A Barmaid, a Festival, and a Fall
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I created a Patreon, for anyone that would like to support.  I have a poll going on it to see what kind of benefits supporters would like.  I won't be locking any chapters behind Patreon (as I personally can't stand when others do that), but there's a few other bonuses I had in mind for those that want too.


Testing a Theory


Mac sat in his office, tapping a pencil on his head, eyes closed and face scrunched in thought. This is a lot harder than I thought. The paper currently said 'Names' at the top, but underneath he had not written a single one.

He currently had three children on the way, but had no idea what to name them. It'd be nice to give similar names as their mothers, if only to keep track. Pragmatically (and if Marie had her way), he would end up with a decent amount of children, barring his untimely death. Besides Marie not being able too, the one's I've actually talked to all about it want to have several, and Felicia...Mac shook his head. Felicia wanted to have a dozen children like her parents had. Not that Mac had any issue on his end, but he was a little worried about how Felicia's body would hold up...

Setting down his pen, he realized he was getting nowhere. Deciding he could make better use of his time elsewhere, he took out their family schedule. Hmm, the farthest one out is Daisy, so...

Making his way out the door, he slipped down to the yard. With eight different fiances and wives, he felt bad when he didn't spend time with one of them for a while, so he tried to maximize the time he could spend with each of them.

Approaching Daisy's forge, he heard the telltale sign of clanking metal and billowing fire. As he approached, Daisy put down her hammer. “Honey, what are you doing here?”

Honey? Actually, that has a nice ring... “I came to see you, obviously,” Mac said with a smile, walking over and giving her a kiss.

Ben, who was working the forge, gave them an awkward smile. “Should I...head off for a bit?”

Daisy nodded, “Yeah, go see your wife. And tell her what you saw here so she doesn't get jealous over you,” she chuckled, pulling Mac down for another kiss.

As they headed for her hut, Daisy suddenly stopped. “Wait, I wanted to ask something first.”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “What's wrong? Do you not want-?”

“Oh no, I do, but I wanna know...” she explained, pulling his arm. They didn't go far, as behind her forge was their destination, a dozen carts pulled together full of rusty arms and armor.

“What in the Stone am I supposed to do with all this!? You want me to reforge all of these?”

“Oh, no no no, I have an idea. Actually...” Mac grinned, figuring now was as good a time as any. “Here, let's try it out.”

Mac grabbed a rusted pauldron. “Do you have any baking soda?”

Daisy raised an eyebrow, “Uh...I probably got some in my hut...” Daisy said, and walked inside to get it.

Mac grabbed an old tub lying around the forge, and filled it with water, before dropping the pauldron in.

Daisy returned, “What are...nevermind, I'll just watch.”

Mac took the baking soda. He wasn't sure how much should go in, so he put in quite a bit before setting it down. Then, he stuck his index fingers in, and started channeling his magic through the water in the tub.

Daisy looked like she understood, “So you're special magic can remove rust? But why did you need the water and baking soda?”

Mac shrugged, keeping the magic going at a low level, “I don't fully understand it, but I'm pretty sure this causes some sort of reaction that removes rust.” Or at least, that's how I remember it working in the videos.

Daisy sat down next to him. “So, how long does it take?”

Mac's stomach dropped, “I...don't know actually.”


An hour later, Mac was still casting magic, and seeing basically no affect on the rust. Did I screw something up? Does it just take longer?

Daisy had fallen asleep, head in his lap. I want to stroke your cheek, but I need to keep this going...


Another hour later, and Mac was starting to get tired. Alright, I'm just going to turn this up.

Imagining more electricity flowing through, he tried to cycle more and more into the water. Finally, he noticed some of the rust was bubbling off. Buoyed by the success, he turned it up a little higher, until the water was almost boiling.

His excitement had woken up Daisy, who rubbed her eyes while sitting up. “Mac, what...” but stopped when she noticed the tub. “Did you get it!?” she asked excitedly.

Mac nodded, “I think so, just a bit more...”

After a couple minutes of this, a thick goopy film had risen to the top of the water, so much so that he couldn't even see the pauldron any more. Stopping, he grabbed the pauldron out, slaking off the film of rust. After wiping it away, it looked shiny, with not a hint of rust on it.

Daisy's eyes went wide in astonishment. “Mac, that's amazing! It looks like someone just pulled it out of the quench! You were right about the reaction.”

Mac nodded, giving Daisy a hug in thanks.

“But...that took a long time. How long is it gonna take to do all these?”

Mac's stomach dropped again. I could use more magic, but... he felt exhausted after using his magic, the normal Magic Fatigue hitting him hard. He wasn't about to feint, but he thought it would be dangerous to use much more magic that day. “Um...I'll figure something out I guess.”

“Well, I trust ya,” she said, inching up and giving him a kiss. “So, should we go back to my hut now?”

Mac was fairly tired, but seeing Daisy's go at a seductive smile, he nodded and followed her in.

Quickly taking off her sarashi and pants, Mac followed suit. Daisy pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top and pushing herself up and down. Mac was exhausted, and Daisy easily made him finish.

“Haha, I must be too hot for ya,” Daisy laughed, laying down on his chest.

“Sorry, I think that magic took it out of me,” Mac explained, apologizing.

“S'okay, you'll have to visit me a lot if you're gonna get all that rust off,” she said, giving him another kiss.


Is he just defiling his women all the time? thought Gabriella as she sat in her room.

At the same time Mac was with Daisy, she was staring out the window, taking stock of her situation. He really hasn't tried to touch me. He hasn't even visited me at all.

Gabriella had locked herself in the room she was given after arriving, not opening the door except when the maids brought her food. Some of the woman (he presumed the King's wives) had tried to talk to her occasionally, but she had ignored them.

This doesn't get me anywhere though... She needed to figure out what she wanted to do. She could accept her fate, and marry the King, but that wasn't an actual option in her mind. She could try and escape, but where to? If she went back to Provent, that would cause her family problems, and her uncle would probably just send her back anyway. She could escape to another country, and try to join a mercenary crew or noble's guard. With my skills, that's probably my best bet.

Of course, then the issue was how to escape. The guards would know she wasn't to be allowed out of the palace (at least not without permission) and even if she did get out, she'd surely be hunted down.

I need to earn their trust. She sighed, knowing she had already messed that part up. She figured she'd try and start, assuming...

On cue, there was a knock at the door. “Gabriella? It's Melissandra, I was hoping maybe you had changed your mind on speaking-” she stopped as Gabriella opened the door.

Doing her best to put on a smile, Gabriella motioned, “Sure, come on in.”

Melissandra nodded, and swiftly sat down at Gabriella's tea table.

“Would you like some water?” Gabriella offered.

“Sure, I do feel a bit thirsty.”

Gabriella poured some water in a glass, watching Melissandra as she took a sip. She had long dark blue hair, done up in twin tails, and was wearing a loose-fitting robe, as she looked to be one of the pregnant ones. “So, Melissandra, are you one of his dozen Queens?”

Melissandra nodded, “Yes, although only three of us are actually married so far. I'm technically the First Queen, although Mac tries to treat us all equally, so there isn't any rank in practice.”

Gabriella 'hmpf'd. “Really? He treats you all equally?”

Melissandra tapped her chin in thought, “In truth, I feel like sometimes he favors me. Although when I brought it up with the others, they all thought the same, except about themselves. So, he's at least doing a decent job,” she explained with a giggle.

Gabriella wasn't sure how to respond.

Melissandra took the silence and decided to ask, “So, Gabriella, what are your thoughts on Mac? He told me his side of your interactions, but I wanted to hear from you as well.”

Gabriella's face twitched a bit. “I had expected to have to defend myself from him trying to have his way with me, but instead he just stayed holed up with the red-haired one the whole way here.”

Melissandra smiled, “Marie? Yes, she's a...recent fiance,” she added, giggling.

Gabriella stared at her. “You're his First Queen, and you aren't upset at all?”

Melissandra shook her head, “No, especially not at someone like Marie. She's a wonderful addition to the family.”

Gabriella pressed further, “Really? Are you saying you don't want him for yourself?”

Melissandra frowned, “Of course. I mean...would I love to run away with Mac and spend the rest of our lives living on some island alone together? ...Actually,” she shook her head, “No, I can't even say that anymore. Marie, Kay, Felicia, Emma, and everyone else, I'd miss them too much.”

Gabriella was struck into silence again. What kind of lovey-dovey atmosphere does this family have? “Do you all really get along that well?”

“Yes,” Melissandra nodded. “I make sure of it,” she added, a hint of menace behind her smile.

Gabriella gulped. How am I supposed to earn their trust then? Just pretend to get along with all of them? I guess if the King isn't going to touch me, I should be safe, until I can get away eventually.

Since Gabriella seemed to be thinking in silence again, Melissandra decided to ask, “Are you going to just stay holed up? You are welcome to go around the palace as you like. Although I don't think you should go to the inner palace.”

Gabriella nodded. She knew going into the inner palace would amount to accepting an engagement with Mac, or at least committing to being a concubine, so she wouldn't be caught dead there. For that same reason she had avoided going into Mac's carriage on the way to the palace.

Melissandra nodded back. “Was there anything else you wanted to ask?”

Gabriella thought for a moment. “Are you trying to convince me to marry Mac as well by coming here?”

Melissandra shook her head. “Not at all. In truth I hope Mac continues to decline entering any sort of relationship with you.”

Gabriella was supporting her head with her hand, but it slipped off, almost hitting the table. “Wha...what? Really?”

“Yes. I don't think you'd be a good fit,” she explained, before getting up and heading out of the room.

Gabriella sat in silence as she left. What am I supposed to do now...


In another part of the palace, Fiona was standing in front of a mirror, white dress gleaming.

“You look wonderful Fio,” Felicia said, grabbing Fiona's shoulders and rubbing cheeks with her.

Fiona blushed a bit. “I don't know, I don't think I have as good a figure as you, sister.”

Felicia, also trying on her wedding dress, looked down at herself. “Mmm, I dunno. I mean, Mac obviously likes mine, but doesn't La Hire like yours?”

Fiona blushed a bit more, but nodded, “That's true.”

Felicia leaned in close, whispering “Did you two do anything yet?”

Fiona shook her head, “No...I tried some of the things you told me, but he just seemed to get embarrassed.”

Felicia looked up, thinking, “Hmmm, and he definitely hasn't been with anyone else? What did Kelly say?”

“Kelly is rather upset, she keeps telling me to do something so she can take her turn,” Fiona said, giving a weak smile.

“Maybe he wants to wait until you're married. That is rather common,” Felicia suggested.

Fiona nodded, “I hope it is just that. Of course, we still haven't decided on a date, with how busy he is...”

Felicia was silent for a bit, but then smiled, “I think I have an idea.”


In her office, Marie was going about her normal paperwork, looking over reports relating to the Kingdom. Ever since she had successfully developed a more...intimate...relationship with Mac, she had felt refreshed, and tackled her work with a renewed vigor. Her marriage probably wouldn't be occurring for a while, though. Which is fine, Marie thought. I just wanted to be lovers anyways.

Of course, Mac hadn't been content with that, and had wanted to make her one of his brides anyway, despite her protests (which she eventually realized would be futile). This caused her to give a bit of a smile as her thoughts distracted her.

“Hehe, what are you smiling about? Thinking about your husband-to-be?” came a voice from in front of her.

Marie looked down over her glasses to see Rhea, who was sitting on the desk, playing with one of the royal stamps. Giving a slight cough, she nodded, “Yes. I just got a bit distracted.” Looking at Rhea, she asked, “Not that I mind the company, but I am feeling better now, after all the help you gave.”

Rhea smiled, zipping up to the air in front of her, “Of course! I'm always happy to see children happy.”

Marie nodded, “Yes I really appreciate it. You can stay if you want, but are you sure the others are fine?”

“Probably. I mean, yes, I think they're all fine,” Rhea explained, a melancholic look on her face.

Marie raised an eyebrow. What is this? I've never seen her make that expression. “Rhea, are you sure?”

Rhea looked like she was about to say something, but then stopped herself. After some deliberation, she continued, “Well, there is something...”


Later that night, Mac was laying in bed, naked, with Kay.

“Nyahaha, you're as gung-ho as always,” Kay said, breathing heavily.

Mac was slowly petting her ears.

“Hey, I know you like my cat-parts, but pay attention to the rest of me!”

Mac stopped, and decided to start licking her nipples.

“Nyahaha, that tickles!” she said, pulling his head close. Going red in the face, she added “Okay, I get it, you like my chest too. Now stick it in again, already!”

Mac nodded, getting on top of her and quickly inserting himself again.

Kay pulled herself up, hanging off Mac's neck with her torso suspended, shaking every time Mac pounded into her.

“Oh, keep going, keep going,” she added, almost shouting.

Mac pulled her tightly against him as he released inside her, causing her to shake in pleasure.

Laying down again, Kay kept covering him in kisses.

You're the one who seems gung-ho tonight,” Mac chuckled between kisses.

“Of course, this is the last time I get you before our wedding! I gotta make the most of it.”

Mac winced a bit, wishing he could spend more time with each of them. “Well, we'll go as long as you want.”

Kay climbed on top of him, furiously rubbing his member to get it erect again. “Nyahaha, I'm holding you to that!”


Fantasy Sweat Shop


The next day, Mac was spending the afternoon with Eleanor. She seemed excited about something, and half-dragged him down from the palace into the city. “What's wrong?”

Eleanor smiled, “I just want to show you something!”

Mac wrapped his arm behind Eleanor, which finally got her to slow down. Eleanor was starting to show her pregnancy, but more noticeably she had regained some of the....bubbly aspects to her figure ever since she got pregnant. Despite the striking figure she had temporarily had, Mac thought he preferred this version of Eleanor most.

Just inside the gate, there was a nondescript building, although it had the royal insignia of Ositania on a sign in front of it.

“What is this? I don't remember-” Mac stopped as Eleanor swung open the door. Inside, there was a dozen woman sitting around a table, hurriedly sewing. Is this the fantasy version of a sweat shop!? Mac shook his head. As they entered, the women all hurriedly stood up and curtsied. Except one, who stood up and came to welcome them.

“Your majesties, how are you doing? Checking in on our progress?” Bella asked.

The other women seemed surprised at Bella's familiarity, and nervously sat down and started sewing again.

Eleanor smiled, and gave Bella a hug. “Yes, I wanted to show Mac the workshop.”

“Of course! Come in, come in...” she bade them follow her. To one side, they went through a door into a small room with another door to the outside, which looked like a simple store-front. “This is the main entrance.”

Eleanor added, “Sometimes we get people coming in for custom orders, and sometimes we get bulk orders from the clothing stores.”

Mac nodded, “Seems like a good business model.”

Bella showed them do a different, larger room. In this one, dozens of dresses were hanging everywhere. “We're trying to stay ahead of orders, but we don't always know when they're going to come in.”

Mac asked, “Have you tried doing any predictive analysis? Oh...” Mac quickly continued, seeing they were confused. “It's when you look at order trends and see if you can find any reasoning, and plan ahead to guess when you'll need more.”

Bella scratched her head, “Well, we got a lot before and after your wedding with Emma.”

Eleanor nodded in agreement, “Which makes sense. A lot of people would want new dresses for the wedding, and a lot would probably like, or might be jealous of, other dresses they see at the wedding, and put in similar orders.”

Bella nodded, “We can try and make sure we're stocked up before each one. Keep getting married and the Kingdom will be rich!”

“Well, I've got a few more coming...” Mac said sheepishly, scratching his cheek.

Bella looked as if she remembered something. “Oh, since you're here, I wanted you to try something...” Bella said, walking behind the dresses. Returning after a couple moments, she handed something to Mac. “Here ya go. I have no idea what 'pole-lye-ster' is, but I replicated as close as I could with the materials I had.”

Mac's eyes widened in shock. It's a tracksuit! he thought, unfurling it in front of him. While the material wasn't the same, it was about as close as you could expect to get in a fantasy world. Mac was moved to tears, “Thanks Bella, this is amazing!”

Bella laughed, “Haha, don't thank me, thank your wife here, it was her idea!”

Mac pulled Eleanor close and gave her a kiss, which Eleanor turned into a make out.

Bella, thankfully, just laughed some more. “Haha, you two lovebirds, you're first one isn't even out yet! Well...not that I should say anything with my third coming...” she added, rubbing her own protruding stomach.

Eleanor let Mac go. “Try it on!”

“Right here!?” Mac asked, confused.

Bella shook her head, “We have a changing room in the front for customers, let's go back.”

Following her back to the front of the store, Mac entered the changing room, and put on the new tracksuit. It fit pretty well. They must have used my other one to base it off of.

Going out, Eleanor made a huge smile, while Bella looked him over. “Hmm, seems like it fits right. Comfortable on your end?”

Mac nodded, “Yes, honestly it's better than I could have hoped.”

Bella smiled, “Good. I'll have a couple more made for you, then we're gonna start production on them.”

Mac scrunched his head. Production? They could use a sewing machine, but I have no idea how those work, unfortunately. Maybe there's a design in my engineering book?

“Well, if there's nothing else, I'm gonna get back to work,” Bella said.

