Gentle Snow – 2
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"Wow, you're hat it's... Truly amazing!" Complementing his hat, I feign interest in its... vaguely appealing shape.

"Well, Duh! Who doesn't know that!" pretending not to be flattered, he covers his face. Not letting up, I go on the attack once more. "Your hat.." Thinking hard, I come up with the greatest of compliments."..i-it brings out your beautiful eyes!" Not expecting something other than his hat getting compliments, he flushes before losing the will to fight.

SPARE-Ing him, I compliment his hat while walking away. Covering his face with his... Hands(???), he shuffles away. "You're getting better at this," She says, observing me. "When you're as great as me, things like this come naturally!" Gloating, Chara sighs before speaking up, "Don't be smug, Frisk." Staring her down, I continue gloating while walking. "Don't be jealous, You're just mad that my charm far exceeds yours." Face scrunching, she goes to respond to my quip when a new voice joins the fray.

"Movement!?" Stopping in my tracks, I turn to the completely oblivious dog. "Did something MOVE!? Was it my imagination?!" Staring him in his glassy eyes, he pauses before continuing. If something did move, I'll make sure it never moves again!"

Initiating combat, The dog uses a BLUE attack. Standing completely still, I let his attack pass through me. "Hmmm... Was it my imagination?" Settling down, the dog is flabbergasted when he's patted on the head. "MOVEMENT!?!" Quickly lashing out with another blue attack, I stand completely still.

Face contorted with confusion, he disengages and slips back down into his post. "Something pet me... Something that wasn't moving..." Clearly thinking about life and all it's about, he completely vanishes under his post. "I'm gonna need some dog treats for this..." "What a cute dog!~" Chara says, her ethereal hand patting through his head while he contemplates his existence. 


Walking through another line of trees, I pick up the pace, Completly failing to notice the very obvious ice patch. Nearly falling over, I steady myself as I slide across. Completely failing to calculate my stop, I sail toward the ground at unheard-of speeds. Hitting the ground with a thump, I scream into the snow. Groaning in pain and annoyance, I begin standing up when Chara yanks me up by the collar. "H-hey-" My complaints are cut off when she quickly pats me down and removes the snow from my clothes.

"Don't be daft." Yawning, she goes back to lazing about in a split second.

"T-thanks," I say, shivering. "I-i-im r-really regretting my c-clothing choice" Grasping my shoulders, I take the northern path around the ice. being careful not to slip.

"Hello. I am a Snowman." Says the snowman.

"H-hi!" I respond cheerfully, trying to warm myself up.

Standing completely still, the Snowman continue. "I wish to see the world, however..." Looking(?) around, The snowman sighs "A lack of legs has rendered me immobile" Lamenting the cruelness of the world, the Snowman stares at me with hopefulness in his eyes. "If you would be so kind, traveller. Please. Take a piece of me and leave this place."

"Are you sure?" I respond, completely forgetting the Snowman's unfortunate fate in my previous run.

"Yes. T'would be an honour." 

"Well..." Wondering how on earth I'm going to store snow, I shrug and grasp at the snowman, before putting it in my pocket. "Whatever you say."

"Thank you, and good luck!" Seemingly content, the Snowman hums to itself as  I walk away. 


Walking east, I can hear papyrus, loud and boisterous as always. "....LAZY!" 

Walking, closer, I begin making out more and more of his voice.

"YOU WERE NAPPING ALL NIGHT!!" Papyrus states, oblivious to how ridiculous it sounds.

"pap. i think thats called sleeping." Looking over at me, I can feel his gaze price my Soul. Furrowing his brow,  he looks back to Papyrus.

"EXCUSES EXCUSES!!" Following his brother's gaze, he notices me at the other end of his puzzle. "OH- HOH! SO THE HUMAN ARRIVES! IN ORDER TO STOP YOU, MY BROTHER AND I HAVE CREATED PUZZLES!" Looking proud, he stares at me in anticipation, "I THINK YOU WILL FIND THIS ONE... QUITE SHOCKING!!! FOR YOU SEE, THIS IS THE ELECTRIC MAZE PUZZLE! WHEN YOU TOUCH THE WALLS, THIS ORB..." Papyrus pulls a small glass ball out of his pocket"...WILL ADMINISTER A HEARTY ZAP! CONTINUE... IF YOU DARE!!! NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!!!"

Staring at Papyrus, I nearly take a step forward when he begins speaking again "SOUND LIKE FUN? BECAUSE! THE AMOUNT OF FUN YOU WILL HAVE!!!!" Pausing, his gaze deepens, "IS PROBABLY QUITE LOW." Stopping a moment to catch his breath, he finishes off his speech with one last sentence "OK, YOU CAN GO NOW." 

