they sometimes get bigger, but the others said they're probably the same. I'm worried they might just be being nice though, and they're actually getting larger.”

Mac held back a sigh. Answering honestly, he said, “I think they might be a bit larger. I wouldn't be worried though, you're still beautiful.”

Eleanor giggled, pulling up her dress. “If I was any larger I wouldn't be able to move.”

Mac shook his head, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her. “What's more beautiful than a wife and their soon-to-arrive daughter.”

Eleanor blushed, pulling Mac down onto the bed and making out with him. “I love you so much Mac.”

“I love you too Elly. No matter how you look.”

Eleanor kissed him again, then stopped.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked.

“I think once Elana is out, I'm going to go on contraceptive medicine.”

Mac nodded, “Do you not want more children?”

Eleanor shook her head, “No, I very much do, but...I want to be able to enjoy having sex with you for a while before I get pregnant again. Last time it was so fast...”

Mac blushed. “We still did it a bunch when you were pregnant, though!”

Eleanor blushed back, “Yes, but I felt bad making you do all the work most of the time. I want to please you, too.”

Mac blushed even harder. “You don't-...” he stopped himself, before smiling, “...we'll do it so much, you'll look like you did when we visited Sophia at the elven forest.”

Eleanor blushed even harder as well, before grabbing him for another kiss.


Finishing Cleaning


One afternoon a few days later, Mac wiped the sweat from his brow, grabbing his knees. The Magic Fatigue is really setting in. I can probably do one more though. He gave a thumbs up to the guards, who started hauling in the fishing net full of arms and armor. Emma had finished carving out what would eventually be (if Mac had his way) their swimming pool in the palace yard several weeks ago, but so far they were using it for a different purpose.

One of the guards dumped more baking powder in, while the others were dumping the now clean arms and armor into a wagon, before dumping more rusty ones into the fishing net, and tying it up.

“This is the last one, sire,” La Hire, who was overseeing the guards, said.

Mac did a double-take. “Really?”

La Hire nodded. “We've been doing it for several weeks now, so we cleared out the stock of rusty gear. We've been storing it in the armory, but do you plan on using it for anything? We have enough armor to equip an entire brigade, and weapons for more than two.”

Mac nodded, “Try to assemble full sets, if you can. Since we have more weapons than armor too, go through those and melt down any that aren't usable, and get everything else into good condition.” He paused, then decided to explain, “This isn't to leave the palace, but we are planning on resettling the border region with Provent soon, and we need to make sure we have a strong garrison there. Both to make the settlers feel safe, and deter Provent from getting any ideas.”

La Hire got a stern expression and nodded. “Of course, Sire. I'll make sure it gets done.”

Mac nodded back, then readied himself as they lowered the full fishing net into the water. I'm glad to be done with this...



An Expensive Gift


On the day they were leaving for Stromvurk, Mac stood outside in the palace yard, looking up at the sky. A soft snowfall was falling onto the yard as the royal carriage and their wagon train was prepared.

“Dummy, you're gonna get sick,” a voice came from behind him. He felt the soft ears of Felicia rubbing against him as she wrapped a hand-knitted scarf around his neck.

He pulled it up to tighten it a bit. “Thanks Fe.”

Felicia leaned up for a kiss, “Take care.”

Mac held her close as she tried to back away.

Felicia giggled, “Don't want to leave me?”

Mac shook his head, “Part of me doesn't...”

Felicia smiled, “Well, I'll love you anyway...” she said teasingly.

Mac hugged her tight, “I love you too.”


As the wagons were loaded, he received kisses from all his fiances and wives that weren't traveling, Melissandra especially. “Make sure you're back before Millia!” she said with a giggle.

Mac nodded and gave her another kiss. While the trip was going to take about ten days (four there, two in Stromvurk, then four back), she wasn't due for over a month still, so it shouldn't be an issue unless Millia decided to come early. He rubbed Melissandra's bump, “Stay in there 'til I'm back.”

Melissandra and the others all giggled, mobbing him again for a big hug.


While this was happening, Charlotte, Daisy and Saphoa were settling into the royal carriage. Saphoa was in her normal Arkantan outfit, but did have a a coat on in deference to the cold weather, although she left it open and unbuttoned. Daisy was wearing some casual loungewear (shorts and a loose shirt, that may have actually been one of Mac's shirts). Charlotte, however, was completely covered in clothing. She seemed to have multiple layers, including a very thick sweater, a scarf that covered half her face, and a woolly hat that covered most of the other half.

As Mac came in, he suppressed a laugh at Charlotte. “Char, are you okay?”

Charlotte blushed a bit, although it was hard to tell. “It's cold!”

“Hmmm...maybe we should install a heater on the carriage,” Mac said as he sat down on the bed.

Charlotte nodded as she clung to him to try and leech even more warmth. “I'll make sure it has one when it's built.”

Daisy laughed, “Haha, it's gonna be so big, may as well add one.”

Saphoa smiled and nodded.

Mac walked over and gave Saphoa a hug, which she happily reciprocated. Saphoa still seemed a bit nervous around the other woman, tending to not talk much, even though Mac knew from their dates and tea conversations that she could talk if initiated.

“Hey, what about me!?” Daisy said, although obviously joking.

Mac walked over and grabbed Daisy in a hug, lifting her slightly and giving her a big smooch.

Daisy blushed a bit, “There we go, now I'm ready for the trip!”


The carriage set off, having to go a bit slowly due to the snow starting to cover the road.

Charlotte was snug under the covers of the bed, reading one of Mac's books again.

Daisy was laying next to her, seemingly having fallen asleep already, despite the trip being only a few minutes in.

Saphoa was standing next to the window, watching the snow fall onto the forest.

“Do you get a lot of snow in Arkanta?” Mac asked, walking up behind her.

Saphoa smiled, “Sometimes, but it is different seeing it pile up like this, normally it just melts away into the water. This is much prettier.”

Mac nodded at her statement. “Does this count as one of our long trips?”

Saphoa giggled, “Haha, I think it will need too. Normally you aren't supposed to take it with other partners in tow, but I will need to make an exception,” she said, grabbing his hand.


The journey continued slowly, with the snowfall hindering their route through Pearie and on the road to Loren. Later in the day, the guards hung lanterns on the side of the carriage, as they had to continue traveling through the dark to get the inn on the road to Loren.

Mac remembered this inn fondly, as he had several memories here from his prior travels. It looks rather charming with the snow around it.

They parked in the yard in front of the inn. Mac helped Charlotte and Daisy down, while Saphoa made a path through the knee high snow for them to walk through, earning some looks from the guards.

Inside, the fireplace was roaring, and they went and stood by it to warm up (except Daisy, who went over to grab a drink from the bar). After they were sufficiently warmed, they sat down and were treated to some hot stew.

“This is so good...” Charlotte exclaimed.

Mac chuckled, “Haha, hot stew is always good on a cold day.”

Saphoa nodded, “This is sublime! I wish I could prepare meals like this in Arkanta.”

Charlotte looked up at her. “Can you not cook underwater?”

Saphoa shook her head, “Not with fire, at least, since there is nowhere for the smoke to go. We mostly eat what we can hunt and harvest underwater.”

Charlotte nodded, then looked at her stew, deep in thought.

She's probably thinking about how to solve that. I don't really know what the options could be, without having gas burners or electricity to heat metal.


They continued eating until they'd had their fill, and went to bed. Since of course Daisy would have Mac in Stromvurk, they decided she would have him the first night. Mac wasn't sure if Saphoa wanted to have him one of the nights, but decided to worry about that when it came about.

When they went up to their room, Daisy seemed extra excited.

Mac smiled, “Were you wanting me that badly?” he teased.

Daisy was thrown off a bit, “Err, well I do, but that's not why I'm excited,” she said.

Mac raised an eyebrow, but continued following her up to their room.

Inside, Daisy quickly closed the door, and went over to her chest. “You ready?”

“Uh, I think so...”

Daisy spun around, and unfurled a chainmail shirt. He had seen these before, as some soldiers wore them over leather jerkins for extra protection, especially among soldiers that couldn't afford full mail sets. However, there was a difference between this one and the ones he'd seen previously.

This one was orange.

“Is...is that all made of orichalum?” Mac asked, incredulous.

Daisy nodded vigorously. “Yup! It took me months to work all the metal into the chain pieces and link them, but I finally got it done a few days before the trip.”

“But why...is this your 'return gift' for the dagger?”

Daisy nodded again, walking over and handing it to him.

Mac was speechless. “This is amazing! I know how hard orichalum is, and...actually, how much did this cost?”

Daisy blushed a bit, “I don't know. Elly and Marie paid for some of it, since I spent most of the wages I got paid on it.”

Mac held his forehead.

Daisy was concerned, “Do you not like it?”

“Of course I like it, but you didn't bankrupt the Kingdom, did you?”

Daisy laughed, “Haha, no, it wasn't that expensive. The others seemed happy about it, since they were worried about you getting stabbed again. 'Course, I had the idea before that happened, but it definitely reinforced the need for it.”

Mac nodded, holding up the chainmail shirt and looking at it. Yeah, I won't get stabbed in this. He had lucked out with the Prism Beast cape during Kay's wedding, but this would protect him (or at least his torso and waist) regardless.

Mac sat it down, and hugged Daisy so hard he picked her up. “It's amazing Daisy.”

Daisy teared up a bit. She took off her ceremonial dagger, setting it on top of the orichalum chainmail. “There, now we can officially get married.”

Mac chuckled a bit, “That's good, I was a little concerned we couldn't...”

Daisy laughed back and slapped his shoulder, “Haha, I know, but I'm glad you were fine with our dwarven traditions.”

Mac nodded, “Of course. A small price to pay for marrying the prettiest dwarf in the Kingdom.”

Daisy blushed at this, before grabbing his jacket and pulling him down for another kiss. “I'd ask you to try it on, but I think we should take off our clothes instead.”

Mac nodded, and they both quickly undressed. Mac sat down on the bed, and Daisy jumped up on top, rubbing his shaft until it was fully erect. Sliding down on top of it, she quickly thrusted against him, moaning each time she slapped against him, her deepest part hit by his member.

“Slow down Daisy,” Mac said, trying to kiss her.

Daisy blushed and nodded, slowing down a bit so they could make out. “I just love ya so much, I can't get enough of ya...”

Mac blushed back, “I love you too Daisy.”

They kept going for a few minutes, until Mac held her close, releasing inside her as they embraced.

Daisy pushed him (lightly) down onto the bed, lying on him as they both fought for breath. “That's a preview for after the ceremony.”

Mac chuckled, “What do you mean, we have sex all the time!”

Daisy blushed, “I know but...” she kissed him. She paused for a moment, “I really wanna make a baby!”

Mac smiled, “So you're ready for children?”

Daisy nodded, still red. “After seeing all the others pregnant, well...I want my own! As long as they're as cute as you.”

Mac poked her cheek, “I'm supposed to say that.”

“But I want it to be a boy and look like you!” Daisy said earnestly.

Mac was thoughtful. “Why a boy?”

“So I can teach him how to forge properly. With your looks and and my forge skills, he'll be a killer with the dwarf ladies.”

Mac chuckled, “Well I hope we have a girl that's as cute as you. And as strong.”

Daisy blushed, before hugging him tightly in an embrace.


In the morning, Mac tried on the orichalum chainmail, and it fit him snugly. “Uh, well I feel really safe, but...”

Daisy nodded as if he should continue.

“...it's really heavy.”

Daisy laughed. “Haha, it's not like you need to wear it all the time, just at the wedding. And whenever you think someone might try and stab ya.”

Mac shook his head, “Hopefully not at anymore weddings.” He took off the chainmail and made sure it was safely secured in their chest.


It was still snowing when they left the inn, the carriage making terrible time due to the snowfall. Due to the cold temperatures, they were keeping the windows closed, and Mac was wrapped up in a coat, drinking some hot tea.

Saphoa sat across from him, wearing her coat unbuttoned, drinking tea as well. “Tell me more about this 'pool' of yours. What exactly is it? A large bath?”

Mac shook his head. She must still be curious about it, since I said we could swim in it. “No, it's much larger than a bath, and deeper. Actually, you've seen it, right? It's what we filled with water in the yard. I was using it to clean up the rusty gear.”

Saphoa nodded, with a bit of a frown. “Isn't it a bit dirty, though?”

Mac nodded, “Yes, we'll need to drain it somehow and get new water in. But then we can use it to swim.”

“But, won't the dirt make it muddy?” Saphoa countered.

Mac thought for a moment, then nodded. “In my world, we used stuff like ceramic tiles or cement to form the pool, since that wouldn't erode and get into it. Maybe we could line it with rocks.”

Saphoa thought for a moment. “If you need something strong that won't erode in water, you should use Arkantan concrete.”

Mac slapped his forehead. “Of course! That would form a solid liner since it's waterproof.”

Saphoa smiled, “I will send for an Arkantan craftsman as soon as I can.”

Mac chuckled, motioning his head to outside. “That's okay, we can at least wait until its warmer. Not one's going...well, most of us wouldn't go swimming in the cold.”

Saphoa laughed, “Haha, I don't particularly like swimming in the cold, but it is good training.”

Charlotte, who was laying next to Daisy on the bed (Daisy was sleeping under the covers this time), looked up from her book. “You two get along really well already.”

Saphoa raised an eyebrow. “Should we not?”

Charlotte blushed, “I...I just...took a while to be able to talk with him like that.”

Saphoa shrugged. “You and Mac seem to love each other very much, so that must not have been a hindrance.”

Charlotte blushed heavily, holding her book back up.

Mac also blushed a bit, sipping again on his tea.


The rest of the day passed, and late into the night, they reached the outskirts of Loren, stopping at an inn.

Since it was so late, everyone quickly ate dinner and headed for bed, wanting to get as much sleep in as they could.

Mac was spending the night with Charlotte, who seemed really sleepy.

“Maaaacccc....” she kissed him, as they cuddled up under the covers for warmth.

Mac held her close, giving her a kiss.

Charlotte blushed. “Do you want to? I'm kind of tired, but if you want-”

Mac shook his head. “Of course I want too, but if you're tired, we can do it some other time.”

Charlotte nodded, but then seemed to change her mind, and start taking off her clothes.

Mac chuckled, “I thought you were tired!?” he said teasingly.

Charlotte blushed, “I was, but when thought about you, my heart started racing, and now I won't be able to sleep without doing it once.”

Mac smiled, taking off his clothes as well. Once he finished, Charlotte straddled on top of him, stroking his member until it was erect. Sliding herself onto it, she started sliding up and down, moaning softly every time Mac hit her deepest part.

Mac delicately licked her nipples.

“Hey, I already bathed!” she said, but made no effort to stop him.

Mac smiled, “We can always take another one together.”

Charlotte blushed, but started spasming in Mac's arms from the pleasure.

Mac grabbed her butt, pushing Charlotte against him as he released inside her.

After they finished, they stayed embraced for a couple minutes, catching their breath.

“Can you sleep now?” Mac asked.

Charlotte blushed, “Now I'm even more awake!”


The next morning, the snow had finally stopped falling. The sun had come out, and was melting the snow slightly, and the temperature had warmed up a tad.

Since the snow was being reduced to puddles, they were able to make better time. They were heading straight for Stromvurk, and should be able to make it by the afternoon of the fourth day (tomorrow), if they didn't run into any obstacles.

Which they did.

Partway through the afternoon, the carriage came to a stop.

“What's wrong?” Charlotte asked, opening the window. There seemed to be some sort of commotion at the front of the wagon train.

After a couple minutes, a knock came at the door. La Hire was outside, “Sire, the snow melt has caused a problem. The road goes down into a gully, and it's filled with water, we can't take the wagons through.”

Mac sighed, “Is there an alternate route we can take?”

La Hire nodded, “Yes. It will add an extra half day to our trip, and we'd need to find new accommodations. We should still be able to get you to Stromvurk in time for the wedding, though.”