Eleanor shook her head, “No, thank you as always Bella.”

As she walked into the back of the shop again, Mac went back into the changing room. As he went to close the door, a hand reached around to stop him.

“Wha-...” he started, before being shoved inside. Eleanor had gone in with him, locking the door behind him. “Elly?”

Eleanor turned around, blushing red. “We won't have time once we're back, and it's been a bit...” she said, slowly lifting her skirt.

Mac, getting excited by the situation, gulped but nodded.

Eleanor smiled, and took off her panties, while Mac slid his pants down. Gently shoving her against the wall, Mac bent her over and inserted his already erect member into her from behind. Pulling down her dress, he grasped her hanging breasts as he started thrusting into her.

“Oh...” Eleanor moaned, covering her mouth as she cried out. Mac went quicker and quicker, clutching her voluptuous breasts tight as he slapped against her. After going for just a minute, he started emptying inside her.

Turning around, Eleanor grasped onto Mac tightly, kissing him slowly before they caught their breath.

“We better get going before someone finds us...” Mac suggested.

Eleanor nodded, pulling her panties back up as Mac got back into his normal outfit.


Walking back up the path to the palace, arm in arm, Mac was thinking about the shop still. “Are we...paying them well?” Mac asked.

Eleanor nodded. “Yes, they had to sign a contract of secrecy, but they're getting paid one and a half times the normal seamstress rate.”

Mac nodded. I guess it's not really a sweat shop then...


Later that day, Mac was heading to dinner, having finished looking through one of his books. Dam, I was hoping there would be a sewing machine diagram, but nothing...

As he entered the royal family dining hall, he was pleasantly surprised to see all of his partners there, for what he thought was the first time. While he was usually not alone (and Melissandra was there almost every day) it wasn't uncommon for some to miss or eat in their rooms or office, and Charlotte and Daisy often just skipped altogether, busy with working on other things.

As he walked over, however, he realized an issue. The table there sat eight, and Mac was the ninth person to enter. Uh...this is awkward.

Marie, who saw Mac enter and seemed to realize the issue first, stood up. “I'll just be-” before Mac cut her off.

“It's fine, I'll grab an extra chair,” Mac said. Grabbing one from the side of the room, he carried it over and sat at the end of the table.

Marie nodded, “Sorry, I'll have an extra table brought in tomorrow.”

“Like I said, it's fine, I didn't think about it either. Although, yeah we should get the extra table.” Looking at the three (known) pregnant partners, he added “Maybe two just to be safe.”

Marie smiled and nodded.

Emma giggled, “Look at you two being all lovey-dovey already.”

Mac looked confused, “Was it really? That just seemed like a normal conversation...”

Felicia smirked, “True, although it sounds like they were already plenty 'lovey-dovey' while they were away...” causing Kay and Emma to giggle.

Marie blushed heavily, focusing intently on her stew.

Mac put up his hands, “Hey now, don't tease Marie too much.”

Marie shook her head, “It's fine. They're not wrong...” she added, looking at Mac and blushing again.


They all ate while chatting amicably for a while. Mac noticed Rhea was absent, but assumed she was maybe relaxing or chatting up a tree somewhere.

When they were finishing up dinner, Melissandra turned and whispered to Mac. “I think you should visit Gabriella tonight.”

Mac spat out his fruit-water, causing everyone to look at him.

Melissandra sighed, “I guess there's no point in not letting everyone else know. I'm not saying spend the night with her, but I think you should at least try to communicate with her, since you have the night off from us.”

Emma asked “Are you talking about that one girl you brought? You didn't seem like you were too interested in her, so...”

Mac shook his head, “I'm not.”

Marie gave a pained smile, “I know you don't like her, but...”

Mac shook his head again, “I get the potential upsides, but she doesn't seem interested in me, and after the way she acted, I just don't think our personalities mesh. And you all know me well enough to know I wouldn't force anything. She's just not my type.”

“Nyahaha, what is your type?” Kay asked while giggling.

“Umm...well....all of you, I guess?” Mac stuttered out.

This earned him several giggles and smiles.

“Um....even me?” Charlotte asked from the other end of the table. She had been mostly silent until now. “I thought you just wanted me to get the deal with the elves...and for my inventions.”

Mac walked over and gave Charlotte a kiss on the cheek, “Yes, including you.”

Charlotte blushed heavily, causing Eleanor to lean over and hug her close, as Mac sat back down.

“So, yeah, I really don't think it will work out, it would do more harm to our family than good,” Mac concluded.

Melissandra nodded, “I agree.”

Mac was incredulous, “Wait, why did you suggest I talk to her then?”

Melissandra shrugged. “People can change. She's incompatible now, but maybe it will be different in the future.”

Mac held his forehead, waiting a few moments. “Okay, okay, I'll give a shot. But I'm not promising anything.”

Melissandra smiled, leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before heading out.

Mac stayed and continued slowly eating as the others left, putting off leaving as long as possible. Eventually, only Daisy was left, eating her seventh or eighth bowl based on how many were sitting in front of her.

Mac watched as she methodically devoured another.

Daisy, noticing Mac was watching, blushed a bit. “What? I'm hungry! I need to get up here more often honestly, eating it right out of the kitchen is much better.”

Mac shook his head, “I'd eat that much too if I was hammering all day,” he explained, remembering his short stint of blacksmithing he had done to make her dagger, before getting up and kissing her cheek as he went to leave. Daisy smiled at him, before motioning to the maid for another bowl.


Making his way out of the inner palace, he walked over to where Gabriella's room was. Knocking on the door, he heard a shuffling inside, before it opened a crack. Mac could see Gabriella's eye squint through the opening.

“You've finally come. What do you want?” she asked.

Mac took a deep breathe. Try not to be hostile... “I was hoping maybe we could talk a bit.”

“Ha, really? How do I know you didn't get tired of your women and want me now?” she asked.

“What do you mean? They were the ones who sent me over!”

Gabriella seemed taken aback by this, before responding, “Well, I don't want to talk anyway.”

Mac shook his head. “Please, I'm not going to do anything...” he tried reasoning with her, knowing his partners might get mad if he gave up so easily. “You have your sword, right? Just keep it on you if you're that worried.”

Gabriella thought for a moment, before opening the door slowly with a “Fine.”

Mac walked in and followed her over to her tea table. He noticed she had barely unpacked her chests at all, but decided not to mention anything.

Pouring himself some water, Mac took a sip.

Gabriella was staring at him, one hand on her sword hilt. “How long do you intend on keeping me here?”

Mac winced. Right into it, I guess. “As long as I need too in order to guarantee peace with Provent. Isn't that why your uncle sent you?”

Gabriella bit her lip, knowing that was true. “You won't force me to be one of your women?”

Mac laughed, causing Gabriella to lose her grip in surprise. “Haha, are you kidding me? Besides the fact that I wouldn't do that anyway, I've already got enough. Not that I don't care about all of them...but it's not like I need any more. Or if I did, it'd have to be really important,” he pragmatically added, knowing a situation might arise in the future.

“So, you're just going to keep me locked in my room forever?” she asked, giving him an angry look.

“It'd be an issue if you left, but you can walk around the palace if you want,” Mac looked at her grip on her sword. “Actually, why don't you train with the guards? I'm sure you don't want your sword skills to get rusty.”

Taken aback again, Gabriella looked at her sword. “You're fine with that?”

Mac shrugged, “Yeah, why not. I doubt the guards will be upset at having another sparring partner, especially if you're good.”

Gabriella gave a wicked grin, “Alright, I'll take you up on that then.”

Mac sighed. At least we can talk now. I should probably just end it here for tonight.

Getting up and leaving with a 'good night', he left the room, hearing Gabriella click the lock right after he exited.

Well, I wasn't expecting a change that quickly.


What a Spirit Wants


After the short conversation with Gabriella, Mac went to the royal bath to calm down. Quickly taking off his clothes, he walked over and slipped into the bath, relaxing as he soaked his body in the steaming hot water. Not that he didn't enjoy the company of his wives and fiances, but it was nice to relax by himself once in a while.

So of course, as he closed his eyes, he heard a soft 'Hehehe' from behind him. Who is- he started to think, before he felt something on his head.

“You enjoying yourself?” asked the figure sitting there, leaning over and looking in his face.

“Rhea...what are you doing here?” Mac asked, blowing up a thin stream of air at her.

Rhea pretended to be blown away before recovering. “I wanted to come talk to you! You're always busy with your women, and have no time for poor little Rhea,” she explained, pretending to pout.

“I'm sorry, I'll try and make some time for you, too,” Mac pondered, rubbing a finger on her head. “Although I did miss you at dinner.”

“Yeah, I was doing some thinking. But I also wanted to talk...alone,” Rhea said, going into an uncharacteristically serious tone.

Mac stopped rubbing her head and sat cross-legged in the bath, allowing Rhea to sit on his knee cross-legged as well. “Alright, what did you want to discuss.” If she's this serious, I'm guessing it must be fairly important. Is there some serious issue with one of the girls? Maybe she needs to leave? Hopefully we can figure it out.

Rhea, keeping her serious tone, asked, “Do you consider me part of your family?”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “I mean, at this point it feels like you just belong, right? And you're even technically related to Eleanor as well, if distantly. So yes, I would say so.”

Rhea continued, “And do you like having me around?”

Mac nodded, “Of course. I know the others do, too. I, um...” Mac paused a bit, before continuing, “...I would definitely be sad if you left.”

Rhea nodded back and gave him a smile, “Since all that's the case, how about we make it more official then?”

Mac was confused, “What do you mean? You...oh...” he trailed off, realizing what she was getting at by the way she was fluttering her eyelashes. “You...are you saying you want to get married? To me?”

Rhea vigorously nodded her head. “I got a bit a jealous of you and your wives, and realized I should just join you all! Assuming you'll have me, of course,” she asked demurely.

Mac didn't know how to respond. “Um...how...can a spirit even get married? That seems a bit...”

Rhea shrugged, “No one said we couldn't. I even asked Marie if there would be any issue and she said no. Actually, she seemed pretty excited when I told her I wanted too.”

“You talked to Marie about it already!?”

“Yeah I talked to everyone. I know the rule...you got to get everyone's permission first, right? They acted kind of how you did, although everyone said they approved,” Rhea explained.

Mac held his head, trying to think through this situation. Well, I can tell this isn't some spur of the moment decision, at least. “Look, I...” Mac still wasn't sure how to respond. A primordial spirit was basically an angel, or maybe even a god, of this world. How exactly was he supposed to be married to one?

Am I...am I just overthinking this? I mean, I care about Rhea, and she obviously cares about all of us. Should I just go for it?

Sighing, Mac looked at Rhea, still sitting on his knee, as she pretended to whistle and twirled her hair in her fingers. “Alright, I can't think of a good reason to refuse. And I can think of a lot of reasons to say yes. I do care about you. And honestly, we're so close already it feels like we're married anyway.”

Mac thought Rhea might have blushed at that, but it was hard to tell on her small purple cheeks. She flew up and hugged his face, “Yay! I thought you would probably accept, but it's nice to know for sure.”

“So, how exactly are we going to do this? By what you said, I'm assuming you want to be treated like everyone else?” Mac asked, patting her head again.

“Of course! We can go on dates! And we'll have a big wedding! And...and I want to have a least 4 kids, preferably two boys and two girls, but I won't be upset if we have more, so-”

Mac cut her off, “Um...it might be a bit hard to have kids...”

Rhea also looked confused, “What? Did you forget!? I'm pretty sure I told you!” she said, before flying up. Suddenly, she started glowing bright (well, brighter than normal), and then began to enlarge.

Mac's jaw dropped as Rhea grew in front of him. After a few seconds, the light dimmed, and Mac could see a human-sized Rhea in front of him, still purple, and now completely naked, the leaf she had been wearing having fallen into the bath.

“Wow...” was all Mac said.

Rhea paid him no heed as she was looking herself over. Stopping at her breasts, she seemed unhappy with the size, and made them grow a bit extra, now probably as large as Felicia's. Looking at her hair, she grew it out a few extra inches so it was down to her waist. Nodding in approval at her changes, she floated down and lightly splashed into the tub, leaning in front of Mac. “What do you think?” she said, giving him a big grin. “I told you I could control my own body when we first met!”

“Oh, you did, I remember now...”

“Hehehe, well...”

“You're, um, very beautiful.”

Rhea looked down at his crotch, “Yeah, I can tell you're excited. I did wonder if me being purple would affect anything...”

“Nope, definitely not,” Mac replied, trying in vain to cover his erect shaft.

Rhea crawled over and grabbed Mac's chin, kissing him passionately. “I've seen you do this enough to know how it goes,” she said, giving a seductive smile.

Mac grabbed her breasts, which felt more silken then a person's skin. He began squeezing and massaging as they continued making out. Rhea grabbed his shaft and started furiously rubbing. Mac moaned in between kisses, causing Rhea to giggle.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked.

“You...for sure want to?” Mac asked back.

Rhea nodded, “Ever since I met Elly, and thought about Celestina...I wanted to try this out for myself. And after spending so much time together, I realized I wanted it to be with you.”

Mac was overcome with emotion, not sure how he felt about being the desired first partner for a spirit. Of course, this was barely a step up from some of the craziness he had been through already. Grabbing Rhea's sides, he gently slid her onto his quivering shaft.

Rhea winced a bit in pain.

Mac, despite the situation, asked, “Couldn't you have made that...easier on yourself?”

Rhea shook her head, “No, it means nothing if it's not the authentic experience.”

Well, I guess I can't argue with that. Slowly moving in and out, Mac's shaft moved back and forth, with Rhea giggling.

“Why are you laughing?” Mac asked, breathing heavily.

“It feels so good! No wonder your wives want to do this all the time!” she said, before leaning forward and kissing him again. Mac pulled her close, shoving himself deeper and pressing her breasts against his chest.

“This...is...amazing!” she said between kisses, grabbing his back as Mac started to thrust faster.

“Rhea, I'm about to...”

Rhea simply nodded and kept kissing him.

Mac started to release inside her, thrusting deeply, body shaking as he did.

Rhea moaned loudly in pleasure, breathing heavily as well, and resting her head on Mac's shoulder. “Mhhh, can we just stay like this for a bit? Feeling connected is so nice...”

Mac nodded, keeping still and holding her closely. He could see the sweat dripping down her back and around her wings. I guess even spirits get exhausted from sex.

Rhea eventually let go and leaned back on her hands. “Is this good for you? I can modify myself if you want.”

Mac shook his head, “No, it's great. Like I said, you're beautiful.”

Rhea smiled, “That's nice to hear, this is how I imagined myself looking. Well, I may have made my breasts a little larger than I originally intended, although that seemed to end up being a good decision....” she explained, giving a seductive smile again as she lightly bounced her chest.

Mac, watching her do this, got hard again.

“Haha, I'm glad I can turn you on so easily. I really was worried I might have trouble, but you're already ready to-”

Mac interrupted her by picking her up, and gently laying her on a towel behind him (careful not to bend her wings, although they seemed to be pretty sturdy).

“Ohhh, this is nice too, go ahead and take the lead...” Rhea said with a smile.

Mac grabbed and inserted himself again as she lay there, leaning over and kissing her as she moaned in response. He started thrusting faster and faster, their kissing becoming sloppier as it got hard to focus due to the intense pleasure.

After a bit, he felt himself coming again, and wrapped his arms around her as he forced himself deep into her.

Moaning some more, Rhea arched her back in pleasure as Mac released inside her again.

Collapsing on the ground next to her, Mac wiped the sweat off her brow. She smiled and gave him another kiss for good measure.

After they had both caught their breath, they got back into the bath, washing each other of sweat, although while Mac was soaping up Rhea he got hard again, causing them to have another go in the bath and needing to spend longer washing up.

After they finally finished, they got out and dried themselves off.

“Well, should we go tell the others the good news?” she asked, hugging him tightly.

Mac, trying to not get too excited again, nodded.

Rhea started to glow again and transform, but Mac grabbed her hand.

“No..I mean...do you want to stay like that?” Mac asked.

“But I...oh...” she said, blushing again as she saw Mac scratching his cheek. “Do you like this form that much?”

“I mean, your small form is cute, and I'm sure it will be useful sometimes. But...yeah, I do...” he said, leaning in and giving her a kiss as reinforcement.

“Hehe, well, after what we just did, I think I prefer this form too...”


However, they hadn't realized how much time they had spent in the bath, and most everyone was already asleep. Since the night had been scheduled as a rest day for Mac (that didn't happen...), no one was waiting on him. Except, there was one person still awake at that hour.

“Well, judging by the fact your walking hand in hand wearing bathrobes, I'm going to assume everything went well?” Marie asked, walking up behind them.

They both nodded.

Realizing something, Mac asked “Wait, you're not surprised by Rhea's form?”

Marie shook her head, “She was talking about having children, so I assumed she could do something like this. I mean, she is a spirit.”

Rhea asked, “What did you think of me wanting to have a wedding? I know it might surprise some people, but...”

Marie nodded, “Yes, you want a normal wedding right? I think we should just treat is as such.”

“So...we're gonna tell them it's the primordial spirit Arborhea?” Mac asked, somewhat incredulous.