Preparing to walk the 'ELECTRIC MAZE' I take a single step and watch as Papyrus starts shaking violently. quickly stepping off the puzzle, sans speaks up.

"bro. i think they need to hold the orb." A lightbulb seemingly going off in his head, Papyrus responds with an 'OH!' Before quickly making his way through the maze, his footsteps creating a very clear trail through the puzzle. "HOLD THIS PLEASE!" He says, placing the  glassy orb on my head." Somehow balancing it, I watch as he walks back through the puzzle, being very careful not to accidentally shock me.

"Frisk, you should have this one easy. But with your recent ventures, I wouldn't be shocked if you failed this..." Glaring at her with all the malice of a kitten, I begin cautiously walking the path.

Inside my head, my rational thoughts fight with my intrusive thoughts. My intrusive thoughts completely crushing my rationality, I step off the path onto the snow. All of a sudden, my body is wrought with stimulation as I quickly return to the path. 

"......" Chara stares at me with a mix of confusion and disappointment. Completely ignoring her stare, I easily solve the puzzle, warmer than before.


Quickly moving through the snow, Papyrus leaves my sight, leaving me to awkwardly stare at Sans. Still staring at me with apprehension, he sighs before starting, "thanks... papyrus seems like hes having fun." obviously still apprehensive about trusting me, he stares through me. "dont worry. ICY right through you." Chuckling to himself, he vanishes from my sight, leaving me and a very disgruntled Chara. 3d01d3182c4ea57cc57d121f9f408efd.png

"I don't understand why no one's buying... it's the perfect weather for a frozen treat..." walking toward the downcast rabbit, he instantly perks up when he sees me. "OH! A customer!" speaking incredibly quickly, he continues "Would you like some nice cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Just 15G! 

Chara, incredibly excited screams into my ear "OH! I WANT SOME!" Confused about her queer taste, I shrug my shoulders and check my pockets. 17G. Through thick and thin, harrowing encounters, and pain I have acquired 17G. Cringing at my lack of funds, I nervously take the nice cream and give him the GOLD. "There you are! Have a super-duper day!" Mood changed for the better, the man smiles at me as I walk away.

Some distance away, Chara begins excitedly speaking, "Thanks!" She says, positively drooling over the chocolate-flavoured nice cream. Suddenly having an epiphany, I look her in the eyes. "Wait..." Staring into her hopeful face, I ask a very important question, "Chara. How are you going to eat if you're a ghost?" Stopping in her tracks, I see her face shift to visible horror as she realises the severity of the situation. Crumbling into a ball on the floor, She screams. 


Still reeling from the revelation, Chara stands despondent as I walk through another small line of trees. "..How on earth did you forget about being dead?" Chara, staring at me with what can only be described as a face of distraught, completely ignores me and goes back to wallowing in despair. Shrugging my shoulders, I walk up to Sans and Papyrus, who are seemingly talking about their favourite drink. "cmon, you know ketchup is the best drink for weather this cold."

Face scrunching up, he looks at Sans with a face that shows his immense disappointment.

"Ahem.." I cough out, getting their attention.

"OH!" Papyrus says, quickly reading himself.

"HUMAN! I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR..." Looking around, he stares at Sans confused. "WHERE IS THE PUZZLE?" Using his bony hand, Sans points to the floor. Me and papyrus, both following his finger see the word search. Quickly walking towards it, I take a sit on the snow and grab it. Ignoring the cold feeling on my bottom, I put all of my focus on solving the 'Puzzle'.




"I DID IT!!" Screaming out in Joy, I startle the nearly sleeping papyrus and the very much asleep sans. "Take that!" Flaunting my superior intelligence, papyrus stares at Sans with a face of pure confusion. "HOW DID THE HUMAN SOLVE MY PUZZLE SO EASILY, BUT MANAGED TO BE STUMPED BY YOUR SEEMINGLY EFFORTLESS PUZZLE?!!"

"maybe the human has experience solving complex electrical designs, but not word searches?" Sans says, trying to make Papyrus feel better.

Instantly perking back up, Papyrus sticks his bony nose in the air and gloats. "OF COURSE! WHY WOULD YOU EVER BE BETTER AT THE ART OF PUZZLE CONSTRUCTION THAN ME! ALL YOU DO IS SLEEP! NYEH HEH. HEH. HEH..." Walking away, Papyrus again leaves me and Sans alone together.

"kid, you really that bad at word searches?" I glare at him. "What do you mean bad?! I solved that incredibly quickly!" Crossing my arms over my chest in triumph.

Sans, not sure whether I'm pulling his funny bone or not, shrug and vanishes, leaving me and a still depressed Chara all by ourselves.

"Come on, we'll find a way to get you, sweets, later." Not responding, she wordlessly follows after.