Chapter 7
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I belatedly realized that I was still on the ground so I proceeded to stand up and gave myself a moment to process everything that happened minutes before. I still couldn't comprehend the extraordinary thing that happened right before my eyes especially the message that appeared above the book.

It made me contemplate what the message could mean because I clearly read that the supposed new link formed somehow failed to connect towards me. In which instead the old link got connected to me, but is there any big significance towards that? This also brought another question, what did it mean by the link connecting to the individual or in this case me? I assumed it was what made me the new owner of the book, but what does that even entail? 

Now that I think about it the one who made that message seemed to be the book itself along with the other things that it did such as floating or flipping the pages. Doesn't that mean that the book at least has sentience in it? If that is true then I could ask the book all the questions I have and know more about the situation I am in. This idea probably doesn't have much of a chance to succeed, but I need to try everything because who knows it might just work. 

With that reasoning I began to talk towards the book, "Hey... book if you are listening then can you please tell me what being an owner means?". When I finished saying that I stood there for a few seconds staring at the book... there was no response. I felt kind of silly trying to talk towards a book because if I took more time to think I would have realized that even if it was sentient it didn't mean that the book would respond back to me. Also another flaw would be how would the book even communicate to me? I'm really stupid for try—.


I looked towards the sound I heard and saw that the book in my hand somehow had its cover opened and it was currently on the first page. Then my eyes slightly widened as words started to form on the page in an eligible cursive handwriting. 

[Being an owner indicates your permanent possession of this book until the day of your death. You have special privileges as an owner which are: summoning of the book, ability to visit the Otherworld, channel the special powers given by the book, and relevant memories will never be forgotten from now on. These privileges may be revoked or limited depending on your state of being.]

It actually answered my question... heck yeah! Ha! Who knew that a random idea of mine would actually work!? This makes everything so much easier for me. At least I won't be stumbling around in the dark since I now have actual answers that relate to my situation. I was worried that I had to figure out everything by speculation, but at present I can base it off the answers that the book may have.

I'm also curious about some of the things that I've read when it answered my question. Apparently I could now visit this Otherworld, whatever that was and more pressing was the fact that I could use powers granted by the book. If what I'm thinking is correct then I probably don't have to worry about losing my memories since the privileges point that I will never forget about it. Finally if my hunch is correct then I'm pretty sure I know what the summoning book ability does since it is kind of self-explanatory.

The question is how do I activate these abilities that I got? I should probably ask the book, "Hey, book how do I activate or use these privileges that you gave me?". Unlike last time where the book took some time to answer back it instantly responded to my question.

[To activate them just think or say the privilege you want to use at the moment. These must be intentionally used. It can't be activated accidentally by the owner]

A smile crawls up to my face because this literally proves to me that I can now get my answers to some of the questions I have had before. But first let me test out these new abilities I have! This is probably the most excited I have ever been in my life is like one of the books I have read coming out to life in the real world. Though I do need to remember to not get carried away with this after all my knowledge on why or what's happening is super limited.

Okay... where was I? Ah! yeah testing out the powers of this book. Let's see... Summon Book. When I thought this the book that I was holding disappeared from existence. I clenched my hand to make sure it didn't turn invisible, but there was truly nothing there. Summon Book. This time the book appeared out of nowhere in between my clenched hand which was kind of strange. I would've of thought that it would appear in my other hand that was completely opened instead of my clenched one. 

I tested it multiple times, but for some reason the book would only be summoned to my left hand and I couldn't manipulate it at all on where I wanted it to be summoned. It was a mild nuisance, but it wasn't that much of a big deal though I do wonder what happens to the book when it disappears? Another question to ask the book later on I suppose.

Next on my list would the ability to visit the Otherworld which I am immensely curious about. If I think about it literally wouldn't this mean that I am actually visiting another world? That would be an interesting prospect... time's a wastin' as I stand here so Visit the Otherworld! Suddenly I felt a sense of wrongness within me, as something began to move from inside the center of my body. This... thing within then started to resist the movement as I felt it anchor itself to the center of my body not wanting to move at all.

 But then I sensed a force acting on this thing within me and then it just yanked it out of my body breaking the anchor. For a moment I felt all of my five senses being cut off... I couldn't feel, hear, see, smell, or taste anything at all. It was like if everything except me stopped existing... or maybe it was the other way around?

Then everything returned to normal and I looked around with deep breaths to calm myself down from the experience. I immediately noticed that I was still inside the house and my first thought was that the ability failed or that it was a dud. But when I looked closely I noticed that everything was greyed out around me and that below me in the ground there was gray clouds encasing someone or something.

Wait... below me in the ground? I then noticed that I was indeed much more elevated in height than I was before and the reason for that was because I was freaking floating off the ground. The surprise didn't end with that, as there was a much pressing fact to be addressed. I didn't have any arms, legs, hands, feet, or for that matter I didn't have any body parts at all.

Instead I was a formless, mini black cloud.