“Yes. We don't have to make a big deal out of it, but we also don't need to hide it. It's possible some think we're joking, actually...a lot of people might think we're joking, but it's not like they will be able to say anything when they get a glimpse of her,” she said, pointing to her purple skin and green wings.

“Uh, good point,” Mac conceded.

“Rhea, do you...want to invite any other spirits? I don't even know how I would, but if there's something I can do...” Marie asked.

Rhea shook her head, “Once news starts spreading around, any that are interested will hear, and come if they want. I doubt many would, but I guess we'll see.”

Marie nodded, “Okay.”

“Do we need to be worried about other countries? Could they get upset?” Mac asked.

“No, if anything it will just raise the countries prestige, having a Spirit Queen.”

Rhea put her hands to her sides and puffed out her chest proudly.

“Besides, what would they even do?” Marie added.

“I don't know, but spirits are basically legends, right?” Mac asked, face scrunching up.

Marie shrugged, “You had gods of legend in your world right? What would you have done if one came down to marry your King?”

Mac tried to imagine the scenario playing out in his world, “I guess...there would probably be some uproar, but mostly things would keep going on as they were, and it would die down once people got accustomed to it.”

“Exactly. It's a big deal, but it's not world-shattering or anything.”

I still feel like that's simplifying it a bit much, but at this point I guess we're going with it. He looked over at Rhea, who was holding her face in her hands and making a giddy smile. Seeing her this happy is worth it, too.

Marie nodded, “If you'll excuse me, I'll let you two turn in for the night,” she said, giving them a knowing smile.

Rhea wrapped herself tightly around him, pressing her breasts against him, before dragging him to his room.

As they entered, Mac said, “You know, once we announce it, you can have your own room, too, right? You don't need to sleep in random people's rooms?”

Rhea looked up thoughtfully, “Hmm, that sounds nice, although I might slip into people's room sometimes anyways...”

“Well, I'm sure they don't mind...” Mac replied, before grabbing some pajamas.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Rhea said, before untying her bathrobe.

“Oh...” Mac said, dropping his pajamas as the naked Rhea leaped at him.


In the morning, Mac woke up, his body being held tightly. As this was not unusual for him anymore, he opened his eyes, to see the very unusual sight of purple hair in his face.

Remembering the previous night, he ruffled Rhea's hair. “Hey, wake up, or we're gonna miss breakfast.”

Rhea, still half asleep, started flapping her wings, and in doing so lifted herself, and the Mac she was holding, off the bed.

Mac, struggling in her grip, tried to wake her up. “Hey, we're gonna hit the ceiling!” he half-shouted. Since she wasn't waking up, he grabbed her head and gave her a deep kiss.

Eyes shooting open, Rhea's wings abruptly stopped flapping and they dropped back onto the bed.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot I was big!” she said, frantically apologizing.

Mac wrapped his hand around her cheek, “It's okay, I'm not mad, just a bit afraid of bonking my head.”

Giving him a big hug, she flapped her wings in delight.

“Come on, let's get to breakfast and let everyone know,” Mac said, getting dressed.

“Err....” Rhea said, kneeling on the bed naked, pushing her fingers together.

“Oh...you don't have any clothes that size...well, if you wanna go back to normal-”

Rhea put up her fist, “No, this is my new normal! I'll just wear the bathrobe again!”

Mac shook his head, before rummaging around in his drawers. “I think...ah, here...” he pulled out a white dress. Unsurprisingly, sometimes women's clothes ended up in his room, and his wives often left extra clothes in his cupboard, just in case they were needed. While this probably wasn't what they had in mind by 'just in case', it still would help out here.

“Here, I think this is one of Mel's extra's,” he said, handing it to her.

Rhea looked at it, “You don't think she'll be mad?”

“No, I don't think so. Although we should get you your own clothes when...” he stopped as she pulled the dress over herself, and he realized an issue: she had no undergarments. While the bottom half was probably fine, since this was a longer dress, her nipples were poking through as her breasts barely fit inside.

Rhea looked down, “Oh...hold on,” she said, before her nipples stopped poking through.

“You can get rid of them? I feel like you have too much control of your own body.”

Rhea giggled, “No, silly, I just inverted them for now. I'll pop them back out once we're naked again,” she added with a smile.

Mac didn't even know how to react to that, as Rhea kept giggling at the face he was making.


Walking down the hall, hand in hand, Rhea kept giggling more.

Mac smiled, “Why are you still giggling? I mean, it's cute, but...”

Rhea gave him another kiss, “I just can't help it, this feeling is so amazing. It's like the first time I grew a tree.”

Um...that's gotta be high praise coming from her, right? “I'll do my best to keep you feeling that way,” he responded, and gave her another kiss back.

In the dining hall, they received the reaction Mac expected, which is to say, his other partners were all incredibly surprised, until they realized the purple girl must be Rhea, and all rushed her.

“Rhea! That's you right? That means everything went well?” Melissandra asked excitedly.

Rhea nodded. “Yup, Mac couldn't resist me!”

Felicia smirked, “Not hard to see why...”

Kay and Emma were hugging each other, a sad expression on their faces. “Traitor! We thought you were one of us!”

Eleanor was simply hugging Rhea and rubbing cheeks.

While they were busy celebrating, Mac sat down next to the only one who wasn't surprised.

“You sure this will work fine?” Mac asked her.

Marie nodded. “Yes, I thought more on it last night and I'm sure it will. Or, well, we'll make it work.”

Mac smiled and nodded. However, he quickly became distracted though, as he noticed the maid who was attending them was sitting in the corner of the room, very confused. Ah, shoot...

Pointing this out to Marie, she held her head, “Yes, I had thought about that, but I wasn't sure what to do...”

“Maybe just introduce her to the maids later? Rhea loves doing big reveals.”

“If we do, it will get out right away to the other nobles,” Marie reminded him.

Mac shrugged, “It's gonna get out anyways.”

Marie thought for a moment, “Maybe we should at least wait until after your and Kay's wedding. Lord Gascon might take it as us upstaging this huge wedding he has planned.”

Mac nodded, agreeing with that logic. Yeah, I'd rather not make him upset.

Marie motioned to the maid, getting her to bring some more food out. Standing up, she gave Mac a kiss, whispering into his ear, “See you tonight.”

Blushing a bit, Mac nodded, watching as she left the dining hall.


Around the Castle


That morning, Mac finished his paperwork quickly and went down to try and remove some more rust.

On his way, he stopped by to give Daisy a quick kiss, and then went to the station he had set up. Setting a few pieces into the tub, he added some baking soda and slowly started charging up the water. If he used a lot of electricity, he could de-rust a few pieces in a few minutes, but it sapped a lot of his energy.

Sitting back, holding himself up with his hands, he took a few deep breaths. This really does take it out of me. I guess it's good practice though.

Taking out and storing the pieces he cleaned, he started walking back up to the castle, until he noticed Emma in the distance.

“Heuuugh,” he heard from her as he approached. She put her hands on her knees, before wiping sweat off her brow.

Mac noticed piles of dirt around her. “Practicing your magic?”

Emma turned around surprised, but then smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I wanna move enough to be useful, but it's slow going.”

Mac nodded back, “Yeah, it took me a while to build it up. Even now I can only use at full power for a few minutes before I feel like passing out.”

Emma moved one more mound of dirt, before dropping on her butt and breathing heavily. “Hey, are you busy right now?” she asked.

Mac shook his head, “No, I'm spending time with Felicia this afternoon, but I was gonna rest until then.”

Emma smiled, pulling Mac down onto the ground, and then sitting in his lap.

Mac wrapped his arms around her.

“You gonna kiss me or what?” Emma said teasingly, looking up at him.

Mac pulled pack her sweaty brows and kissed her forehead.

Emma giggled, “That tickled,” but seemed satisfied.

After relaxing for a few minutes, Emma asked, “Can we visit the farm some time?”

“What, are you homesick?” Mac asked.

“No...well, maybe a little?”

Mac shrugged, “I don't see why not. Although it'll need to wait until we have some time.”

Emma nodded, “I know, it doesn't need to be right away. I just wanna see my parents and siblings again.”

Mac smiled, giving her another hug as they relaxed in the grass.


In the afternoon, Mac went to get Felicia, who was with her siblings again. Mac knocked and went in, only to be attacked by a young boy and girl grabbing onto his legs, their normal custom when he visited.

Rubbing their heads, he asked, “Having fun?”

“Are you here to take our sister again?” the boy asked.

Mac smiled, “Yeah, we gotta go do lovey-dovey stuff.”

The boy gave an 'ewww' and ran away, while the little girl giggled and grabbed Mac's hand, leading him across the room to Felicia, who was busy sewing again. This time, it looked like baby's clothes.

“Isn't it a bit early for that?” Mac asked, giving a slight chuckle.

Felicia shook her head. “Remember, rabbit-humans aren't pregnant as long as humans. Plus, Mel and Elly will need some too. Well, most likely all of them will at the rate you're going...”

Mac blushed a bit but didn't deny anything. “It's not my fault for having such beautiful partners.”

Felicia giggled, setting aside her sewing and standing up to kiss him.

“What do you want to do today?” Mac asked, wrapping his arm around her.

Felicia pulled out a coinpurse and shook it.

“Shopping? For...?”

“Everyone,” Felicia smiled.

“Everyone?” Mac asked, confused.

“Yeah, we need to get nice clothes for all my siblings, since they'll be front row for our wedding.”

“Oh...yeah, of course!” Mac agreed.

“I heard you knew a good shop...”

Mac nodded, and they corralled the siblings together (all of them besides Fiona, who was busy on her maid shift.)

Keeping an eye on all of them, they made their way out of the palace, getting some amused grins from the guards as they made their way down. Huh, this feels like we're a married couple taking our kids shopping. Actually, we'll probably have to do that in the future. He looked down at Felicia's stomach.

Catching where he was looking, Felicia smiled, before grabbing Mac's hand as they walked.

Leading the way, Mac brought them to the high-end clothing shop he had been to several times before. The old man in the butler outfit who ran it was initially surprised when a bunch of kids came in, but stopped when he saw Mac and Felicia, although he did a double take at seeing Mac.

“Another, sir?” he said with a smile.

Mac nodded. “Yes, this is Felicia. Our wedding is coming up soon, and we need some nice clothes for all her siblings.”

The old man smiled and gave a bow. “Of course, right away.”

Felicia had the children line up so the old man could measure them all (no small undertaking given the number of them). As he was doing so, Mac and Felicia sat down in the corner watching.

“You think we'll do this with our own kids some day?” Felicia asked, smiling.

Mac laughed “Haha, I was just thinking that! Though I don't look forward to having to take care of this many all the time...”

“That's why I'm here,” Felicia responded, and stuck out her tongue.

“Are you really gonna be okay taking care of our kids and everyone else's?”

Felicia looked up, thinking. “Hmmm, I bet my limit is about twenty.”

“Twenty!?” Mac shouted, briefly causing everyone to look at him.

Felicia giggled, “Haha, it's possible you'll have that many. Although, do you really think Mel and Elly will just drop off their kids and never help? I bet they'll be over every minute they aren't working.”

Mac nodded, “Yeah. I mean, I probably will be as well.”

Felicia laid her head on his shoulder, “Just don't forget about your wives too...”

Mac was filled with existential dread. He was already having trouble balancing spending time with all of this partners, adding children to the mix might be too much.

Reading his mind, Felicia gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Don't worry, you'll figure something out.”

Mac shook his head. “I need two or three of me.”


As they were talking, the old man finished measuring and started grabbing clothes.

Felicia stood up “I better go help the younger ones change.”

Mac kept watch on the others, who were mostly chasing each other around the store. Luckily, the old man was either too focused on choosing clothes to notice, or just accepted it as part of doing business.

As this was happening, Finn, the oldest brother of the bunch (who had recently turned sixteen) walked up to him, wearing a suit.

Mac nodded. “That fits you pretty well.”

Finn blushed a bit, and gave a 'hmpf'. “I wanted to say something.”

Mac raised an eyebrow.

“Er...thank you for taking care of my sister. She sacrificed a lot for all of us, so I'm glad she seems happy with you.”

Taken aback, Mac stared for a few moments before smiling. “Well, um, you're welcome Finn. She makes me happy too.”

Satisfied with that response, Finn continued. “Since I'm of age now, I was thinking of what I wanted to do. I...want to stay nearby my siblings, so I was thinking of joining the royal guard. That way I can protect Felicia...and my future nieces and nephews.”

Mac gave a weak smile. That's very admirable, but... “...I'm sure you can get there Finn, but the royal guard usually only accepts established soldiers. They don't normally train from scratch.”

Finn's jaw dropped as he looked like his whole world was falling apart. “No...I thought...”

Mac was quickly trying to think of a way to reassure him, before stumbling upon an idea. “Hey now, don't worry. You know you're other future brother-in-law, La Hire?”

Finn nodded, “He's the Captain, right?”

“Yeah, he's the finest warrior we have. Maybe the best in the whole country. So, maybe you can convince him to train you in his spare time.”

Finn instantly perked up, “Really? You think he would?”

“Yeah...” Mac leaned in to whisper, “Just say it'll win him bonus points with Fiona and he'll do it in an instant!”

Finn nodded, grinning ear to ear now that his plan might come to fruition.

After spending considerable time deciding on clothes for everyone, they were finally able to leave.

“The palace again?” the old man asked.

Mac nodded.

“Very good...sire,” he tacked on, giving a knowing grin.

Guess he figured it out.


After dinner, Mac went to Marie's room, who had just finished moving from her old room in the regular palace to the hall with the royal family rooms.

Knocking, Mac heard a succinct 'come in', and entered. Marie was sitting at her tea table, sipping a drink as she looked over some papers.

Mac sighed, “Shouldn't you leave that in your office?”

Marie chuckled, “This isn't normal work...” she explained showing Mac the papers. They were several different dress designs. “Like any?”

Looking them over, Mac said “They all seem nice, but I assume you want me to actually pick one...”

Marie nodded in confirmation.

Deciding to tease her a bit, Mac set down one, “I like this one, but maybe cut it a bit lower.”

Marie blushed, “If I cut it lower, my nipples will be showing! A woman my age can't wear something like that!”

“I don't think...” Mac said, before stopping. This might be dangerous, but I'm curious now. And we are getting married. “What is your age?”

Marie went really red, poking her index fingers together as she looked down. “Errmm....thirty....four....”

Mac nodded, “Okay, I was just curious.”

“You're not...nevermind,” she abruptly changed her tone back to normal.

Hopefully she realized herself I don't care.

As if to signal this was true, she stood up and hugged Mac. “If you really like that one, I'll choose it. But I think we'll keep it at it's currently designed length.”

Mac chuckled, “That's fine,” and hugged her back.

After a moment, Marie let go of him, and started undressing. “Alright, let's get to it.”

Taken aback at her businesslike attitude, Mac started undressing as well.

“Come on, come on...” Marie said, lying down on the bed and beckoning him over.

Mac gave a sly smile as he walked over. “What's wrong? It's not like I'm going to lose interest...”

Marie blushed, “I know, I've just been...distracted thinking about this all day.”

Mac blushed as well, getting on top of her. He could see she was already wet enough that foreplay was unnecessary. Sticking his member in, Marie let out a half-moan, half-sigh of relief, before wrapping her hands around the back of his neck.

“Just take it nice and slow for now,” Marie said, savoring every movement as Mac slowly slid in and out.

Mac did this for a few minutes, although slowly started to pick up the pace. “Sorry, I'm getting too excited.”

Marie shook her head, smiling, “No, go for it, I'm ready.”

Mac went quicker and quicker, slapping harder and harder against her, until he felt himself about to burst. Marie wrapped her legs around him, pulling him tightly against her as he released inside her, spasming several times until he was empty.

Despite Mac still being inside her, Marie sat up and embraced him, slowly making out with him as he tried to catch his breath.

“Sheesh...you're insane...” Mac said when he was able to get some air.

Marie blushed a bit. “I think you know how you make me feel.”

Mac nodded, “Same with you.”

Due to the incessant kissing from Marie, Mac got hard again still inside her, and started to thrust up into her, pushing her up and down. Mac sucked her breasts, unable to resist the allure as they bounced in front of him.

This time, Mac quickly finished, holding her tightly down as he came deep inside her.

Marie gave a giddy smile, pulling him down as they both panted heavily, giving him another passionate, sweaty kiss.

“You still want more!?” Mac asked, trying to catch his breath again.

Marie nodded. “Although, maybe we should bathe before continuing...”


The next morning, Mac checked in with Melissandra in her office, as she had asked him to come during breakfast.

“How are you feeling? Still sick in the morning?”

Melissandra shook her head, “No, it's mostly subsided.”

Mac nodded, “That's good. By the way, I still haven't thought of a good name...”

Melissandra shook her head, “That's okay, I'm not even halfway yet, so we still have time.”

“Tell that to Felicia, she's already sewing...”

“Mac, I don't mind talking about our future children, but you know that's not why I wanted to talk here.”

Mac grimaced and sat down.

Melissandra looked at him expectantly.

“I don't know. I guess it went okay? She didn't stab me, at least.”