Saphoa, who had been listening behind Mac, put a hand on his shoulder. “Mac.”

Mac turned around. “Saphoa?” Wait...I know she mentioned her magic can control water, so... “Is your magic powerful enough to push the water aside?”

Saphoa smiled and nodded. She jumped out of the carriage, and started walking towards the front of the wagon train. Mac and La Hire looked at each other, then followed after.

At the front, Mac could understand why they had needed to stop. Seeing it for himself, the gully was way too deep, and even if the horses could cross, the wagons would most likely sink or get stuck.

“Can you hold it aside while we pass?” Mac asked.

Saphoa didn't answer, instead holding out her hands.

Suddenly the water started to twirl like a whirlpool, before rising up like a twister. Then, Saphoa moved her hands, and the water started shooting into the nearby field like a water hose. After a half minute, the gully was almost empty, just a couple disconnected puddles left.

The guards, who had been standing in awe, cheered as they started to walk back.

Even La Hire gave a grin. “We'll be continuing, sire.”

Mac held out an arm, wrapping it around Saphoa.

Saphoa seemed to like this, giving a smile.

“Thanks for the help. I didn't expect your magic to be so useful on a road trip.”

Saphoa nodded. “Of course. If I can be of use, all the better.”

Mac smiled and nodded, deciding to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Saphoa seemed to like this response, and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well before jumping up into their carriage.


The rest of the day was uneventful, and they made decent time to their inn for the evening.

As the previous night, they ate dinner and went right to their rooms for the night, tired from the day of travel.

None of the woman had mentioned to Mac that they were sleeping with him, so Mac knew he was alone for the night.

He soaked in the hot bath for a time, then put on one of his tracksuits, before lying on the bed. At this inn, his room actually had it's own fireplace, so the room was quite warm. As he laid there, he slowly fell into a sleepy daze...

Knock knock.

Mac was jolted awake. An all-too-familiar sound, he knew someone had knocked on his door. “Come in.”

In walked Saphoa, wearing a slim silver negligee. It wasn't as transparent as the one's his partners normally wore, but it did cling to her, emphasizing her breasts and wide hips.

Mac was a bit taken aback. Is she...? But she hasn't shown any interest in sex. Well, at least not right now. “You look beautiful in that. Like a silver moon reflected in the sea.”

Saphoa laughed, catching Mac a bit off guard. “Haha, sorry, I do appreciate the compliment, but it was bit funny. Do you normally use those kinds of lines on your wives?”

Mac shrugged. “Sometimes, depends on each one. Some of them like actions instead of words.”

Saphoa smiled, “Good. I am a woman of action.”

Mac wasn't sure what to do next. “Are you...”

Saphoa giggled this time (much quieter than her previous laugh). “I did not come here to have sex with you, but I won't stop you if you tried.”

Mac was a bit thrown off. “I'm obviously not going to do something you don't want...”

Saphoa nodded. “I didn't think you would.” She walked over and sat down next to him. “Since I'm sure you're wondering, your other two fiance's told me to come here tonight.”

Mac nodded, “Yeah, that's pretty common. It's like a...rite of passage.”

Saphoa nodded. Unlike her previous confidence, she tentatively put a hand on Mac's leg.

Mac grabbed her hand, putting his over it. He could feel the blue scaliness of it against his palm.

“You do not hate it?” Saphoa asked shyly.

Mac shook his head. “Why would I?”

Saphoa seemed to blush a bit.

Mac, seeing the difference in her personality, had a thought. “Are you...scared of sex? Or maybe just men?”

Saphoa shook her head. “In truth, I am curious about it, but I don't think I am ready. You are very nice, but I just feel like...something is missing.”

“Missing?” Mac asked.

Saphoa nodded. “I am trying to explain it in a way landfolk would understand. It is like...I have built a fire, but I can't light it.”

Mac understood. “You feel like we're missing a spark?”


Mac sighed, “I mean, I'm not going to force you to marry me, we can-”

Saphoa grabbed his arms. “No, that is not what I am saying. I...I think I just need more time. And then something will light that 'spark'.”

Mac nodded. Well, that's fine. Maybe we just need to spend more time together, and do different things together as well.

Saphoa shivered a bit.

Mac was surprised, “I thought you weren't that affected by the cold?”

Saphoa shook her head. “No, I am, I was just trying to not draw attention to myself.”

Mac chuckled, “Haha, I think with Charlotte, no one would have noticed if you put an extra layer on.”

Saphoa nodded.

Mac, thinking quickly, pulled back the covers. “Do you want to sleep next to me? I've been told I'm very warm.”

Saphoa blushed slightly, but took the invitation and crawled under the covers with him. After a moment, she giggled, “Yes, you are very warm.”

Mac smiled but felt a bit awkward, not sure what exactly to do.

Saphoa, however closed her eyes, and put an arm over him.

Mac blinked a couple times. I guess this is fine. He closed his eyes as well, drifting to sleep.




In the morning, Mac was awoken by the dawn sun peaking through his window. He sat up and looked around, but there was no Saphoa in sight. Maybe she felt awkward. Or maybe just didn't want to wake up me up.

He got ready and went down to the carriage. Saphoa was already there, giving him a smile and nod from the tea table when she entered. I guess we're fine, then.

They continued on their way, most of the snow having melted away at this point, and making good time, the entourage came into sight of Stromvurk by dusk.

“Wow, that's really cool! It's like a rock version of our tree palace,” Charlotte explained, watching it intently.

Saphoa was thinking, hand on her chin. “I wonder if their knowledge could benefit Arkanta. If we could mine into the rocky seabed, that would give us more space...”

Daisy was beaming. “Stromvurk! I didn't expect to be back here so soon.”

Mac chuckled, “What do you mean? Were you never going to visit?”

Daisy blushed, “Before we got engaged, I thought I'd just live comfy at the palace for a long time...”


Entering Stromvurk, they were greeted by a cadre of golden-armored dwarf guards. They walked along the sides in formation, leading the carriage through the city.

Winding their way through the streets, they eventually saw a gate built into the stone at the far side of the city. He could see what looked like windows scattered throughout the rock face, as well.

“Is...this the palace?” Mac asked.

Daisy nodded. “I've only been in it once, but it's just like yours. Maybe a bit smaller, hard to tell exactly when it's hewn into the mountainside.”

They stopped in the cobblestone yard in front of the rock face. There was a large contingent of dwarves waiting for them.

Wearing an impressive gem-encrusted set of armor, Lord Harald leaned on a large battleaxe, greeting them as they stepped out. “Welcome to Stromvurk, sire! Or I should say, welcome back, since you were here before, haha!”

Mac gave a sheepish smile. The last time they had been here, they were traveling incognito, so Lord Harald had no idea his King was down in the streets below his palace.

He then proceeded to introduce him to his four dwarven wives, Mac doing his best to try and remember their names. After, Lord Harald seemed to pause, so Mac assumed he needed to introduce as well.

“Well, you already know my fiance Daisy, the reason we're all here.”

Daisy blushed a bit and elbowed him, “I'm not important compared to you!”

Lord Harald and some of the other dwarves roared with laughter, “It does an old dwarf good to see you young'ins getting along so well.”

Mac smiled, “You also know my fiance Charlotte.”

Lord Harald walked up and gave Charlotte a big hug. Charlotte seemed a bit surprised, but hugged him back.

“And this is Saphoa. She is also my fiance, and a princess of Arkantan royalty.”

Lord Harald smiled and bowed to her. “It's nice to formally meet you. I wasn't sure if I remembered correctly that you were blue last time, but here you are again, haha!” he said, stroking his beard.

Saphoa nodded. “Are all dwarves so jovial as you and Daisy? I must spend more time amongst you all.”

This got another round of laughter from the crowd.


As this point, it seemed like the important introductions were over, and everyone started milling about.

Saphoa immediately had a crowd around her, considering her exotic appearance.

“Where is Arkanta?”

Saphoa replied, “Under the sea.”

“Is everyone of your race blue?”

Saphoa nodded, “Yes, though some are lighter shades than me.”

“I thought the King said you were a princess, but you look like a soldier with that physique.”

Saphoa smirked, “I am both a princess and a warrior.”


Charlotte immediately got mobbed by Lady Sophia. “Charlotte, my daughter!” she picked her up in a hug held her tight to her bosom. “You look so beautiful.”

Charlotte blushed, looking down at the this sweater she was wearing. “Mother, I'm not-”

Sophia continued, “Nonsense. Any woman who has known the touch of a man gets ten times more beautiful. How was it?”

Charlotte blushed, covering her face, “Mother...why are you even here!?”

Sophia seemed offended, “Of course I'm going to come see my daughter being the bridesmaid for her friend. Actually, I was thinking of having you be mine when I marry Lord Harald.”

Charlotte's face got serious. “So you're going through with that?”

Sophia nodded, face also getting serious. “I was also here to meet his wives. They were...very accepting of me, thankfully.”

Charlotte nodded, “It's good for both our houses, right?”

Sophia nodded. “When you all leave, he's going to journey with me to see our tree palace, and meet your father and the rest. I'm hoping they get along as well.”

Charlotte looked over at Lord Harald, who was amongst those talking and laughing with Saphoa (who was now for some reason arm wrestling one of the dwarf guards). “I think they will.”

“Well, if they don't, I'll just have to make them,” Sophia replied, with a hint of deviousness to her smile.

Charlotte gulped.


Daisy grabbed Mac's hand, bringing him over to a dwarf couple in the corner. “Mother, Father, this is Mac.”

The people introduced as her mother and father were a dwarf couple. They seemed a bit on the older side (for dwarves) with streaks of gray in the man's beard, and their faces had stony creases in them.

The man grabbed Mac's hand, putting it in a tight grip. “Haha, it's good to meet you King Mac! Or can I call you Son?”

Mac, remembering how happy that made Lord Cartegna, nodded. “Of course.”

The man smiled, shaking his hand (or really his whole arm) before letting go.

The woman, who had been hugging Daisy, reached up to hug Mac as well. “Oh, it's so nice to meet you. Daisy's letters have all been so happy lately!”

Daisy blushed, “Ma...”

Daisy's mother giggled.


After that, Lord Harald invited them inside for dinner. The wedding was taking place the next day, and would include the normal after-wedding dinner feast, but Lord Harald seemed like he was trying to impress everyone in attendance, and had had a grand smorgasbord of food prepared for their arrival.

Mac was sitting at a large tables that included all his fiances, Daisy's parents, Lady Sophia, and Lord Harald and his wives. They all seemed to be chatting lively, except Saphoa, who was inspecting the food across from Mac.

“Hmm, I do not recognize this lobster...” she said, picking up a lobster tail that was gray-looking.

Lord Harald, who was next to Mac, nodded. “They might not have 'em where you're from. That's a rock lobster, they live in underground rivers. Their shells collect rock material to help harden and protect them, but they taste mighty good once they're cracked open!”

Saphoa nodded, taking a bite from it. Her reaction made it seem like it was decent.

Mac grabbed some as well, slathering some butter on it.

“What is that?” Saphoa asked, giving a curious look.

“Butter. Do you ever get any in Arkanta?”

Saphoa shook her head, “Not that I can remember. What does it taste like?”

“Uhh...it's kind of hard to explain. Just melt some on your lobster and taste it.”

Saphoa grabbed the butter and did as instructed. After waiting a few moments for it to melt, she grabbed the buttery tail and took a bite. Instantly, it was as if Saphoa had an epiphany. “This is amazing! The lobster is good, but this adds so much to the flavor.”

Mac crossed his arms and nodded. “See what benefits the landfolk can show you?”

Saphoa giggled, and started slathering more butter on. “I will need to make sure butter gets sent to Arkanta...”


After dinner, some of the other nobles in town came up to say high, including Lord Cartegna who inquired about Eleanor. “How is she doing? Is she resting enough?”

Mac nodded. “Of course. She still works here and there, but she's doing fine. I think she's just ready for Elana to come out at this point.”

Lord Cartegna smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder, a tear coming to her eye. “I can't wait to be a grandpa...”


After talking a while, it was getting late (not that they could tell under the mountain) and were led to their chambers.

Mac smiled at how well things were going, at least for the time being. We got the engines, we got the alliance with Arkanta, the first babies are almost out... He held his head a bit at the thought. He still sometimes had trouble grasping he was going to be a father soon. I'm not sure if I'm really qualified... the faces of his partners came into mind. Well, with them, I'm sure it will be fine.


Wedding Day - Daisy


In the morning, Mac woke up to his normal wedding routine. Today, Mazzy, Saphoa's personal maid, came to help him prepare.

She also seemed to be using this opportunity to pepper him with questions.

“Will you and Saphoa have this type of ceremony as well?” she asked as she pulled the regalia over him.

Mac, getting his head through, replied, “Yes. Well, it will probably be at the Royal Palace, but otherwise yes.”

“Why not have it in Arkanta?”

Mac thought, “Well, that does sound interesting, but it would be hard to get so many landfolk down there, wouldn't it?”

Mazzy stopped for a moment, then nodded before continuing, “That's true. When are you having it?”

Mac looked at her, “I-...you know, I don't mind answering, but why don't you just ask Saphoa?”

Mazzy sighed, “She gets evasive whenever I ask her stuff about this...”

Mac put on a smile, “I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure Saphoa and I's will be great. She might even have you be her bridesmaid.”

“What's that?”

Mac smiled, “You'll see soon enough.”


Since this was a dwarven wedding (at least partially), the ceremony would be a bit different. It was being run by Lord Harald, since he had requested too (and part of the reason Marie had been fine to stay at the palace).

First, Mac and Daisy would walk in separately, by themselves, and re-exchange their gifts they had made for each other.

Then, Lord Harald would inspect them, verifying their quality as a symbol of affection for each other (purely for show, Lord Harald had reassured him, when Mac got worried about his dagger).

Then they would switch to a more traditional royal wedding, where Charlotte and La Hire would bring in the rings, and eventually the crowning of Daisy.


And so Mac held the dagger he had made in hand, walking down the aisle of their ceremonial hall (a room specifically for high-profile events like weddings or coronations) where Lord Harald was waiting.

Lord Harald gave him a smile as he walked up.

Then, the door opened, and Daisy started walking up. Her brown hair, normally in braided pigtails, hung down to almost her waist. Her dress barely covered the bottom part of her chest, ample cleavage showing above it. And around the hem of the chest were interwoven small lightcrystals, miniature versions of the ones in Stromvurk's roof. And in her arms was the orichalum chainmail.

Mac smiled as she got close, and Daisy was blushing ear to ear, a huge smile on her face as well.

Lord Harald stood between and behind them. “Present your gifts!”

Mac knelt down in front of Daisy, showing the dagger he had made. Daisy inspected it, before giving it to Lord Harald, who inspected it before giving it back.

Daisy put the dagger in her sash, before unfolding the orichalum chainmail. Audible gasps were heard from the crowd, as every dwarf in attendance knew what it was immediately.

Mac held it up, pretending to look it over, before handing to Lord Harald.

Lord Harald took one look and grinned, before handing it back.

Mac then put the chainmail over his regalia, careful to unfurl his Prism Beast Cape after it was on.

Lord Harald stepped forward. “I judge these two to be fit for marriage under our mountain.”

The crowd roared in celebration.

Lord Harald held up his hand. “Hold on, hold on everyone. As you all know, this isn't an ordinary marriage...”

Music started playing, and the doors opened, Charlotte and La Hire walking down the aisle.

Daisy was positively beaming watching the others come up the aisle. She gave Charlotte a big hug when she got up to her, which earned some murmuring from the crowd.

After that, they exchanged rings. Mac gave her his, an orange gemstone on a gold ring (crafted by Daisy to her own specifications).

Mac's reciprocal rings was placed on his left pinky, so his left hand was now filled, besides the thumb.

Mac had a small moment of existential dread. I'm running out of fingers.

This was quickly dissipated as Daisy grabbed his hand, and they faced the crowd.

