Lexa's most immediate obstacle while trying to get passed this man called Savre was the Ghost Walker Medallion which could prevent her from chanting at a certain range. To get passed this temporarily, Lexa noticed that the medallion had to be activated and wasn't on at all times. Thus, she quickly came up with the plan to use Bestial Fury to freeze the man's movements. Hopefully for long enough that she can dash passed him and get to her partner.
As Lexa's blurred form was dashing passed him, Savre was delighted when he fought off the paralyzing effect of the Bestial Fury unleashed by that damn cat. His nimble limbs worked quickly, his left hand snapping in Lexa's direction, black shrouds encasing it.
Lexa cursed her luck. While it was still impressive that her Bestial Fury worked on someone an entire rank above her, it was still not enough.
There was nothing she could about it now however and these thoughts passed in the matter of a second bedore her brain quickly calculated her next move.
In retalitation to the incoming grasping hand which was encased in a strange darkness, Lexa chose to face off againt the attack directly when she realized that his hand's were moving faster than she could flee from its range.
"You think you can escape the hands of a thief?!" Savre taunted with a sinister grin marking his face.
Lexa ignored his words and went on to chant a spell, only to find no voice being projected from her communicator. He had activated the Ghost Walker Medallion and she was definitely in range to be affected.
She didn't have the time to stress over this and had already expected this, so she quickly acted on her second option. So without delay, a ray of red light shot out of the bangle attached to her tail, the fifth and final Scorching Ray from her Crimson Iris bangle.
As the Scorching Ray threatened to strike his hand which was encased by the dark substance, Savre visibly sneered. 'Have you not learned your lesson from last time? Let me reflect your own spell back at you!!'
But to his shock, this spell he recognized from before suddenly exploded into several red chunks that splattered across his body, doing no damage but dyeing parts of him a luminescent red, including painfully in his eyes as they squinted and blinked uncontrollably as he tried to free them of the red substance.
'Teheh, who would have thought that a little game of Splat would actually be useful in battle!' Lexa cheered internally as she looked on with glittering eyes. Lexa spared the reeling Savre no second thought for now and returned to her task at hand as she finally sprinted up to the prone Andria, who looked on with an awed expression. She hadn't expected that Lexa could actually get passed these scary adults and she cried out in joy as she went in for a hug with her newly grown up partner.
"Lexa!" Andria cried out as she hugged Lexa close to her heaving chest.
Lexa felt pained with every teardrop she felt dripping onto her silver fur and hugged the girl in her hands with the best of her feline abilities. Being a cat, the hug was a little awkward. But she didn't think much of it and continued to hug her, trying to seep out all the fear and pain out of her partner so that she could share in it, and make it easier for her.
"We're going to be okay... We just need to break through this barrier and escape!" Lexa tried to make her words sound as confident as she could so that she could build up the young girl's spirit.
"Hmm." Andria nodded amidst her tears, trying to sound just as confident.
The two separated from their quick reunion and Lexa turned to look at their kidnappers, who hadn't moved in the slightest, except for Savre who had begun to form water in his hands that he used to clean out the gunk in his eyes. He struggled however, as Lexa had added a metallic quality to the magical substance that hardened it and made it difficult to remove. He only got rid of it after several seconds of serious scrubbing and after it, the area around his eyes had swollen red like he had cried his heart out.
Despite the seriousness of the situation she was in, Lexa couldn't hold back her laughter at the sight and Andria joined in between her crying. Savre growled at them furiously.
"How. Dare. You!" Savre spat through gritted teeth.
"Come on, we gotta go!" Lexa exclaimed as she turned to look at a frightened Andria, who stiffly nodded her agreement before the two took off, running towards the distance of the thistle forest. Lexa concentrated on finding where the barrier was and was preparing herself for her attempt at breaking through it.
Lexa wasn't surprised to see Andria lagging behind herself quite a bit and tried to match her speed. Behind them Savre didn't bother to run after them, only walking at a steady pace as he prepped the dark spear in his hand in a throwing motion. His eyes concentrated on the two possible victims before narrowing on the easier target, the little girl.
With his trademark nimbleness, the spear left his swung hand at great velocity, flying through the air like an arrow in Andria's direction, threatening to pierce her through her back.
However, Lexa acted swiftly, leaping and tackling Andria so that she would avoid the spear's trajectory. Only, she was shocked when she found the spear changing its course, beckoning down on Andria once again.
Gritting her teeth, Lexa used a blast of wind to push her airborne self into the trajectory of the spear. She was going to take the attack head on!
Just before the spear crashed against her Ravager Armour, Lexa activated another ability of the Crimson Iris, the Crimson Glaze spell. On activation, a red gleam shot out of the bangle on her tail before wrapping around her body entirely.
When the dark black spear struck her chest area, the Crimson Glaze held strong for several moments before shattering into several sparks of red gleams. However, the barrier had done its job, so when the spear went on to strike her Ravager Armour, the spear only managed to dig an inch or so into it before losing all momentum. The cracks formed around the wound quickly sealed up and pushed the spear out by the time Lexa landed safely on the mud beneath. Her armour had completely healed as if it had not received any damage.
Meanwhile, the dark spear slowly dissipated into dark smoke, vanishing into the air. It could not continue to exist without being supplied aura. By the time the entire spear had vanished, so did the remnants of the Crimson Glaze spell that surrounded Lexa.
Savre looked in anger at the series of events, not expecting the small creature to have such a strong defence.
"Wow!" Andria muttered with wide eyes.
"No time to awe at my godly abilities, let's go!" Lexa exclaimed in a rush, though she didn't forget to praise herself during the process.
Savre growled behind gritted teeth as he went to take a chase after the two, but was forcibly stopped when a gruff hand captured his shoulder. The intensity of that grab made him shudder and he wanted to cry out in pain but didn't dare as he immediately realized the man behind this motion.
"Useless!" The Beast-Eyed Killer spat before pulling the hand holding Savre's shoulder backwards roughly with a titan grip. Savre repressed a scream as he was thrown ungraciously through the air and sent tumbling several meters on the ground. That fall didn't hurt him too terribly at his level, but the shame cut him deeply. He had hardly ever been on his boss' bad side, but he was too scared to shout any grievances and simply shot up to his feet as quickly as possible in a useless attempt to save himself some grace.
The surrounding followers of the Beast-Eyed Killer looked his way with eyes filled with laughter but dared not to vocalize their enjoyment of the other's enjoyment, lest they also get on their boss' bad side as well.
"Lets see what little trick you come up with this time!!" The Beast-Eyed Killer bellowed with a smile that did not reach his eyes forming on his scarred lips. He had no doubt that his employers were watching somewhere, waiting for the right time to pick the lass up after they had dealt her some abuse. So for Savre, his second-hand man to have been so disgracefully played like a fiddle at the hand's of a four-year-old and a Magical Beast only at the Early Stage of Major Rank, was extremely disgraceful for his image and made him uncontrollably angry. He did not like looking like a bloody fool!
Escaped! EZ PZ
Thanks for the chapter
get [passed] > get [past]
hand's > hands (please learn how to properly use apostrophes and plurals)