Melissandra giggled, “Well if I thought she might do that I wouldn't have suggested you talk with her.”

“Well, we didn't get very far, besides reiterating our intentions. I did suggest she not stay holed up in her room though.”

Melissandra nodded. “I did the same.”

“I actually said she should train with the guards if she wants to have something to do.”

Melissandra shrugged, “I'm sure Captain La Hire won't mind.”


La Hire facepalmed after hearing the request of the woman in front of him. Why is one of sire's fiance's requesting to train with us? She might be capable enough, but if she were to accidentally get injured...

La Hire looked again at her. “Lady Gabriella, right?”

Gabriella nodded.

“If this is actually a request from the King, that's fine, but...”

“It is,” Gabriella nodded again.

La Hire sighed. “Alright, come on then,” he said, beckoning her to follow him. “We're sparring right now. Everyone else already has a partner, so you can spar with me.”

Grabbing one of the wooden sword and shields, Gabriella gave it a few swings.

Well, she knows how to swing, at least. Holding up his shield, La Hire got into position. “Alright, whenever you're ready.”

Gabriella looked at him for a moment, before lunging at him.

La Hire deftly batted the sword away with his shield before taking a slash at her, which she stepped out of. Guess she knows her stuff.

They continued battling back and forth for a few minutes, before eventually La Hire knocked her sword out of her hand, and rapped her in the side with his sword.

“Gehhh...” she grunted, falling over.

La Hire immediately stopped, looking concerned. Shoot, she was good enough that I didn't hold back at all, I forget she was one of the King's fiance's! Holding out his hand, Gabriella smirked and allowed herself to be pulled up.

“You're pretty good. I must be rusty.”

La Hire nodded, “Could be. You're definitely better than most I've sparred with.”

Gabriella grabbed her sword and shield, dusting them off. “Let's go again.”


That afternoon, Mac was spending time with Charlotte. She had, apparently, forgotten that it was her afternoon, and was busy working on the steam engine.

“I'm sorry!” Charlotte said, bowing in embarrassment.

Mac shook his head, “It's not a big deal, I'm sure you were just busy.”

Charlotte nodded. I actually have it working now, but-”

Mac's eyes widened in surprise, “What!? It's working now? That's amazing!”

Charlotte grew red again, “Yes, but...”

“What's wrong? Mac said, noticing her reaction.

“It's...well, maybe I should just show you.”

After shoveling some coal in (which Mac took the shovel and did for her) they waited for the engine to heat up. After a few minutes, the engine slowly started moving. It was immediately evident to Mac what the issue was...there was an unbearable screeching as the parts moved. The lift was being pulled up, but very slowly. And whoever was operating would have their hearing damaged.

Charlotte put out the fire and the gears slowly ground to a halt.

Mac tapped his head in thought. “We need something...”

Charlotte got excited as it seemed like Mac might think of something. “Yeah, yeah!”

“Some kind of lubricant. I, um...I'm not sure. In my world, we could just buy it in tubes, but that's not possible here.”

Now Charlotte was thinking. “So, something to let them slide past each other and reduce the friction?”

Mac nodded.

After a few moments, Charlotte rushed out of the workshop, running at full tilt.

Uh...guess she had an idea. Waiting a while, Mac looked around the workshop. It seems like she had been tinkering with a few other things, and there were many diagrams sprawled out everywhere, some with big 'X's through them. Maybe she thought those were unfeasible?

After a couple minutes, Charlotte abruptly came back. Breathing heavily, she held up a bucket. “Cooking grease. If it stops food from sticking to pots, it should stop the metal sticking, right?”

Mac was in awe of her quick thinking. “Yes! Well, I think that should work?”

Charlotte nodded. Grabbing a ladle from the bucket, she poured some of the bucket's contents wherever the metal was touching or connected.

Mac shoveled some more coal and started the fire again. As it slowly heated up, the axles started moving again. This time, their was no squeaking, and the axles spun much faster, this time lifting the rock very quickly.

Charlotte tapped her chin, “It worked like it should, although we still-”

Mac, however, was much more excited. “Amazing! You did it Charlotte!” hugging her off the ground and spinning around, before giving her a big kiss.

Charlotte immediately lost all train of thought she had, going red in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Mac abruptly stopped and set her back down. “Sorry, I just got a little excited.”

Charlotte shook her head, “No, I...” she mustered up her courage and jumped back up, hanging off Mac's neck and kissing him again.

Catching her, Mac reciprocated the kiss.

After a few moments of making out, Charlotte unlatched herself, breathing heavy. “Did I do it right?”

Mac chuckled a bit. “Yes, although you don't need to force yourself.”

Charlotte shook her head, “No, I got some...” she looked down and blushed, “...tips from the others.”

I know who gave you that tip.

Mac leaned over and gave her another quick peck on the lips. “That's fine, but please just keep being Charlotte. Do whatever you're comfortable with.”

Charlotte was taken aback, but then smiled and nodded. She immediately then went back to the engine, muttering to herself as she poured some more cooking grease onto the axles.

Yup, that's the Charlotte I know.

Sitting down and watching her work, Mac was quiet for the rest of the afternoon as Charlotte kept working on the engine, alternating between running it and tinkering with different aspects (and using up most of the bucket of cooking grease.

Eventually, dinner time came. “Charlotte?”

Charlotte jumped up in surprise. “Oh...sorry, I forgot...”

Mac shook his head, “Don't worry about it. I'm assuming you're gonna keep working on this?”

Charlotte nodded, before turning back around and doing just that.

Mac walked over and kissed her goodbye, although she seemed to barely register it as she kept tinkering with the engine.


After dinner, Mac walked over to Emma's room. As he went inside, Emma was already sleeping in the bed in her normal pajamas, consisting of a white camisole and panties.

She must have been tired. She's been practicing her magic and working hard with the agriculture documents.

Mac walked over and sat down on the bed next to her, stroking her hair as he watched her softly breathe in and out. He weighed his options. I should let her sleep and recharge. But if I don't wake her up, she might get mad that we didn't have sex on her night. After weighing the two options, he thought waking her up was the better idea. No, I'm not horny! She definitely would get mad! he told himself.

Gently shaking her shoulder, Mac whispered, “Emma...wake up...”

Emma groaned, slowly opening her eyes and rolling over on her back. “Mac? Wassss wrong?”

Mac smiled, “Well, you fell asleep, but I figured you'd be upset if I just let you sleep through the night.”

Emma nodded, slowly sitting up. “You're right, I woulda been pretty mad.”

Phew, Mac let out internally.

Emma wandered over to her bathroom, where Mac heard her dunk something in the tub. As she came back, towel rubbing her hair, Mac realized she must have dunked her head in.

“Alright, I'm awake now,” Emma said, jumping in his lap.

Mac wrapped his arms around her, slowly kissing her neck.

Emma giggled, “That tickles! Kiss here instead,” she added, pressing her lips on his.

Mac reached underneath her camisole, rubbing her breasts. Emma giving a cute grunt every time he went over her nipples.

“You're so mean, teasing me there all the time,” Emma said, standing up and taking her camisole off. “I see that got you ready in no time, though” she added, pulling Mac's pants off.

Mac grinned. “Well, so are you,” he responded, pulling off her panties to reveal her as already dripping wet.

Emma blushed a bit, climbing on top of Mac's member and slowly sliding herself in. As Mac started thrusting up into her, Emma moaned more and more, causing Mac to pick up the pace.

As Emma felt Mac coming, she locked lips and stuck her tongue in, grabbing him tightly as he released into her.

Laying her head on Mac's shoulder, she slowly caught her breath. “I better be pregnant after that.”

Mac chuckled. “Are you worried about that? It's not a competition.”

Emma nodded, “I know, but I want to have children too. Well, our children,” she added, giving him another kiss.

“Well, we'll just have to keep at it,” Mac said, giving a her a sly smile.

Emma giggled, before starting to rub Mac's member again.

After a couple more rounds, Emma was conked out again on the bed, Mac deciding this time to just let her sleep. I need the sleep too, anyway.


Preparing to Leave Again


After breakfast the next day, since he was caught up on paperwork (and didn't want to start anything new since they would be leaving soon) he decided to visit Rhea.

Since they weren't 'revealing' her yet, she didn't have a room, and was instead mostly hanging out in the gardens (except at night when she snuck into different people's rooms), getting used to her new form.

Walking down the gardens path, Mac found her snoozing on a bench, lounged over, revealing her undergarments. If she were in her small form, it would probably have been cute, but in her big form it looked more comical.

As Mac approached, the cartoon bubble coming out of her nose popped, and she woke up with a jolt. “You came to see me!?”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, why wouldn't I?”

Rhea acted as if she was going to say something, before shaking her head. “That's right, I'm important too now!”

Mac sighed, “You've always been important, even before we decided to marry.”

Rhea stood up and floated over to him with a bounce, giving him a kiss.

Mac gave her a kiss back. “That's a nice dress.”

Rhea nodded. “Melissandra gave me some of hers until I can get my own.”

“Yeah, we'll need to go shopping once its safe.”

Rhea seemed a bit concerned. “Is it going to be okay? You and Marie seem concerned about it...”

Mac shook his head. “It's just...we want to make sure it's a good time to reveal you. And before you ask, no I'm not going to back out.”

Rhea raised her eyebrow. “I didn't think you would? Remember, I know what you're thinking about me.”

Mac gulped. Oh yeah, I completely forget that, since she doesn't mention it much. “Well, that's good. So...do you wanna stroll for a bit?” He grabbed her hand and continued down the path.

“Oh, let's go hang out with this one tree...” she suggested, running faster and pulling Mac in a specific direction.

After a minute, Rhea stopped by a specific tree in the gardens, one he had spent some emotional time with Melissandra under.

“I like this one the most. For some reason it reminds me of you a bit,” Rhea explained.

Mac looked at the tree. It didn't really look like him at all, it just looked like a tree. “Err, sorry, I guess I don't know why.”

Rhea grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, before placing his palm on the tree.

Suddenly, he felt a radiance coming from the tree, as if a light was enveloping him. He was overcome with a range of emotions. Sadness, joy, loneliness. Maybe even a hint of...lust? He couldn't feel them himself, but it was as if they were being shown to him.

After a few moments, Rhea pulled his hand back. “Did you get it?”

Mac nodded. “What did you even...”

“It was communicating with me, and I made it channel through you first,” Rhea said, giving a big grin.

“Well, it felt kind of weird. But I think I sort of understand now.”

Wrapping her arm in his, they continued along, Rhea occasionally stopping to talk with one or other of the trees.

There was a bit of an awkward exchange as they ran into one of the maid's watering flowers along the path, who gave a curtsy, along with some sideways glances at Mac, since she couldn't see Rhea.


In the afternoon, Mac was going over the plan for their wedding with Kay.

“The day we get there, the celebration will be in full swing already,” Kay explained.

Mac shook his head. “So we have a day of celebration before, then the wedding day, then another day of celebration?”

Kay giggled, “Nyahaha, I told you, my father wants to make our wedding one that will be talked about for years. Of course, it's partly to raise Gascon's prestige...”

“Well, I guess it doesn't hurt anything...I'd say the money could be put to better use, but we're already receiving a bunch...”

Kay nodded. “Yes, he'll be sending the payment home with us.”

“Still feels weird to get paid to marry you...”

Kay shook her head, “We already talked about this, I know you would anyway. Just think of the payment as a...good selection bonus,” Kay added, looking proud of herself.

Mac leaned over and scratched her ears, delighting Kay.

“Oh...” Kay said, suddenly remembering something. “Make sure we're being careful during the celebration.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “Why? What's wrong?”

Kay made a frown, “I don't know exactly. I got a couple reports that people are unhappy with your rule.”

“What!? I've only been here for, here for...” Mac counted on his hands, “...four months? What do they expect!?”

Kay nodded, “It'll be five months next week. It's not like this is a popular sentiment, but you always have a couple people who are unhappy for whatever reason.”

Urgh, I guess that's true in any world I'm in.

“Well, okay. I guess I'll make sure I have a guard with me at all times.”

Kay smiled and nodded. “Yes, I was already planning on it.”

Mac stopped scratching and leaned back in his chair. “Since we mentioned it, I've really been losing track of time.”

“Nyahaha, good thing Mel keeps track of your schedule,” Kay giggled, sipping on her tea.

“Yeah, I feel like I'm relying on her too much. Really, all of you too much.”

Kay shook her head, “Nonsense! What are your cute wives for but to be worked to the bone?” she said with a teasing grin.

“Actually...I did have an idea I could use your help with...”

Kay set down her tea, intrigued, “Oh? What would that be?”

“So you know how we're waiting for an opportune time to reveal Rhea's existence, right?”

Kay nodded, “Yes. Are you wanting to spread rumors about her to make it less jarring when we actually do?”

Mac flinched in surprise. “You're scary sometimes.”

“Nyahaha, I merely had already thought about the possibility. Since you thought of it independently, that mean's its probably a good idea.”

“You might be giving me too much credit.”

“I could say the same,” Kay added with a sly smile, before taking another drink.


After dinner that evening, Mac had the evening to himself. His partners were all packing (Mac had finished already) and they would all be joining this time (Tillie giving the okay for the pregnant wives to make the short trip, since it was a special occasion). It's our first trip as a family. Well, sort of, it's only 5 days, and most of that will just be at the Gascon estate.

Mac turned his phone on, scrolling through the pictures. He had taken quite a few at this point, including some with Marie and Rhea now. He kept scrolling until he got down to the ones from his old world. Five months, but it feels like a lifetime ago...

As usual, the phone was showing as having no signal. Mac shook his head, Even if I (well, with Charlotte doing most of the work) could advance our tech a bit, getting to smart phones in my lifetime is a bit too ambitious. Turning it off, he placed it inside the box Rhea had been trapped in. Since only he could open it, it made for a good mini-safe. I guess this can just be a time capsule of my life here.

Laying back on the bed, and staring up at the ceiling, Mac slowly drifted off to sleep.


In the morning, everyone was gathering in the front yard. Since the entire royal family was leaving, most of the maid staff, and almost the entire royal guard, was going with them. Due to this, there was more than a dozen carriages and wagons being loaded up.

“Hey, uh everyone!” Mac asked, getting the attention of his partners.

They all stopped their various conversations and looked at him.

“Uh...I was hoping we could get a picture with all of us before we leave.”

Always excited at having their picture taken, they quickly gathered up around him. As Mac tried to take a selfie, stretching out his arm as far as he could, he realized the futility of trying to get all of the in the picture together.

Luckily, Fiona was nearby, and offered to take it for him.


Thanking Fiona, Mac showed all of them the picture.

“It looks wonderful!” Eleanor exclaimed.

“Haha, even with that we barely all fit,” Emma laughed.

“What are you gonna do once we have children too?” Felicia asked.

“Uh...I guess we'll figure something out,” Mac answered, not really sure himself.


After that, they started loading into the carriage. As Mac watched them all slowly climb into the carriage (and helping the pregnant ones in) he realized...there might be a problem. After all nine of them were in, Mac followed them up.

“Umm....” The carriage was...a bit crowded. I get that's partially my fault, but...

Shaking his head, he walked over to the window, saving the seats and the bed for the others. Marie, who seemed to be doing the same, walked over and gave him a smirk. “Regretting your decisions?”

“No...we just might need a bigger carriage.”

Marie smiled. “Well, we could always commission one, although it'll be a bit expensive.”

“I mean, I would like to travel with everyone more. So maybe we can once we're better off.”


As they started out, Mac sat by the window listening to the conversations being had.

On the bed, Rhea was showing Emma and Felicia her wings.

“Oh, they're really silky,” Felicia said, touching them lightly.

“Yeah, I wish I had a pillow made of these,” Emma added.

Rhea laughed, “Haha, please don't pull them off!”

Around the tea table, Daisy, Eleanor, and Marie were chatting.

“I had Mac start giving me shoulder massages too, and it really feels great,” Eleanor explained with a smile.

“I told ya! He gets in your shoulder muscles real deep! Although I imagine he's a bit softer with y'all...” Daisy responded.

Marie gave a smirk, “I don't know, he was pretty rough with me...”

Deciding to pretend he didn't hear that last comment, he continued looking around.

Charlotte, predictably, was sitting next to the bed, nose deep in one of Mac's books. Surprisingly, this was a mathematics one, a book he hadn't seen her reading before. Hoping she didn't ask questions about that one, since he would probably struggle to answer, he looked at the last two. Melissandra and Kay were whispering in a corner.

They must be up to something.


With all the chatter, the day passed relatively quickly, and they stopped at the inn partway to the Gascon estate that they had rented out in its entirety for the night.

This time, since the whole royal family was there, they had their own set of tables to eat at.

The maids were taking care of cooking, so the normal tavern girls didn't have as much to do.

A deer-human barmaid came up, awkwardly smiling while watching the maids methodically delivering food to the table. “Umm...could I help your majesties to any drinks?”

Mac smiled, “Sure, I'll have an ale.”

Most of the others shook their head (either due to being pregnant or trying), although Marie ordered her favorite wine while Daisy ordered her usual ale. And Charlotte, who ordered a beer.