“I present to you all, King Mac and Queen Daisy of Ositania.”

A roar, even louder than before, came from everyone in attendance, especially the dwarves. Daisy and Lord Harald had both told him how much it meant to the dwarves of the kingdom to have a Dwarf Queen. Obviously, Mac had just wanted to marry Daisy, and Daisy had wanted to marry Mac. The societal advantages had been purely coincidental.

After being announced, Daisy pulled him down, giving him a long smooch, which got the crowd somehow louder.

She then wrapped her arm around his, pulling him down the aisle and out the door.

Daisy pulled him in for another kiss, this one a bit more tongue-oriented. “Do you want to skip dinner and go straight to bed?”

Mac chuckled, “Haha, I wouldn't mind, but are you sure you wanna skip dinner? I saw you devouring all those dwarven dishes yesterday.”

Daisy blushed, “I don't get those much at the palace! Well, the stuff Tillie cooks is just as good. Sometimes better...”

Mac nodded. “Besides, we'll need our energy for tonight.”

Daisy blushed more, giving him another kiss before dragging him towards the Great hall.


The Great hall of Lord Harald's palace was set up for dinner already when they got there.

Mac ate more of the rock lobsters he'd had the previous day, plus several different stews and casseroles (the dwarves seemed fond of potatoes and beef especially).

As always, Mac listened on the conversations of his partners, although felt a little sad that many of them couldn't be there.

Charlotte was on the other side of Daisy, and they were discussing...the steam engine. I'll be glad once they can finally talk about something else...

“I know a few, I'm gonna talk with them tomorrow, since we're not leaving until the day after,” Daisy said between mouthfuls.

Charlotte nodded. She took a swig from her glass. She had gained enough alcohol tolerance that she was now allowed one glass of wine before being cut off (which Charlotte herself was very excited about). “Just make sure they sign that paper Marie wrote, or she'll get mad.”


Saphoa was talking with Mazzy, who was standing behind her.

“Saphy, these landfolk weddings are amazing. I can't believe you're going to have one!”

Saphoa smiled at Mac, before turning back to Mazzy. “You could have one too, if you find a man.”

Mazzy blushed a bit, but then shook her head. “Even so, I won't be marrying a king...”


After finishing eating, they did the customary walk around. This one was very busy, as many dwarf noble lord and ladies in the realm came up to pay their respects, complimenting the dagger and chainmail, and offering another drink (which Mac politely declined).

Eventually, he got to Lord Harald. Lady Sophia was busy laughing with his wives behind him.

Mac smiled, “I'm glad everyone's getting along.”

Lord Harald gave a nervous laugh. “Haha, I was a little worried about telling them that not only was I getting another wife, but it was an elf lady!”

Mac nodded. “What are you doing about living arrangements?”

“Oh, we talked about that already. We're thinking of doing two months a year together here, two months together at the elven palace, then eight months separate, and rotate that every year.”

Mac raised his eyebrows. “You're going to spend eight months separate every year?”

“Aye. It may sound odd, but dwarves and elves live a long time, so it's not that uncommon to go a while without seeing each other. Besides, we can still visit occasionally. And...I have other wives that need attention too.”

His four wives blushed a bit, the one closest to him playfully slapping his shoulder.


After that, they wandered around a bit more, saying hello to Lord Cartegna and some of the others they knew, before making a show of heading off to bed.

As they were standing there, Mac whispered, “I'm surprised dwarves do this tradition as well.”

Daisy laughed, “Haha, they wanna see babies soon, too!”


Wedding Night


Mac and Daisy were could barely keep their hands off each other, heading towards the room they would share, when they started hearing shouting down the hall.

Daisy chuckled, “That's not proper, if you're gonna get rowdy you shouldn't bother the bride and groom.”

Mac smiled and nodded, but stopped as he saw motion down the hall.

Two men had come around the bend, with yellow armor that he didn't recognize. The two men stopped, then held up bows.

Mac moved on instinct, putting himself between them and Daisy. Sure enough, he felt a couple pings on his back, though between the Prism Beast cape and his orichalum armor, they felt like a light poke.

Dammit, what is this!? He heard the two men running down the hall. “Daisy, we need to-”

He stopped as Daisy, looking enraged, grabbed a warhammer from one of the suits of armor in the hall. “Don't you dare hurt my man!” she shouted. Mac turned to see the two men surprised, as Daisy leaped at them, swinging the hammer down. The first one couldn't get his sword up in time, and had his face crushed as the hammer swung into it. The second was about to stab at Daisy, so Mac held up his hand, but Daisy swung the hammer so quickly into the second man's side, he didn't have time to actually use his magic, as the man crumpled with a sickening thud.

Mac watched in horror at what had just unfolded, then looked at his wife. “Daisy!” he said, hugging her.

Daisy, letting the hammer's head fall, leaned against the handle. “Been a while since I done that, she said between breathes.

“What's going on? Who's men are these?”

Daisy shook her head. “Look at 'em.”

Mac did, but didn't recognize them. They had olive skin, even deeper than Provental (or at least the two he had met so far), and thin, curved mustaches. After a moment, though, he recognized where he had seen the face before. “Navarrans!?”

Daisy nodded. “Maybe someone hired-...” but she trailed off as she looked out the window. She walked over to it, the color draining from her face. “Mac...”

Mac walked over, and looked out as well. His mind took a second to comprehend what he was seeing. People were fighting in the streets of Stromvurk, more of the men in yellow armor everywhere, battling dwarves and other guards anywhere he looked. Several buildings were on fire, the smoke rising up and blocking some of the lightcrystals in the ceiling, beginning to shroud the city in darkness.

This is bad. What is going on here!?

Before he could try and think of what to do, they heard more shouting. Five more men in yellow armor rounded the same corner the others had, and pointed when they saw them. Two raised their bows while the other three started charging. Two of those held up swords, and one held up his hand. Is he going to use magic? He could see some of them had blood on them.

Mac didn't hesitate this time, using his evil-emperor style lightning, fanning it down the hall. The men in metal armor were shocked instantly, falling to the ground twitching.

Daisy looked at him. “I knew about your magic of course, but dam that's powerful.”

Mac nodded, wiping his forehead, “Yes, but I'll get Magic Fatigue if I have to use it too often.”

Daisy grabbed the warhammer with both hands again, before starting off the other direction. “We need to get back to the others.”

Mac instantly thought of Charlotte and Saphoa. Not just them, but La Hire and his wives, Daisy's parents, Lord Cartegna, Lord Harald and Lady Sophia... He nodded and followed after.


They heard fighting everywhere, and found several dead in the halls. Unfortunately, it was both Navarran and theirs, some nobles guards and a few dwarves. After a minute of running, they almost ran headfirst into La Hire and Lord Harald, flanked by several guards, who were running around a corner from the other direction.

La Hire let out a huge sigh when he saw them. “Sire...”

Lord Harald dropped his ax, hugging Daisy. “Niece...” he then noticed the blood on her warhammer. “Are you alright?”

Daisy smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, thankfully the weapon lessons from you and Dad are still ingrained in me. Got nothing on hubby though, his magic took out a bunch of 'em.”

La Hire jumped in, “Sire, we must get you and Daisy back to the Great Hall. Lord Cartegna has set up a defense there until we can ascertain what is going on.”

Mac grimaced, “There's fighting in the streets, and a bunch of buildings are on fire.”

Lord Harald started seething with rage. “Those bastard Navarrans. Invading my city! There won't be a Navarran left alive once I'm through with them. I'm going to rally the men.”

La Hire nodded, and they parted ways, Daisy giving her uncle one more hug before he left with some of the dwarves.

La Hire and the guards formed a box around Mac and Daisy, swiftly going through the halls of the palace towards the Great Hall. After a short jaunt, they got to the main doors. They were closed, and a dozen Navarrans were standing outside. They had a small tree sharpened into a portable ram, swinging it against the door, which seemed to be splintering.

La Hire motioned to his men, but Mac stopped him. La Hire was incredulous, “Sire, I can't let you-”

Mac held out his hand, shooting electricity out of his palm. He knew now the armor-clad guards would conduct it easily, so he fanned it out to try and hit all of them. The guards watched in awe as the Navarrans fell.

The guards ran over, stabbing any that were still moving. Mac thought he should feel bad about it, but the feelings weren't coming to him.

He heard some shouting from the other side. La Hire banged against it, “Lord Cartegna, it's La Hire, we have the King and Queen.”

There was more shouting from the other side, as he heard a bunch of scraping and thudding. After a half minute, the door swung open, with Lord Cartegna, some royal guards, and dwarven guards all looking relieved.

As they entered, a high-pitched voice shouted, “Mac! Daisy!” Charlotte came running from a huddled group in the middle of civilians.

Lord Cartegna put his hand on Mac's head. “I knew you'd be alright, son.”

Three maids ran past them, mobbing La Hire and crying. La Hire gave a pained smile, wrappings his arms around the three of them.

Mac looked around for Saphoa, who was giving him a relieved smile. Saphoa was holding a spear, the tip drenched in blood. Luckily, none seemed to be on her, though.

Charlotte was still crying in his chest, so he tried to comfort her. “We're okay.”

Daisy grabbed Charlotte's hands and smiled at her. Charlotte now cried into Daisy's chest. Daisy took her and went over to the middle of the hall with the others who were sitting there, including Daisy's mother and father, who both gave her hugs as well.

Behind them, he saw Mazzy treating some wounded, occasionally glancing over at Saphoa (and maybe once at La Hire).

As Mac turned, La Hire was reassuring his own partners. “I'm fine. I'm not going to die before our children are here.”

“You better not die after either!” Kelly said, punching him in the shoulder. After he gave them all another hug, they went and sat in the middle with the others.

Lord Cartegna, having been waiting, now started explaining quickly, “A minute after you left, they started stabbing the guards in the back around the perimeter. It's lucky we have so many combatants in the hall, or we all may have been slaughtered. You're fiance there is a savant with that spear, she singlehandedly defended one of the doors by herself with one she stole.

Saphoa, who was standing slightly behind, blushed and looked away. “I was simply doing what anyone would do in my situation.”

Lord Cartegna smiled at her. “We were able to kill every attacker in the hall and set up defenses, but they've been trying to get in since.”

Mac looked around. Due to it's size, the Great Hall had six entrances, one on each short side (the one they had just come in, and the far one which Mac thought was the kitchens), and two one each long side, that led out side-halls. The ones on the side seemed to still have Navarrans outside, as they occasionally shook, and the guards were holding tables and roller trays to stop them from being forced open.

Luckily, Mac and Daisy's safety seemed to have reinvigorated the guards (both human and dwarven) and they were even shouting back at the Navarrans.

As Mac had a chance to calm down for the first time since he and Daisy had been attacked, he slowly felt himself becoming angrier and angrier.

Lord Cartegna seemed to noticed, and put a hand on his shoulder. “I understand, son. We'll have time to be angry later. We need to get you and the royal family to safety.”

Mac nodded. Think...this is the time for you to be a King. I need to figure something out and do what I can.

Lady Sophia, who had been talking with some of the civilians in the middle, walked over. “Are we breaking out?” She pulled a pair of knives from underneath her dress. One was clean, but the other had obvious blood on it.

Mac nodded, looking over. “We need to get everyone to safety.”

Lord Cartegna looked worried for a moment, but then smiled. “As my sire commands.”

La Hire, who seemed to be thinking, jumped in. “Lord Cartegna, they're attacking the whole city.”

Lord Cartegna nodded. “We need to get to the keep.”

Mac was taken aback, “Don't we need to defend the city?”

Lord Cartegna and La Hire looked at each other, then at him.

“Sire, we need you safe,” La Hire explained.

Lord Cartegna nodded in agreement.

Mac's anger from earlier was returning. “Dammit, I'm not hiding while I can do something! My magic can take out some, at least until I get Magic Fatigue.”

La Hire had a pained expression on his face, but Lord Cartegna smiled again. “Captain, I think we should let him. He won't die easily with this, haha” he laughed, rapping on Mac's chainmail.

Lady Sophia nodded, “That's the way a King should act.”

Saphoa also seemed to be giving an approving nod.

La Hire bit his lip, then sighed. “Fine, but we need to get everyone else to safety first.”


As La Hire and Lord Cartegna talked with some of the dwarves about the best way to the keep, Mac thought about someone. Actually, to someone.

Rhea, if you can hear me, I really need you right now. He looked around, but couldn't see her anywhere. No one had seen her since she left before their Arkantan trip.

Saphoa, who was now hovering just behind Mac, tapped his shoulder. Mac looked around at her, and Saphoa pointed to the door they had come in. There was a small strobing light underneath, although no one else had seemed to notice. “Do you see that?”

Mac took a moment, then realized what it was. He went over, and opened the door slightly. The guards looked at him but said nothing, and he pretended to just be peering through into the hall. He felt something fly into his regalia.

He closed the door and walked away, and felt Rhea climbing up to his neck.

“That hurt! Since when do you wear armor?” she whispered into his ear.

“Sorry, it was a gift from Daisy,” he whispered back.

“Oh, well I won't be so mad then. I'd ask why you called me, but I think I already know...”

Mac grimaced, “Yeah, thanks for coming.”

“I actually already was, but I sped up once I felt your emotions.”

Mac got straight to it, “Can you help us out? Like you did with the Prism Beast?”

Rhea shook her head, “That was different, it was some sort of monster. I can't kill Children. Or help you kill Children. That's against the rules for spirits.”

Mac sighed, “Even if you're threatened? Or your fiance? I feel bad guilting you, but I wouldn't ask something like this unless it's an emergency. And this is an emergency.”

Rhea was silent for a moment. Then a few moments. Then a minute.

As Mac was about to apologize for even suggesting it, Rhea whispered. “You're right. Screw the rules, I'm not letting you or the others die over some rule from millennia ago.”

Mac smiled. I feel bad, but I really need your help.

Rhea kissed him on the cheek.

“Mac...there is something in your collar.”

Mac turned around, and saw Saphoa staring at Rhea. Dammit! “Uh...”

Rhea flew over and started hurriedly whispering into Saphoa's ear. Whatever she was telling her, Saphoa nodded, seeming to understand. Rhea then flew back into Mac's regalia (carefully, this time).

La Hire came up to him, “Sire, let's go,” he said to him. He then shouted, “Guards! We're getting the civilians to the keep, then King Mac is leading a sortie out into the city.”

The guards, Royal and dwarven alike, all cheered loudly, the roar echoing through the hall. The pounding on the doors temporarily stopped as the Navrrans seemed unsure what to make of it.

They hurriedly formed a train, the dwarven guards leading the way, followed by Mac and the other nobles that could fight, followed by the civilians, and the Royal and nobles' guards in the rear. There was no Navarrans outside the main door still, so they quickly went through, everyone briskly walking down the hall.

They took several turns, hearing the sounds of fighting in the distance, although nothing was close. After a couple minutes, Rhea whispered in his ear, “There's some ahead. The enemy Children.”

Mac, assuming that meant Navarrans, shouted, “Hold on!”

The guards ahead of him, stopped, looking back at him confused. Mac quickly went ahead of him, sticking his head around the corner. Sure enough, a dozen or so were running down the hall. Mac held up his hand, sending electricity surging through them.

The dwarven guards that hadn't seen this already earlier were astounded, but quickly recovered and ran over to hack at the Navarans on the ground. They then kicked them to the side, clearing way for the others.

Lord Cartegna looked at him suspiciously. “Sire, how did you...”

Mac shook his head, “I'll explain later.” It's going to be impossible to hide it after what I have planned, anyway.

Lord Cartegna seemed confused, but nodded.

They kept running, until finally reaching the large metal doors of the keep. It was hard to tell, since the whole palace was built into the mountain, but Mac assumed this was the place of last defense, deep in the mountain.

“If worse comes to worse, is there a way out of here?” Mac asked.

La Hire nodded. “Lord Harald said there is an escape tunnel that goes on top of the mountain.”

