Chapter 7: Abilities
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Predator Activated:

Consumed: 1 Flesh Bush

Abilities Taken:

Passive: {Pleasant Body Fluids}, {Lesser Addictive Body Fluids}

Active: {Green Dash}


"What? I got new abilities?" I said, confused by the new screen. "So the name of that thing is Flesh Bush, not disgusting at all," I sarcastically remarked to myself while carefully reading every line on the screen just to make sure. "But what do they do?" I wondered aloud, opening their descriptions.


Ability: Pleasant Body Fluid

Type: Passive


The Pleasant Body Fluid ability imbues the character's bodily fluids with an unusual and captivating pleasantness when tasted. While the taste of sweat, tears, saliva, and others usually evokes discomfort or distaste, this ability transforms them into strangely delightful and appealing flavors. When someone tastes the character's sweat, tears, saliva, etc., they experience a surprising sensation of enjoyment and satisfaction.


Ability: Lesser Addictive Body Fluids

Type: Passive


The Lesser Addictive Body Fluids ability grants the character the unique trait of producing bodily fluids that possess a subtle addictive quality. Whether it's sweat, tears, saliva, or other body fluids, the character's fluids have a captivating allure that entices those who come into contact with them. When someone tastes or even comes into indirect contact with the character's body fluids, they experience a mild euphoria and a desire for more. The addictive quality is not overpowering but creates a lingering craving that can influence the behavior and choices of those affected.

(Reminder: The addictive trait of this ability doesn't affect its user.)


Ability: Green Dash

Type: Active

Cost: 10 MP


Green Dash is an active ability that allows the character to perform a sudden dash forward up to 10 meters from their starting position, provided there is nearby plant life. By tapping into the energy of plants, the character gains a burst of speed and agility, swiftly propelling themselves in the desired direction.


"Wow, interesting," I murmured while reading about the active ability. "But these two passive abilities seem useless," I thought as I read their descriptions. "Well, at least they are passive, so I don't have to worry about them. But wait... Did I get so hungry because the first ability influenced me? Is that why I enjoyed eating the monster?" I said with concern, realizing that this might make me a target for monsters.

[No, user, that state of yours was your own ability working, and the Predator class influencing you. Rest assured, that skill will not make you a better prey but will probably help you,] the system replied, addressing my concerns.

"My own ability?" I said, recalling that I hadn't really seen the abilities tab or the class tab.



Active: {Green Dash}, {ShapeShifting}

Passive: {Pleasant Body Fluids}, {Lesser Addictive Body Fluids}, {Primordial Instinct}

(Warning: ??? abilities are not listed)


Main Class: Predator

Level: 01

Rarity: Unique


The Predator class is a formidable archetype known for its ability to consume and assimilate the abilities of their slain enemies. This unique class possesses an innate resistance to the physical effects of consuming raw flesh and gains powerful skills and attributes by devouring their prey.

Predators are cunning and stealthy hunters who thrive on the thrill of the chase. They specialize in tracking down their targets, studying their abilities, and devising strategies to overcome them. When a Predator successfully eliminates an opponent, they can absorb and permanently gain one of their abilities or skills, enhancing their own repertoire of powers.

Unlike other classes, Predators have an inherent resistance to any sickness or adverse effects that may arise from consuming raw flesh. This allows them to feed on their victims immediately, without concern for negative consequences. By indulging in this primal ritual, Predators harness the strength and abilities of their prey, expanding their own capabilities with each conquest.

However, the Predator class is not without its drawbacks. When a Predator takes a life, they are overtaken by an insatiable hunger that demands immediate consumption of the fallen prey.

Level 1 Ability: Base Power (No ability)


"What a double-edged sword of a class this is!" I exclaimed, frustrated by this new revelation. Having something that influences me leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but by controlling myself, I realized that the pros outweigh the cons—at least for now. "But what is this ability?" I wondered, looking at the unknown skill displayed on the screen.


Ability: Primordial Urge

Type: Passive


Primordial Urge is a captivating passive ability that taps into the character's primal nature, imbuing them with an irresistible allure to potential mates. Through their scent and aura, they emit a powerful attraction force that varies in intensity, ranging from a strong aphrodisiac to a subtle, enchanting perfume, depending on the instincts and needs of the species involved. This ability ensures the continuation of their species by drawing potential mates towards them, evoking feelings of desire and instinctual attraction.