Oh no... Mac thought, trying to hide his dismay. He leaned over to Melissandra, who he was sitting next to, and whispered, “Hey, help me keep an eye on Charlotte.”

Melissandra raised an eyebrow, but nodded.


As he sat there drinking, he casually looked around the scene. His partners were all chatting as they had been in the carriage, and the guards were shouting and carousing as usual. He noticed Gabriella was with them, seemingly enjoying herself drinking with the guards.

On one side of the tavern, the maids were all sitting at a table eating (now that all the food had been served), chatting and giggling amongst themselves. I guess this is basically a vacation for them as much as it is for everyone else.

“Here you go!” said the deer-human girl, setting down another ale in front of him with a smile.

Snapping Mac back to the table, he smiled back at her, “Oh, uh, thanks.” I wasn't going to get another, but I guess this is a good chance to kick back...

“Mac...” Melissanda grabbed his leg, and motioning her head toward Charlotte.

As predicted, Charlotte looked extremely drunk, not even a quarter way into her mug of beer.

“Hey, when you gonna kiss me?” she said, looking down the table at Mac.

Mac just blinked a few times, not sure how to respond. Like right now!?

Eleanor, who was sitting in between Charlotte and Mac, seemed to think Charlotte was talking to her. Blushing a bit, she said, “Oh...I...guess that's fine. I'm assuming you mean like this, right?” and leaned over, kissing Charlotte on the cheek.

Charlotte seemed delighted at this development, standing up in her chair to kiss Eleanor back. Except, she slipped out of her chair as she was standing.

Luckily Daisy, who had been laughing at the display, reacted quickly and caught Charlotte in her arms, receiving her own kiss on the cheek for her trouble.

Daisy seemed to take it in stride, “Aww, shucks, you shouldn't have...” but stopped when she noticed Charlotte seemed to be asleep in her arms.

Melissandra shook her head, facepalming. “I guess we should turn in. Do you need anything?”

Mac shook his head. They had said earlier they were going to have a 'girl's night' since all of them were together for the first time (on a trip, that is) and Mac was more than fine getting another night of rest.

Giving him a quick kiss, she left. The rest of them one-by-one gave him a kiss (the guards started cheering after a couple, giving a big holler with each one). He even gave Charlotte a peck on the cheek, which earned him a grin despite her state. Is she really asleep!?

Once they were all gone, Mac decided to join the tables of guards. One of them, used to fraternizing with the King on previous trips, asked him, “Ain't you joining your wives, sire?”

Mac shook his head as the deer-human girl gave him another ale. “No, they're having fun together tonight, so I'm all by myself.”

This earned him a round of laughter from the guards. Another asked, “All those woman and you're all alone, what a riot!”

Mac, deciding to play along, took a swig and replied “Well, to be honest, sometimes I get so worn out I need a break...”

Luckily, this garnered another round of laughter from the guards. Even La Hire, who had a couple drinks, was laughing. And, to his astonishment, so was Gabriella.

Maybe she's more comfortable in this kind of environment?

Due to the drink and atmosphere, the guards had decided it was safe to pepper their sovereign with personal questions.

“Who's your favorite?”

“Come on, you know I can't choose, I like all of them in-...”

“Who has the largest chest?

“I mean, it's obviously Eleanor, I'm surprised you even-...”

“Is it true Queen Melissandra seduced you the first night you were summoned?”

“How do you even...well, no, not-...”

Eventually, La Hire put his foot down. “Just because he's drinking with us, doesn't mean you can ask him questions ad nauseam.”

Some of the guards started to protest, so Mac said, “Well, I was gonna hit the sack anyway, since we got a big couple days coming up.”

Receiving a couple slaps on the back, Mac headed up to his room.


Washing himself and drinking some water to try and help sober himself up, he changed into his tracksuit and laid on the bed, listening to the sounds from the tavern filtering up from below.

As he closed his eyes, he started to drift off to sleep, when a knock came at his door.

Alarm bells started going off in his head. Wait...what's going on? They aren't supposed to be coming tonight. Did one of them sneak over? That's not...well, nevermind, I could see some of them doing that.

He slowly walked up to the door, before having another realization. Wait...is she really...

Stopping in front of the door, he slowly opened it to see the deer-human tavern girl, holding a tray with a couple mugs of beer.

Oh...why did I think it was going to be a drunk Gabriella? I'm going crazy...

Giving him a smile, the deer girl asked, “Would you like another ale before bed, sire?”

“No, I...” but seeing her cute grin, Mac couldn't say no. “Yeah, why not.”

The deer girl came in and set the tray down on the table, grabbing the mug and handing it to Mac.

Mac smiled, and took a swig from it.

“Um, sire,” the deer girl said, starting to blush.

Alarm bells started going off in Mac's head again.

“I heard you were alone tonight. Would you be...interested in purchasing me to keep you company?” she asked, sliding the sides of her tavern girl outfit to reveal a surprising amount of cleavage.

Wow, those are probably at least at Mel level, maybe... he started to think, before realizing he was staring.

The deer girl seemed to be doing a nervous, yet seductive smile as she slowly slid it down farther, her rough undergarment top now showing.

“Hold on. Look, um, you're very attractive, but I already have my wives and fiances, so I don't-...”

The deer girl cut him off, “But you said you were alone tonight.”

“Yes, but even so. If you really want to sell yourself, I'm sure one of the guards-...”

She cut him off again, “No, I, um...” she blushed fairly heavily, “...this is actually my first time, so I was hoping to sell it for a high price...”

Mac shook his head. “Why are you selling your virginity off? I get you might need the money, but-...”

She looked down, her cheery face now looking sad. “It's...it's not for me. My mother...she's very sick. I only make enough here to barely support her, let alone afford the medicine to cure her.”

Mac grimaced as his heartstrings were tugged at, and then sighed, before walking over to his chest. “How much do you need to make?”

The deer girl sighed in relief. “Thank you sire. The medicine to cure her is eight gold. I've never done this before, but I was hoping to get at least a couple...”

Mac grabbed ten gold from his coinpurse. Walking back over, she grabbed her hand. “Here...uh...”

The deer girl bowed, “Fawna, sire,” and took the gold, looking at it. Counting it out, she looked up at him, “Sire, this is...”

Mac slipped the sides of her dress back up. “It's fine. I don't need your first time. Actually, promise me you'll save it for someone you actually want to give it too.”

Fawna, taking a few moments to register what he was actually saying, fell to her knees and started to cry. “Sire, why would you do this?”

Mac patted her on the head. “Don't worry about it. As King, I want to help as many people as I can.”

Smiling through her tears, Fawna stood up and bowed repeatedly, “Thank you so much, sire. I can never repay you...”

“It's fine, it's fine. Just make sure your mother gets better.”

Fawna nodded, wiping her tears and bowing once again before scurrying off out into the hall.

Mac closed the door behind her, giving a sigh of relief. I think I handled that pretty well, right?

He went over to his ale she had brought, shrugged, and chugged the rest, before collapsing onto the bed, and falling asleep.


Waking up in the morning, Mac had an incredible headache. I definitely drank too much... Crawling out of bed, he grabbed some water and poured it down his parched throat. I'm pretty sure I haven't drank that much the entire time I've been here in this world. Actually, I dunno if I ever drank that much in my old world, either...

As he sluggishly made his way down to the carriage, he found himself looking out for Fawna, but didn't see her anywhere. Hopefully she gets her mom the help she needs.

As he entered the carriage, he saw that he was the last one to enter. Melissandra came up and gave him a kiss. “Did you sleep well?” she asked with a smile.

Mac gave a forced smile. “Uh, yeah, well enough.” For some reason, he was feeling guilty. Wait, why am I feeling guilty? I really didn't do anything!

Melissandra seemed to pick up on this. “...Mac?”


“Did something happen?” she asked, head tilted down slightly as she stared at him.

“I didn't! No, I mean...” I may as well just explain it. Starting from the beginning, he told her about his interaction with Fawna the previous night.

Melissandra sighed. “I'm always delighted at how devoted you are to your partners, but aren't we going back to old-Mac problems?”

Mac raised an eyebrow.

“...Helping every pretty girl you meet?”

Mac felt that like a punch to the gut. “Hey...I...what was I supposed to do there?”

Felicia, who had been standing nearby, smirked, “You should have just slept with her. Now she's gonna fall in love with you. Coming from experience.”

Mac gulped.

Emma, who was also listening in, nodded, “I'm not saying you should have, necessarily, gone that far, but just giving charity like that is going to make her feel indebted to you.”

Mac tapped his forehead. “Okay, I'm not saying I wouldn't have still given her the money, but I'll try and think things through better in the future.”

Melissandra smiled, giving him another kiss. “Good. Now come on, we've got a long day ahead of us.”


Festival Fun


After a fairly uneventful morning, the carriage and wagons neared the Gascon estate in the afternoon.

As they pulled up, a grand fanfare awaited. Mac could see carriages, wagons, and tents covering the area in front of the manor. It probably reached into the hundreds. Lord Gascon really outdid himself.

Approaching the sea of tents, a line of trumpeters played as they rolled by. Mac could see many nobles, and even what looked like some commoners (by their dress) cheering. He gave a polite wave back.

Once through the seat of tents, they pulled up to the front of the Gascon manor, parking in a circle in the front yard.

As they stopped, Kay burst out the door. “Father!” she shouted, running over and hugging Lord Gascon, who was there to welcome them.

“Kay, my dear!” he said, hugging her back.

Smiling at the display, Mac walked over and greeted him. “Lord Gascon, it's good to see you again.”

Lord Gascon gave a polite bow. “Sire, of course, it is good to see you as well. Oh...I see you've got quite the crowd now,” he added with a chuckle, seeing all of Mac's other partners exiting the carriage (Rhea was in small mode, back in Mac's pocket).

Giving a polite bow to all of them, Lord Gascon motioned to the sea of tents. “Come now, enjoy all the entertainment I gathered!”

Following along, they watched as people gathered around different tents. He could see jugglers, gymnasts, and all sorts of medieval-esque entertainment.

In one tent, something caught Mac's eye.

“Oho, I wondered if you might be interested in that...” Lord Gascon chuckled, leading them into one of the larger tents.

Inside...was an elephant. Well, it looks pretty close to an elephant. It's gotta an extra set of tusks and I don't remember them being orange, but otherwise that's definitely what it is.

A handler was leading the elephant through different tasks. As they sat down, the elephant was currently holding a huge tree trunk, lifting it up and down like a lifter would do with a dumbbell. With each lift, the crowd (including his company) gave an 'Oooooohhhhhh'.

Next, it put its four legs together and balanced on a (comparatively) small rock.

I guess this is basically a circus.

After the elephant finished, the handler led it away, and a new handler let in a large cat-like creature. It didn't look like any large cat Mac remembered from his world, but at the least it was unmistakably a cat.

As everyone watched it jump through hoops, Lord Gascon leaned over towards Mac. “So, sire, based on what I heard, the bandit subjugation went well?”

Mac nodded. “Yes. With mercifully few casualties.”

Lord Gascon nodded back. “That's good to hear. We'll need every soldier we have come next war. Speaking of which, I also heard you had a run-in with Provent?”

As always, he knows as much about what I'm doing as I do. Maybe more!

“We did. Fortunately we came to a...non-aggression agreement.”

Lord Gascon chuckled, “I thought I had heard you nabbed yourself another woman for that exchange, but I didn't see her come of out of the carriage.”

“I...” Mac paused. I probably shouldn't give him all the details about Gabriella. Not that I wanna talk about it anyway. “We're still working things out. Nothing official yet.”

Luckily, he seemed to have calculated correctly, as Lord Gascon gave an approving nod. “Best to not step on toes when it comes to foreign dealings.”

As Lord Gascon was about to ask something else, Kay walked over and wrapped her arms around Mac. “Honey, are you marrying my dad or are you marrying me?”

Lord Gascon chuckled, “Sorry, I've kept you too long,” he said, standing up. “Feel free to enjoy yourselves today, although I am preparing a grand feast in the manor for dinner.”

Mac smiled, “Of course.”

At this point, the cat and handler finished a ballroom dance they were doing, before giving a bow and heading out.

“Where do we wanna go next?” Mac asked.

“Actually, I wanted to visit my father,” Eleanor stated.

“I was going to visit my mother,” Charlotte added.

“I saw a guy selling some rare stuff I was gonna check out,” Daisy said, waving and plodding away.

Everyone had a different person or place they wanted to go see, until Mac was alone with Melissandra.

“You don't have anywhere you wanna go?” Mac asked.

“Not particularly,” she stated, before giggling, “Besides, it looks like I need to keep my husband company anyway.”

As they walked arm in arm through the rows of tents, they came across one filled with stalls selling hot food.

Mac had a realization. Hey, this is basically a festival date, right? I mean, I already completed the Mel route, but...

Stopping in front of one stall selling skewers of meat, he bought two and handed one to Melissandra.

Melissandra raised her eyebrow, “Thanks? You didn't have to, I'm actually not that hungry.”

Mac blushed, “Sorry, this just reminded me of a common date in my old world, so I thought it'd be fun.”

Melissandra also blushed, grabbing the extra stick from him and taking a bite. “Mmmmhhhh, this is quite good.”

Chomping down on their skewers, they continued examining the stalls, while Mac also bought a noodle dish. It didn't taste like one from his own world, but he thought it was still tasty.

In a corner of his eye, he noticed the bright red hair of Marie. As he focused his eyes, he realized there was actually two sets of red hair.

Melissandra, noticing what he was looking at, suggested. “Do you want to introduce yourself? I believe that is Marie's mother.”

I could have guessed from the hair. “Yeah, we probably should.”

As they walked up, Marie took notice of them. “Ah, this saves me the trouble. Mother, this is King Mac. Mac, this is my mother, Lady Lorraine.”

Mac smiled and gave a small bow to the older lady. While she couldn't be described as elderly, he could tell she was definitely getting on the older side, a few streaks of gray in her bright red hair.

Lady Lorraine gave a motherly smile. “Oh my, it's nice to finally meet you. I've not been up for traveling ever since my husband passed, but after the letter I received from Marie, I just had to come meet you.”

Mac smiled. “And you as well. Marie has been...well, Ositania wouldn't run without her.”

“Oh, stop,” Marie replied, giving an embarrassed smile.

Lady Lorraine turned to Melissandra. “Oh, and by your hair, you must be Melissandra. Marie's told me so much about you.”

“It's good to meet you as well,” Melissandra replied.

“Oho, I had heard, but it's good to see the countries future is secure,” Lady Lorraine added. “I do wish I could have had grandkids of my own.”

Marie winced, “I told you Mother, it's not a matter of wanting, I-”

Lady Lorraine patted Marie's head. “I know dear, it's not your fault.”

Melissandra, trying to cheer her up, “Well, once Mac and Marie are married, my child will be your grandkid. You're welcome to visit anytime.”

“I'll take you up on that,” Lady Lorraine said with a chuckle.

Marie, looking at the other two, said, “Mother, there's some other people I'd like to introduce you to,” and gave a wink.

Melissandra gave a blushing smile, and wrapped her arm around Mac's as they said goodbye.


After a while of walking through the stalls again, they noticed Emma at a fish-catching stall. Mac watched as she intently stared at the fish, before catching one lightning quick into her bucket.

Nice! Mac thought, only to watch her go right back to staring, before catching another. How many is she gonna get?

Melissandra asked, “Do you..?”

Mac shook his head, “No, she's in the zone, we should just leave her be.”

Melissandra nodded, and they continued walking.


A bit later, they ran into Daisy, carrying a sack with her.

“Haha, you two having fun?” she asked.

“Yeah, the food stalls are great,” Mac replied.

“Ohhhh, I better go check those out before I run outta money.”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “Run out? What did you buy!?”

Daisy chuckled, “Lookie here...” and opened her sack.

Inside, Mac saw metallic orange bars. “Wait..orichalum?”

Daisy nodded. “Yup, I needed some for a...special project I wanna do. I bought a seller here clean out.”

Melissandra smiled, “I look forward to seeing it.”

Wait...does she already know what it is?

Daisy closed the bag, gave Mac a quick peck, and headed off in the direction of the food stalls.


Continuing on, they ran into Charlotte talking with her mother, Lady Sophia. And surprisingly, Lord Harald.

“Ah, sire, good to see you again,” Lady Sophia said with a bow as they approached.

“Good to see you as well,” Mac said with a slight nod.

“And you as well Queen Melissandra,” she added, with a obvious look at Melissandra's baby bump.

“And you,” Melissandra smiled.

“Charlotte was just saying that you haven't-”

Charlotte got red and interrupted her, “Mother! I told you it's fine!”

Mac, picking up on what she meant, explained, “Charlotte and I are just taking things at our own pace. But, I think, we're quite happy so far.”

Charlotte blushed, but nodded. “See?”

To Mac's surprised, Lady Sophia smiled and nodded. “Well, that's fine then. As long as my daughter is happy.”

Charlotte, who did a worse job hiding her surprise, looked aghast at her mother, as if she didn't recognize her.

Lord Harald, who had been silent thus far, laughed. “Y'all are always a riot! I was right to come find you when I got here.”