I guess that's better than nothing.

There were guards at the door, who quickly had it opened as they saw who was approaching. Mac turned to his partners, saying preemptively, “I promise I'll be careful.”

Charlotte started crying again, hugging him as hard as she could.

“I'm going with you,” Saphoa said, tightening her grip on the spear. “It is every woman's dream to fight by her man.”

Mac blinked a few times. “I-”

“I will not take no for an answer. I have fought before, I know the risks.”

Mac nodded, remembering her story of fighting the people from the deep parts of the sea. This is probably child's play compared to that.

Lady Sophia, who had just hugged Charlotte, gave her a devious smile. “I like you. I need to go find Harald too, lest he die before we can even have our marriage ceremony.”

Daisy blushed at Mac, “I'd like to go with you too, but I think I'd just be hindrance.”

Mac hugged her, “Stay with Charlotte. I think she'd feel better having you with her. Besides, all the dwarves here are fighting for you.”

Daisy blushed and nodded, then went over and hugged Charlotte, who seemed a bit surprised.

La Hire was giving a kiss to all his partners.

Lord Cartegna was holding his sword pressed into the floor, watching over them all with a determined look on his face.


After the gate was closed, the guards and remaining nobles who were joining the combat rushed away.

“Are we heading to the front entrance?” Mac asked.

“No, the Narvarrans probably won't have horses, so we should get ours from the stable. Can you ride, sire?” La Hire asked.


“I cannot either, though I'd much like to learn,” Saphoa said.

La Hire frowned. “I guess ride with me, then. Saphoa, can you go with one of the others?”

“Haha, my daughter can come with me!” Lord Cartegna shouted.

“Daughter?” Saphoa asked, seemingly confused.

“Any woman marrying my son is a daughter to me,” Lord Cartegna smiled.

Saphoa nodded with a smile, “I see.”

They eventually got to the stables, only running into a couple Navarrans. These ones seemed to have broken off from the main group and were trying to loot, and were hacked down as they were carrying treasures and armor found around the palace.

La Hire helped Mac get onto the horse, and Mac tried his best not to hold onto him too tightly. Saphoa jumped on behind Lord Cartegna with ease, seemingly already at home.

Lady Sophia got on a horse (there were many unclaimed ones due to losses), and followed closely behind.

The dwarves, who didn't normally ride horses, fell in behind them, planning to run all the way.

They opened the doors to the palace stables, and could see the city laid out in front of them. There was smoke everywhere, covering the lightcrystals more than before. The dwarves were noticeably irritated.

La Hire rode to the door and turned sideways to shout. “Men! Our first goal is to link up with Lord Harald's force, then, we drive-” He stopped as Mac grabbed his shoulder. “Sire?”

Mac nodded, before shouting himself, “Everyone! I have no idea why these Navarran dolts decided to attack us, but they won't get away with it. Keep yourself safe, but don't let one of these bastards get away!”

Everyone roared as they had earlier. La Hire smiled and nodded, and Lord Cartegna and Lady Sophia did the same.

Mac then decided it was time. “This spirits are with us this day!”

Rhea took her cue, flying out and into the air above the city. Then, she shined. So bright did she get that it pierced through the smoke that had been collecting and blocking the lightcrystals, as if a small sun was inside the cavernous city of Stromvurk.

Everyone in the city stopped for a moment, unable to believe what they saw.

The guards all cheered, galloping out of the stables and into the city. Navarrans started running as they saw them charge, only to get hacked down. Mac could see some of the nobles with combat-useful magic shooting small fireballs or blowing enemies over with gusts of wind.

The dwarves followed behind, hacking anyone that was still alive, and filtering into the side-streets or up stairs where the horses couldn't reach.

Mac was judicious with his magic, only using it here and there to nab one at at time, usually trying to get archers that he saw before they could shoot an arrow into their group.


They continued fighting their way down the streets, their numbers growing larger as defenders from the city joined their group, and they had swelled to a couple hundred. Everyone they met seemed to be in awe of Rhea, who was still shining into every nook and cranny of Stromvurk. “I think Lord Harald is fighting in the market area,” La Hire shouted as they mopped up a group, pointing in the distance.

Mac nodded, and La Hire motioned for their force to set off again.

They quickly made it, and it was obvious the largest and fiercest fighting was occurring here. Most of the market stalls were on fire, and the large open area was full of both dwarves and Navarrans.

“Harald!” he heard Sophia shout. She raced through the crowd, jumping off her horse and throwing a knife into the neck of a Navarran.

La Hire and Lord Cartegna galloped after her as the guards and dwarves all joined the fray. Sophia was holding up Lord Harald, who was standing (with help) but had a bloody side.

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, I'm fine. I suffered worse wounds in the last war.”

Sophia wasn't having it though, “Dammit, you need to get that treated.”

“It's fine, I-”

Sophia kissed him then and there to shut him up. “I'm not letting you die before we can even have a child!”

Lord Harald gulped, but nodded. Sophia had the horse kneel down so Lord Harald could get on. She jumped up behind him, holding him tightly. “I'm taking him back to the palace.”

The others nodded.

Lord Harald shouted to his guards, “Protect King Mac with your lives!”

The dwarves, all still fighting and holding off Navarrans, roared in response.

Mac then realized that he was right in the middle of the fighting. They were in a small pocket created by Harald's guards, but fighting was happening everywhere around them.

Saphoa had jumped in with the dwarves, stabbing over them at the Navarrans, while the dwarves who were defending looked in awe at the tall blue woman running every which way.

Lord Cartegna and La Hire took a stance on either side of Mac, making sure no one could get close.

Mac gulped. Think, think...he looked up at Rhea. Are you okay, Rhea?

The light coming from her strobed slightly. Many of the combatants were thrown off by this (especially the Navarrans, who seemed wary of the light) but Mac figured she was just answering in the affirmative. As he was looking over at her, something else caught his eye. Hmmm...

Mac quickly tried to figure out the feasibility of his plan. “Father! Is there a...like a way to force then enemy into a box? Like surround them?” he tried his best to explain.

Lord Cartegna frowned. “There is, but forcing them into a pocket like that means they'll fight to the death, and we'll lose a lot of men. Granted, we should kill them all, but it's better to leave-”

Mac shook his head. “Don't needlessly attack. Just surround them and force them to bunch up. And stay away from my magic.”

Lord Cartegna nodded, then jumped on his horse. “Men! Surrounding action! Form them into a pocket!”

La Hire, who had been listening in, said “Sire...”

“La Hire, get three guards and take me to that over there,” Mac pointed to an object in the distance.

La Hire looked over, then seemed to clock on to Mac's plan. “Are you sure, sire? Won't you get Magic Fatigue?”

Mac shook his head, “It's fine.”

Before La Hire could protest, Saphoa came over. “Are we moving?”

Mac nodded, “Yes. I actually need you to make sure I don't die accidentally...”

Saphoa gave a serious nod.


La Hire tapped three guards, and they got back on their horses and broke through the group. Mac could see they were starting to form a pocket, with any Navarrans that didn't allow themselves to be pushed in getting slaughtered unsupported.

After a minute, they got to the object Mac had pointed too – one of the lifts that ferried people from the inside of the Stromvurk cavern out onto the mountainside.

Mac grabbed Saphoa's hand, and jumped onto the lift. La Hire and the guards started pumping the gears, and the lift began to rise. They were a bit slower than the dwarves who normally manned it, but they made steady progress.

“Get us about fifty meters up.”

La Hire nodded, breathing heavy as they kept going.

Too bad we didn't have a steam engine for the lifts, yet.

As they were going up, Saphoa suddenly turned Mac towards her, and gave him a kiss. It wasn't a peck, nor a make out, but a confident smooch.

“I am proud to be engaged to a King such as you,” Saphoa said. “You will lead both Ositania and Arkanta into greatness.”

Mac blushed, “Now's not the time...”

Saphoa smiled and shook her head. “Of course it is. There is no time like the heat of battle to profess your love,” she explained, before giving him another kiss.

Mac nodded, “I...I am glad to have you by my side,” he responded, thrown off and not sure exactly how to respond.

Saphoa smiled and blushed a bit, before focusing again. “So, how do I stop you from dying?”

“Just make sure I don't fall off,” Mac explained.

Saphoa nodded, grabbing his hips from behind, and getting a firm grip on his waist.

I guess this works.

At this point, Mac could see the battle below. Looking around, there was still fighting going on in other areas, but the market seemed to be the biggest concentration of Navarrans. As he had asked, they were now in a big pocket. He could see what he thought was Lord Cartegna riding around, presumably telling people to stand back. Some on both sides seemed to have realized the plan (or at least part of it), and arrows and magic were flying into and out of the pocket.

Mac held out his palm.

“Are you going to use your magic again?”

Mac nodded.

Saphoa tightened her grip on his waist.

Mac took a deep breath, then imagined a giant lightning bolt crashing down into the middle of the Navarrans.

Men were sent flying everywhere as the lightning struck. Some were fried to a crisp, while others were blown over by the rush of air from the strike. Any left standing were clutching their ears from the sound.

Lord Cartegna shouted orders, and the men around them charged into the Navarrans, hacking the startled survivors to pieces.

Mac watched this, but his head started swimming, and he felt like he was going to fall over. Luckily, Saphoa was more than strong enough to keep him up.

“Good job,” Saphoa heard her say. “Your magic is most useful in land combat.”

Mac turned around, hugging Saphoa and leaning into her. Despite not intending it anything by it, he laid his head on her chest.

Saphoa didn't seem to mind though, holding him closely into it as they started to descend.


“Sire?” La Hire asked as they reached the ground. “I expected you'd be knocked out.”

“I did too,” Mac got out, as Saphoa was supporting him up.

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound came from the distance, then started echoing around the city. Mac looked over in the direction, and saw that a giant metal portcullis was down at the mouth of the city.

“Um...” Mac said, not sure what to think.

La Hire, however, smiled. “That means we didn't lose the gate, then. The Navarrans wouldn't cut off their own path of escape.”

Seeing the gate was down, most of the remaining Navarrans in the city started panicking and trying to run, only to be cut down as they did. A few minutes later, and the fighting in the city had mostly subsided.

They met back up with Lord Cartegna in the market, where the efforts had changed to trying to douse the fires.

Lord Cartegna seemed worried, “Sire?”

Mac shook his head, “It's just Magic Fatigue.”

Lord Cartegna looked at him seriously. “You can die from Magic Fatigue. If only Eleanor were here...”

Mac grimaced. As nice as having her magic would be right now, I don't want her in danger.

Saphoa handed Mac off to La Hire, and went over to the people putting out the fires. Opening one of their water barrels, she started using her magic to spray water like a fire-hose, dousing any fires she could reach.

The guards started shouting, pointing to her, and bringing water barrels over to her to use.

As they were watching her, a dwarf came up to them, looking to be a captain by his insignia. “Is Lord Harald nearby?”

Lord Cartegna responded, “He was...well, he was dragged back to the palace as he was wounded.”

The dwarf nodded. “I'm reporting in from the front gate. We managed to stop them from entering and got the gate closed, but an emissary from their army is requesting a meeting.”

“Army!?” Mac responded.

The dwarf realized who he was, and bowed. “Sire, I may be the first to report, but there is also a Navarran army outside the gates. They seem to be preparing to siege us.”

Mac looked at La Hire and Lord Cartegna.

Lord Cartegna nodded, “We should at least hear what they have to say.”


They followed the dwarf captain, who led them to the gate. Mac grimaced as he saw the bodies in the streets, a seething anger building in him again.

Eventually, they wound their way to the large gate. Dwarves were busy erecting defenses in the streets just inside, warily eyeing the army and tents in the distance through the portcullis, and they had to walk through them like a maze. Many of the dwarves cheered seeing Mac, still in his (now dirty and bloodied) regalia, Prism Beast cape still hanging behind him.

“You see, Son? Every one of them will fight to the death for you,” Lord Cartegna said, as if trying to reassure him.

Mac shook his head, “That's what I'm worried about.”

Reaching the gate, they looked through the portcullis to see a contingent of Navarran cavalry, a standard-bearer, and a pompously dressed man in the middle.

The pompously dressed one addressed him. “Ah, by your apparel I assume you are King Mac of Ositiania?”

Mac was thrown off by the man's nonchalance, simply replying “Yes...”

“Very good. I am Juan, adjutant to his Majesty, King Lavon of Navar. He demands the immediate surrender of Stromvurk.”

The guards nearby started shouting. Lord Cartegna shouted back, “You can't be serious.”

Juan chuckled a bit. “Haha, I'm not sure how you expect this to end. We have you besieged, all your top military commanders stuck inside, with no hope of reinforcement any time soon. Your ally can't come to your rescue, either, since we invaded them as well.

Mac did a double-take. Ally!? They're attacking Arkanta? How did they even get over there? Navar is landlocked.

“Well, will you surrender?” Juan asked again.

Mac felt loathing welling up inside him. Holding out his hand, he sent electricity coursing through the guards around the man.

The horses started bucking, sending the electrocuted guards to the ground, writing in agony.

The adjutant looked around, fear filling his face. He quickly turned around, “You'll regret that!” before galloping into the distance.

Mac held up his hand to use his magic again, but Lord Cartegna and La Hire both stopped him.

“Sire, don't use any more magic,” La Hire pleaded with him.

“It's not worth it, son. It's not proper to attack messengers. Although, I'm not opposed to foregoing proper procedures given the circumstances...”

Mac keeled over on his knees, barely able to stay conscious. After a moment, La Hire helped him up.

The guards nearby, who had been cheering when Mac used his magic on the messenger guards, got quiet in worry.

Lord Cartegna shouted, “Everyone, focus on your defenses, we're getting the King some rest.”

They helped Mac back onto La Hire's horse, then headed back to the market area, where Saphoa was resting, having used her magic to put out most of the fires in the area.

She quickly stood up, concerned at Mac's appearance. “Mac?”

Mac smiled unconvincingly, “Sorry, just a bit tired.”


War Councils


They made their way back to the palace stables, and on the way, the light (Rhea) that was helping illuminating Stromvurk suddenly went out, now back to only lightcrystals and smoke in the air.

Everyone looked around, wondering what had happened, while Mac felt a thump land in his pocket.

They dropped off their horses, before making their way back to the keep. The gates there were open, seemingly safe enough now they didn't need to keep them closed.

“We need to get sire to a bed,” La Hire stated to his fiances, who were waiting just inside.

Lord Cartegna responded, “We'll be having a War Council, we need Mac to be there...”

“Yes, but he's going to overexert himself-”

Mac shook his head, “It's fine.”

“Sire, I must insist-”

“I'm not going to use magic, just talk.”

La Hire bit his lip, “Very well, sire.”


As they were waiting in the entrance hall of the keep, Daisy's mom and dad came over. “Are you alright, son?”

Mac nodded. “I'm fine. How are the others?”

“Daisy and Charlotte fell asleep. Well, Charlotte cried herself to sleep and Daisy fell asleep while comforting her.”

A small smile came to Mac's face imagining that tender scene.


After a few minutes to talk, the leaders went to a room the center of the keep, where Lord Harald (a bandage wrapped around him) and Lady Sophia were already waiting. Joining them for the council was Mac (with Rhea in pocket), Lord Cartegna, Captain La Hire, and Saphoa, along with Lord Harald's adjutant, who had just laid out a map of Stromvurk on the table in the center. Mac was immediately reminded of the bandit subjugation, when they had met before starting. This was much more somber.

Lord Harald looked up at them as they entered. “Sire? I heard the gate was closed, but we've been besieged.”

Mac dropped himself on a chair, looking at the map. With a deep breath to try and focus his mind, he asked, “How did this happen?”

Lord Harald pointed to two thin routes leading west out of Stromvurk. “The bastards forced their way through the tunnels. The same ones we used to get supplies from Navar in the last war. The bastards knew they led straight into the city. There goal was probably to assassinate the leadership and capture the gate, so they could take the city with minimal fighting and no siege. Luckily, they failed on both counts.”

