Lexa let out a satisfied yawn as she laid in the lap of Andria, who petted her soft glistening silver fur at her leisure. The two were sat beside a lit fireplace that radiated a comforting warmth in the coldness of the night.
Their group had spent several hours trekking through Thistle Forest until dusk, and thanks to the low level of danger present in the forest, the group had managed to journey a good distance during that time.
They should be able to depart from Thistle Forest in around two days time.
Now, everyone was chattering and playing little games to pass the night away, some tired children had already headed to the tents, gaining lost sleep.
Andria spent the rest of the night chatting with Sandra, Jared and Seph until finally her tiredness seemed to take over her and her voice became less and less lively, her eyes beginning to droop. Despite her body calling for her to sleep, Andria wanted to stay up longer to talk to her new friends and fought with her whole strength to stay awake.
Eventually, she could hardly hold on any longer and Alexander walked over, picking her up in his sturdy arms as he cooed. "Come on Little An, I think its time to call it a night, hmm?"
"Nooo~." Andria's half-asleep state instantly melted and her face became lively again, only it turned into an unhappy frown as she whined. "Andria wants to to talk to Andria's friend's longer!"
Hearing her whines, Sandra and Jared could only look at Alexander with wry expressions. Seph all the while holding a cold facade as always.
"That's okay Little An, they'll be heading off to their bed's as well. Right?" Alexander smiled at Andria's direction, but directed the latter part to the three ten/nine year old's across from himself. Andria turned to look at her three new friends in a begging pout. But at the same time behind her, Alexander who was holding her was looking at them with an expression that told them that if they didn't comply with his words, then...
With a gulp, two of them furiously supported Alexander under his cold gaze.
"I-I was just thinking how tired I was and was going to say goodnight any second now." Sandra blurted.
"Y-yeah, me too. Actually, I've b-been m-meaning to go to bed for about an hour now. I-In fact, how about I just go now!" Jared stuttered as he started to walk backwards. His feet were shaking under the gaze that seemed to freeze him to the core in fear. He could only imagine what punishment he would dish out if they didn't play along with him.
In opposition to the other two's immediate compliance, Seph looked to be about to argue otherwise as his mouth opened to protest. That was until he felt a painful pinch at the side of his waist halting his words. Turning to see the cause, he saw a shaking Jared shaking his head furiously before he pulled him away by his collar as they off to their tent's to sleep.
Looking at the two boys leaving in such a hurry, Sandra didn't pause to follow them in haste as well. She didn't forget to say a shaky goodnight to Andria though.
"See, they're going to their bed as well." Alexander gave Andria his brightest smile, as if he had not just had the appearance of a demon just seconds before.
In Andria's arms, Lexa couldn't help the shiver that travelled down her spine at the display. 'Truly a frightening display of switching personalities on a dime.'
"Okay..." Andria finally relented. Her eyes were already closed as she leaned her blond head on her father's comforting shoulder.
Alexander's fake smile turned real as he petted her hair soothingly as he walked over to the tent designated as hers and the kitten's.
Lexa leapt out of Andria's weakening arms as she drifted to sleep and followed Alexander as he placed Andria into the tent, tugging her in into a thick pink sleeping bag that would keep her well warmed in the cold night.
Alexander watched as Lexa leapt up on the sleeping bag and circled a spot before bundling up as she prepared to go to sleep as well.
With a final kiss to his daughter's cheek and a rub of the kitten's cheek, Alexander left the tent contented and feeling warm. His figure disappeared from the tent with a final goodbye. "Goodnight Little An... Lexa."
Those words and the sleeping bag beneath her warmed Lexa as she finally drifted from consciousness...
Elsewhere in Thistle Forest, a few miles from the encampment of the Wilderwolf family and Hawk Academy, was a large, but dilapidated building. It was a two story building of intricate design, but it had clearly been untouched for several decades, if not centuries.
Throughout the whole building were several shady and rough looking figures walking to and fro or standing around in groups, chattering in husky, croaky voices. On the outside were wooden stairs that led up to the houses large, double doors. On these stairs, even more people were sitting and standing about at their leisure.
Most strikingly was the figure sitting on the topmost step of those stairs, sitting dead in the centre as if those decrepit stairs were his throne. This man was the familiar Beast-Eyed Killer, with his trademark jagged eyes that held a dangerous and dark gleam, as well as the scar that crossed the bridge of his nose.
Everyone has been treating Lexa so well all throughout! It's so nice that magical beasts are treated as equals.
This dope again? Oh right, I had originally thought he would be dealt with off screen as Lexa followed Johnathan around more, but she switched parties to join up with Alexander's, so now she's having to see more of this moron. Can't wait for the "killer" to be disposed of and stop being a pest