Lady Sophia smirked, “Is that all?

“Haha, in truth, I wanted to see if you'd join me for a drink. My mates don't believe there's a an elf who can drink toe-to-toe with us.”

“Oho, I think I'll take you up on that. Would you care to join us?” she asked the others.

Mac, remembering the previous night, shook his head. “I think we'll continue walking.”

She nodded, and walked after Lord Harald.

Charlotte turned to them. “I'm going to go read more of that book I was on. I don't understand much, but it's so intriguing.

I don't know how advanced math can be so interesting, but I guess I'm not Charlotte.

Waving bye, they continued on.


As it darkened, Mac noticed something that caused his heart to skip a beat.


He watched as one streaked overhead. He waited...but no bang came. Instead, the light spread out into different shapes. A flower, a sun, a shield, even a cat.

Melissandra asked, “Did they have something similar to this in your world? Could you replicate this without light magic?”

Mac shook his head. “Not exactly. We had something called 'fireworks' which were things that blew up in the sky with a loud bang, and shot glittering light everywhere.”

Melissandra smiled. “Sounds lovely.”

Mac nodded. “It was. This...has it's own charm too though.” Although much less heart pounding without the explosion sounds.

Mac grabbed Melissandra's hand as they watched the light show, which was now two dueling knights.

“This is actually a normal date activity in my old world,” Mac explained.

Melissandra smiled. “It was a date.”

Mac nodded. “True. Although normally, you would take someone your interested in, and then you'd ask them out at this part.”

Melissandra giggled, “Well, we're a bit past that part,” she said, rubbing her bump.

Mac held her tight and gave her a kiss.

“Uwaaaahhhh....” Mac heard from below. He looked down to see Rhea fly out of his pocket. “Sorry I'll leave now....”

“Wait, you don't...” Mac started, but stopped as Rhea flew into the distance.

Melissandra gave a sideways smile, “She probably felt awkward.”

Mac scratched his head. “She used to not. I guess things are different now that we're engaged.”

Melissandra nodded. “It's okay, just make sure to take care of her later,” she said, before giving him another kiss.

Mac looked up. “As much as I'd like to stay here with you, we should probably get to dinner.”

“Of course. I mean, I didn't even intend to monopolize you today anyway. It just turned out like that.”

Arm in arm, they made their way over to the manor house.


Assembling for dinner in the Gascon estates dinner hall, Mac was again amazed at the number of cat-human workers there. Sitting down at the head table, a cat-human butler sat a tray of some roasted pheasant.

Despite the eating he had done earlier, Mac was starving, salivating as the butler cut him off a hunk and placed it on his plate.

Kay, who was sitting on one side of him, giggled. “Don't eat too quick, or you'll make yourself sick the day before the wedding!”

“I won't, I'm just hungry,” he said, methodically cutting off a chunk and taking a bite.

“Nyahaha, if you say so,” Kay said, cutting off a slice of her own.

As Mac chewed, he looked around the table. Well, tables. He actually felt slightly less bad about his own number of partners looking around at Lord Gascon, who had, from Mac's count, twenty-one wives and concubines (all cat-humans, of course). They took up most of the dining hall just by themselves.

Sipping on his wine (and careful not to drink too much), he noticed Rhea hadn't come back.


Mac took a few more bites while waiting.

Rhea? I'm worried about you...

As he thought that, he noticed above him a small glint of light through one of the windows.

Mac smiled, I was just making sure you're alright.

The glint of light flew around in a circle a couple times before flying off.

“Sire, is the food not to your liking?” Lord Gascon, who was sitting on the other side of him, asked.

Snapping back to the table, Mac shook his head. “No, I mean, yes, it's fine. I was just...letting it digest before I grab some more.”

Lord Gascon gave a hearty laugh, “Haha, good to hear! My cooks are most excellent,” he added, passing him a meat pie.

Mac continued eating while making small talk, until dinner eventually wrapped up. Giving all his partners a kiss before bed again, a maid showed him to his room.


Mac did his normal bedtime ritual of washing up and putting on a tracksuit (this time the new one Bella had made). Dropping into the bed, he sighed. I know it's custom to be alone the night before the wedding, but this is still a bit lonely.

As if on cue, Mac heard a knock. Sitting up, he looked at the door. He heard another knock. Wait, that's not the door....

He turned around, and saw a light shining in the window. Rolling off the bed and walking over, he unlatched the window.

Rhea burst in, quickly going into big-form and flying into Mac, launching him onto the bed. “I was sooooo lonely,” she said, rubbing her face in his chest.

Mac ran a hand through her hair. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you just need to hide a while longer and then we'll have our grand reveal,” he said, trying to comfort her.

Rhea raised her head to look at him, looking a bit frustrated. “I don't understand these feelings. When I saw you all eating together, I...felt bad I wasn't there.”

Mac winced a bit. Sitting her up, he held her tightly, rubbing her back. “It's okay, I wish you were there too.”

Rhea took the opportunity to hug him back, and start kissing him.

Mac gently held her back. “Err, I'm not really supposed to do anything, since I have a wedding tomorrow.”

Rhea seemed confused. “Really? Why did Kay tell me to sneak in then?”

Now Mac was confused. “Kay did?

Rhea nodded. “Yeah, she mentioned in the carriage you would be alone tonight, and that no one else could get to you without raising suspicion except me, so I should sneak in once you were here.”

That sly cat... “Well, I guess if it was Kay's suggestion...”

Rhea jumped back on him, pressing her breasts against him as she passionately made out with him, grabbing his member through his pants. “Besides, you've been hard this whole time!”

Mac, incredulous, protested, “You're always naked when you transform, what do you expect!?”

Rhea giggled, before pulling off his pants and grabbing his erect rod, sliding herself on top of it.

Using her wings, she rapidly fluttered up and down.

“That's...new...” Mac said, barely able to breathe from the intensity.

“Yeah...I wanted to surprise you with it...” Rhea responded, while gasping for air.

After a few more moments, Mac pulled her down as he bolted his hips up, releasing inside her.

As he finished, Rhea started falling back, catching herself with her wings and sliding over next to Mac. “I don't know if I'll ever get tired of that.”

Mac smiled, “I dunno, you'll live quite a while, right?”

Rhea giggled, “Well, not anytime soon.”

They snuggled together under the blanket, Rhea holding onto him tightly, until they finally fell asleep.

Hopefully that holds her over for now...


Wedding Day - Kay


In the morning, Mac was startled by the sound of a knock.

Hold on Rhea, Mac thought, opening his eyes and looking at the window.

The window was already open, and Rhea was snuggled up next to him. “I'm right here,” she said sleepily.

There was another knock. This time, Mac realized it was coming from the door. Shoot! “I need to get ready. Rhea...” he looked at her. She was sitting up, groggily rubbing her eyes. “...what if they see you!?”

“They can't silly,” she said, leaning over and giving him a kiss. She then waved and wafted slowly out the window with a yawn, still in large form (and still naked).

Another knock came at the door. “Errmm...sire, are you alright?”

Mac dunked his head in the washbasin to wake himself up. “Yes, sorry, I'm still getting ready.”

Hearing no more knocks, he quickly threw on his regalia and crown. Lastly, he tied on the prism beast cape Emma had made him for his last wedding. They had decided to make it a normal part of the royal regalia going forward.

Finally opening the door, the small cat-human maid jumped up startled, eyes staring at his cape.

Mac smiled, “Sorry for the wait, please lead the way.”

After a quick walk, they headed to the front door, where Marie was waiting for him.

Smiling, she asked, “You don't mind me still walking you up right?”

Mac chuckled, “If anything it means more now,” before wrapping his arm around Marie's.

The catgirl maid blushed slightly seeing them, before opening the door for them as the music started.

Walking outside, Mac saw that the front yard had been turned into a large seating area, with rows and rows of pews facing a platform.

Slowly making their way up, Mac could see the stares of everyone looking at him. I guess I'm used to it...

Once they reached the platform, Mac helped Marie up before turning around and facing the door. Next, Melissandra and La Hire entered, walking down towards them. Mac and La Hire both helped Melissandra up the stairs, causing her to blush and smile in thanks.

As they settled in, the music changed, and the door opened once more. This time, Lord Gascon and Kay walked down. Kay was wearing a formal wedding dress, similar to Melissandra's. Her hair, which she had been growing out since they got engaged, was tied together near the end of its length.

Normally Kay looks cute, now shes...enchanting.

Grinning ear-to-ear, Kay stared at Mac as she walked up. Giving a hug to her father (who sat down in a row with his many partners), Kay walked up to stand in front of him.

Mac smiled back, I'm glad we managed to get here. While the marriage had been arranged, he could confidently say he cared about Kay just as much as the others. I better make sure I tell her later.

As Marie recited the wedding ritual, they got to the ring exchange. Mac grabbed the ring with a large pink gemstone for Kay that Daisy had special-made for her, and slipped it on Kay's finger. Despite already grinning, she somehow seemed to get even more giddy.

Turning around, she grabbed the matching ring for Mac, slipping it onto his index finger (on the same hand as Melissandra and Eleanor's).

Hand in hand, they turned and faced the crowd. Marie walked over, placing a crown on Kay's head.

“I now present, Mac and Kay Ositania!”

A large (partly due to the immense size of the crowd) cheer erupted, the gathered populace applauding.

I feel like I'm getting used to his finally. Maybe...

Mac's thoughts were cut off as some of the crowd started shouting and pointing.

What are they-

Mac suddenly felt a powerful punch in his lower back, causing him to spill forward. As if in slow motion, he teetered over the edge of the platform. As he looked back, he saw Kay reaching out for him, Melissandra with a look of terror on her face, Marie looking in shock, and La Hire drawing his blade. And where he had been standing a moment ago, a cloaked figure with a dagger. Did he...stab me?

Time went rushing back to a normal pace. Mac fell into the empty space in front of the platform, falling the couple meters onto the ground below, slamming his head into the ground.

His vision started swimming as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

“Mac! Mac!” he heard shouted in front of him. Through his shaky vision, he could barely make out Kay, ears poking up over the top of her crown.

“Kay...” he said, reaching out his hand and grabbing her cheek. He thought he felt wetness.

“Mac...” she said, grabbing his hand.

Mac was finding it harder to see her, his vision seeming to glow so brightly he couldn't make anything out. Am I...dying? Oh god...

“Kay... love...” was all he got out before his vision went completely white.


Urghh....am I hungover again?

Mac felt a throbbing pain in his head. He tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids felt heavy.

What's going on?

He thought he heard talking around him, but he couldn't make anything out.

Deciding to try and open his eyes again, he focused intently, and finally managed to get them open.

His eyes took a couple seconds to adjust, but it seemed like he was inside a tent.

“Mac!” he heard shouted next to him, feeling someone hugging him.

“Kay, be careful, we don't know...”

As his eyes swerved, he realized he was being surrounded on all sides. As his vision finally came into focus, he realized he was surrounded by his partners, all looking at him concerned.

“How are you feeling?” Eleanor asked, putting a pillow behind him as he tried to sit up.

“Um...heads hurts a bit...” He trailed off as he noticed their makeup in disarray. “What happened?”

Melissandra, who was sitting opposite Kay, responded, “You don't...remember? Do you know who we are?”

Mac was taken aback. “What? Of course, you're my wife. You're also my wife. You're going to be my wife...” he said, looking at people in turn.

Felicia smirked, “You can't be feeling that bad if you're cracking jokes.”

The tension seemed to lift a bit in the room. Marie walked over and took a long drink from a glass of wine, while Daisy comforted Charlotte, who seemed like she might still be crying a bit.

“Um, so...I still wanna know what happened. Why are we in a tent? Don't we need-”

“Do you not remember what happened?” Emma asked.

Mac scrunched his face in thought. “Um. I woke up, got dressed, came down, got married...” he stopped, remembering the scene that had played out after Marie had announced them. He quickly felt the spot on his back where he had been stabbed. It hurt when he touched it, but their wasn't any wound. “I thought I got stabbed.”

Melissandra nodded, “You did, but the prism beast's cape blunted the blade. Although the force of it knocked you off the platform. You, um...hit your head.”

Mac felt the back of his head. A large bump had swelled up, and it was tender to the touch. “I think the ground did more damage than the blade. What happened to the attacker?”

Emma responded, “When his knife blunted on your cape, he froze up, and La Hire stabbed him-...”

Felicia jumped in, “And Marie burned him to a crisp.”

Marie blushed a bit. “I couldn't help myself,” and took another swig of wine.

Eleanor sighed, “Still, what luck to be wearing the prism beast cape. You must be blessed by the spirits.”

Rhea, who was in small form and sitting on Eleanor's shoulder, punched her cheek playfully. “What do you mean, he is blessed by a spirit! Me!

Mac smiled, “I'm sorry I worried you all.”

Melissandra shook her head. “It's not your fault.”

Mac tried to get up, but Kay, who was still holding onto him, grabbed him tighter. Rubbing her head, Mac responded, “Don't worry, I'm not gonna die that easily.”

Looking up with watery eyes, Kay gave him a smile. “You'd better not.”

Melissandra asked, “Are you really okay? We can take you over to the carriage...”

Mac stood up, unsteady for a moment until Daisy wrapped her thick arm around his waist to steady him. Giving him a 'hehe' smile, Mac smiled back as he straightened himself. “Why to the carriage?”

Melissandra seemed confused. “So we can leave?”

Mac was taken aback. “What do you mean? Don't we have the after-party? And another day of celebrations tomorrow?”

They all looked at each other, then back at Mac.

“You still want to go through with everything? The guards and Lord Gascon haven't determined who sent the attacker yet,” Melissandra explained.

“Father was...quite livid. He was kicking the burnt corpse in anger while the guards were hauling it away,” Kay added.

Marie was grumbling, taking another drink.“Damn bastards, I already lost one...”

Mac shrugged, “I don't know, I guess I'd rather just continue on with things.”

Most of them looked concerned, although Daisy and Felicia chuckled.

After a few moments, Eleanor nodded, “While I'm worried, that would send a good message to the other nobles.”

Marie slapped her now-empty wine glass down. “I agree.”

Melissandra, still worried, added, “But what if there's more?”

Mac gave her a hug. “We'll just have to be careful. To be honest, I am kind of scared, but I don't think hiding away is gonna solve anything.”

Marie stood up and made a flame in her hand. “I'll torch anyone that even thinks-...”

She stopped as Mac walked over and gave her a hug too. Marie's face scrunched up a bit, before she started crying softly, holding Mac tightly.


After a few minutes of preparing (including fixing everyone's makeup), they sent word to Lord Gascon that they would be continuing with dinner and the after-party. They grouped up to go back out, forming a train.

Mac and Kay wrapped arms and walked out the tent first. Their was a large amount of people standing around (and a large contingent of guards nearby), who all turned to look as they exited. A murmur started going through the crowd, as the people who couldn't see them heard.

Mac wasn't sure what to do. Luckily, Kay started waving, so Mac also waved, and the crowd slowly started applauding, and built up until the entire crowd was applauding and cheering.

The guards with them slowly wedged through the crowd, leading Mac, Kay, and the others following, towards the manor.

As they entered the entrance hall, Lord Gascon scurried over, nearly tripping over himself, before prostrating in front of him. “Sire! I have no excuses. Please spare Kay and enact any-”

“What!?” Mac said, looking surprised.

Lord Gascon turned his head up, also looking surprised.

Kay leaned over and whispered in Mac's ear. “He think you would be upset at House Gascon, or specifically me.”

Why would I...well, whatever... “I'm not going to exact anything. Does it look like I'm upset with Kay?”

Lord Gascon looked at the two of them, still locked arm-in-arm. “Err, well...”

“Come now, let's go to dinner. I'm quite hungry after all that...” Mac explained.

Lord Gascon looked dazed for a few moments, before collecting himself and standing back up. “I as well, sire. Right this way...”


During dinner, the hall was bursting to the seems with people. Unsurprisingly, there was quite a lot of chatter about the attempted assassination.

As usual, his partners were chatting amongst themselves.

Marie and Eleanor were discussing the would-be assassin.

“They don't have any ideas?” Eleanor asked.

Marie shook her head. “They think it might be someone from outside the kingdom.”

Daisy and Charlotte, however, were talking about the steam engine.

“I think the next step is to try and see how much we can lift,” Charlotte explained.

“How we gonna to do that?” Daisy asked, stuffing a roll in her face.

“Well, I've got an idea...”

Even here, they can't stop talking about it.

On the other side, Felicia and Emma were talking to Rhea (who was on the table in front of them, munching on a potato).

“I wish I could get pregnant that easily...” Emma said, sighing.

Felicia shrugged, “It's just part of being rabbit-human. Besides, from what you've told me, there's no way you aren't before long...”

Emma giggled, “Hopefully...”

Rhea put down her piece of potato and smiled, “Me too!”

They both looked at Rhea, then at each other.

“Are...your kids going to be purple, too?” Emma asked.

Rhea stared for a few moments. “I don't know...”

Next to him, Kay and Melissandra were chatting.

“We can't let him go out anymore,” Kay said.

Melissandra shook her head, “You know he's not going to be up for that...”