Mac nodded. “What about the tunnels?”

“We've caved them in already. It would take weeks for us to re-clear them. And the Navarrans aren't dwarves, it could take them months.”

Lord Cartegna chimed in, “How much supplies do we have?”

Lord Harald grimaced, “Depends on how many we lost. It's a few months normally, but with everyone in town for the Royal wedding, it's probably only six weeks at most without serious rationing. We could pick the mountain bare and harvest our crops early, but that has it's limits, and there's no way we could feed everyone just from that for more than an extra couple weeks.”

Everyone made pained expressions.

“What are our options?” La Hire asked.

Lord Harald pointed to the mountain. “By design, besides the front gate and the tunnels, the only other entrance is the mountain lifts. We could try to escape through there, but all the paths would lead down through the area where the Navarran army would be patrolling. Maybe we could sneak a runner or two through, but not everyone. Not even just Mac and his Queens, and I doubt he would be up for it.”

“I'm not leaving people here to die,” Mac stated succinctly.

“Son, you and the girls are the most important people here, we can't-”

Mac slammed, the table, “Dammit, I'm not doing that! I'd rather die and let everyone else live.”

Everyone looked at him with a grimace.

Lady Sophia said to him, “I admire your courage, but you know that's not acceptable. Our country barely survived with no sovereign already. Even if we have your queens and children on the way, the center point is you. You're the one keeping everything together.”

Mac felt his anger draining. And his energy. She's right. I can't let my emotions get the best of me.

Saphoa, who had been standing silently behind him, put a hand on his shoulder. “Mac...my love...I commend your courage, but now is not the time for a fight to the death. If you want to get us all out alive, we need to think of a plan that does so.”

Mac looked up at her and smiled.

Lord Cartegna smiled, “She's right. You've had good plans before, with everyone here we can think of something else.”

Mac nodded. He looked at the view of Stromvurk, and tried to think. “Is a sortie out of the question? How much do you think they outnumber us by?”

Lord Cartegna responded, “Based on what I could see of their camp, they outnumber us fifteen to one. Maybe twenty to one.”

Lord Harald shook his head. “A dwarf is worth five Navarrans, but even at those odds it would be suicide.”

Mac nodded.

Lady Sophia commented, “We need to pincer them, like Harald did the Proventals in the last war at the siege of Pearie. That seems like the safest way to guarantee victory.”

Lord Cartegna responded, “It could take a week for a scout to sneak through and get a message to Pearie, another week to get the message to all the nobles, and another before they are mobilized. By the time they get here, we'd be dangerously low on supplies. And that's assuming they don't try an assault.”

La Hire looked like that was dubious, “You think they'd try and assault?”

Lord Harald nodded, “They might. If they have siege weapons, they might try and break down the gate. It's solid dwarven work, but it won't stand up to a constant beating forever.”

So, really, time isn't on our side, and we need to speed up the process. “What if we could get a message out to the nobles quicker?”

Lord Cartegna laughed, “Well, we'd be a lot better off. But unless you can fly too with that magic of yours, we don't have any way besides a scout sneaking past their patrols.”

Mac felt a rustling in his pocket. I guess it's time. “I have a way, but...everyone needs to promise not to freak out.”

They all looked at him weird, except Saphoa, who nodded.

“Son, what are you on about?” Lord Cartegna asked.

“You need sleep, sire, let's end the council here and pick it up in the morning,” Sophia added.

Mac thought Go ahead, Rhea.

“Wahaha!” a voice came, as Rhea flew out of his pocket.

Everyone stared at Rhea, as she floated above the map.

“What in the blazes...” Lord Cartegna said, squinting his eyes.

“Is...is that a spirit!?” Sophia said, half shouting as she pointed at Rhea.

“Yes! It is I, Arborhea, primordial spirit of the trees! And also fiance and lover to King Mac of Ositania!”

Mac facepalmed.

“Fiance!?” Lord Cartegna shouted.

Lover!?” Sophia shouted.

“She is very cute,” Saphoa added.

Lord Harald and his adjutant were laughing uproariously. “You're something else, King, seducing a spirit...”

“I didn't really seduce her...”

“That's right, I seduced him! He was in the royal bath, so I slipped in while everyone else was away, and-”

Mac grabbed Rhea, holding her in his hand. “Rhea, please, let's focus.”

Rhea nodded, “Sorry, I just love talking about it.”

“I know, we can later,” he looked up at the rest of those gathered. “Rhea can send messages out. How fast can you get to Pearie? Without wearing yourself out too much?”

Rhea tapped her cheek, “Probably a couple hours. I don't mind wearing myself out, though, for you.”

Mac blushed a bit, “I appreciate that, but Marie and the others will have messages for you to send out as well.”

Sophia slapped her fist in her hand. “That light! It was the same as when we fought the Prism Beast!”

Rhea scratched her head, “Haha, yeah, that was me.”

Lord Cartegna seemed to be having trouble with the situation. “What...what is this? If this is truly a spirit, we can't just use it as messenger scout.”

Rhea flew over to him, “I don't mind. I've already broken all the other rules today, I may as well do this too. I love Mac too much to let him die.”

He turned to Mac. “Is this for real?”

Mac nodded, “Rhea, tell him about Eleanor and her eye.”

Rhea nodded, then proceeded to tell the story of Eleanor and her relation to the spirit Celestina.

Lord Cartegna broke down, crying a bit. “All that superstition, and it was actually a blessing of a spirit ancestor, not a curse.

Rhea patted him on the back. “There, there...”

Everyone was silent for a bit, thinking things through with this new consideration.

After a couple minutes, La Hire broke the silence. “Something is still bothering me...”

“About Rhea?” Mac asked.

La Hire shook his head. “No...or at least, I'm trying not to think about that right now. It was something the messenger said, about attacking our ally. Did he mean Arkanta?”

Saphoa laughed, “Haha, if they are, it won't be long before they are wiped out. Though, I don't even know how they would get to our towns.”

Lord Harald shook his head. “Could he have meant Provent? We don't have an alliance with them, of course, just a peace agreement, but King Lavon could have misconstrued that.”

Lord Cartegna nodded. “I believe you are probably right. Once we break this siege, we will need to move south. Unless they sent only a token force, there is no way Provent isn't overrun within weeks.”


- Outside Stromvurk, in the Navarran camp -


King Lavon looked at a map of the area, complete with Stromvurk in the middle, and all the mountain paths they knew about.

“Make sure no scouts get through. The longer we delay reinforcements, the likelier they will give up,” he said to his adjutant, who bowed and rushed out to relay the orders.

King Lavon looked over to the side, where his slave stood. Of course, he was a slave in name only, no handcuffs or bindings were on him.

This 'slave', clad in the officer armor of Navar, was Lord Oran. When Lavon had seen him, he had recognized him from the peace talks during the last war. He was surprised to see a Ositanian Lord being sold into slavery, in his country, but he wasn't going to let the opportunity pass by.

Lavon already had plans to invade Ositania in the future. However, Lord Oran had brought news of the weak new King of Ositania, more concerned with women than governing, and his alliance with Provent. This caused Lavon to move up his plans. Both Ositania and Provent were still weak from the last war, so the time to strike was now while they had a weak, new King who was still consolidating power.

Or at least, that was what Lord Oran had told him.

And even now, he had no reason to doubt him. While the plan to take Stromvurk during the royal wedding had failed, it had always been a longshot, and they could easily win a siege. The dwarves couldn't rely on the Navarrans to aid them, now, so they would have limited resources. And while news would surely eventually get out, they had trapped all their main military leaders (according to Lord Oran) in the city, so the chances of them pulling off a pincer maneuver were minimal.

Now, he just had to wait.

“You're sure I shouldn't split my forces?” King Lavon said to Lord Oran. “The capital should be mostly undefended right now.”

Lord Oran shook his head, pointing to their camp on the map. “Once they are fully mobilized, the force descending on us will be larger than what you have here, since the other half of your forces are in Provent. We must force them all here, instead of getting split up and defeated separately.”

King Lavon nodded. “Alright, I am trusting your information. We must win this siege before they can gather here.”

Lord Oran smiled evilly. “We will.”

King Lavon laughed, “Haha, whenever I think I am evil, I am kept in check by you.”

Lord Oran shook his head. “That bastard took everything from me. I want his head, then I can die in peace.”

King Lavon shook his head, “No, I need you on the Ositanian throne when we make it a puppet state.”

Lord Oran chuckled, “You're right. I'll make a good despot, at least.”




After the war council concluded, Mac was given a room in the keep (they were keeping all the royals there for the time being, despite the danger inside the city having disappeared). Laying down, still in his regalia, he kept surging through a mix of emotions. Anger, worry, hatred, caution. And trying to think of what to do to survive.

While he was tired, he was not sleepy.

As he lay there, a knock came at the door. He got up and went to open it, and Saphoa was outside, still in her slightly blood-stained traditional Arkantan dress.

She walked in, and sat at the table.

Mac wasn't sure what she wanted, so he walked over.

“Do you have a plan?”

Mac thought for a moment, then nodded. “The beginnings of one. I and anyone else with long range magic can help weaken them from the mountaintop. Or at least prevent them from getting close. And I'm going to see if-”

He was cut off as Saphoa stood up, quickly grabbing his cheek with one hand to steady them, and kissing him.

“Sa-saphoa!?” Mac said, a bit startled.

“I am sorry Mac, I can no longer hold back. You have lit a spark in me,” she explained, before kissing him again.

Mac wasn't sure what to do, too tired to resist, he merely held her hips.

After a minute, Saphoa pulled back, blushing and smiling.

“What's going on? Why are you suddenly...” he trailed off.

Saphoa nodded, “I know. It may be a bit odd after our last talk, but...seeing you today, I felt it. Your fighting, your leadership, your confidence...I saw you and all I could think is 'Yes, this is the man I want to marry! This is the man I want to be the father of my children!” Saphoa explained enthusiastically. “I cannot wait, I want to make love to you immediately.”

Mac watched as she started unwrapping her dress. While he was trying to think of a way to calm her down, he realized that he just...shouldn't. Or maybe didn't want too. Saphoa wanted him, and...he wanted Saphoa right now.

Mac watched her blue breasts get bared to the room. Saphoa was blushing, continuing to unwind the dress until she was fully naked.

“That's an interesting dress,” Mac said, looking her up and down.

Saphoa giggled, “Come on, you too.”

Mac laboriously took off his chainmail and regalia, setting them down carefully (even though they would need washed).

Saphoa then blushed further, looking him up and down. “You are very handsome.”

“You are very...beautiful.”

Saphoa walked forward, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him once more.

Mac carefully probed with his tongue, inserting it into her mouth.

Saphoa was a quick learner, fighting back with her own tongue, as they made out until they were both short of breath.

“That is an interesting way to kiss,” Saphoa said. “Is that how lovers do it?”

Mac chuckled, “Yes. Some, at least. You should ask Emma about it some time.”

Saphoa nodded as Mac led her to the bed and laid her down.

Mac was going to play with her using his fingers, but Saphoa grabbed him, lining up his member. “It is my first time, but I know how it goes.”

Mac nodded, deciding they would try out foreplay another time. Sticking his member in, he didn't have too much difficulty sliding it in all the way (which he had expected due to her size and build).

Saphoa, however, gave an uncharacteristic moan. “It feels like you stabbed me with a spear.”

Mac gave a sheepish smile, “Well, I sort of did...”

Saphoa looked at him, “Aren't you supposed to move? Or should I move in this situation?”

Mac shook his head, “I will, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I am more than okay, despite the pain, feeling connected like this is wonderful.”

Mac smiled, then started slowly pistoning in and out. Saphoa seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, writhing around each time he stabbed in. He started massaging her breasts, giving them a squeeze every time he rotated. Despite being large, they were very tough, and felt like trying to squeeze melons.

Saphoa, though, went red. “What are you doing?”

Mac blushed, “Sorry, I thought you would like it...”

“I do, I just...” Saphoa was at a loss for words.

Mac however, felt himself about to blow. “Is it okay inside?”

Saphoa seemed confused, “What do you mean? How else will we make children?”

Mac gave a 'well, alright' face, then grabbed her hips tightly as he emptied inside her.

After finishing, he fell over next to her, panting for breath.

Saphoa was also breathing heavily, arm draped over her forehead. Turning to look at Mac, she smiled, “That was...very enjoyable.”

Mac nodded. “It was...”

Saphoa leaned over, “What's wrong?”

Mac sighed, “I just feel a little bad now. I'm supposed to spend my wedding night with the bride.”

Saphoa shrugged, “I know, but it is already the next day, so I figured it wouldn't be an issue.”

Mac chuckled, “I guess I got confused on time.”

Saphoa scooched next to him, pressing her breasts against him, so he could feel her nipples pressing into him. “This is where we cuddle and talk, right?”

Mac smiled, “Yeah, we definitely can.”

Saphoa nodded, but then looked down at Mac's member. “Wait, why are you still ready? Didn't we finish?”

Mac blushed, “Sorry, you're just...you're really sexy. Do you want to go again?”

Saphoa blushed, “I didn't even consider that...”


After going at it twice more, they laid next to each other in bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“Your desire for me is most intense. Is it always like this?” Saphoa asked.

“Do you want it to be?” Mac said teasingly.

Saphoa blushed, “I am not sure.” She cuddled up next to him again, “It is nice, though.”

Mac smiled, brushing the green hair out of her face, and giving her a gentle kiss.

Saphoa smiled, and closed her eyes, quietly drifting to sleep.

Mac, however, was still not sleepy. While his emotions had calmed, his mind was now racing. What can I do tomorrow...


War Council, cont.


In the morning, the war council reconvened. Everyone had written messages, some several, to give to Rhea to sneak out.

Rhea was a bit larger than normal, about the size of a doll, and wearing a doll's dress to match.

“Where did you get that?” Mac asked.

“I took it from a dwarven girl's doll. It was in a chest, so I didn't think she'd miss it,” she explained.

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, one of my granddaughters is going to be confused when they find a naked doll in their playchest.”

The participants started going up to her, handing letters and explaining who and where each was needed.

Mac handed just one letter. “This is to Marie. It explains the situation, and what to do. Although I left her discretion to do anything extra or different she thinks is needed.”

Rhea nodded, inserting it into the small bag she had slung over herself.

Next was Lord Harald, who handed her four letters. “These are for the rest of the dwarf council. Do you recognize those cities?”

Rhea looked through them and nodded. “You dwarves never found any new cities.”

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, it is no small feat to carve out a mountain. Easier to continue digging out the ones already started.”

Next was Lady Sophia, handing her a letter. “Hand this to my guard Captain, at our great tree palace. You know where that's at, right?”

Rhea nodded. “Of course, I planted it.”

Sophia seemed taken aback, then slowly nodded. “Of course.”

Lord Cartegna also handed just one letter, instructing it to go to his steward (his own guard captain and some of his guard were already there).

Saphoa also handed a letter, in a special pouch. “Can you fly under water?”

Rhea nodded, “If I hold my breath.”

Saphoa nodded back, “Deliver this to my mother. Arkanta must honor it's alliance with Ositania.”

Mac was about to say something, but bit his lip. I feel bad, but I guess this is part of the reason why you make alliances, right?

Lastly, and to Mac's surprise, La Hire handed a letter as well, addressed to Gabriella.

“I told Marie to let Gabriella know about Provent being invaded.”

La Hire shook his head. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but was stopping himself.

“What's wrong?” Mac asked.

La Hire gave a small sigh, “I don't think you will like what I have to say.”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “Are you telling her to go back to Provent?”

La Hire shook his head. “No, I asked her to lead the contingent of guards coming from the palace. Pearie and the palace are not in immediate danger, so we are leaving only a token force.”

“You're having Gabriella lead a contigent of Royal guards!?” Mac asked, incredulous.