"That just makes me even more worried. Will I constantly attract even more danger to myself? And what potential mates is this talking about?" I pondered, concerned about drawing unwanted attention and uncertain about what constitutes an appropriate mate. Then I remembered that I was still in the middle of nowhere. "Oh, right... System, where's the nearest town?"

[Searching... Searching... W̷͎̆ạ̶͝r̷̹͆ǹ̴̲î̸̡n̴̹͎̑̐ģ̷͚̮͒̃̑:̴̖͕̓ ̸͖̰̌N̶̫͑o̶͔̾̍ ̸̛̘͓̬d̶̜̍á̶̼ẗ̷̟́͝ͅá̸̖͘ ̴̹̙̻̀̈́̄f̵̩̝̀o̴̢̝̜͝u̷̧̹͆́n̴̹͇͎̋d̸̲̎. I'm sorry, user, it seems that my data is corrupted. I can't help you] the system replied in a creepy manner.

"Corrupted? Can't you retrieve new data from somewhere in these systems?" I asked, hoping for a solution.

[Sorry, I can't. The connection between this system and the home system was cut during the integration process. No new data can be taken or sent, regardless of urgency or need] the system explained in its monotone voice.

"Cut, huh..." I muttered, contemplating how I would survive in this unfamiliar place. "Looks like I need to find shelter. It seems like it's going to rain," I observed, noticing the growing clouds in the sky. With a sense of urgency, I began walking towards the river, deciding to follow its flow. It didn't take long before I stumbled upon a cave entrance.

Peering inside, I discovered that the cave was relatively small, with an upper opening that formed an oval shape and another tunnel that appeared to be the path for rainwater runoff. "This looks like a good place. I've just eaten, and I have water. I hope the sickness protection extends to water as well," I contemplated, acknowledging the basic necessities I had covered. However, something important suddenly struck me.

"Oh, I don't have any clothes!" I exclaimed, realizing a significant problem. "How could I forget about that? I'm becoming an exhibitionist at this rate," I blushed, embarrassed by my own carelessness.

But before I could search for any sort of protection, *BAM* a thunderous sound echoed through the air. Instantly, the still-forming clouds blanketed the sky, concealing the sun. Without warning, a massive rainstorm erupted, catching me completely off guard. I scrambled to seek shelter, quickly running towards the safety of the cave.

"What the fuck was that?!" I exclaimed, gazing outside at the raging storm.

[That was the famous sudden storm that occasionally occurs in the Emerald Forest,] the system replied in its usual monotone voice.

"A sudden storm? Why didn't you warn me about that? And why do you have this information but not the details about the nearest town?" I retorted angrily, feeling frustrated by the lack of information provided.

[While many parts of my database are corrupted, some fragments remain intact. This happens to be one of them. I didn't warn you because it wasn't a threat to you,] the system explained.

"Even so..." I trailed off, struggling to find a suitable response. However, my immediate concern shifted to another pressing issue. "When does this storm end?" I asked, desperately hoping for a glimmer of hope.

[At least five hours, up to a maximum of eight hours, user,] the system replied, providing a timeframe that felt daunting.

"So I'm stuck here..." I muttered, resigning myself to the situation as I ventured deeper into the cave, seeking refuge from the relentless downpour.


(At the clearing, Right after the Naila release, 3° person perspective)

In the clearing where Naila had explored her desires, a peculiar occurrence takes place. Trillions of sperm cells make their way into the ground at a remarkable speed, finding their way to the roots of the grass and even penetrating the roots of nearby trees. It's an enigmatic process where the roots seemingly accept and absorb the influx of sperm, resulting in a transformation of the plants themselves. As time passes, the visible presence of the cum subsides, but the nearby plants take on an unusual state. They appear swollen and distended, defying physical norms. What lies ahead for these altered organisms remains to be seen, with only time holding the answers.

what do you think that will happen in the clearing?





If you have any sugestion, be in the world buiding or some interesting fetish, make in the coments, maybe they will be used.