Mac shook his head. “I'm right here, I can here you...”

Kay blushed a bit. “Sorry, I just...”

Mac grabbed her hand. “It's okay, I know you're just looking out for me. We can talk about it later.”

Kay teared up a bit, before leaning over and giving him a kiss.

Since they were at the main table, this earned a few cheers and claps from the audience.

Kay giggled. “Should we take that as a sign for us to mingle, then?”


However, as they walked about, most people were just giving the normal congratulations, and not actually stopping to talk.

Mac whispered to Kay, “Easy for us, I guess?”

Kay had a pained look, “I think everyone is still thrown off because of earlier...”

Luckily, they ran into several familiar faces. Lady Sophia and Charlotte were talking, along with Lord Harald and Daisy.

“Congratulations sire. Another wonderful wedding, disregarding the...circumstances,” Lady Sophia said with a pained smile.

Mac shook his head, “Thanks, and pay it no mind.”

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, what a King. This will go down in legend, completing your wedding after getting stabbed.”

Lady Sophia coughed, “Ermm...anyways, Charlotte was just properly introducing me to the lovely Daisy here.”

Daisy laughed, “Haha, I was surprised to see you were already friends with Uncle Harald.”

Mac's eyes widened, “You're her Uncle!?”

Lord Harald laughed, “Haha, not by blood, but I fought with her father in many wars, so we're battle brothers.”

I guess that's important in dwarf culture.

Lord Harald continued, “Little Daisy here was showing me the marriage dagger you crafted. It's...not bad for a first piece of work. Given some time and tutelage you could probably be a decent smith,” he added, holding it up and examining it.

Mac chuckled, “Well, I wouldn't mind doing more, if I ever have time...”

After a bit more talking (including Lord Harald and Lady Sophia inspecting Kay's ring, as that was also Daisy's work) they continued on their way.


Next, they, ran into Lord Arpitan, who approached them with a bow.

“Sire. It's good to see you unharmed,” he said with a smirk.

Used to his demeanor now, Mac chuckled, “Haha, me too.”

Lord Arpitan gave one of his wide grins back. “And you as well, my dame. That's a lovely dress.”

Kay giggled, “Thank you Lord Arpitan.”

Mac was slightly disappointed. No 'nyah' for that laugh!? Remembering something, Mac asked, “Oh, are you going to have your wedding soon, Lord Arpitan? I'd be glad to attend.”

Lord Arpitan seemed taken aback. After a moment, he replied, “Of course, sire. I don't have an exact date yet, but it should be soon, and I will make sure you receive an invite.”


After that, they were, surprisingly, stopped by Captain La Hire. He had a whole gaggle of woman around him, being Fiona, Kelly, and Felicia.

“Sire, please, could you convince them otherwise...” La Hire asked, almost pleadingly.

Mac was confused. “Sorry, I'm...not sure what you're talking about...”

Felicia giggled, “I proposed we have a double wedding. You and I get married at the same time as La Hire and Fiona.”

La Hire shook his head, “I can't impose on a-”

“I like it! That sounds fun,” Mac replied, smiling.

La Hire facepalmed. “Sire, I....”

“What does your fiance think?” Mac asked, looking at Fiona.

She blushed slightly, nodding, “I'd be really happy getting married alongside my sister.”

La Hire blushed.

“Well, there you have it!”

Kay turned to Kelly, “Too bad we couldn't have done the same.”

Kelly shook her head, “Father would have rejected the idea for us, on the grounds he only got to plan one wedding instead of two.”

This earned a chuckle all around.


After they had finished mingling, Mac and Kay followed the normal rule of making a big show of leaving.

However, unlike past weddings where the couple were excited to spend the night together, Kay was a bit more subdued. As they walked, she wrapped her arms around him.

Mac scratched her ears, “I'm not going anywhere...”

After they got to the room, Kay dropped on the bed, exhausted. “Today didn't turn out like I imagined it would...”

Mac sat down next to her and lightly chuckled, “Well, unless you planned on having me stabbed...”

Kay sat up and playfully punched him, “Don't even joke about that!”

Mac pulled her close and gave her a kiss. “Please don't fret over it too much. I'm sure they'll catch...whoever did it, and everything will be fine.”

Kay fell weakly in his arms, blushing, “I can't say no when you act like that...”

Slowly and passionately kissing, Mac unzipped her dress, but Kay pushed him away. “Wait!”

Surprised, Mac put his hands up. “Sorry...I...”

Kay blushed again, “No, I...” she paused for a moment. “I wanted to confirm what you told me earlier.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “I...what part do you want to confirm?”

Kay leaned in close, and whispered, “Do you really love me?”

Mac had a flashback to earlier in the day, when his vision was going out after falling off the platform, holding Kay's cheek in his hand. Kay was looking at him with a deep blush.

Mac smiled, “Yes, I do. I thought...well, if I was going to die, I wanted to make sure you knew.”

Kay blushed heavier than Mac had ever seen her do before. Grabbing him and standing him up, they both undressed quickly.

“Nyahaha, I figured you'd be ready,” Kay laughed.

Mac picked her up, holding her as he slid his member into her.

“Nyahhh!” Kay shouted, before wrapping her arms around him. “What's got into you!?”
“I just wanted to try this out...”

Kay grinned mischievously, “We'll see how long you last...” she responded, wriggling her hips around.

Mac almost instantly felt himself boiling up. “Not long...” was all he got out, before holding her close and releasing inside her.

Falling over onto the bed, Kay giggled. “Hopefully you're not done already.”

Mac shook his head, “Definitely not...” and started making out with her again.


After going a few more rounds, Mac fell asleep, completely exhausted.

Kay, lying down next to him, ran her fingers through his hair a few times, smiling. She leaned over and whispered, “I love you too” before kissing his cheek, and curling up next to him.


Wedding Aftermath


Mac woke up, feeling something draped around him. What is this...

Opening his eyes, he could see that Kay had both her arms and her legs wrapped around him, as if to make sure he couldn't even wake up without her noticing.

Sure enough, as he tried to sit up, Kay immediately woke up. Leaning up and giving him a kiss, she asked, “Sleep well?”

Mac was about to answer, when a knock came at the door.

Were we asleep that long? It's morning but it's not that late, is it?

Mac quickly threw on his tracksuit and went to the door, while Kay went into the bathroom to wash up.

Slowly opening the door a crack, outside he saw Marie and Kelly.

“We caught the culprit,” Marie said nonchalantly.

Mac blinked a few times. “Wha-...really? Who?”

Marie continued, “Lord Oran.”

Mac scrunched his face, thinking hard and trying to remember who Lord Oran was. Hmm...I think he was at the Introduction Ceremony, and I remember his name from some concubine offers as well.

Kelly chimed in, “I asked around, and one of my contacts was friends with one of his maids. She had information but was scared and didn't know who to talk to, so we offered her protection in exchange for coming forward. She told us that Lord Oran had grown frustrated with his inability to get you to take one of his daughters, and hired someone to take you out.”

Mac shook his head. “I mean, I feel bad, but-”

Marie cut him off, “Mac, you did more than enough when it came to picking wives after you got here. This was essentially him being a sore loser.”

Mac gave a sideways smile, “I guess that's one way to put it. I'm impressed you were able to convince the maid to turn on him though.”

Kelly shook her head, “As soon as we offered to take her in, she immediately told us everything. You're quite popular with the maids of the Kingdom, for some reason...”

Mac was about to ask, but then blushed as he realized why.

“So, uh...now what?” Mac asked.

Marie responded, “Well, you'll need to dole out the punishment. An assassination would generally involved executing the culprit, any accomplices, and any direct family members.”

“What!? I get the first two, but why their family members?” Mac asked, eyes widening in surprise.

Marie shrugged, “They're assumed to be complicit, and you wouldn't want to take chances.”

Mac shook his head, “I don't-”

“Maaaaacccc, where are you?” a voice rang from the bathroom. “Come scrub with me!”

Mac blushed, “Sorry...” he tried to say, causing Kelly to giggle.

Marie smiled, “Why don't you go spend more time with your new wife, and we can finish discussing later.”


After bathing with Kay and getting breakfast, they met in a room Lord Gascon had set aside for them.

Mac, Marie, and Kay sat around a table, while Kelly led in a brown-haired maid that Mac didn't recognize. “Abby, could you please tell King Mac what you told me.”

The maid, Abby, did a curtsy. Mac could tell she was shaking slightly. “Yes. Lord Oran hired the man who attacked you yesterday, a Navarran, I guess an assassin-for-hire. I recognized him from the manor. I...” she blushed, pausing for a moment, “...always try to talk to the men who visit the manor, but he blew me off when I tried. He came and left a few times in the weeks before your wedding with Queen Kay. The last time, he left with an entire chest from our Lord. I thought it was suspicious, but I didn't think...”

Kelly put her hand on Abby's shoulder as she started to tear up. “Thanks Abby, you can go now.”

Abby curtsied and walked out.

After she was gone, Marie started explaining, “Lord Oran actually left during dinner yesterday, but the guards caught up to him and have brought him back.”

“Huh...that's pretty suspicious. Did he put up a fight?” Mac asked.

Marie shook her head, “No, the runner said he surrendered immediately, although he was outnumbered.”

Mac was confused. Is it just because of the rejections? That seems kind of extreme though.

Seeing what Mac was thinking, Marie asked, “What do you want to do? They will probably be back soon.”

Mac scrunched his face, thinking. “Um...is there a cell we can throw him in?”

Marie nodded. “Yes. What about his family?”

Mac remembered the conversation from earlier. “Do...do we really have to execute his whole family?”

Marie sighed, “Well, that law got instituted because the children kept coming back for revenge for their parents.”

That sounds like a movie plot.

Kelly chimed in, “I asked Abby earlier and she said no one else met with the assassin besides Lord Oran, at least that she saw.”

Marie responded, “Just because they didn't meet...” but stopped and bit her lip. She turned to Mac, “It's not like I want them to die, but I can't have anyone threatening you....”

Mac leaned over and grabbed Marie's hand and smiled. “I know. I'll think of something.”


Later, they were notified the guards had returned with Lord Oran. Since the cell was small, the rest of the family that had attended was put on watch in a spare room.

Leading the way down, Mac and Marie went to talk to him (Kay and Kelly went to spend time with the other girls). As they went down to the cell, they heard a commotion coming from the direction of the cell. Looking at each other, they picked up the pace.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the cells, they saw what the commotion was. Lord Cartegna had a handcuffed man (who Mac assumed was Lord Oran) by the scruff of the neck and was trying to punch him, but was being held back by several of the guards. Based on Lord Oran's face, it looks like Lord Cartegna had already gotten a few hits in before he was restrained.

“Bastard! How could you do such a thing!? To try and have your own King killed. Eleanor's husband! You've known her since she was a young girl, how could you do that to her!?” Lord Cartegna shouted in rage.

Lord Oran merely turned his head and looked away.

Mac walked over and put his hand on Lord Cartegna's shoulder.

He looked, calming down when he saw Mac's face. “Son..I apologize, when I heard Lord Oran, my own cousin, had done such a thing, I couldn't hold myself back.”

Mac shook his head. “It's okay. Why don't you go spend some more time with Eleanor?”

Lord Cartegna took a moment to react, but then smiled and nodded. “I'll do just that.” The guards released him, and he adjusted his clothes, before walking up and out.

Mac turned to Lord Oran, who was still looking away.

After a few moments of silence, Mac asked. “So, uh...why'd you do it? I don't even think we've talked, besides a few lines at my weddings, and the Introduction Ceremony.”

Lord Oran didn't react.

After a few more moments, Mac asked, “Was it because I rejected all the offers for your daughters and nieces?”

This got a reaction, as Lord Oran smirked. “You really think that's why? Although, it does show your poor judgment.”

Mac raised an eyebrow, “Poor judgment?”

“You choose to marry commoners over them? A dwarf over them? And making ridiculous deals with the elves. But no...” he spat out, malice in his voice. “No...the worst sin of all, making a peace agreement with Provent! I lost three sons in the last war! Three! And instead of taking revenge, you just take one of their woman in exchange for peace, like the lecher you are.”

Mac felt a rush of movement to his right, as Marie had walked past and slapped Lord Oran so hard he fell over.

Lord Oran seemed genuinely stunned. A guard grabbed him and sat him back on his knees. “I thought you, Marie, would be able to see reason, since you're late husband died in the war with Provent as well. But I see the rumors are true, you've been corrupted by him, too.”

Marie, trying to collect herself, replied, “Mac has done more for this Kingdom in five months than you did your entire life.”

This enraged Lord Oran, who now fought with his shackles.

Mac shook his head. I still don't like ordering his execution, even now...although he probably deserves it. Then, Mac alighted on an idea. “Well, I was going to spare your family, but since you've acted like this...”

Lord Oran's demeanor switched again, this time panicking. “Please, they didn't have anything to do with it. Didn't they sell me out?”

Mac decided not to tell him the truth. “So? The law is the law.”

Lord Oran, looked angry, but looked down, not saying anything, and shaking.

“La Hire?” Mac asked.

La Hire, who had been leaning against the wall, walked up. “Sire?”

“What's the most humiliating way to die for a knight?”

La Hire thought for a moment, realizing what he was getting at. “Well, it isn't a way to die, but being sold into slavery would be pretty humiliating. I guess that could be basically a death sentence, depending on their owner.”

Mac nodded. “Alright, I've decided, instead of execution, strip him of his titles, and sell him off in a foreign country. That way it at least makes some money for the kingdom.”

Lord Oran pleaded as the guards started to take him away. “Please...please allow my family to at least be sold with me...”

Mac shook his head. “Who said I'm selling them off?” he replied, implying they would still be executed.

Lord Oran's face was shocked, before his body went limp, as the guards dragged him away.

There was silence in the room as everyone besides Mac, Marie, and La Hire left.

“Mac...” Marie started. “Are you...”

“No, I'm not going to execute them. I just wanted him to think that as punishment.”

Marie gave a wry smile, “I didn't think you could even be cruel like that.”

Mac shook his head, “Neither did I, but I guess this was an exception.”

Marie sighed. “Well, what will we do with them?”

“Confiscate their estate for the kingdom. Actually, go ahead and put their assets in our agriculture fund, so some good will come of it, and have Lord Cartegna administer their land for now. Have the rest of the family work as servants in Houses we trust. If enough time passes and they haven't tried anything, we may free them in the future.”

Marie nodded, before walking off to set everything in motion.


Afterwards, Mac went to find his partners, who were all eating lunch in the dining hall with Lord Gascon (and an assortment of cat-human family).

After explaining the end-results, he got a few concerned looks.

“Are you sure that's what you want to do?” Melissandra asked.

Mac nodded. “This was the best result I could think of. Or at least, the one that weighed the least on my conscience.”

Eleanor seemed sad. “Lord Oran was one of the few nobles who was nice to me. I can't believe he would do something like this.”

Mac shook his head, “I know. Based on our conversation...I think he never got over his son's deaths. And it probably stewed inside him for years until now, when he had someone to blame.”

After some silence, Lord Gascon chimed in. “Well, enough of that. I hope your majesties enjoy the festivities today. Best to take your mind off things.”

Mac nodded. “I'm sorry the wedding you spent so long preparing was ruined by this.”

“No, no, I'm just glad everyone is fine,” Lord Gascon protested. “Although, yes, it is unfortunate that the talk of the wedding will only be one thing...”


During that day, the festival had still been in full swing, as the fact that the royal family was seemingly unharmed meant that there was no need to worry (or worse, mourn).

And so, after dinner, a large crowd gathered. They watched in curiosity as Marie walked up, announcing (really, shouting so that the large crowd could hear) the results of the investigation into the attempted assassination, as well as the punishments the King had doled out. While a few odd looks were given, there was no complaints in the crowd, at least that Mac could see.


Mac smiled as Marie walked down. “I think I'm going to go lie down,” he explained, waving goodbye to the others.

As he walked inside towards his room, he realized Marie was following him.

“Err...are you tired too?” Mac asked.

Marie blushed. “Yes...well, no...I...”

Mac walked back and grabbed her hand. “Don't worry, I can probably go at least once.”

Blushing harder, Marie nodded and let Mac lead her to the room.

Inside, Marie quickly started undressing Mac, making out with him. “I'm sorry, ever since this morning at the cell, I've been wanting you-...”

Mac cut her off with another kiss. “You don't need to apologize. If you need me, then I'm here for you. Although, if it happens too often the others might get mad...”

Marie giggled before pushing Mac onto the bed. “I know you said once, but we'll see about that...”

Mac gulped as Marie jumped on top of him.


Back at the festival, the rest of Mac's partners were walking around the stalls together.

Melissandra stopped them at the skewer stall. “Mac and I had these the first day, they're quite tasty.”

All of them got one, except Daisy, who got three.

After finishing them off, Daisy commented, “Those were good, but now I really want an ale...”

Melissandra nodded, “I don't mind if we want to go to the bar tent. Elly? Fe?”

Both of the other pregnant woman shook their head, so they went to the large bar tent in the middle of the festival.

Daisy instantly noticed someone and went over, the others following, and as they came up the one of the bars, they noticed a peculiar assortment had gathered to drink together: Lord Harald, Lady Sophia, Lord Cartegna, and Lady Lorraine.

