#006 Sleep and Combat Training
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Nick woke up to the sun shining through the window. He still felt a bit groggy and tired from what had happened the day before, but there was a lot to be done today. With no way to tell the exact time, he got up and prepared for his shower, doing his best to ignore the morning wood that was throbbing in his pants. Looks like going to bed thinking about his sister had some downsides.

Stepping into the shower, Nick elected to handle that problem first. After all, he did have a skill that could improve so there was no reason not to. His libido had gone up by 2 points since yesterday, effectively being a 20% increase. An increase that was easy to notice. While he was more sensitive, he could also tell that he could hold back for longer, likely to the 1-point increase in endurance.



Skill Level up!
Ejaculate is now level 2! Bonus 5%> 8%

New Achievement!
Leveled up a skill! Not surprisingly it was that one wasn't it?
+1 Libido
+1 Endurance
+1 Charisma

While it was true Nick was getting free stat points, something other than libido like strength or intelligence would be greatly appreciated by him. He let out a sigh as he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before getting dressed. He knew there was a lot to be done today, but he was a bit unsure what exactly that was. Starting by finding his sister was likely a good move since she could serve as his guide.

Just for good measure, Nick cast Invigorate on himself before leaving the room. His mana would likely regen the cost by the time he needed to use it and he got to make some progress on leveling the skill up, it had a long cooldown after all. Now out of the room, he was once again amazed by just how big the mansion really was.

"Good morning Young Master Nick." Greeted a maid on his side. She was dragging along a cart with various cleaning products.

"Good morning to you too. Do you know if Amelie is home by the way?" He decided to ask. The maid would know where her room was.

"Yes Young Master, she has not left the manor yet."

"Thank you. Would you please lead the way to her room?"

The maid looked at him a bit weirdly, she knew that he had to know where his sister's room was, but she also knew that it wasn't her place to question her employers. She was one of the many maids here working to keep everything clean and cater to their whim. With a small nod, she started making her over. Nick followed closely behind, taking in the manor and doing his best not to look like a tourist.



A short moment later, the maid gave him a bow as they reached the room, leaving him alone at the door. Taking a second to muster up his courage, he knocked on her door.

"It's Nick!" He shouted out.

"Come in!"

He opened the door and made his way in. Amelie's room looked just like his. The bed, desk, and walk-in bathroom were all in the same place. Nick didn't see her immediately, but by the sound of the running water, she was in the bathroom. Her room was much more organized than he was, and a bit more decorated with flowers and potted plants. She stepped out of the bathroom to wave at him.

"Hey Nick, feeling better today?" Amelie asked as she started brushing her blonde hair. It just barely didn't reach her shoulders and he felt almost compelled to stare. Fuck, she was amazing. She was dressed in a small pair of black shorts with a tight bright orange top along with a black jacket over it. If she wasn't looking directly at him, he would be staring without any reservations.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Are you headed somewhere?" She gave him a small smile at being praised. A smile Nick was committing to memory.

"I was going to head to the slime forest near here. Get some practice with this water magic stuff so I can apply it to your academy next year!" She was so sweet. Too sweet even. Part of him felt guilty for having fantasized about her, but he was only human, and she had the body of a goddess.

Brushing her radiating beauty aside, a slime forest seemed interesting. Slimes were usually the low-level monsters players would face at the start of the game. Even if they were weak, he was level 1 and any amount of xp he could gain would be helpful.

New quest!
Eliminate the slime population! Kill 10 slimes!
Reward: 150xp

That was enough to convince him that was the right move.

"Mind if I come with? I'll keep out of your way." Nick told her somewhat confidently. He was supposed to be the stronger one between the two of them but ever since his reincarnation that wasn't true anymore. Actually, how strong was Amelie?

Amelie Limoli (Level 8) (Age 20)
Sorceress in Training
RS: 110

Skill Level up!
Observe is now level 2! Now reveals how the target feels about you! Relationship scores range from -200 (Sworn enemy) to 200 (Completely devoted)!

"Of course, you can! How am I supposed to say no to spending time with my brother?" Amelie replied cheerfully as she put the brush away. She was an angel. That was the only way to describe her. Most importantly, Observe now showed how much people liked or hated him and Amelie had a score he was very happy with. A score he would do his best to push to 200. For the moment as well, she was much stronger than he was. Would she notice that he wasn't as strong as he was before yesterday? Or was that sort of thing not as easily noticeable?

A small blush formed on his face as he looked away, trying and failing to hide his reddened face. Amelie noticed and even looked surprised before blushing.

"Then whenever you're ready we should go," Nick responded, already thinking about how gorgeous her ass would look swaying in those shorts. If there were sunglasses in this world he desperately needed a pair.