La Hire gave a hint of a grimace, but nodded. “I apologize for not consulting you first, sire, but I thought-...no, I still think it is the best option. She was adjutant to the King of Provent, and from my conversations with her during sparring, she is one of the better military minds we have in the Kingdom right now, and one of its best swords. And in an emergency like this, we need every mind and sword we can muster.”

Mac closed his eyes. “You really trust her that much?”

La Hire nodded. “I trust her to do the right thing.”

Mac held his forehead. “Look, I know you maybe just know bits and pieces, but we aren't really...anything. Her loyalties are with Provent, not us. I don't think we will ever even get engaged.”

“Provent is also being invaded, sire. Her helping us here helps Provent as well.”

Mac looked down for a moment, before shaking his head and sighing. “Fine, fine, I'm trusting your intuition La Hire...”

La Hire saluted him, and took a step back to the side.

Since Rhea now had all the letters, she closed the clasp on her back.

“Stay safe Rhea,” Mac said.

Rhea nodded, “Of course.” She flew up and towards him. “I need my goodbye kiss.”

Mac blushed slightly, and Rhea flew into his lips, connecting hers with his.

“Hehe, I'm off!” she said, flying out of the room in a streak.

The others looked a bit in awe, not sure exactly what to make of that.

“What times we live in, a spirit enamored with our king...” Lord Cartegna mused.

Sophia shook her head. “Everything I ever learned about spirits seems wrong.”

“Well, by Rhea's own admission, she is quite a bit different from other spirits...”

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, she's an interesting lass, but let's get back to the council. My men are assessing the stocks, so I'll have a report tonight or tomorrow. I've got every dwarf we can spare in the city working on defenses or making arrows. We have more arms and armor in the city then we'd ever need, of course. I-...sire?”

Mac had held up his hand. “I have something else for your smiths to work on.”

Lord Harald smiled. “Let's hear it!”

Mac turned to look at the corner, where Charlotte and Daisy had been quietly talking to themselves. While they weren't necessarily part of the council, they were allowed in as Mac's partners, and had come to support him. “Charlotte, did you find it?”

Charlotte nodded, taking the book she had a finger in at a certain page, and laying it on the table.

Lord Harald squinted his eyes. “What is this?”

Sophia looked and nodded. “Is this one of your Otherworlder books?”

Mac nodded. “Technically it's a copy Charlotte made. The actual books are secured in the palace.”

Charlotte pointed to the page. “This is the spring, right?”

“Right. Well, technically that's a mattress, but it uses springs. Do dwarves know how to make metal springs?”

Lord Harald raised an eyebrow. “I have no idea what those are, but I bet we can.”

“It's one of these,” he pointed to the springs in cutaway of a mattress diagram in the book. “It's made of coiled metal, that's just malleable enough so that you can stretch it, but when you let go it wants to shrink back.”

Daisy walked up to Lord Harald. “We can probably use treated steel.”

Lord Harald nodded. “But you said this is a mattress? How does this help our siege, give us comfier beds?”

Mac chuckled, “It would, but no. We need to make this.” He pulled out a paper where he had drawn a catapult. Or at least, the best he could remember of what a catapult looked like. “This is a catapult. You make a lever, and attach the springs to one side. Then you get some strong people to crank down the other side until you can secure it and load a rock in the launcher. Then once you're ready to launch, you unhook the lever and the springs quickly retract, launching the rock.”

Lord Cartegna's eyes were darting, his mind going through innumerable scenarios. “My boy, this is incredible! This would bring a new age of warfare!”

Mac gave a weak smile, I won't mention it's hundreds of years old in my old world.

Lord Harald grabbed the paper, and handed it to his adjutant. “Get the smiths working on this thing immediately. Daisy, can you go work with them, since you seem to have an idea of what the King's looking for? They could probably get it eventually, but time isn't on our side right now.”

Daisy nodded, giving Mac a quick kiss and then following the adjutant out of the room.

Charlotte looked between Mac and the dwarves leaving.

Mac understood. “Do you want to go supervise?”

Charlotte nodded. “I think I know the best way to make it.” She looked at her mother and blushed before giving Mac a hug and heading after them.

Sophia smirked. “You must be something, having even my daughter so smitten with you.”

Saphoa laughed, “Haha, of course. Mac is an amazing lover!”

Lady Sophia was caught off guard, while Lord Harald laughed uproariously, and even Lord Cartegna smirked.

La Hire, seeming worried, asked, “Could we please get back to the planning...”

Lord Harald stopped laughing. “A little laughter in the face of danger can do some good. But I agree. Do you have anything else, sire?”

Mac nodded. “Do any of the lifts go up to an area that overlooks the gate, but is out of arrow range from the ground?”

Lord Harald nodded, “One of the trails goes right over it, about half a kilometer up.”

“That should work. How deep is it?”

“From the cliff...probably about five dwarves wide, shoulder to shoulder. Is that where you want these catapults?”

Mac nodded. “If we can, yes. I also want to use magic from there to harass the enemy and try to keep them away from the gate.”

“Sire, you can't be serious. If you are using your magic every day to the point of Fatigue, you'll be dead before reinforcements come.”

“I'm not...” Mac took a deep breath. “I'm not going to kill myself. Just enough keep them scared. And I'd like any other nobles with magic that can hurt them from long range to join me in harassing them.”

Lord Cartegna nodded. “I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'll ask around.”

“Should we send archers too? I only have a small contingent, but they could shoot from there,” Sophia offered.

Mac blinked. “I know elven archers are good, but...won't they be wasting arrows from that high up?”

Sophia gave a haughty giggle, “If they're within range, they can be hit.”


A Meeting on the Ledge


A couple hours later, and Lord Harald was leading Mac up a mountain path. “It's just up here, sire.”

Mac heard the clanking of mining going on up ahead. “What is that?”

“We're widening the ledge so we can fit more people on it. And those catapults once we have 'em.”

After a bit more walking, the path leveled off, and Mac could see the what Lord Harald was talking about. It wasn't super wide, but the dwarves were hauling rocks away in the opposite direction.

Mac stopped them. “Wait, don't take those too far. We need them.”

Lord Harald raised an eyebrow, but then clocked on. “Wait, you mean for the catapult? I thought we'd used big rocks by your drawing.”

Mac nodded, “We can, but we can also load a bunch of smaller rocks to get a bigger area. Even a rock this size can do some damage to an armored soldier at this height.”

Lord Harald grinned. “Haha, that's for sure! Men, keep any fist sized or larger stones in a pile close by.” He then went over to supervise the digging.

“Son,” Mac heard from the side. Lord Cartegna was walking over, with a woman behind him. “Sadly, I only found one who might be useful. This is Lady Amiry.”

“Just Amiry. Or Miss Amiry if you prefer. I'm not a Lady,” the woman stated. She was relatively tall (compared to most women) had long black hair, almost down to her waist, and wore a long, flowing dress that matched her hair, with silver trees woven in it. She also had pointy ears. She turned to Mac, whipping out a fan (despite the cold temperature) to hide part of her face. “I was a concubine of the former Lord of Brescia.”

Mac blinked. Is she a half-elf? Every elf I've ever met had golden hair. “Former Lord? I don't remember anything happening to Lord Brescia.”

She shook her head. “There hasn't in twenty years. The current Lord is the son of the man I was a concubine of.”

“Ah...” Mac said, taken aback at the nonchalant tone she had taken about her former partner. I guess it has been twenty years...or maybe she just wasn't fond of him. “What is your magic?”

“I am a groundshaper,” she explained.

Ground-shaper? Not a woodshaper?”

She nodded. “Yes. While many elves are woodshapers, it it not common for the magic to be passed down to half-elves like me. I desperately wanted to be when I was a child, but sadly I was not. I tried shaping everything else, until I realized I was able to shape the ground.” She explained this matter-of-factly, before holding out her palm to the ground next to her. The ground jutted upwards, as if someone had punched it up from underneath, although it was solidly there, not falling back down.

Mac's mind started going into overdrive. It's sorta similar to Emma's, although instead of scooping out the ground it reshapes it? I guess groundshaper is a correct description then. “How wide can you pull? And what's the range?”

She made a motion, and the ground she had pulled go sucked back in. “A few meters diameter. And any ground I can see. Shall I show you?” she asked, walking towards the edge of the ledge.

“No, I believe you,” Mac said, stopping her. “I don't want to give away the surprise.”

Miss Amiry nodded.

Mac was thinking about her magic. “Can you use it on rocks?”

“Sort of,” she replied. She pointed her palm to a rock, and it just sort of...flopped up and back down.

Mac nodded. “Okay. I think you'll be a huge help. Are you okay with using your magic against the enemy?”

Miss Amiry nodded. “If it means I can be useful, then certainly.”

Mac raised an eyebrow at the answer, but nodded.

“We might have need for that usefulness right now,” Lord Cartegna said.

Mac looked over at him. He was standing right at the edge, holding a pair of binoculars. Despite the situation, Mac asked incredulously, “This world has binoculars!?”

Lord Cartegna nodded, “Yes. It's not too different from Marie's glasses, right? I assume you haven't seen any as curved glass is very expensive. Dwarves have to try a hundred times to get one correct, and it's prohibitively costly.”

Mac nodded. Now that he says that, the only person I've seen wearing glasses is Marie. This was actually given to me by Lord Harald as a gift when I married Eleanor's mother. In truth, they're a memento of her, but I'd like to pass it down to you...”

Mac shook his head. “Don't worry about it right now.”

Lord Cartegna gave him a smile, then clasped his shoulder. “At least for now, I will let you borrow it for a moment,” he said, holding it out.

Mac looked through them. He could see people carrying what looked like a large log. Actually, that's exactly what it was. “Are they going to ram down the gates?”

Lord Harald, who had come up behind him, gave a 'hmpf'. “They can try.”

Mac turned around. “Will it hold?”

Lord Harald frowned. “Our gate is solid, and strong, but...even the strongest can be worn down eventually. It won't give from a few swings, but they might be able to damage it enough to break through over time.”

Mac nodded, looking back through the binoculars. The log was on a swing, which itself was attached to a large cart that was being pushed. Everything was made of wood.

“Can you hold my shoulders? I'm going to use my magic. A lot of it.”

La Hire wasn't around to say anything, since he was down by the gate, leading the troops who were manning defenses.

Lord Cartegna grabbed on a shoulder, and, while he had expected Lord Harald to grab the other, Miss Amiry instead grabbed it.

Mac didn't say anything, assuming it was fine, and looked back down at the ram. It was much smaller without the binoculars, but he could still make it out fine from where he was, now that he knew what he was looking at.

Holding out his palms, he imagined a large lightning strike slicing down onto the ram.

A loud 'crack' echoed around them, as the lightning struck exactly as he had imagined. Even from here, Mac could see specks of people flying everywhere.

Using his free hand, Lord Cartegna looked through the binoculars. “It's on fire. I'm assuming that was your goal?”

Mac nodded, stepping back. So far, so good...


- A bit later, in the Navarran camp -


King Lavon smacked his hand against the table. “Dammit Oran, you didn't tell me his magic could start a fire!”

Lord Oran, was standing to the side, a bit despondent. “I...I didn't realize it was that powerful. He must be suffering Magic Fatigue after that. We just need to send another-”

“Are you sure? I'm not risking another ram that quickly. We're working on more, but we only have three left right now.”

Lord Oran scratched his chin. He had been growing a goatee to match some of the other Navarran nobility, but it itched terribly. “We just need some sort of fire-resistant covering. If we soak some leather's in water, and pour some water over any other exposed wood, that should work. We can even bring some water barrels in the cart.

King Lavon thought for a moment. “Very well.” He motioned to his adjutant. “Do as he says.”


- A couple hours later, on the ledge -


Mac sat a couple feet from the edge, on a chair that had been brought up for him, holding Lord Cartegna's binoculars. He had left them with Mac, when he went back down into Stromvurk to talk with his men. Lord Harald has also left, leaving him with Miss Amiry.

While he had requested a chair for her as well, she had declined to sit, deciding she'd rather stand a few feet behind him instead. Maybe it's a concubine habit ingrained into her?

Deciding he may as well strike up a conversation, he asked, “How is Brescia? I haven't visited yet, but I'd like to at some point.

Brescia was in the far northwest of Ositania, at the rounded end of the triangle, and on the sea. It was actually the largest trading port for the country, despite it's distance from the capital.

Miss Amiry looked at him. “Trying to get information from me? Sorry sire, but I'm not one for house politics. I wouldn't know, anyway, since I rarely talk with the Brescian nobility.”

Mac raised an eyebrow, then sighed. “I'm not trying to get information, just pass the time.”

Miss Amiry looked at him, then decided to finally sit in the chair. “It is fine. We have been busy lately, though it's slowing down as it normally does this time of year. Ships can't navigate the sea when it ices over, and no one wants to get caught out in the sea when that happens.”

Mac nodded. “Do you like living in Brescia?”

“No,” she replied. She didn't have contempt or seem upset, just said it matter-of-factly.

Since she didn't seem too upset, Mac decided to probe. “Why not leave, then?”

“I have nowhere to go. I could leave, I have a small stipend from Lord Brescia that I've been saving up, but I don't particularly have anywhere else to go.”

“Do you not have family?”

She shook her head. “I was the daughter of the concubine of an elven noble. She was a commoner my father took an interest in. When I was twenty, I was given off as a concubine by my father to better relations with House Brescia. My father never wrote me once, but I didn't expect him too. My mother did, and visited me occasionally, but she passed away a few years back.”

Mac grimaced. This is the depressing side of house politics.

Miss Amiry was still sitting, coolly looking into the distance.

Mac wasn't sure how to respond to the blaring silence, but he was saved by what he saw below through the binoculars. “The Navarrans are attacking again.”

He set the binoculars into his pocket, then stood up.

“Do you want me to hold you again?” Miss Amiry asked.

Mac nodded, “I might fall over this time.”

Miss Amiry grabbed his shoulders.

He wasn't confident she could actually hold him, but he didn't have much choice. Holding out his palm, he sent lightning striking down again, startling everyone on the ledge with the 'crack' from it.

His vision glazed over a bit, but he felt Miss Amiry putting a vicegrip into his shoulders. Guess I shouldn't underestimate her. After he recovered, he thanked her, and grabbed the binoculars.

The ram seemed mostly fine, only a small fire on the roof, which was already being put out by bucketed water. Dammit! Did they learn from the previous one? “They must have put up something on the roof that my magic isn't effective against.”

Miss Amiry nodded. “I shall try, then.”

Mac nodded. “Go ahead,” That's why I wanted her up here, so may as well see what she can do. “Do you need the binoculars?”

She shook her head, “No, just tell me what you see.”

Mac put the binoculars back up, looking down at the ram. It had started moving again, lumbering towards them.

Miss Amiry slapped the fist of her right hand into the palm of her left. Mac watched as the ground jutted up from the ram, splintering it into two halves. Even the thick tree in the middle had split, rolling away and crushing some of the nearby soldiers.

Mac looked over at her. “You...completely destroyed it. That's some powerful magic. At least when it comes to this.”

For the first time, Miss Amiry let a smile come to her lips, looking a bit slyly at him. “Glad I can help, sire.”


At that point it had gotten dark, so they retreated back into Stromvurk for the night. Stromvurk, lit as always by the lightcrystals in the ceiling, was full of life, every forge and smithy in the city working.

After Miss Amiry excused herself when they reached the keep, Mac went to his room. Inside, Daisy and Charlotte were sitting on the bed talking, while Saphoa was washing in the tub. Mac looked around, “Why is everyone here?”

Charlotte ran up and hugged him.

Daisy said, “Well, we all wanted to be with ya, so we decided we'd share tonight.”

Mac blushed a bit, “I don't know if I'm...”

Daisy laughed, “Haha, I didn't mean like that. Just in the same bed.”

Saphoa, who seemed to not mind being naked around the others, stood up and dried herself off, before starting to put her dress back on. “I don't mind if you look at me.”