Daisy clapped Lord Harald's back as she pulled up a stool next to him. “Uncle! You keep hanging out with Lady Sophia and everyone will think you're lovers.”

“Daisy my girl! Well, about that...” he said, before chuckling.

Lady Sophia blushed a bit.

“Mom!?” Did you really!?” Charlotte asked, shocked.

Lady Sophia smiled, “I'd never even thought to be with a dwarf before. It was so...exhilarating.”

Charlotte blushed, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. Her embarrassment quickly dissipated though as she had a realization. If mom marries Daisy's uncle, doesn't that mean we'd be related!?

Charlotte walked up and tugged on Lord Harald's arm, giving a bow. “Please treat me well, I look forward to having Daisy as a relative.”

Lord Harald was taken aback first, but then started laughing. “Haha, I already have a few wives, and I know for a fact your mother already has a few husbands.”

Charlotte, not to be deterred, shook her head. “That's okay, I mean, Mac already has nine.”

Lord Harald laughed again, “Haha, I appreciate your persistence. It would be interesting, combining a dwarf house with an elf house...” Lord Harald trailed off, as if he was actually starting to consider it.

He turned to Lady Sophia, who was also deep in thought, muttering, “We have a lot that the other could use...”


Meanwhile, Felicia and Kay were talking with Rhea, who was leaning over and taking a drop of ale.

“Hmm...this tastes different than what I remember. It's pretty good though,” Rhea explained.

“Aren't you going to drink something Kay? I thought you said you weren't pregnant?” Felicia asked.

Kay shook her head. “I'm pretty sure I'm not, but it's hard to say after last night,” she said, holding her cheeks and blushing.


At the same time, Melissandra and Eleanor were talking with Lord Cartegna and Lady Lorraine.

“Father! You're pregnant daughter is here! Are you just going to ignore me?” Eleanor said, pouting.

Lord Cartegna laughed before giving her a head pat. “Haha, shouldn't you be getting your husband to give you attention instead?”

Eleanor smiled, “I think he went to bed to sleep, although...”

Melissandra nodded, “Marie went to him.”

Lord Cartegna laughed, “Haha, well I'm sure he won't turn down a beautiful woman like Marie. I can see where she gets her good looks from,” he added, turning to Lady Lorraine.

Lady Lorraine blushed, “Oh stop you, no one's calling an old lady like me beautiful.”

Lord Cartegna shook his head, “Nonsense, I think ladies are like fine wine...”

Melissandra and Eleanor looked at each other, before gulping.


Emma, who didn't normally drink, decided to try a beer. Taking a sip, she stuck out her tongue, Uegh...it's so bitter...


Heading Home


The next morning, they said their goodbyes to Lord Gascon and the rest as their wagons were loaded up.

Kay was hugging her mom and Lord Gascon.

“Haha, don't worry Kay, we'll have to come visit once you're with child,” Lord Gascon explained.

Kay nodded, “That probably won't take too long...”

Mac scratched his cheek, blushing a bit.

After they all got into the carriage and started traveling, Melissandra pulled Mac aside.

Mac was concerned, seeing the serious look on her face. “What...what's wrong?”

Melissandra shook her head. “Nothing is wrong, per se, I just don't know how you're going to take this.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Melissandra sighed, before continuing, “We want you to start prioritizing time with the non-pregnant wives.”

Oh...that's why she was concerned.

“I thought we talked about this, I don't want...”

Melissandra held up her hand. “I know, I know, it's only until everyone is pregnant. And I said only prioritize them, not removing us altogether. It'll be three nights with them for every one night with us.”

Mac shook his head, “No, that's too long. The most I'm willing is two.”

Melissandra thought for a moment. “Okay, I guess that's fine, if you're agreeing to it.”

Mac nodded, before having a realization. Why am I haggling my time with my wives...Shaking his head to clear the thought, Mac asked, “Daisy and Charlotte too?”

Melissandra nodded. “Daisy actually wants to try and follow the same schedule as everyone else, so she'll be taking nights too. As for Charlotte...she was part of the conversation and agreed with everything, so...”

Mac looked over at Charlotte, who was nose-deep in the math textbook again. Well, we'll see what she wants...

Thinking more, Mac asked, “Wait, what about Marie?”

Melissandra grimaced a bit, “I felt bad, but Marie agreed to only take one night per rotation too.”

Mac nodded. Well, it is what it is, I'll just make sure Marie doesn't feel left out.


After traveling straight through the day (including some interesting conversations about their times at the festival) they eventually reached the inn, staying at the same one they had when they were traveling to the Gascon estate.

I wonder if Fawna's mother is okay? Mac thought as he exited the carriage.

Mac would get his answer quickly, as as soon as he got to the ground, he was rushed by Fawna in her tavern outfit, repeatedly bowing. “Sire! Thank you again so much! My mother is already feeling better.”

Behind Fawna, an older deer-human lady, also in a tavern outfit, was walking over. “Fawna, it's not good to bother the customer too much,” she explained, lightly scolding Fawna. Turning to Mac, she smiled and bowed as well. “Thank you sire. I am feeling much better. How can I ever repay you?”

Mac shook his head, “No, it's okay, I'm just glad the medicine worked.”

Fawna's mother shook her head back, “Well, please allow my daughter to repay you, at least, as she very much would like to.”

Fawna nodded her head in agreement.

Mac blushed, seeing the others were gathering around him. “I thought we talked about-”

Fawna cut him off, “No, no, I remember what you said. Please allow me to serve you instead. I can cook and clean, of course.”

Melissandra, who was standing behind him, chimed in “Well, at the rate we're going we could use more maids...”

Marie nodded, “Yes, especially ones that don't need trained. Tillie will love you.”

Eleanor, hearing this, hugged Fawna and rubbed cheeks, “Another cute little sister!”

Mac shook his head as the others all mobbed Fawna, “Well, I guess if no one has any objections....”

It was evident there was none, as they cheerily followed Fawna and her mother into the tavern.


After a warm and mirth-filled dinner (in which Charlotte was rationed to only a small cup of beer) Mac relaxed in his room by himself again. It still felt a little unreal that he had almost been killed a couple days ago. Although, I think it might be best not to think about it too much. And, honestly, I don't know if it was worse than the prism beast, even if that never actually got close to me.

Mac shook his head to clear his thoughts. No sense dwelling on it. As he started to walk from his chair to the bed, a knock came at the door.

Why does this always happen!?

Sighing in defeat, Mac walked over to the door. Opening it, he was surprised to find a trio of maids waiting outside.

“Hehe, what do you think?” Kelly said, giggling.

“Kelly's was too small in the chest, so she had to wear one of mine, so it may look a bit short,” Fiona said, her normal stoic look on her face.

In between them was Fawna, now donning one of the royal maid's outfits. As Fiona mentioned, it did seem a bit short, but overall fit her well. Fawna was blushing heavily, lowering her head with eyes looking up at Mac.

“Yes, you're very cute,” Mac nodded.

Fawna blushed a bit harder, but smiled.

“Nyahaha, I told ya!” Kelly laughed, putting one hand behind Fawna.

Fiona nodded, also putting a hand behind Fawna.

They then shoved her into Mac, before closing the door.

Mac caught her, before helping her stand up straight. Shaking his head, he though I wouldn't have guessed those two would do something like this, it's usually my wives... “How did this happen?”

“Marie sent me to them, and they asked if I wanted to start right away, and then dressed me up in this,” Fawna explained.

Mac nodded, “That tracks so far, but then why did they shove you in here!?”

Fawna blushed again, “They said they didn't have a bed for me since I just started, and that you were alone again tonight, so that I should keep you company.”

Mac shook his head, “The first part, sure maybe that's true, but I think the second part was unnecessary...” he explained.

Fawna looked nervous. “I...I know what you said last time, but I heard sire likes the company of his maids...”

Mac shook his head again. “I mean, yes, I did marry two of them, but I haven't touched any of the others.”

Fawna seemed surprised. “Really? The story goes that Queen Melissandra seduced you on the first night you were summoned.”

Mac facepalmed. “No, that's not...we did spend some time together but we didn't do anything like that...”

“And that you like bed all the royal maids, sometimes multiple at a time...”

Mac vehemently shook his head, “That one is definitely not true...”

Fawna seemed a bit put out, “Oh...”

Mac was taken aback at the reaction. Continuing on, he added, “Didn't I also tell you to save your first time for someone you want to give it too.”

Fawna cheered right back up, “Yes, I want to give it to sire.”

Mac closed his eyes, grabbing his forehead. You know, I think I'm to blame. I should have seen this coming. “Look...” Mac started, before stopping as he saw Fawna's smile and glistening eyes. Should I just accept the inevitable? No, she probably won't change her mind, but I can at least get to know her first, and give her a chance.

While he was thinking, Fawna added, “I really don't mind being a special service maid. Actually, that was my intention from the start...” she explained, blushing again.

Deciding on a course of action, Mac put on a more regal attitude. “I like to get to know my partners first. If you perform your duties admirably for a time, then I will upgrade your status. Oh, and you'll also need my partners acceptance first,” he added.

Fawna seemed to completely understand, nodding vigorously. “Of course, that makes perfect sense. I'll do my utmost to earn the honor!” she said, bowing vigorously.

Honor? Errr...I mean I guess I'm the King, but that's a little...Mac coughed. “I'm sure you will. Okay, first things first, I like to sleep in until the last possible moment before leaving, so wake me up right before we leave.”

“Of course! Sleep tight, sire,” Fawna said, giving another bow.

Mac nodded, crawling into bed.

Fawna pulled up a chair, sitting next to him and watching him.

Mac looked over. “Um...what are you doing...?”

Fawna seemed confused, “You asked me to wake you up right before we left.”

Mac blinked a few times. Guess I need to be clear with her. “Yes, but you need to sleep too,” he said, pointing to the servant bed in the corner of the room. “If you're too tired tomorrow, then you won't be able to do your job properly.”

Fawna looked as if he had just explained some wondrous knowledge to her. “Of course, I'll get right on it,” and hurried over to the bed, laying down and closing her eyes.

Mac sighed, Well, I guess this is fine. If the others like her, than...


In the morning, Fawna woke up. Momentarily confused, she quickly looked around and assessed the situation. Seeing Mac sleeping in the bed across the room, she smiled. I need to make sure I'm doing my job to the utmost!

Silently sliding out of bed, she quickly washed her face (and antlers) and packed up the few things Mac had lying about. As she was setting out clothes for him, a knock came at the door.

Fawna quickly looked between Mac and the door. Good, he didn't wake up, I don't think it's time to leave yet. Quietly prancing over to the door, she opened it just a crack.

Outside, Marie was standing outside. Seeing Fawna, she raised an eyebrow. “What...exactly are you doing?”

Fawna slid outside and quietly closed the door. “Sire said he wanted to sleep until right before we leave.”

Marie held her temples with one hand. “Okay, but what are you doing here? Did you sleep with Mac last night?” she asked. “Not that I'd have room to say anything...” she murmured after.

Fawna bowed. “No madame! I slept in a separate bed, and he didn't touch me at all,” Fawna explained, before blushing, “Well, um, expect when he caught me when Kelly and Fiona pushed me in...”

Marie paused for a moment after hearing that, putting together the probable course of events that transpired (which happened to be essentially the truth). “Well, that's fine, but I need to talk to him.”

Fawna started, “But, sire said...” but then stopped. Wait, she's one of his fiancee's, right? So I have to get her permission first, so I can't upset her...

Marie seemed slightly irritated, quivering slightly. “Are you going to tell me I can't see my fiance!?”

Fawna started shrinking, Errrghhhh, I don't know what...

She was saved, however, by the door behind her opening. Mac, rubbing his eyes, looked at the two of them. “Oh, hi, I thought I heard talking.”

Marie started to say something, but Mac gave her a peck on the lips, and whatever small anger Marie had seemed to dissipate.

“I'm...I'm so sorry...” Fawna said, bowing to both of them.

Mac seemed confused, while Marie just smiled and shook her head. “No, it's okay, I realize you were just doing what he told you. If anything, it's Mac's fault.”

Mac, still half-asleep, apologized, “Sorry, if one of my wives says anything that contradicts what I said, just listen to them. I can't go against them anyway.”

Marie blushed, leaning over and giving Mac another kiss, this time a bit deeper.

Fawna looked on, blushing but enthralled. Oooahhh, I hope he kisses me like that eventually...

Filled with renewed vigor, Fawna resolved herself to be the best maid she could be.


Side Stories


Girl's Night


During their stay at the inn on the way to the Gascon estate, for the first time, Melissandra had gotten all of them together at night. As she changed into her pajamas, she watched as the other eight were chatting.

“Ooooh, Fe, you're starting to show a bit more,” Emma said, rubbing Felicia's bare stomach as she was changing.

Felicia blushed a bit, “Yeah, she's coming along nicely.”

Emma raised an eyebrow, “You know it's a girl?”

Felicia nodded, “Rhea can tell.”

Rhea flew over, completely naked (and having already morphed into large form), “Haha, yeah, though I'll only tell you if you want to know.”

Eleanor, who was also showing quite a bit, pulled down Rhea and hugged her from behind, “I was so glad when you first told me!”

On one of the other beds, Charlotte was...poking Daisy's breasts. “How did you get them so big!?”

Daisy chuckled, “Haha, I dunno, they're about the same as me mum's, so that's probably where I get it from.”

Charlotte 'hmpf'd', “If that was the case mine shouldn't be like this,” she explained, looking down disappointingly at her near flat chest.

Kay, who was helping Melissandra put on her pajamas, chimed in, “I was like that too, but...” she leaned over and whispered in Charlotte's ear. Whatever she was saying was causing Charlotte to glow bright red.

Marie was sitting at the table, still in her pantsuit, looking over some papers.

“Marie, you should put that away,” Melissandra suggested with a bit of a threat behind her smile.

Marie looked over her glasses at Melissandra, then turned her papers over. “Sorry Mel, I just...”

Melissandra shook her head, before pulling Marie's top off.

Marie blushed, “Okay, okay, I'll come over...”

After Marie changed, all the girls were sitting on the beds, talking and giggling about whatever came to mind.

As Melissandra watched on, she smiled, We did good a job with the family. Well, so far...


A Date at the Festival


On the first day of the festival, La Hire had some free time, and since the maids weren't needed for anything at the moment, his fiances were available as well, so they were walking through the stalls together.

“Oh, oh, isn't this cute?” Kelly asked, grabbing a pink bow and holding it up to Fiona's hair.

La Hire nodded, causing Fiona to blush slightly.

Kelly smiled, “Get it, get it!”

La Hire grabbed it, “Alright. Which one do you want?”

Kelly laughed, “Nyahaha, you don't need to get me one.”

La Hire started to protest but Fiona stopped him, saying “Kelly, you know he doesn't want to show favoritism.”

Kelly blushed a bit. “Sorry...”

Fiona grabbed two small green bows, tying them one each side of Kelly's hair.

La Hire smiled, “Very cute.”

Kelly blushed again, before putting one arm around each of one to hide her embarrassment. “Come on, let's go get some food.”

As they were grabbing some rolls, they ran into Lord Gascon, who was accompanied by several of his cat-human partners.

La Hire gave him a bow as he walked up, “Lord Gascon.”

Lord Gascon smiled in reply, “Captain La Hire! I'm glad to see you and Kelly together. And this must be Lady Fiona.”

Fiona blushed slightly, “Erm, I'm not a Lady, just a commoner...”

Lord Gascon chuckled heartily, “Haha, but you will be once you're married.”

La Hire replied, “Thank you again for the marriage offer. The money will be a huge boon to our family.”

Lord Gascon nodded, “Of course, Kelly seemed so smitten with you, and I wasn't going to pass an opportunity to connect with the Captain of the Royal Guard...”

La Hire blushed slightly, looking over at Kelly, who was looking down at the ground, face red.

Lord Gascon's partners were giggling seeing this reaction, and Lord Gascon smiled, “Well, I won't keep you, please enjoy yourselves!”


A bit later, as they were watching some jugglers, Fiona leaned over and whispered in La Hire's ear, which caused La Hire to blush.

La Hire whispered back, “Are you sure? We...we haven't done that either.”

Fiona blushed slightly and nodded, “That's okay, we can later.”

La Hire gulped, before walking over and grabbing Kelly's hand.

Kelly seemed surprised at first, looking over his shoulder at Fiona, who smiled and made a hand motion to signify it was fine.

“Um, Kelly...”

Kelly blushed a bit, but looked at him.


Kelly raised an eyebrow.

La Hire stopped stammering, thought for a moment, then leaned over and kissed Kelly on the lips.

Kelly immediately turned red, eyes darting side to side. “Um, La Hire, what about...” and looked over to Fiona again, but Fiona was no longer there.

“Please don't think you're a secondary wife just because it was arranged, okay? You're just as important to me as Fiona. And...um, honestly, I think we'd both be a bit lost without you,” La Hire stammered out.

Kelly blushed even deeper, “You idiot, I already knew that last part, nyahaha!” she laughed, before going back in for another kiss.