Mac sighed, “I know, but this isn't the time...”

Charlotte laughed, “It seems you two got closer.”

Mac teased Charlotte by picking her up, causing her to blush.

“What are you...”

He laid her down on the bed, then crawled in next to her and Daisy. Saphoa seemed conflicted, but the other two motioned her over, so she crawled in next to him.

The other three cuddled around him, and Mac was reminded of another time this had happened, a long while ago now.

Charlotte had a deathgrip on his midsection, while Daisy gave him a kiss on the cheek and curled up on his shoulder. Saphoa was content to lay on the other side of Charlotte, putting an arm over his chest.

Mac felt a sense of comfort being surrounded by his partners. His body heavy with exhaustion, he fell asleep.


War Council – Palace


Marie was sitting in her office, looking over the latest financial reports. The next round of taxes were due soon, and she needed to make sure they were allocating everything properly.

This is probably something Eleanor can do eventually, but I'm not going to bother her right now. Eleanor was due just a few weeks after Melissandra, maybe less, so she was mostly on bed rest right now, besides a small amount of Tillie-mandated walking and exercise every day.

She was distracted by a small knock at the door. Rhea!? That's the only one who knocks that softly. She went to open the door, and sure enough, Rhea was there. She was slightly larger than her normal small form, wearing what looked like a doll's dress, and carrying a bag over her shoulder.

“Rhea! I'm glad to see you back. Mel is due soon, and we were worried you-”

Marie stopped as Rhea held out a hand.

“What's wrong?” Marie asked. She could tell by the expression on Rhea's face, as it was not befitting the normally upbeat and jovial Spirit.

“You should probably just read this,” Rhea said, fishing out a letter from the bag. Marie could see the bag was filled with other letters.

She wanted to ask, but decided to read the letter first. It just had 'Marie' written on it, in what she could immediately tell was Mac's handwriting. Opening it up, Marie felt the blood draining from her face as she read:




Charlotte, Daisy, Saphoa and I are all fine. Stromvurk was attacked by Navar. We're okay for now but they are besieging the city. We will need assistance in the form of a pincer move. Rhea will pass along the other letters, but we will need to mobilize the country, as their army is quite large.


Please do not tell the others, unless absolutely necessary.


The messenger said they are also attacking Provent. If Gabriella wants to return to her country, try to prevent her, as the others believe Provent will not last long. If she is really insistent, however, let her.




Marie held her head, taking a deep breath, and trying not to panic.

“Are you okay?” Rhea asked.

Marie lifted up her head slowly, then nodded. I'm not losing another one. “Don't tell anyone else. Have Kay come to the antechamber with you, then wait for me there.”

Rhea nodded, then flew out the door.

Marie followed after, closing the door, and walking towards the stairs. We need to mobilize quickly, but I don't think we should have Rhea send the letters. They might not believe her, or think it's a trick somehow. And we can't have them delayed.

She stopped outside Gabriella's door, knocking. After some shuffling from inside (it was late at night) she heard the door unlock, and open.

Gabriella, wearing a nightgown, poked an eye out. “Marie? What do you need this late?”

“Please come with me, it's important.”

Gabriella seemed unsure. “What is it? I was going to sleep soon, so-”

“Navar has invaded Provent, along with Ositania.”

Gabriella took a moment to react, then her face filled with anger. “What!? Why would they invade both of us, I-”

Marie interrupted her again, “Please, we don't want anyone else to hear.”

Gabriella seemed to calm down. After a moment, she came out and closed the door, motioning to Marie.

Marie nodded, and started walking back, going to the antechamber.


When they arrived, Rhea and Kay were already there. Kay had a contorted look on her face.

“Did Rhea already tell you?” Marie asked.

Kay nodded. “Those idiots, what are they doing? Why would they attack two countries at once?”

Marie laid a map down on the table of Ositania. “I believe this has to do with the bandit subjugation and our peace agreement with Provent. Navar must have thought it was more than just a peace agreement, and decided it couldn't wait for us to gather our strength back up.

Gabriella slammed the table down. “So this is all because of me!?”

Marie looked up at her coldly. “Would you rather have all of Navar attacking Provent instead of just half? Or be at war with both Navar and Ositania again?”

Gabriella, bit her lip. “I...I'm sorry...”

Marie was slightly taken aback at her apology, “It's...fine. We are both under attack, so we must work together. I want you to write your uncle, so we can coordinate our efforts,” she said, handing over a piece of paper.

“Oh!” Rhea said, “I have a letter for you, too.” Rhea held out the letter.

Gabriella...didn't react at all, still looking at the map.

Marie looked over, “Rhea, you need to reveal yourself.”

“Oh yeah.”

Gabriella jumped back quickly, reaching for her sword that wasn't even there. “What the spirits is that!?”

A spirit...” Marie said.

Gabriella looked over at Kay too, who smiled and giggled slightly. “I had the same reaction.”

“You're a spirit!? What are you doing here!?”

Rhea started her self-introduction. “Wahaha! I am the great spirit of the forest, Arborhea! Also loyal message courier and fiance of King Mac of Ositania!”

“Your the...wait, the fiance?”

Marie held up a hand. “It's a long story that we don't have time for right now. Mac must have written a letter for you, so please read it.”

Gabriella tentatively took it, and Rhea gave her a smile. “Actually, it's from La Hire.”

Marie raised an eyebrow, watching as Gabriella read it. As she did, her face started to contort, before become uptight. When she finished, Marie asked, “May I read it?”

Gabriella handed it over.


Lady Gabriella,


As you have probably been told by now, both Ositania and Provent are under attack. I know your first thought would be to return to Provent, but I would like to dissuade you and offer a better solution.


Most likely, by the time you read this, their army will already be marching on Marsae. Instead, I would like you to lead the contingent of royal guards to Stromvurk. The men all trust and respect you, and your knowledge of battle is needed, since all the top commanders are in Stromvurk.


Additionally, once we route the army at Stromvurk, we will be able to march south and relieve Marsae.

Despite the past history with Provent, King Mac will not allow a Navarran army running around his southern border.


This is, of course, dependent on us being relieved at Stromvurk first.


Captain La Hire



Marie turned to Gabriella. “Will you do it?”

Gabriella bit her lip, “You won't stop me?”

Marie shook her head, “Not if La Hire trusts you.”

Gabriella sighed, then nodded. “He speaks the truth. Provent has no hope of defeating even half of Navar's army by itself.”

Kay jumped in. “That's great, but why am I here?”

Marie gave a pained smiled, “You would have found out eventually. I don't want you telling the others.”

Kay winced, “Yeah...I don't want to upset them.”

Gabriella seemed confused. “What's wrong?”

“Melissandra is due soon, under a month. We can't have her stressed about her husband stuck in a city under siege while she's trying to give birth. Same with Eleanor and Felicia, they're only a few weeks later.”

Kay looked down at her own stomach. She still had multiple months to go, but her baby bump was showing. “Yeah, I wouldn't want that either. I don't want it now.”

“You don't have any other news? I'm surprised it caught us off guard,” Marie asked.

Kay gave a pained expression. “They had been scouting into our territory a bit, but that's usually just posturing. Nothing to indicate a full-blown invasion.”

Marie turned to Rhea. “I know Mac told you to deliver those letters, but I don't think that will go over well. How are they going to react to a spirit handing them a letter that we're being invaded?”

Rhea nodded. “Should I sneak in and slip it onto their desks?”

Marie tapped her forehead. “No, then I'd worry it would get missed or discarded. But...we can go most of the way. Would you be able to deliver it to the correct city's letter carriers? They wouldn't have them immediately, but they would get it the next day.”

Rhea nodded. “What about this one though?” she asked, holding up Saphoa's letter. “This is from Saphoa to her mom.”

Marie frowned, “Since their letter originated in Ludout, I sent their wedding invitation there, but I don't know if they will know to look if they are not expecting one.”

Rhea nodded. “I'll figure something out.”




Mac walked back up to the ledge, with Miss Amiry and Lord Harald in tow. Lord Harald told him their first catapult prototype was ready. If so, that would be incredibly impressive, since only two days and change had passed since the dwarves had gotten his poorly drawn schematics.

Once they reached the ledge, Mac could see the catapult. It looked like his diagram, although they had made it out of metal instead of wood. “Why didn't you make it out of wood?”

Daisy, who was with Charlotte watching it be assembled, poked his side. “We did hubby, it snapped in two when we tried to pull it.”

“Wait, so you've already used it?”

Charlotte shook her head, “No, we just confirmed it would crank without snapping, then disassembled and carried it up here. Well, the dwarves did.”

Mac nodded, “You can put wheels on it.”

Charlotte nodded, “Yes, we already talked about doing that later. For now, it was easier to get it up the mountain in pieces.”

The dwarves were spiking it in place, before inserting crankshafts into the side, similar to the ones used to bring the lifts up and down. They then started spinning them around, the arm of the catapult slowly moving backwards. A dwarf then hooked it into place, and the dwarves slid out the crankshaft.

Mac raised an eyebrow.

Lord Harald noticed. “It that not how it's supposed to work, sire?”

Mac shrugged, “I...don't know. I feel like it's slightly different from what I imagined, but if it works, then it doesn't really matter.”

Lord Harald nodded, then made a motion to his men. They were rolling a boulder over, probably five meters across, and heaved it into the bowl of the catapult. “Will this really reach their camp, sire?”

Mac and Charlotte both nodded. Charlotte explained, “It should have enough force to get there, the only issue might be the trajectory.”

Mac motioned to Charlotte, “What she said.”

Lord Harald smiled then laughed, “Haha, alright then. Ready when you are, sire.”

Mac realized he was waiting on him to give the order. Mac held up his hand, then dropped it down. “Fire!”

While 'Fire' wasn't technically correct, the dwarf understood, and swung his hammer down at where the catapult launched. It immediately retracted the spring and swung, launching the rock high into the air. The catapult swung over as well, pulling out the spikes and falling over. Luckily, no one had been standing in front of it.

Mac put up the binoculars to try and watch, but put them down as it wasn't necessary. The boulder was clearly visible as it sailed into the sea of Navarran tents.

A loud cheer arose as everyone could see it smashing through tents as it crashed down.

Lord Harald shouted, “Keep firing men! And I want a dozen of these up here by tomorrow!”


Chaos was ensuing in part of the Navarran camp. The camp was spread out over almost a kilometer, and those far away from the boulder hit (and hadn't seen it) just assumed something was happening but went back to whatever they were doing. Those closeby, however, were freaking out. A giant boulder had fallen from the sky and smashed through part of their camp. There was flattened men, hurt men, and bits of tent and other supplies strewn about.

King Lavon had run out of his tent, as he had been close enough to feel it, when he heard the commotion. “How the blazes did that get there!?” He looked up and around, but there was nothing he could see. He turned to Lord Oran, who followed out after him. “Who's magic is this!? Throwing boulders!?”

Lord Oran shook his head. “There is no one I know. I've never even heard of a magic like this.”

“Well they bloody well didn't throw it, did they?” King Lavon asked, angered.

They walked over to where the boulder is, and was appalled at his men running every which way. “What are you blasted fools doing!? Help the injured, see if any supplies survived. They're not going to beat us by throwing rocks.”

As if to spite him, there was suddenly a shower of rocks raining down around them. Some fell harmlessly to the ground, while some hit men, injuring or even knocking them out.

Lord Oran held up his hand, a small wind coming out. Several rocks that were flying at them were pushed astray, falling harmlessly on the ground.

King Lavon gave a 'hmpf'. “Seems your magic can counter it, at least.”

“Only around myself,” Lord Oran clarified. “And I don't think I'd be able to stop that,” he said, motioning to the boulder.


Letter Delivery


Rhea had spent the last day delivering letters across the whole country. She had been zooming around as fast as possible, but even she had gotten tired, only thoughts of Mac wrapping his arms around her keeping her fueled.

She was also worried about what the other spirits might think. As a rule, they were supposed to have limited affects on the affairs of Children, but she knew she was probably overstepping the “limited” part of the rule quite a bit. Of course, she had decided she would deal with the consequences later.

Luckily, she was now on her last letter that needed delivery. She had saved it for last, since this one might take more effort then just sneaking it into a courier's satchel of letters.

She saw what she thought must be Ludout. It was as Marie had described, a small collection of houses on the coast.

Inside, she flew around (still invisible to everyone she had not revealed herself too) and looked for someone of any sea serpent-humans like Saphoa. However, she couldn't find any, quickly scouring the whole village.

Hmmm...guess I'm doing plan B. She flew over the sea, looking through the water. After a bit, she thought she saw the buildings on the sea floor that Saphoa had described. She then saw the small dock, floating in the ocean. She took a deep breath, before diving down into the sea next to it. She could see the white stone palace spread out beneath her, so she knew she was in the right place. Following the chain down, she went through the opening.

In the room she entered, she saw some hanging towels, and quickly dried herself off. She checked the letter, but the pouch Saphoa had put it in was still sealed, having kept the water out.

She then started searching. She found several woman that looked like Saphoa, some in maid outfits, others in the same outfit Saphoa wore. But scouring the rooms, she could not find anything that looked like letters or a courier. She did however, find who she assumed was the Queen. She looked like a slimmer version of Saphoa, and wore a crown. She sat in a study, aimlessly going over some papers.

Should I just... Deciding to take matters into her own hand. She knocked on the frame (the door to her office was open already). She then revealed herself.

The Queen looked up. “...Hello?”

Rhea was impressed at her calmness. “Um, I have a letter from your daughter.”

The Queen raised an eyebrow. “I'm more concerned with who you are, but where is this letter?”

Rhea opened her bag, producing the pouch with a letter in it.

The Queen immediately grabbed it. “This is Saphoa's seal. And no one but Arkantan's would have a waterproof pouch like this.”

Rhea nodded, “Yeah, she gave it to me personally.”

The Queen started reading the letter. Partway through, she slammed her hand on the table, shaking it violently. The noise was loud enough that a maid (who couldn't see Rhea) came in. “Um...my dame, is something the matter?”

“Call all our commanders to our council chamber at once.”

The maid was a bit surprised, but nodded and scurried away.

“Can you point to Stromvurk on a map for me?” she said, pulling out a map and sliding it towards Rhea.

Rhea nodded and looked at it. It was a map of the continent, but only port cities were filled in, and the internal borders were missing. Luckily, the terrain features were mostly intact, and Rhea was able to point. “I think it's this mountain.”

The Queen did a double-take. “A mountain? It is on top?”

“No, inside. The dwarves that live there carved it out.”

“Ah,” the Queen replied. “You are sure it is this one?”

Rhea nodded. “It's pretty close, at least. I flew from it three days ago.”

“You flew?” the Queen said. “Can you deliver a letter back to my Saphoa?”

Rhea nodded.

The Queen grabbed a paper, quickly scribbling on it before putting it in the pouch the letter from Saphoa had come in, and handed it to her. “Thank you. I must be off now, though I hope we can chat in the future.”

Rhea smiled, “Of course,” and flew out of the room.


Over the next week, a furor slowly engulfed Ositania. News spread of the Navarran's attack during the latest royal wedding, and now the popular new King and some of his Queens were trapped in Stromvurk, with dwindling supplies.

The cities were bustling with men (and even some women) trying to join the ranks of army. So many were volunteering that they had to start turning people away due to lack of supplies, only prioritizing those with military experience or who could be used for logistical work.

In the elven forest, news of their Lady Sophia and her daughter being trapped sent waves across society, every elf who could hold a bow trying to join into the army being sent to rescue them.

The dwarves of the realm especially were irate at the attack of one of their cities, during the first wedding of a Dwarf Queen in history no less. When they heard the news, dwarves everywhere put down their hammers and pickaxes and grabbed their arms and armor and started forming battalions on their own to begin marching towards Stromvurk.

And in Ludout, the few dozen villages watched in awe as innumerable blue seafolk were coming out of the water. Spears in hand, they marched passed the buildings. The innkeeper watched as one, a tall blue man with long green hair walked up to him. “Sir, would you happen to have a map of your country's roads?”

The innkeeper took a few seconds to grasp the unexpected question, but then answered, “I don't but our general store should have a few.”

The general store owner, who was in earshot, quickly ran into his store. A few moments, later, he came out, map in hand.

The blue seafolk man took it, unfurling it. After a moment, he held it down. “Where are we now?”

The general store owner pointed to Ludout.

The blue man smiled, “Thank you,” and handed the store owner a gold piece, curling the map back up.

“Oh, it's not that ex-” he started, but the blue man had already run off.

The innkeeper laughed, “Haha, a sales a sale, ain't it?”

The store owner nodded. “Whaddaya reckon's going on?”

The innkeeper shrugged, “I dunno, but they're supposed to be our allies now. You think they're heading to help somewhere?”

The store owner nodded. “I hope so.”


Rhea Side-story – A Day in the Life of Rhea


- This was a Patreon-voted side story occurs after the bandit subjugation mission and before Rhea suggests marriage to Mac -


Rhea woke up as the sun started shining through the windows. She looked around, reminding herself where she was. Oh yeah, I was talking with Elly last night. She looked down onto the bed (she was sleeping on the headboard) and saw Eleanor was still fast asleep. She smiled as she looked at Eleanor's sleeping face, then quietly flew out the window

She liked to 'recharge' in the morning by going and absorbing some energy from the trees around the palace. There were quite a few, as the palace was surrounded by woodland, and she had gotten to know many of them over the last few months.

Flying up to one, she pressed her hand against it. She was filled with visions of a warm summer day. Ah, you like when you get a lot of sun. She went up and pressed her hand on another, and saw a sight of a light rain showering the forest. And you like when you can drink a lot. Feeling thirsty herself, she flew threw the trees until she found a small pond to drink from.

After satiating her thirst, she sat back on the grass and looked at her reflection. I wonder if Mac will be lovers with me even if I'm purple? She sighed. This reminded her of when Mac had rescued her from the pool in the forest. The last time she had gotten too close to a human, it had led to her being betrayed and trapped in a box for thousands of years. Not that it felt like that, after the initial surprise, she had basically shut down into hibernation until Mac had arrived to this dimension.

Mac had dove into the pool without a second though. Well, she had made him extremely curious as to what was going on, but he had still done it. How could I not want to be lovers with a human like that. I think he'll say yes, too, I just need to bring it up at the right time. She was waiting a bit to suggest it, not wanting to infringe on Marie's happiness.

And...she was a bit nervous. Not a feeling that a spirit normally felt, but the fact she was feeling it at all made her think she had made the right decision in pursuing this route.

Thinking of Mac so much, she decided to go and visit him. She was always able to faintly sense his presence, so she flew back to the palace and found him. He had been with one of his wives or fiances the previous night (as usual) but was now in the middle of walking to breakfast.

Flying up behind him, she grabbed his cheek, startling him slightly.

“Oh, hey Rhea,” he said, giving her a little back rub to simulate a hug.

Rhea blushed slightly, although Mac probably couldn't realize. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she flew into his hair. “Whatcha doing today?”

Mac thought for a moment as he walked. “I have a meeting with Kay about our wedding, some promotions to hand out after the bandit subjugation, and some more concubine requests to deny.”

Rhea giggled, “I'm sure you'll enjoy that.”

Mac scratched his cheek. “It's not that I enjoy it...but it's at least easy. As long as I say no to all of them, it's fine.”

Rhea, curious, asked, “Do you think you have enough women already?”, careful not to give away her intentions.

Mac sighed, “I want to say yes, but probably not. I guess that gets easier too. I don't mind as much if we're getting married, and they can be treated like everyone else.”

Rhea tapped her chin, So he's more likely to say yes if it's marriage? I just wanted to be lovers, but...

Her thoughts were interrupted as they got to the royal family's dining hall. The only people inside already were Marie and Melissandra. Rhea flew off and gave a hug to Melissandra, “Mel!”

Melissandra smiled and 'hugged' Rhea.

Rhea then flew over and laid in Marie's hair.

Marie smirked, looking up, “No hello for me?”

Rhea thought for a moment, “We were just talking last night, so I guess it doesn't feel like we've been away from each other that long.”

Marie nodded, “Fair enough,” before taking a bite of her eggs.

Rhea flew down and grabbed a roll from a basket on the table, chomping on it slowly. She was careful not to do too much, as she didn't want to scare anyone who couldn't see her, but usually the maids in the dining hall were half asleep until called on.

Melissandra looked at Marie, “Did Gabriella say anything more last night?”

Marie shook her head. “She still won't talk much. And I can't abide all the comments she makes about Mac.”

Mac chuckled, “You don't need to worry about me.”

Marie shook her head, “I can't do that,” and blushed.

Melissandra giggled, “You took to being a fiance well.”

Marie blushed harder, then went back to her breakfast.

Melissandra turned to Mac, “You really need to talk to her more.”

Mac tried to avert her gaze. “I don't know...”

Melissandra sighed, then stood up to leave. “Mac, please just consider it,” she said, before kissing his cheek and leaving.

No sooner had she left, then Emma came in. Rhea flew off and tackled Emma, who responded by rubbing her cheek on Rhea. “How's my favorite spirit?”

Rhea looked at her, “Do you know any other spirits?”

Emma chuckled, “No, but that doesn't mean you're not my favorite.”

Rhea giggled and kissed Emma's cheek, before flying off.


Rhea made it a habit of trying to talk to everyone in the palace at least once a day. Mac had given her the mission of making sure none of his partners were feeling too down, and she took it seriously. Not just because she wanted to be lovers with Mac herself, but she felt like part of their family.

Down in the palace grounds, she heard the clanking of a hammer on anvil, and flew over to Daisy's hut.

Daisy was always so focused on her hammering, Rhea waited until she was busy quenching to talk. As she watched Daisy continue hammering, she had a realization, Wait, if Mac marries me, I need a ring, right? She briefly considering mentioning it to Daisy, but realized that might be a bit too presumptuous (even if deep down, she thought Mac would say yes).

Suddenly she heard the hissing of hot metal in oil and flew down. “Daisy!”

Daisy looked up and smiled, “Oh, hey Rhea.”

Rhea seemed surprised, “Are you okay?”

Daisy was taken aback, then smiled, “Guess I can't get anything past you! I tried to act normal.”

Rhea shook her head. “Of course not, I know you too well Daisy. Wait, are you pregnant?” she asked, flying down to Daisy's stomach.

Daisy laughed, “Haha, no, or at least not that I can tell.”

Rhea slowly hovered up to her face. “What's wrong then?”

Daisy seemed to get a sour look. “I...I just get worried sometimes that I ain't good enough. I know Mac keeps telling me that's nonsense, and I'm the prettiest dwarf in the Kingdom...” she trailed off, blushing, “...but it's just hard to believe sometimes. All I ever wanted to do was be a smith and jeweler. I never thought about being a Queen.”

Rhea nodded, “That's not surprising. But don't you want to live with Mac and the rest? And me?”

Daisy laughed, “Of course.”

“I don't see the problem then. You should do what makes you happy.”

Daisy thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yur right, ain't no sense worrying about the details, I'm just gonna do what makes me happy.”

Rhea smiled and nodded vigorously. “Exactly. So, what would make you happy right now?”

“I'm gonna go make love to that big hunk!” she exclaimed, setting down her hammer and running towards the castle. “Thanks Rhea.”

Rhea was a bit surprised. I guess that's fine.


Flying off, she saw Kay sitting on a balcony, drinking tea as she looked over the forest. As she approached, Kay looked over at her with a smile.

“Nyahaha, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she said, pouring some tea for Rhea.

This having happened before, Rhea leaned over the cup and took a small sip of the tea. “Thanks.”

Kay giggled. “It's fine, I wasn't going to drink all of it.”

Rhea looked up at Kay, “You excited to get married?”

Kay gave a somber smiled, “Yes...I'm just a little worried.”

Rhea looked up, awaiting an answer.

“It's the first time the whole royal family will be traveling together. I doubt anything will happen, but...it just worries me.”

Rhea shook her head, “I'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”

Kay smiled, “Thanks, Rhea, I know I can count on you.”

Rhea and Kay both sipped tea for a bit, before Rhea asked, “Are you hoping to get pregnant soon?”

Kay giggled, “Nyahaha, where did that come from?”

Rhea shook her head, “Well, everyone talks about it a lot, so I figured it was okay to ask.”

Kay blushed but shook her head. “Not yet. I'm not too upset about not being pregnant before the marriage, but after...well, hopefully not too long. I want to be able to commiserate with everyone else. Plus, our babies are sure to be exceedingly cute.”

Rhea nodded in agreement. Would Mac and I's babies be cute? Would they be purple? I wonder if Mac would be upset about that...

Kay gave a big yawn. “I think I need a nap.”

Rhea raised an eyebrow. “Really? Is it normal to nap before lunch?”

Kay shook her head, “No...I was up late with Mac, so I need some extra sleep...”

Rhea gave her a hug, and then flew out. She had seen everyone besides Felicia, so she decided to go flying through the halls until she found the room where her siblings were staying. Felicia spent much of her time looking after them, despite her pregnancy.

Sure enough, Felicia was sitting in a chair, a content smile on her face, carefully knitting what looked like more baby clothes.

Felicia noticed her fly into the room, giving an inviting smile. Since the younger siblings couldn't see her, she didn't want to make a ruckus coming in.

Settling down between Felicia's ears, she quietly asked, “How are you?”

“Oh, you know...” she whispered, before giggling. Rhea never really worried about Felicia, of all the fiances and wives, she seemed to be the happiest. Maybe just being here with everyone makes her happy? I guess that's kind of how I am. She laid down, kicking her feet up as she watched Felicia's siblings. Some of them were very young, playing with dolls or blocks, while a few of the older ones were writing in books, presumably studying. The oldest, Finn, had a small wooden sword, and seemed to be practicing swinging it around.

“Finn, I don't mind if you want to learn swordsmanship, but you shouldn't swing that around in the room,” Felicia said with a soft voice.

Finn blushed, turning and nodding before heading outside.

“He seems determined to be a royal guard, so he can protect his sisters...” Felicia said.

“Do you not want him too?”

Felicia sighed, “I'm a little worried, but I'd rather let him do what he wants. I'm not sure how Fi deals with worrying about La Hire...”

Rhea rubbed her head, “Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be just fine once he's trained enough.”

Felicia giggled, “Thanks.”

Rhea kept watching for a while, before drifting off to sleep.


Rhea was woken abruptly by a poke from Felicia.


Felicia giggled, “It's okay, I'm just off to dinner and didn't want you falling off.”

Rhea rubbed her eyes, then flew off her.

“You don't want dinner?” Felicia asked, standing up.

Rhea shook her head, “I wanted to check on something.”

Felicia nodded and waved, before she was accosted by her siblings. “Felicia, dinner time!”

Felicia smiled, “I know, let's go see if Tillie has anything for us.”


Rhea flew around the outside of the castle, until she found the window she was looking for. As usual, Gabriella was there, sharpening her blade on a whetstone.

That must be the sharpest blade in the whole Kingdom, Rhea thought. She slipped into the window.

Gabriella seemed to glance a bit when she flew by, but then went back to sharping her stone.

Sheesh, her senses are sharp too! Rhea watched Gabriella, trying to ascertain her thoughts. They keep talking about her, but she seems conflicted about them too. Rhea was a little confused, because it seemed like Gabriella was supposed to be one of his fiances, but was decidedly not. That said, Rhea had found her interesting so checked up on her regularly anyway.

She could sense the confusion and conflicting feelings present in Gabriella. Sharpening her blade seemed to be a mechanism to try and keep herself calm, but Rhea could sense the inner turmoil regardless.

Rhea sighed, Well, I feel like I can't do much here. I can't really talk to her, and I'm not sure that would be a good idea anyway. Flying off, she went back out the window.


She liked to take flights over the canopy in the evening, just watching the moonlight filter through the trees around her. Looking up at the moon, she thought about Celestina. I wonder how she's doing? I wish I could talk to her again. Especially about Mac... she blushed. Celestina, I hope you're doing well up there.


After her moonlit glide, she flew back to the palace, sensing who was still awake. As usual, there was only one person still awake to talk too.

Flying towards Marie's office, she knocked on the door. After a moment, Marie opened it.

“You're lucky I have good ears,” she smirked.

Rhea flew inside, alighting on Marie's desk.

“What are you doing tonight?” Rhea asked.

“Going through what Mac needs to address tomorrow. Mostly regarding the tax collection efforts and more concubine requests...” Marie said, with a sigh.

Rhea asked, “Are you happy you're finally with Mac?”

Marie stopped writing, blushing slightly, “Why are you asking me that?”

Rhea shrugged, “Curious.”

“Well, what do you think?” Marie said, going back to writing.

“Well, considering how much sex you two have, I'm guessing happy.”

Marie blushed and nodded, “Obviously.”

Rhea thought for a moment, then asked, “Do you think I'd be happy with Mac?”

Marie stopped writing, then sat down her pen slowly. “Are...are you saying you want to be 'with' Mac? Like, the same way I or Melissandra or Eleanor are?”

Rhea nodded, “Yeah. I've been thinking about how happy you all seem, and it made me want to be lovers with him as well. Although, knowing Mac, he might want to marry me first. Or at least get engaged.”

Marie closed her eyes, blinking. “So you're saying you want to marry Mac?”

Rhea nodded.

Marie took a deep breath, crossing her fingers together. “Is it normal for spirits to want to marry humans? Or even take them as lovers?”

Rhea shook her head, “Oh no, definitely not. Celestina might have, since she at least had a lover for her to have her own children, but I haven't met any others.”

Marie nodded.

Rhea could tell Marie's mind was racing.

“Sorry, maybe it's a bad idea...”

Marie quickly shook her head. “No, not at all. I'm just trying to think of the...ramifications.”

“Do you think we should keep it a secret?” Rhea asked.

Marie thought for a bit more, then shook her head. “Assuming Mac accepts, and I'm almost certain he will, I think we should make this public. Think about how important Mac seems if he has a spirit as a wife.”

Rhea got excited. “Really? I would actually be helping?”

Marie nodded. “Yes, I only wonder if some countries would even believe us. Well, I guess if they see you, they might change their mind...”


The two talked semantics for a bit, deciding Rhea should speak with the other women first, and then find a good time to bring it up to Mac.

Once they were done talking, Rhea flew up and hugged Marie's cheeks. “Thanks so much Marie.”

Marie smiled, “After you helped me, I owe you.”


The next day, Rhea went about collecting the 'approval' of all Mac's partners. It was fairly simple, so none had any objections. Some were a bit confused, like Melissandra.

“Not that I don't wholeheartedly approve, but is that really okay? The other spirits won't be...upset or anything, would they?”

Rhea shrugged, “I don't think so. And it's not like they're around much anyway.”

Melissandra nodded. “True, but if we make it public as Marie suggests, then they might.”

Rhea had a determined look on her face, “I'll just deal with that if I have too.”

Melssiandra smiled, “I can see your serious about it.”

Rhea nodded, “I am. I thought about it a lot. Every time I think about it, my chest gets all wobbly.”

Melissandra giggled, “You must really like Mac.”

Rhea blushed a bit, “I must.”


Later that day, Rhea sat in the gardens. Everyone else had gone to dinner, and now Mac was talking with Gabriella. Mac was alone that night, so she would ambush him once he was done talking with her.

The nervousness was now peaking, and she could barely contain herself. However, she was also excited at the prospect of taking things to a new level with Mac.

Her face blushed as she thought of what she wanted to do with him. She even had an image of herself she would change into in mind, with the idea of maximizing his desire for her.

She was brought out of her fantasies as she noticed Mac was moving closer to her. Based on the palace layout (which she had memorized) he should be in the royal bath now.

Perfect, she thought, before flying off his direction.